
Naruto: The Erotic System

"During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi..." * Although, I have written system in the title...but its actually a scroll, please mind that! * :)

PenDora_Box · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter - 28

"I was being gentle, you'll know when I stop," Tsunade said with a smile.

"Aw come on Tsunade, I know you want to get the same reward I gave Ino, Hinata, and Tayuya," he said giving a cheeky smile.

"Try to be serious Naruto, this is training after all and you're still a long way away from being able to tag me," Tsunade said trying to sound business like.

Naruto chuckled saying, "Don't forget what happened the last time you underestimated me," before holding up the necklace she had lost to him.

Licking her lips she said, "Prove me wrong then."

"Gladly," he said disappearing in a red flash.

He reappeared moments later but she gave him a similar response except this time when her kick connected Naruto burst into a cloud of smoke

"A shadow clone," she thought worriedly. She had just begun to think about the ramifications of what the attack meant when suddenly five Naruto's appeared in red flashes. She managed to deflect all of them dispelling three but the other two disappeared. A moment later ten more appeared; she fought most of them off again, but was glomped from behind by Naruto who grabbed her breasts giving them a squeeze.

"Got you," he whispered into her ear as she moaned at his touch.

"You did," she admitted, but she heard a bell going off signaling the end of the session so added, "But too late to get me out of the rest of my clothes." Pulling out of his grasp she said, "Let's go meet up with the others."

Walking hand in hand with her lover to where they had agreed to meet, Tsunade smiled seeing the other girls in the process of pulling their clothes back on. Commenting she said, "Well looks like I win."

Tayuya leaned towards her fellow naked kunoichi saying, "She's the only one that he didn't fuck and she thinks she won."

The other two girls giggled at her comment till Tsunade said, "You know something Tayuya you're right."

"I am," Tayuya said surprised.

"Absolutely," Tsunade said an amused grin appearing on her face, "As a winner I should get a reward. Therefore, for the next week I'll be the only one sleeping with Naruto."

"What that's bullshit!"

"Hey we didn't agree to that."

"B-but I was supposed to have my date with Naruto tonight."

To the first two girls she simply pointed to herself and said, "Hokage makes the rules." But to the third said, "You're right Hinata so you're exempt tonight."

Hinata nodded relieved, but then sent a dark look Tayuya's way. Who noticed that it was mirrored by Ino, so she chuckled nervously, "Heh, heh"

Amused Tsunade said, "Tayuya, I'll speak with you later. There is some special training I want you to partake in." The red-headed nodded so Tsunade turned her attention to Naruto saying, "Naruto until you can use this jutsu effectively in combat which means against me.

I'm banning you from using it except to help one of us or emergencies."


"Trust me," Tsunade said cutting him off, "If word spreads that the Hiraishin is back in play, peace is going to be difficult to achieve. Since Iwa will undoubtedly attack, especially if they learn it hasn't been fully mastered yet." Naruto grumbled under his breath, but Tsunade knew the best way to cheer him up was to get him focused on a new challenge so said, "Naruto, next week you'll be training with Yuugao Uzuki."

"The head Anbu lady?"

"That's right, she'll be training you in taijutsu and combat tactics," Tsunade said.

"Am I to try and seduce her as well?" Naruto asked having a good idea of the answer.

"That's right," Tsunade replied, "It'll be good practice for dealing with a woman you don't necessarily know."

"Yeah, but she'd be just as vulnerable to the Temptation's Touch wouldn't she?"

"Don't bet on it," Tsunade said, "That's the other reason I want you to attempt to seduce her during simulated combat. When you went after me it was with my guard down, and the pleasure I felt from the massage helped to cover the fact that chakra was entering my system. However, I would probably have detected it during a combat situation."

"Why's that?"

"Because Naruto much like a genjutsu affects a person's chakra so too does the temptation's touch, and while generally you are using it when a women is not at her most perceptive doing so during a fight when she will be on the lookout for such a thing would be foolish."

"How am I supposed to succeed if you are taking away my best weapon?"

"You'll need to find a way to succeed without it then," Tsunade said without much sympathy. "If you're going to unite the world you can't rely on one technique or tactic."

"I get it," Naruto said, "Got any tips?"

"A few, but I'll keep them to myself for now. I want to see how you do going in cold and without any real insight into her," Tsunade said.

"I'll do my best, but what if I screw up?"

"Luckily for you, she most likely would come to me and we'll deal with it then," Tsunade answered.

"Lady Tsunade, are you in there?"

Tsunade turned towards the barrier surprised to hear her apprentice Sakura calling for her as she had made sure to schedule a shift at the Hospital for the girl while they trained. The reason being to avoid this exact scenario, since she knew it would hurt the future star medic to know she was the only woman Naruto had left out of helping him train, and probably felt she deserved to be there the most all things considered.

Turning to the three Kunoichi she breathed a little easier seeing that Tayuya had already made herself scarce. She was tempted to order Ino and Hinata to follow suit, but seeing the calm way Naruto looked as he stood to move by them figured he would say it wasn't necessary and would most likely spark an argument between them. Even though Sakura wouldn't be able to hear it, since sound only traveled one way through the barrier, she decided it wasn't worth the headache. Besides she figured Sakura had to realize that if she wanted Naruto, she would most likely have to give up on Sasuke.

She made sure her genjutsu was in place making her appear older and then dropped the barrier. As expected Sakura's eyes went wide in surprise before the hurt she felt filled them. Before the girl could ask what they were all up to Tsunade said, "I thought you had hospital hours."

"I...I do," her apprentice replied tearing her eyes away from her teammate who was chatting quietly with Ino and Hinata, "but Shizune was looking for you. Since she was looking for you without much success, I thought I would help while it's my lunch break."

Tsunade smiled since if she knew her first apprentice the woman after not finding her in the hospital was probably searching bars and the limited gambling parlors that Konoha had to offer. "Hey it is lunch time," Naruto suddenly blurted, "I'm going to Ichiraku. See you later Tsunade, Sakura."

Naruto waved to them as he walked away with Ino and Hinata going with him. Ino sent a sad look her friend's way, but didn't say anything.

Tsunade frowned, but had to give Naruto some credit. He left making it clear he didn't want Sakura to follow but did so in a way that it appeared that he simply thought she had been there looking for Tsunade. While she admitted she might be over thinking what she had just witnessed. She suspected she was right, having weaseled the reason Naruto was acting so distant out of Ino.

She forced Sakura's attention onto her saying, "Did Shizune tell you what she wanted with me?" She began walking back to the village taking a separate route as Naruto.

Following the Hokage, Sakura said, "No, just that she ran the test you asked her to. She did mention that your theory was right though."

Tsunade would have smiled at being right if she didn't feel that it also meant she was right about Kanji having been up to no good. "I see, thank you Sakura."

"Do you mind if I ask what this is about?" Sakura asked although she really wanted to know why Naruto had been doing training with Tsunade, Ino, and Hinata but had left her out.

Figuring that it wouldn't hurt Tsunade said, "Recently I got my hands on a scroll and despite it appearing rather old. I believed it to be newer than it appeared. I gave a sample to Shizune to test its age."

"But what does that mean?" Sakura asked not really understanding the importance.

"That's what I would like to know," Tsunade thought to herself wondering just what Kanji had wanted to achieve in giving Naruto the scroll.
