
Naruto : The Fastest Ninja

A Naruto fan from Earth gets transmigrated into the Naruto world with a not so overpowered system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS : This is my first book, so sorry for any inconveniences in advance. English is not my first language and there is no proper uploading schedule .

Kayden_Break_ · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


*Beep* *Beep* *Be-*

Pressing the button to stop the alarm clock. I slowly woke up from my bed. It was 5 AM right now.

According to our training schedule, I have to reach the training field at 9 to increase our teamwork but I can have my personal training before that as I wish.

For now, I have only decided to do some intense workout and improve my swordsmanship. I can do the rest according to how Minato-Sensei instructs me.

Then after I decided on today's plan. I prepared a healthy breakfast for myself and headed out after finishing it.

'I guess 50 laps around the village should be enough for a warmup. Afterwards I will climb the mountain having the Hokage's faces with weights tied to my waist and after that I can go with doing pushups, situps, etc.'

I rushed off to the enterence of the village and then began running 50 laps around the village. And I have to say that I may have underestimated the size of the village. I mean I was already at my limit after the 27th lap around the village but I wasn't planning on stopping after coming this far so I pushed myself further until I completed the 30 laps.

'This village is fucking huge!!' I exclaimed while plopping to the ground under the shade of the tree, not having any energy.

And the village is seriously fucking huge and I am more mad at myself for being so stupid to not even realise that. I mean just the forest of death is 10KM in radius. Meaning one lap around it is 62.8KM and then 50 laps around that is 3140 KM and here I am running around the entire village which is so big in size that the forest of death pales in comparison.

While I was berating myself for putting my body through such a torture, a very cool breeze hit me making my clothes and hair flutter.

'Hahh so refreshing...Let's take a small nap. I still have time to before meeting others.'



"Aghh!!" I groaned in pain and rubbed my head.

I picked up the fist sized stone which just landed beside me.

'Who the fuck had the audacity to throw this stone at me when I was sleeping.'

"Who did this!!" I shouted as I turned my head around in all directions to find the culprit.

"Woahh he is alive!!" I heard a voice coming from behind the tree and when I looked there I saw a small girl who doesn't look to be more than 2-3 years of age standing there with a shocked and dazed expression.

"Oii. You did this?" I asked. Still angry at the fact that I was woken up from my glorious nap.

"Ohh" She got out of her shock and walked towards me who is still sitting on the ground.

"~Sorry for hitting you square in the heaaad~" she sang as she bowed her head very slightly.

'This girl.' I thought as a tick mark appeared on my forehead.

"Be more polite in an apology damnit!!" I yelled as I stood up

"I have apologised haven't I?? Isn't that enough." she yelled in her incredibly shrill voice which honestly started hurting my ears and then she stick out her tongue to irritate me even more.

'What should I do with her' I fell into deep thought and then 2 ideas came to me after thinking for a while. First, "YEAT" I will grab her and throw her away into the sky as far and as high as possible. Second, "YEAT" I will kick her into the sky as far and as high as possible.

'What to do. Which one should I choose...Damn this is so hard.'


Before I could even decide on what to do, I heard a shout coming from a girl at a distance running towards us.

'Hmm...she looks familiar.'

She looked around my age. And I have definitely seen her somewhere. Oh yeah she was in the academy with me though we were in different classes. But we had been kind of close.

"Geh nee-chan!!" The little pip squeak said and hid behind me and before I got the chance to stop her

"Hey Mister. have you seen a little girl here.....Huh? Shirou??"

The shouting girl came in front of me and immediately recognised me.

Now that I had seen her from up close I recognised her as well. In fact I was happy to see her.

'No this feeling isn't mine. I have yet to take complete control over this body.'

"Aki?? How have you been it's been a long time since we last saw each other."

"Yeah it's been a while." She answered

This girl here was the reason the previous 'Shirou' went to war. He had a huge crush on her but she liked Shisui and he wanted to prove he was better than him. So he went for early graduation, passed and entered the war and then died. Allowing me to be the new owner of this body and you know the rest.

Anyway we chatted for a while like 10-15 minutes just idle chatter until her answer to my question, 'What have you been up to?' surprised me, well not exactly surprised but it was unexpected.

"Oh, I am heading off a mission tomorrow to the Land of Rice. They haven't yet told us the mission yet so I guess it is a secret." She said excitedly.

She had just told me that she had become a genin a few days ago and then this.

Well she is most definitely gonna die. I guess she is having her little family vacation before the mission.

