
Naruto: The Erotic System

"During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi..." * Although, I have written system in the title...but its actually a scroll, please mind that! * :)

PenDora_Box · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter - 8

That's exactly what they did as well doing various activities that Hinata could easily see herself doing with Naruto. At times she felt rather bad that she would impose the blond onto the Inuzuka every now and then. Like when they left the latest Princess Gale movie, Kiba had linked his arm with hers. She had allowed it and even rested her head on his shoulder and pretended it was Naruto. It was rather easy to do since Kiba wasn't acting like himself, but instead almost like a watered down version of Naruto.

They were walking the village and it was getting dark when she said, "Thank you for today Kiba."

"You're welcome, Hinata," Naruto said having enjoyed his day with the Hyuuga, "So why do you get all flustered around Naruto?"

"I-I guess it's because he means so much to me," Hinata said beginning to get embarrassed. But believing it would do her some good to get it out in the open and since Kiba had proved to be so supportive she said, "I nearly…I nearly went the wrong way. I believed I was worthless, but Naruto…he had it so much worse but kept smiling. His… his smile it saved me, helped move me in the right direction and because of that I… I think I lov..."

"Thank you," Naruto said, stopping her not wanting to hear her love confession while henged as Kiba.

As Kiba stepped in front of her, she noticed they were in Naruto's neighborhood, "What are we doing here Kiba? And why are you thanking me?"

"What you said, means a lot to me Hinata. I'm glad you think so highly of me. I admit I found you kind of timid and weird, but I meant what I said about liking people like you," Naruto said, seeing Hinata's look of recognition at what he told her by the three posts before his match with Neji, he dropped the henge. Hinata almost immediately turned red and began to stutter out an apology as she began to lose consciousness.

Naruto pulled her close and said, "I'm glad I mean so much to you, but you don't need to fret about being close to me. We spent all day together Hinata."

Hearing that Hinata did begin to calm, realizing he was right. She began to sink into his chest and so Naruto asked, "Would you like to come up to my apartment?"

She managed to nod not quite up to speaking just yet, so with a smile he linked his arm with hers and led her towards it. Stepping into the small apartment Naruto asked, "Would you like me to take your jacket?"

Hinata frowned since she used it to hide her rather large chest since she felt embarrassed by it. When she shook her head no Naruto said sounding disappointed, "Yeah, I guess you probably don't want to stay long."

"No that's not it Naruto," she said quickly, but when Naruto looked at her to explain why she couldn't, and felt mortified. In the end, she unzipped the jacket handing it to him. As her skin tight mesh shirt appeared Naruto had to swallow the sudden lump in his throat.

Taking the jacket from her, he hung it up asking, "Would you like something to drink?"

"Some tea please," Hinata said.

"Coming right up," Naruto said pulling the kettle out.

When it was ready he handed her a cup sitting next to her on his modest couch. Hinata stared into the tea for a while and Naruto gave her the time to think. Finally she asked, "Why… why did you pretend to be Kiba?"

"Because I like you and wanted to get closer to you," Naruto responded, "and since you seem more at ease with your teammates figured that would help you be yourself around me. I could have picked Shino, but to be honest, he kind of creeps me out."

Hinata giggled saying, "If he heard you say that he'd sulk Naruto."

"Well then let's just keep it between us okay Hinata," Naruto said leaning closer to her.

Hinata's eyes went wide at how close he had gotten but stuttered out an, "O-o-okay Naruto."

"Do you mind if I ask you a question now?" Hinata shook her head no so he asked, "Why would you hide behind such unflattering clothes?"

Hinata went beet red as she tried to stutter a response but stopped saying, "It seems such a shame for a beautiful women like you to hide like that."

"I'm…I'm not beautiful," Hinata said

"Of course you…"

"Stop it," she snapped surprising the blonde, "stop saying things you don't mean."

"I mean it Hinata. Why would I lie?"

"Because you want to make me feel good about myself. It's just the way you are." Hinata said standing abruptly, "I have to go."

Naruto stopped her before she got to the door, and wrapped her in a hug from behind. She tried to push free, but he held on and he marched her to the mirror in the bathroom. She refused to look at it so he said, "Hinata look at your reflection." She refused so he said, "Please Hinata."

