
Naruto: The Earth Path

[Currently writing another novel, this novel will be temporarily paused] Miyato, waking in the middle of nowhere, with no memories to his name has to quickly adapt to this world full of ninjas and powers. Where ordinary people have no standing or say. One thing he learns quite quickly is that strength is king here, and so to grasp the reigns of his own life, vows to never be weaker than anyone. He will have to achieve that with the only thing he has available, his earth style. ________________________________________________________________ This is my first time writing a novel, so any feedback or criticism is appreciated. I can't promise a stable release rate, I will write and release chapters when I can.

Gamentix · Anime & Comics
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As I slowly drift through this endless darkness, many images flash by. Some of them being of buildings, big and small. Some of people, people unfamiliar to me. The more of them I see, the more my uneasiness grows.

They move faster and faster, until I can no longer catch a glimpse of what they contain. A sense of dread creeps up on me. My world begins spinning, my comprehension drowning.

I open my eyes. I quickly sit up and look at my surroundings.

'Nightmare..' a thought flashes by.

My ragged breathing slows down as I explore the room I'm in with my gaze. A plain room, with pale blue walls. The bed I lay on sits near one of the corners, with another bed to my left, empty.

A soothing breeze helps calm me down, and I look through the opened window on my right to see the scenery outside. I notice roofs of houses and tips of trees, so I should be on the second or third floor.

I shuffle myself backwards so I rest my back on the headboard of the bed. Ahead of me, leaning against the wall is a mirror, and as I stare at it, someone completely unfamiliar stares back.

A plain face with messy medium-short black hair, and clear green eyes.

I look down to see me wearing a gray robe. Its then that I remember why I'm here, a surgery. Mentally preparing myself and taking a deep breath, I shift aside the robe around my chest.

On the left side of my chest, just below where I assume my heart to be, lies a mess of stiches. Its not a pretty sight, but I'd welcome this more than what it looked like before. As I slowly approach it with my hand, someone walks in, startling me.

"Ah, you're finally awake!" says a man that seems to be in his thirties.

The man is wearing a light gray coat, and the by now familiar headband. Well, not exactly a headband, more like an arm band, since its around his left arm. The symbol is still the same however. Before I get the chance to ask anything, he starts

"Tell me, how are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere? Anything uncomfortable?"

Which was all said so quickly and without pause that for a second there I thought it was some other language.

'He's very…enthusiastic' Is what I would describe this man.

"I'm fine" I say in a hoarser voice than I intended. I cough to clear my throat and repeat

"I'm fine" much clearer this time. This wasn't a lie, I didn't feel any pain. As for my wound, well, I didn't feel much when moving around in bed, so I guess it's mostly fine.

The medic gets closer while taking out a notebook, while still having the same subtle smile on his face he had since entering the room. His eyes still looking through the booklet, he informs me

"You've been out for just over a day, we were honestly getting quite worried" which was said in a calmer but still cheerful tone. Looking back at me, he continues

"Your operation was a success, and there shouldn't be any problems. If you start to feel any pain, or other abnormal symptoms, you should inform me, or any other medical ninja as soon as possible"

He gives me time to make sure I understood what he said, before asking if I have any questions. Now I'm considering if I should tell him the situation with my memories, the lack of them to be specific. Looking straight at his face, I see back an encouraging expression. Making up my mind, I slowly tell him

"I don't remember-"

Before I can finish, the medic interrupts me, with his previously quick tone

"Oh, Amnesia? Going through a near-death experience can cause your body to naturally want to forget those memories, which sometimes isn't a bad thing. Now, what don't you remember?"

Checkpoint 1 reached, amnesia is a thing here, I won't get burned on a stake, great. Carefully thinking how I should word what I'm about to say next.

"I…don't remember anything" I tell him.

His expression suddenly shifts to a more sombre one, staying silent for a bit, he starts talking.

"Hmm…That's a lot more serious. You seem to be able to communicate just fine. Do you remember your name?"

"No, I don't. The person that brought me here mentioned it, I believe its Miyato" I answer.

