
Naruto the dragon sin of wrath

Orochimaru put a seal on Naruto hoping to cut of his connection to the Nine-Tails.This was his mistake.This mistake would lead to Naruto awakening a dark power.

KZ1818 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chunin Preliminaries

Naruto found out that team 8 had already arrived as well as Gaara's team. Since there were still two days until the exams were over Naruto decided to train with his abilities.He looked around for a place where he could be alone and found that the arena which depicted a gigantic set of hands making a seal with a viewing platform was completely empty. He then created clones and started thr spar..


After two hours Naruto had decided he had enough practice. He was about to leave the area when Gaara approached him.

'Naruto Uzumaki.' He said in that same monotonous tone he always used.

'Gaara.' Replied Naruto inclining his head slightly to see Gaara as he was sitting on the floor. 'Would you like to sit down?' Offered Naruto gesturing to the floor next to him.

Gaara politely declined but went on to speak

'Tell me why is it that you fight Uzumaki?' Asked Gaara.

'I fight to protect those important to me. A friend told me that if you have someone to fight for, you become truly strong.' Said Naruto.

'I don't understand, others make you weak and can cause you to die if you rely on them.' Said Gaara confused.

'Gaara I make you this promise, I will make you understand because even though you don't believe it I have suffered just as you have, but I found a way to achieve true strength and it is this, that I shall show you.' Said Naruto.

'I think you are a fool Uzumaki but if you can prove that my way is wrong and your way is better I will try to change, however if you cannot prove your way is better than mine I will crush you, drench my sand in your blood and prove my existence.' Stated Gaara before walking off.

Two days later

The second phase of the exams was now over, the teams that made it were: Team seven, eight and ten, Guy's team, the sound team, the sand team, Kabuto's team and a team from the hidden stone village.

The teams assembled in the arena that Naruto had been practising in before with the Hokage standing in front of the Genin with their Jounin behind him. He told them that the Chunin exams serve the purpose of not only testing ninja, but also of moderating the levels of the ninja in each nation as well as developing friendship.

'Just tell me the details of the exam I can handle anything you can throw at me.' Said Gaara when the Hokage finished speaking and answering other questions.

'Very well I will now tell you exactly what the details of the third exam are.' Said the Hokage.

Just then Hayate appeared bowing in front of the Hokage and asked him if he could speak first, to which the Hokage obliged.

Hayate explained that they needed to hold a preliminary as there were too many people which was meet with cries of outrage, but he justified it by talking about the fact that many important nobles and feudal lords would be coming to see them and they didn't want to waste their time and that they were only looking for the best of the best shinobi.

The preliminaries will begin immediately if any of you *cough* aren't in top physical condition *cough* now is the time to quit.' Said Hayate.

Kabuto gave up but no one else did. Sakura wanted Sasuke to but he told her that the only reason he fights is to test himself and that all the best are here.

'So what am I supposed to just watch you suffer? I can't bear to watch.' Cried Sakura.

'Then don't watch. But stay out of it has nothing to do with you. I am an avenger whether I become a Chunin or not means less than nothing to me. My goal is to test myself against the best and the best of the best are all here.' Replied Sasuke.

'Sasuke she just cares about you, you don't have to be so mean.' Naruto said playfully

Naruto you are one of the one's I want to fight the most.' said Sasuke grinning which caused Naruto to grin sadistically at Sasuke.

'Now, the preliminaries will follow sudden death elimination of one-on-one matches with only the winner moving on to the third exam. As for the rules there are none, you will fight until one dies or concedes defeat or is rendered physically incapable of continuing. Naturally those who are losing are encouraged to quit, to avoid having a fatal outcome, also as proctor I will intervene if the situation seems hopeless to save as many lives as possible. Now we will see what fate is in store for you.' Said Hayate.

Anko spoke a command and a panel on the back wall diagonal from the hands opened revealing a screen.

'The panel you see will give the names of the two competitors who are chosen completely at random. I guess there is nothing more to say so let's begin.' Concluded Hayate.

The screen begun going through names and landed on

Sasuke Uchiha VS Yoroi Akado

Could everyone whose name was not just shown please go to the upper level.' Said Hayate.

Kakashi walked by Sasuke and said 'Don't use your Sharingan if you let that curse seal take over I'll have to jump in and stop the match. Good luck.'

"Stop the match?" Thought Sasuke in fear of not being able to fight.

'Good Sasuke Uchiha, Yoroi Akado are you ready?' asked Hayate.

'Yeah.' Confirmed Sasuke.

'Yes.' Agreed Yoroi. Yoroi's appearance was greatly concealed by the mask he wore around his mouth that hung to around his neck, sunglasses that obscured his eyes and his forehead protector which he wore like a bandanna.

He also wore what appeared to be the standard attire of his team consisting of a high-collared, sleeveless, navy-blue shirt with a short-sleeved, white one underneath, a simple obi around his waist, pants, sandals and fingerless gloves.

'In that case let the first match of the preliminaries begin!' Announced Hayate.

Sasuke jumped back and pulled out a kunai while Yoroi put his hand in front of his body and surrounded it with chakra. Yoroi flung three shuriken at Sasuke and who sent them back with his kunai.

'Augh.' Cringed Sasuke. "Damn it this thing is responding to my chakra." Thought Sasuke as he raised his hand to his curse seal.