She opened her eyes to stare at her reflection. After a moment her eyes sought out Naruto's in the mirror. "Know what I see," Naruto asked as he moved his hand towards her stomach and began to channel chakra into her as he rubbed small circles above her shirt, "I see a beautiful woman that needs to wake up and realize there are a lot of women that would kill to see what you see every day in the mirror."

Hinata began to feel a tightness in her stomach, that had nothing to do with nerves, as she responded to Naruto's touch and words. "That's not true," Hinata responded.

"Have I ever lied to you?"

"But you like Sakura, my…my body looks nothing like hers," Hinata said having always hated how her breast kept growing figuring Naruto liked the more athletic form of Sakura.

"You're right of course, but to me girls are like ramen," Naruto said sounding silly even to himself, but going with added, "Each flavor has its own distinct reasons for me to enjoy it. Just as I find you attractive for different reasons then I would Sakura."

Hinata giggled guessing only Naruto would use Ramen to make a girl feel better about her body. But then she sucked in a deep breath as the hand rubbing her stomach moved under her shirt to rub her skin directly. Almost as soon as Naruto's hand touched her skin the warmth she had been feeling intensified.

Naruto smiled into the mirror as Hinata began to respond to the jutsu as he channeled more of his chakra into her. Her eyes began to grow hooded, guessing that she wouldn't freak out too much he said, "But I get the feeling you still doubt me somewhat, but let me prove it."

With his free hand he grabbed her right hand and moved it to his crotch. Placing her hand against his erection, he saw her eyes go wide in surprise and for a moment she looked confused and scared, but then her hand began to rub over his pants. Leaning towards her ear he said, "You did that to me Hinata."

"I-I did?"

"That's right," he said lifting her shirt ever so slowly. He wanted to give her ample opportunity to stop him even though he knew from the way her hand was rubbing his dick over his jeans that she was lost to the lust his jutsu rose within her. When her breasts were uncovered, he was surprised she wasn't wearing a bra, yet didn't let that slow him down as he bunched her shirt and let it go, her breasts preventing it from falling back down. Hinata simply stared at her reflection, but moaned as Naruto used both hands to grab her exposed treasures. "How could my body not respond like that being around such a hot and sexy woman such as you, Hinata?"

As he massaged her breasts, she moaned and she began to move the hand rubbing him faster. Naruto was so caught up in exploring the wonders that were Hinata's tits that he failed to notice she stopped rubbing him. However, the sound of his fly being pulled down did catch his attention as did the Hyuuga's hand fishing out his cock as she began to stroke it.

"Mmmm, that's very good Hinata, your hand is making me feel great," he said moving one of his own hands down to the hem of her pants. Sliding his hand down the waist band of them he was surprised to find that she was as clean shaven as Ino. But he wasn't surprised to find that the insides of her panties were flooded as a result of her arousal.

He pulled that hand out guessing she was wet enough for him to easily penetrate her so loosened her pants and allowed them to fall to the bathroom floor. Pushing her forward slightly so that her hands gripped the counter of the sink, he stopped her from stroking him and lining his cock up with her entrance barely controlled himself from plunging into her depths. But wanting to give her the same chance he had Ino to pull back said, "Hinata…do you want this…want me."

"Yes..yes so very much," Hinata said breathlessly as she began to try and lean into the cock poking her.

"Wait, wait Hinata, if we do this you'll be bound to me and…"

Hearing that Hinata didn't care what other stipulations there were and managed to surprise Naruto with her sudden determined push back towards him, using the sink to give her the leverage she needed. Naruto sunk into the Hyuuga fully. He caught a wince from Hinata and was surprised that almost as soon as he bottomed out she pulled away to slam back into him.

"Hinata…damn I was trying to tell you…there were going to be others…"

Hinata didn't care about that though; all she cared about was that Naruto was inside of her. Surprising herself, almost as much as him, she reached back grabbing the back of his neck and pulled him forward. She kissed him hard and when it ended said, "I don't care… all I ever wanted was to be close to you… to be by your side and if I have to share you to do that then so be it… Now shut up and fuck me!"