Well I don't want to talk to her anymore. I might end up saying the truth like ,'Iwa invaded with 2000 shinobis and you are the cannon fodder and are gonna die as soon as you step foot in the frontlines.'

Which is why I immediately said goodbye after thinking up of an excuse and during thinking of the said excuse, I remembered that I was actually late for the meeting and have lost the track of time and now I only have 5 minutes left to reach the training field.


I reached the training field 10 minutes late but fortunately I didn't get any punishment for that.

We started off with some regular exercises and then a little intense workout.

'Oh I am gonna feel this tomorrow' I thought as I struggled to maintain the pose and quickly came back on my feet.

Oh did I mention, the exercises were calisthenic exercises. I had always regarded them as cool but never got to try them before but most of the shinobis are required to be lean, strong and flexible so the training regime mainly focusses on these exercises instead of bulking up like crazy without doing stretches or anything.

After the exercises we were given a good enough break to regain our energy. And then Minato created three clones. One for each of us and led all of us to different locations in the training field. I mean we were still able to see each other clearly from a far but he put us at a good enough distance between so that we can focus on our individual training as well.

I could see Obito started training his taijutsu, Rin was probably learning a new jutsu judging from the scroll that Minato or Minato's clone just passed her and Kakashi started a spar with Minato.

"So, Shirou what do you wanna work on?"

'Hmm...getting his help could most definitely solve the problem I am facing.'

"To be honest there is one thing I have been working on and if I am able to do it successfully, it could give a huge boost to my combat effectiveness." I said

"Oh? And what would that be?" Minato asked with his eyebrows raised.

"I'll show you." I said and summoned my Katana in my hands. I poured enough of my chakra into it to make it visible.

I slashed it and then the chakra from my sword flew out towards a tree, slicing it and also dealing a good enough damage to the next one as well.

This is one of the techniques I remember from the anime. It is most commonly used by samurais if I am not wrong. It is actually a very simple technique that mainly requires chakra control as long as you are a master at that, this technique is very easy. To be honest all techniques are easy if you are good at chakra control.

I looked back to see a slightly shocked expression of Minato.

"You already know the chakra flow??" He asked slightly exasperated.

"Yeah" I said completely ignoring his shock.

"I was able to learn this in a few tries but here is the problem. How can I do exactly this using lightning chakra??" I asked and then continued saying

"I have already tried it and the lightning just keeps dissipating. It never travels even a meter."

"That is because it is practically impossible to do this with lightning nature transformation."


I had been working on this for a long time now.

"What do you mean?" I hurriedly asked

"Well....Have you ever seen any long ranged lightning nature attacks?" he asked


"Have you ever noticed how the attacks though being long range, are always connected to the source?"


"I will explain in detail then. If you look at fireball jutsu, the user doesn't have to continuously pour his chakra into the fireball for it to move to it's targets since fire can sustain itself in the presence of air."

'Ohh so that's it.'

"And air acts as an insulator to the lightning nature which is why it dissipates or most of the times fail to even leave the my sword which is acting as the conductor." I said

"Yess that's right. Which is why it is really impossible to create a sword strike with lightning nature that you are intending to do."

"I see." I said

This is actually a huge setback but.....hey wait a minute what about sasuke's kirin? Wait sorry dumb question. Since his technique involves thunderclouds, it is a completely different conversation.

But even then if we really look at it, the lightning from clouds basically travel due to the abundant moisture present in the air in the form of water droplets.

So does that mean I will be able to perform these sword strikes in moist areas? What if I just increase the density of the lightning so much that it is able to travel through the water vapours in the air right now?

Well can't hurt to try. But now the question is how do I increase it's density without breaking my sword. I mean it is an amazing sword made with top quality materials but it still has a maximum threshold to how much chakra can be infused into it.

'This will take a while. So let's just postpone it for later.'

I turn to Minato and say, "So now that I can't go through with this what else should I do right now?"

He took a few moments to thin and said, "Well, I would usually suggest mastering another chakra nature transformation but I don't believe you have another chakra nature considering how strong your lightning nature has become in only 8 years which is usually never possible unless you have only one element."

Well I had already suspected that to be the case because of Kayden's tempelate but it doesn't matter since I can reach kage level without any other elements.

"So for now, how about I teach you my new jutsu?

'Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.'

"I have been trying this out for the past 3 years and managed to create it a few months ago."

'Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. OH MY FUCKING GODD!! IT"S HAPPPENING!!'

"It's called the Rasengan. So what do you say? You wanna learn it?"

"You bet you ass I do!!" I yelled unable to hide my excitement

"I mean yes sir please teach me"