'Miyato, Miyato, Miyato…no matter how many times I repeat it in my head, it just doesn't resonate. I hoped that by now I'd recognise something, anything. But I can't remember, I don't know where I am, nor anyone here'. A solemn mood starts to overset me.

Seeing me look gloomier than before, the medic tries to cheer me up with a smile.

"Hey, don't feel down. I'm sure if you spend some time in a familiar environment, and talk to people you knew before, it will only be a matter of time until you regain some memories. Now, I still have other patients to see, stay well" with that, he closed his notebook and after nodding to me, turned and left.

Left alone with nothing to do, I think whether I should try standing up and walk around a little, the doctor didn't mention anything regarding it. But remembering I've very recently had a surgery, I decide not to.

'Should probably ask the doctor next time'. With not much choice left, I get comfortable in my bed and relax.

After an unknown amount of time to me, another younger man arrives with some food. After making sure I'm capable of feeding myself he leaves, but not before I have a chance to ask him the time. Which according to him is just past midday.

I was checked up on a few times again through the day. Eventually the evening arrived, evident by the setting sun seen through the window.

A familiar face enters the room, the man that brought me here, and most likely saved my life. Behind him enters Hitaro, the boy that I met together with the man. No sign of the girl however.

"Hello" I greet them, subconsciously smiling a little.

"Miyato, its good to see you're well. Someone has already informed us of your situation, its very unfortunate. But no matter what, we have your back." Says the man as if to encourage me.

The two take a chair each that are stacked near one of the walls and sit down next to my bed. While Hitaro has a clear worried look on his face, the man has a plain expression, but it doesn't hide the worry hidden in his eyes.

"First thing's first, I believe we should get the introduction out of the way. Am I correct to assume that you don't remember us?"

I nervously nod to this. And he answers

"That's fine, there is nothing you could do in this situation. So don't be nervous and speak your mind", clearly noticing uneasiness in my earlier action.

"My name is Asano Yoichi, and I am a Jonin of Konohagakure. This boy besides me is called Sarutobi Hitaro, and he's a Konohagakure Genin. The other member we're missing is the girl you've met before. Her name is Uchiha Kazue, and she is also a Genin." Explains the man, or I guess I should address him by Yoichi.

A few unfamiliar words are said in those few sentences. Jonin, Genin, and Konohagakure. Before I can ask any questions, Yoichi continues

"And of course there's you, Hokama Miyato, a Genin of Konohagakure. Us four make up Team 12"

So I'm also one of these Genin, which seems to be a rank of some kind. I decide to inquire.

"Yoichi, what is-" but I get interrupted.

"Yoichi-sensei. I know that the injury you sustained is partly due to my negligence, but I hope you can continue address me as you did before" Said the man in a gentler tone, seemingly to show that he wasn't angry at me addressing him informally.

'Sensei? So he is my teacher'. I continue from before

"Yoichi-sensei, what is a Genin?"

My teacher shows a surprised expression, and releases quite a long sigh.

"I see, I didn't think you'd forget even that."

With that said, he starts to explain the concept of Genin and other ranks, such as Chunin and Jonin, and answering any questions I asked. A considerable amount of time has passed since they first entered, and the sun can no longer be seen over the horizon.

Yoichi-sensei decides its time for them to leave, and so as they get up, says one last sentence

"We'll visit you again tomorrow, make sure to rest well." And turns and leaves. Hitaro nodding to me once before following the man. Still not a word said from him.

Like that, my first day since waking up in the hospital was over.

Over the next few days, I've been visited by my team multiple times, one day Kazue deciding to join them as well. Each time, Yoichi-sensei would teach me more about this world. Knowledge such as Konohagakure being the name of the village we're in, as well as Hokage being the leader of this village. But there was one thing that especially caught my attention.

Chakra. Allowing people to do incredible things, such as breathe fire and walk on water. My eyes were basically shining during the entire conversation, and I'm sure my teacher picked up on that.

Like this, the three days passed in the blink of the eye, and so came the day.

Today, I'm released from the Konoha Hospital.

Konohagakure/Konoha or Hidden Leaf village, which would you prefer I use?

Gamentixcreators' thoughts