
Naruto: The Erotic System

"During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi..." * Although, I have written system in the title...but its actually a scroll, please mind that! * :)

PenDora_Box · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter - 4

Ino spun to stare at Naruto in surprise who chuckled, saying, "What's with the look of surprise? Surely even I'm capable of guessing the reason behind your visit is due to our time together, since you've never come over before."

"I haven't been able to get what we did together out of my mind," Ino said her head down, "I want to experience it again."

"I'm sure you do," Naruto said confidently closing with the girl. Placing a finger under her chin, he lifted her gaze to meet his eyes and then kissed her greedily. The kiss took Ino's breath away and just as the need to breath became too over powering he ended it.

Walking from the panting kunoichi he sat in a chair saying, "However, last time it was all about your pleasure. This time it's your turn to return the favor."

He then spread his legs in effect telling Ino exactly how he expected her to return the favor. She hesitated not only because of how demanding Naruto had sounded, but because of how his words affected her. The way he watched her made her feel sexy and wanted, but a part of her recoiled at his demand. Picking up on her hesitance Naruto said, "Ino, if you don't want to continue then leave."

Nervously, the girl approached the sitting blonde before kneeling in front of him. She could see his hardness tenting his orange pants; reaching up with a shaky hand she gripped the zipper of his pants pulling it down. She was surprised as his dick actually popped out of the fly and stood straight at attention. Guessing it to be about nine or ten inches long she licked her lips at the sight of the throbbing cock. Reaching forward she grabbed the base and began working her hand up and down his length looking at Naruto to see if her actions pleased him.

Naruto, however kept his face impassive giving nothing away even as he began to feel the pleasure of Ino's actions. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy the handjob, but he wanted to see just how far she would go to please him without his prompting.

After several minutes Ino began to worry as Naruto hadn't so much as grunted at her actions. Fearing that he would send her away she leaned in and gave his length a lick starting at the base and moving to the tip. Naruto groaned in approval, and Ino felt her own panties dampen at the sound so repeated her action running her tongue up and down his cock. Reaching the top she decided she wanted more so opening her mouth engulfed him.

"Very good Ino," Naruto said almost immediately as he placed a hand in her hair to guide her along. Having never experienced a blowjob before Naruto was quickly learning what worked for him and what didn't and began giving Ino instructions on how to best please him.

Ino for her part had begun to truly get into the act enjoying the way Naruto tasted, but also the sounds her actions drew from him. When Naruto said, "I'm cumming," she decided to catch his load with her mouth having enjoyed the precum she had already swallowed. However she was surprised at just how much there was as he exploded inside her mouth. Catching as much as she could, she couldn't believe that it actually made her cheeks bulge before leaking from her mouth.

Swallowing as best she could she found him to be quite bitter but knew that if he asked her again that she would gladly drop down to her knees. Naruto for his part smiled at her as she brought a finger to her chin to trace a line of cum that had escaped and brought it to her mouth licking it clean. She smiled at him showing some of the more confident and sure Ino that had been missing since the day at the training field as she asked, "How was that?"

"Fantastic," Naruto said, before motioning her to stand. Ino did so and he turned her around before bending her over slightly while he remained sitting. Raising the hem of her dress he said, "And know for your reward," he then pulled her panties down loving the way the crouch of her panties had remained stuck to her body due to the juices she was leaking. She stepped out of them and Naruto brought them to his nose inhaling Ino scent saying, "Smells delicious." He then dove into her snatch eating her out like a man possessed.

Ino came almost as soon as his tongue touched her and did moments later. However, Naruto simply drank up her love juice and continued to lick her to two more orgasms. Still facing away from the blonde as he ate her from his sitting position she almost collapsed after her second one but the blonde stopped her.

He began to lower her down towards his lap but stopped as she came into contact with his revitalized dick. Ino couldn't believe how hot it felt against her lower lips, and wondered why Naruto stopped as at that point all she wanted was it buried in her to the root. She received her answer as the Naruto said, "The next part you have to do on your own Ino. But understand that doing this will almost certainly make you fall even deeper into my jutsu. Not only that, but I plan to have many lovers."

