
Naruto: The Erotic System

"During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi..." * Although, I have written system in the title...but its actually a scroll, please mind that! * :)

PenDora_Box · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter - 16

"Well yeah," Naruto admitted, "I mean, I've had this jutsu for only a week and plan on trying to use it to unite the shinobi villages. All he seems to want to use it for is seducing rich women. Although he did say it wasn't really effective against Kunoichi. He said they had techniques to counter them."

"Some of the other villages may, but Konoha doesn't really not anymore at least," Tsunade said thinking.

"What do you mean?" Ino asked recovered enough to join the conversation.

"Well let's just say that a class like Suzume's would have been a whole lot different had you attended it before Konoha's founding. Back then Shinobi only saw Kunoichi as good for seducing men and stealing their secrets. It wasn't until my Grandfather took over the Senju clan that they began to be viewed as equals. This Temptation Touch Jutsu may very well be a male equivalent or counter to the kunoichi of those times. I would like to show it to Suzume."

"Why her?" Ino asked wondering why the teacher that taught her how to act like a civilian would be someone the Hokage thought she would need to consult.

"Let's just say, although she didn't teach you techniques to seduce men she is well versed in the arts that a class like hers used to pass on," Tsunade informed the stunned girl.

"I guess I should add her to the list then," Naruto said.

"Don't bother," Tsunade said looking around the bed before finding what she was looking for.

She held it up showing Naruto the black book. "A bingo book," Naruto said confused.

Giving a smile she said, "Exactly, but one made especially for you."

Naruto took it and could see blue and red tabs sticking out of it. On each of the tabs, which acted as dividers, were printed the symbols of the various countries or shinobi villages. Some of the sections appeared larger than the others with Konoha's being the largest. Opening the book to the first page which was behind one of the red tabbed dividers, he found an entry for Tsunade with her picture and measurements as well as various information like what foods she liked. Her picture had a red X through it. Flipping the page he found the same for Ino and the page after had Hinata's information. The third page though had Sakura's but no X.

Guessing that he was holding a bingo book for the various women Tsunade expected him to seduce he said, "This is great, but I don't plan to seduce Sakura." Tsunade frowned and asked for an explanation but he pushed on saying, "The red tabs are marked as the 'Needs' I take it. There are quite a few entries more than I would have expected."

Tsunade wanted to know why Naruto wasn't going to go for Sakura, but figured he would talk about it later or at the very least guess when her apprentice returned, depending on how Naruto acted. Replying to his comment he said, "Well judging by Ino's handwriting I guessed that the two of you got a little sidetracked while thinking of women." Smiling as both blushed she said, "It also seemed you were focusing on clan heads, and there is more to any village then that. Turn to the page after Sakura's."

Doing as instructed Naruto came to the face of a beautiful woman with purple hair. She was wearing the armor of an Anbu but was missing the mask. Reading the name he said, "Yuugao Uzuki." He read the brief profile next to her name and learned that she was the lover of the sick looking proctor during the end of the second test. He had been murdered shortly after and Yuugao had dedicated herself to her career rising to the rank of Head Captain of the Anbu Division.

Naruto looked up and arched an eyebrow saying, "How does the Head of Anbu help me unify the villages?"

"Naruto," Tsunade said patiently, "her position carries considerable weight in the military aspect of the village. You have to understand, all the villages are basically two parts, civilian and military. The Hokage straddles the line by dealing with both aspects of the village. You can get all the clan heads behind you, but if the military portion refuses then you will fail."

Naruto nodded flipping to the page after that and saw a mousy looking girl with stray strands of hair sticking out at various spots and thick glasses. Reading her entry he saw she worked for the Cryptology department. He looked up at Tsunade who upon seeing his confusion said, "She's one of the best cryptographers we have, and since the village's intelligence units are constantly sending us reports that pass through there. Having an asset who can discreetly pull those reports and send them to me is to our benefit."

"Sounds good," Naruto said, "Do you think you can make another one for me?"

"Why," Tsunade asked confused.

"Well I plan to find a rogue-nin in order to convert her to our goal in order to infiltrate other villages and gather intel on targets for me," Naruto said.