Hearing the usually soft spoken Hyuuga demanding to be fucked Naruto smiled saying, "As you wish," and grabbing her hips began pounding into her as hard and as fast as he could.

"Ohhhhh, so fucking good Naruto…it's better than I ever dreamed….keep fucking me….never stop." Naruto had no intention of stopping, but decided he wanted a better view so picked up the moaning Hyuuga and lifted her into the air allowing her to rest her feet on the counter of the sink as he began drilling into her again.

Hinata watched mesmerized as Naruto's dick moved in and out of her in the mirror. Her back pressed against his chest, she reached one of her hands around to pull Naruto's face to hers in order to kiss him again. Her free hand began to tweak her own aching nipple, and was soon joined by Naruto's.

Hinata could feel something building within her, having never masturbated due to her embarrassment with the issue, although she often indulged in fantasies of that nature , she wasn't sure what to expect. Pulling away from the kiss she said, "Naruto…I… I'm going to cum…please, please cum with me."

"Alright Hinata…I'm almost there, hold on for me," Naruto grunted feeling his own orgasm approaching.

"Together Naruto….I'm I'm…"

"Cumming," Naruto said releasing his load deep inside Hinata.

Feeling his spunk painting her deepest part sent Hinata over the edge as she screamed, "Naruto's cumming inside me…it's so warm…" She then sagged into him.

Naruto felt a little weak himself as he lowered Hinata back to the ground. She immediately used the sink to support herself, but seemed to bounce back rather quickly which surprised Naruto. Yet, not nearly as much as her grabbing him by the dick and stroking it back to full hardness. She then let go and looking at her hand which was covered in their combined release then looked directly into his eyes as she licked it clean. If Naruto hadn't been ready to go again the sight of the Hyuuga liking her fingers clean would easily have provided him with all the inspiration he needed.

Hinata leaned back against the sink, picking herself up and sat on it with one foot on the edge as she spread her legs. With a crooked, finger beckoned him forward for more. As Naruto moved to follow the silent command, he remembered something that Jiraiya had said and although at the time didn't understand what he meant believed he did now which was, "It's always the quiet ones that get revved up the most."


The Kyuubi felt a slight pull of chakra and since it had felt it the first time the sensation started expected to feel them again soon. It wasn't disappointed as the pleasure began to course through it, and the visions started. Once again the blond boy that served as its container figured prominently in the vision. However this time it could see a Hyuuga in front of the boy as he rutted away at her. Strangely the Kyuubi had the feeling that it was seeing what was happening like it was staring in some sort of reflective surface.

When Naruto came inside the Hyuuga the feeling grew even stronger, and the vision became sort of blurry like it was going to fade. But then the world spun and the Kyuubi was staring straight into Naruto's eyes, it saw the demure hand of the woman reach for the phallus that had been responsible for giving so much pleasure. But then the mighty chakra beast realized that it was experiencing the joy of mating from the woman's perspective, not its containers. It didn't know how that was possible but truly didn't care. Instead, it delighted in the pleasures of sex as the Hyuuga's actions caused Naruto to once again bury himself into Hinata and start the act all over again.


Naruto was lying on his back as Hinata bounced on top of him. After leaving the bathroom, they had moved to the bed where Hinata after experiencing two more orgasms had pushed him on his back and was quickly riding him to a third. She leaned forward dangling her breasts in front of him and he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth.

She was chanting, "It's so good, it's so good," over and over again as she began to increase her tempo. Naruto grabbed her hips and increased his as well trying to reach the finish at the same time. Although he didn't, her inner muscles clenching around him as she came provided the extra stimuli he needed to reach nirvana as well. She collapsed into his chest panting heavily and covered in sweat. Moving a stray strand of hair from her face he asked, "Do you need to get home?"

Hinata shook her head saying, "I am home."

Stroking her hair he said, "Yes you are," but when she didn't respond smiled as he saw that she had fallen asleep atop of him. Pulling the covers over them as best he could he let sleep claim him as well figuring that telling Hinata what it was she had become a part of could wait until morning.

The next target: The book cover: Be prepared (hehe)

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