"You mean this is all your jutsu's doing," Ino said but instead of pulling away rubbed herself along the tip of his cock.

"Yes," Naruto admitted, "The first time I've touched you I channeled my chakra into you heightening your response to my touch. It also bound you to me, so that only I could create such a response in you. Surely you've masturbated since then, didn't you notice how muted it felt."

Ino shook her head moaning slightly as her desire to plunge him into her fought with what she was learning, but she managed to say, "It always felt like that, what you did felt so much better."

That caught Naruto by surprise but chalked it up to his own inexperience and supposed he should have guessed considering Ino's handjob had felt better than when he did it himself. Ino asked him, "Does this mean you plan to simply have your way with me and leave me."

"Of course not," Naruto said soothingly, "As I said, this will bind us together it'll make you mine and only mine. I will treat you well I promise and will always protect you."

Hearing the sincerity in Naruto's words made up Ino mind and she began to lower herself onto his dick. The sensation of being filled by him was uncomfortable at first and she was glad her hymen had broken years ago, but beneath it was a promise of pleasure.

For Naruto it was as if his dick was being enveloped by a warm, liquid heat. When Ino finally fully sat on his dick, he simply leaned his head back to enjoy the sensation as he knew a girl's first time could be painful. After what seemed like an eternity and the temptation to move became almost too much to bear he sighed in contentment as Ino shifted herself ever so slightly. The gasp of pleasure it elicited from her drove Naruto wild as he picked her up and let her fall again. Doing so several times he smiled as Ino soon began helping out and the two quickly established a working rhythm.

"Oh fuck…it's…it's so fucking good," Ino moaned leaning back into Naruto's chest no longer able to move herself.

"For me too," Naruto said pounding into her as he fucked her in his chair, "you're so fucking tight…shit I'm about to cum…"

"Me…me too…cum with me…" Ino said turning her head to meet Naruto's in a kiss of dueling tongues.

As his tongue warred with hers, he reached between her legs where they were connected giving her clit a rub with a chakra covered hand which sent Ino over the edge. She tensed bodily screaming, "Naaaaarrruuuttttoooo," as she came, the tightening of her cunt around his cock sending him over as well, and flooding her passage with his seed, which in turn triggered a second orgasm in the woman.

Breathing hard Naruto said, "Phew that was fucking great." When Ino didn't respond he moved as best he could with the woman still laying on him and saw she had passed out. Picking her up, he stripped her of her dress, before laying her in his bed.

Moving towards his kitchen he picked up the scroll and was surprised he could read the last section it said, "Well done, you've successful seduced your first woman. Although the techniques will remain the same the tactics will change. Good luck."

Naruto smiled as he sat back in his chair, leaving the scroll on the counter as he planned just how to use these techniques for not just his own pleasure but to actually do some good. He realized that although he had chosen Ino, not only because she was beautiful and someone who he hadn't really interacted with, she was one day going to be the head of the Yamanaka clan. That meant he had in a sense already begun incurring a small powerbase within the village.

Thinking of Jiraiya's wish for peace in the shinobi world he believed that he could use the techniques he now possessed to help make that a reality. After all, most shinobi villages had powerful women in key positions within their governments and probably even running them like in Konoha. But first he would need to strength his power in the village before looking outside its walls.

Feeling tired, he decided that further planning could wait till morning, where maybe Ino could help him plan his next move. Getting into his bed, he smiled as Ino immediately cuddled into his side. Placing an arm around her, he pulled her tight and decided he'd ask after enjoying her again in the morning before allowing sleep to overtake him.

As the boy slept, he was unaware that due to his weakened seal that an ancient creature had experienced sensations that it had never felt before, and truly hoped to experience again. So therefore planned for ways to help its container in its endeavor to seduce the various kunoichi it encountered.