"I see," Tsunade said, "Was that what the question marks at the end of the needs list were for?"

"Yeah, but I don't have any idea of who I can use," Naruto replied.

Speaking up Ino said, "I do."

Both blondes turned towards her and giving them a pleased smile she said, "We can use that Sound-nin in the Coma Ward. Her name is Tayuya and I doubt anyone will miss her."

"That may be Ino," Tsunade said with a frown, "But her chakra pathways to her mind are fried, which is why she is in a coma."

"I know," Ino said sounding a little put-off that Tsunade felt the need to remind her of that, "But if the Kyuubi could make you young again, then I'm sure she can repair the damage the destruction of the curse mark did." Ino turned her gaze to Naruto expecting to see him happy by her finding someone, but seeing the frown worriedly asked, "Don't you like my idea?"

Naruto smiled at her to put her at ease, but said, "It's not that I don't like it, but… I just got done telling the Kyuubi that I needed time to think. Going there so soon to ask for a favor seems a bit desperate." Turning to Tsunade he asked, "Can you think of anyone that would fit the bill?"

Tsunade thought for a moment before saying, "I can, but for now I think you should go with Ino's idea. The woman I have in mind is dangerous, and not to be trusted."

"A Sound-nin is trustworthy though," Naruto said disbelievingly.

Grinning, the Hokage said, "You'll just have to use your charms on her. Besides, since she's been abandoned by Orochimaru who else can she turn to. She might like having a purpose again."

"And the woman you're thinking of?"

"We'll discuss that when I feel you have a bit more experience under your belt and have tamed a few hostile women. Now who is it you plan to go after next?"

"Tsume, maybe," Naruto said.

However Tsunade shook her head saying, "I think you should wait on her and make sure to take it slow."


Collecting her thoughts Tsunade said, "The Inuzuka are not like the rest of the clans in Konoha." Seeing both blondes looking at her in confusion she clarified, "They don't pass their leadership down via bloodlines but often through battle. Tsume is only in charge of her clan because she is the strongest, the Alpha if you would. That means she is often on the lookout for challengers to her position. Now if a stronger person came along and she recognized him as such she may step aside. But if not, a fight would ensue, with the victor being the head of the clan."

Ino understood what Tsunade was driving at saying, "Basically she would even consider a man trying to seduce her as a challenge to her authority."

"Precisely, and even if you decided to go for her daughter Hana, there would be no guarantee she would be the next clan head."

"I guess I'll have to come up with a strategy for Tsume than," Naruto said.

Tsunade nodded before standing up from the bed and returned her henge so that she appeared as she had since returning to Konoha. She leaned down to kiss Naruto being sure to thoroughly explore his mouth as he did the same to her, before saying, "You should talk to the Kyuubi, make it a step to earning your trust. If she believes she can do it then I'll be sure to make it look like Tayuya died. There won't be much of a fuss, but she'll need to be stashed here until she's ready to assume her duties."

"If she even accepts," Naruto said.

Placing a kiss on his forehead she said, "Have some confidence in yourself. You after all managed to seduce three women in the span of a week. Unless you're saying we're easy."

Looking at the two blonde kunoichi he quickly said, "Of course not. It's just I knew you guys, so you were somewhat comfortable around me."

"Well then consider her a test for kunoichi that you don't have a relationship with yet," Tsunade said as she made her way for the door. "Ino I know you don't like working the Coma Ward but starting tomorrow you'll be spending all your shifts there until Naruto makes a move on Tayuya."

"Understood," Ino replied, "I take it once he does; I'm to get her out of the hospital."

The Hokage nodded before taking her leave. Once she was gone Naruto smiled as he gazed at Ino who was still in his chair. Sitting on the edge of the bed he fisted his cock wagging it at her saying, "Did you come by for some breakfast?"

Ino slinked off of the chair crawling on all fours towards the smiling blonde. Once between his spread legs she said, "Now that you mention it, I am feeling rather famished." She then proceeded to do her best to quickly get him to release his load for her to enjoy.