'You're mine!' Shouted Yoroi as he charged at Sasuke.

Sasuke swept his leg and locked Yoroi's arm between his legs.

"Got him." Sasuke smirked thinking he had him captured but then Yoroi turned his hand around and grabbed Sasuke's collar.

"Uh I feel so weak." Thought Sasuke.

Yoroi then brought his arm down and intended to hit Sasuke's solar plexus but Sasuke released his hold and slid away.

'Got you.' Said Yoroi who leapt up and grabbed Sasuke by his head and pushed him to the ground.

'My chakra, what are you doing?' Gasped Sasuke.

'Ha ha you're just noticing it now, are you?' Laughed Yoroi.

"Uh so weak, what am I going to do?" Thought Sasuke.

At that moment thought about how weak he was compared to others. Zabuza ,Naruto ,the grass ninja ,Haku & Itachi.

'Why am I so weak.' Sasuke thought

'Sasuke are you gonna get beaten by this  weakling. If you can't even beat this weakling then how are you gonna kill your brother.' Naruto

Hearing Naruto say this lit a fire inside Sasuke.

'I won't lose here.' Said Sasuke.

Sasuke coiled up his legs and extended them quickly pushing Yoroi off him. When he was getting up he saw Lee. "That's it." He thought before charging at Yoroi.

Sasuke flipped onto his hand and gave Yoroi a powerful super kick which sent him into the air. Sasuke then used the dancing leaf shadow and appeared behind Yoroi in midair.

'Ok I'll admit I borrowed that move, but from here, it's all original.' Said Sasuke.

Sasuke swung his leg to kick Yoroi in the ribs. Yoroi blocked it but it was a distraction as Sasuke used the momentum to swing his arm up and nail Yoroi in his neck and send him flying down.

'Come back I'm not done yet!' Said Sasuke who then kicked him down and finally gave him an axe kick smashing him onto the floor while saying 'Lions Barrage!'

Hayate looked at Yoroi and Sasuke, Yoroi was unconscious and Sasuke was still conscious but tired.

'Winner, Sasuke Uchiha.' Hayate announced.

Kakashi appeared behind Sasuke and said 'Let's go we need to get that mark sealed up.'

'Can't we go after the matches?' Asked Sasuke.

'No sorry.' Said Kakashi giving his eye smile and body flickered with Sasuke

After they left.The board spit out two more names.

'Next match Shino Aburame VS Zaku Abumi, will the contestants please come down.' Called Hayate.

Line break

Sasuke and Kakashi were in a dimly lit room with candles being the only light source. Sasuke was shirtless and sat in the middle of a large seal array.

'Ok Sasuke this seal I'm about to put on you will seal up the curse mark, however, it is only as strong as your will so you have to make sure it doesn't break.' Said Kakashi.

Kakashi made numerous hand signs before saying 'Curse Sealing.'

Sasuke cried out in pain for a while as all the kanji crawled across the floor and his body and went inside the curse mark, forming a ring around the mark at which point he passed out.

Line break

'If you fight me you won't be able to recover. Forfeit.' Said Shino in his stoic monotone voice.

'Heh what do you know looks like I have a bit of movement in one.' Said Zaku as his left arm started twitching before he pulled it out of the sling and aimed it at Shino.

'One good arm is all I need to beat you!' Shouted Zaku as he charged at Shino.

Zaku attempted a straight punch at Shino's face but Shino raised his arm and blocked it.

'I told you, you can't beat me.' Spoke Shino.

'Oh yeah Slicing Sound Wave!' Shouted Zaku as air came rushing out of the hole in his palm which blasted Shino away.

-line break-

'My you've grown Kakashi, to think you can perform the curse sealing.' Said Orochimaru who appeared from behind a pillar.

'You! What are you doing here?' Demanded Kakashi taking a defensive stance.

'Long time no see, Kakashi, but I didn't come here for you. I have some business with that boy behind you.' Replied Orochimaru.

'What do you want with Sasuke?' Asked Kakashi narrowing his single eye.

'It seems as though you have gained something since the last time we met, the Sharingan in your left eye, how I envy your good fortune.' Said Orochimaru who then paused before continuing. 'It is only fair that I should want it too. Don't you think? The power of the Uchiha.' Finished Orochimaru.

-line break-

Shino calmly stood up and stared down Zaku.

'I told you, you can't beat me, look behind you.' Said Shino.

Zaku looked behind him and his eyes widened seeing heaps of bugs when Shino spoke again 'You are trapped now you have one arm which you can use, to attack me, but if you do, my bugs will be upon you. On the other hand, you could attack my bugs but that would leave you open to me. It's always a good idea to have an ace in the hole.' Finished Shino who began to gather up his chakra while forming the ram sign.

-line break-

'You know this Sound village that everyone is so curious about, its mine.' Said Orochimaru. 'You see in order to play the game you need pieces to put on the chess board, willing pawns.' Elaborated Orochimaru.

'So, is Sasuke one of these pawns?' Asked Kakashi.

'No, Sasuke is a much more valuable piece than a pawn.' Said Orochimaru.

-line break-

Zaku's other arm started to twitch and he pulled it out of his sling 'Hey what do you know I got movement in my other arm as well. Always have an ace in the hole isn't that what you said?' Asked Zaku who then fully extended his arm and pointed one at Shino and one at the bugs 'Slicing Sound Wave' Shouted Zaku. