
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.104

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As Naruto stared on at the enemy before him, he felt nothing but pity for him. This was a result of how far the hidden villages had fallen, a weapon that the village had made, a sign of how corrupted these villages were with power, an example of what this world truly was. The boy before Naruto wasn't even a boy anymore, he wasn't even human anymore. Perhaps he never was to begin with.

The Yondaime Kazekage had done this to his own son. Of course, Konoha was no different. They preach about peace and family, yet the Yondaime Hokage turns three of his own children into jinchurikis, shinobi who are no more than living weapons. Even a weapon can malfunction and this was the result.

Naruto stood on a large tree branch with Natsuki at his side. She was delighted that her Nii-san had brought her along to keep Gaara from destroying the village, but she couldn't help but feel pity for the but who was so similar to her, and yet so different.

Gaara was going past his initial jinchuriki state. The sand had continued to surround his body until he looked like a full version of a mini Shukaku. He was halfway between total insanity and his normal mental state.

"Come! Prove my existence! I will crush the both of you! I am one with mother now, mother is now one with me! Together we shall bury you together!" Gaara screamed maniacally.

This had all started during Gaara's match with Haku. As soon as he started his initial jinchuriki transformation, Temari and Kankuro had jumped down to the stands and led Gaara into the forest, so that he could transform without any disruptions. That hadn't worked out as planned. Temari and Kankuro were both bleeding and unconscious on the forest floor, Gaara had lashed out against them when he had sensed presences following them an wanted to fight. This was the result of them tying to stand against him.

Haku was locked in a fierce duel with Baki back in the chunin exam arena, so she was unable to pursue her former opponent. Naruto had taken this opportunity to grab Natsuki, much to her surprise and pleasure, and follow Gaara into the forest. This was the perfect opportunity to deal with another issue altogether as well.

As soon as he defeated Gaara, he would release the Kyuubi from the Kotoamatsukami and have a nice chat with him. Of course he wouldn't tell Natsuki about his plans at all, there was no telling how she would react, knowing that the Kyuubi sealed inside of her was an actual living being and not just a mass of chakra like she had always been told.

Then the Yang half of the Kyuubi would immediately respond to the Yin half being freed and break free from its seal to reunite with itself inside of Natsuki. It would be forcible ripped out of Nawaki, but it was a price that Naruto was willing to pay. He had no doubts that Nawaki would survive, he was an Uzumaki after all, but he would be extremely weakened and put in a near death state. Similar to how Kushina was after she had given birth and the Kyuubi escaped from her last night. If she could survive that, then Nawaki would be mostly fine after this.

All of the Kages and their bodyguards were locked in an all out battle blocked by a large purple barrier on the roof of the Kage box and who knows what wa going on in there.

The Yondime Kazekage and Orochimaru would probably be in there fighting the Hokage and the Mizukage, but there had to be more going on in there than that. The Kazekage may have been a fool, but he would know that he wouldn't stand a chance against two kages and their bodyguards, even with Orochimaru by his side.

The Yodaime Kazekage was currently the weakest among the five kages. The Sandaime Tsuchikade had his Jinton, the Yondaime Raikage was a master of nintaijutsu and was the second fastest man alive, only second to the Hokage, The Yondaime Mizukage had full control of his bijuu and was a master of Suiton, and the Yondaime Hokage had the Hiraishin, one of the most feared jutsus in the world. The Kazekage was able to use the gold dust, but there was no way that would make a difference in that fight. He must have something up his sleeve if he is confident enough to betray Konoha and make an enemy of Kiri.

Though, Naruto didn't have time to pursue those suspicions right now as it looked like Gaara was getting impatient.

Naruto quickly discarded his trench coat, it had been torn up pretty good from his earlier fights and would no doubt only get in the way here. He now only wore his skin tight black shirt on his upper body and the bandages covering his right arm and hand were now fully revealed. Dealing with Gaara and Shukaku would take a bit of time.

Naruto and Natsuki jumped in different directions to avoid a large claw swipe that Gaara sent at them, splitting the tree branch in half.

Natsuki looked a bit tired, but other than that she was fine. She had been given a soldier pill and had rested a bit before coming back up to the combatants booth to watch Haku's fight, only shortly after that did everything go straight to hell.

Naruto was perfectly fine, because of his relation to the chakra fruits and the Shinju tree, his chakra replenished at incredibly fast rates. All of the chakra that had been used in his earlier fights with Nawaki and Hana had been restored ages ago. He was ready to fight, he looked at Natsuki and noted to himself that he would be doing most of it. She was clearly still exhausted. Hopefully she wouldn't get in the way too much.

Naruto took the five exploding kunai he had in his weapon pouch and threw them at Gaara, imbedding them into the thick layer of sand covering his body. Only a moment later did the explosion echo throughout the forest and take the tree branch down with it.

Naruto looked down to see that Gaara was already getting up off the ground and the sand surrounding his body was already reforming. It would take a lot to get through that sand armor...or perhaps burning him and turning it to glass would be easier.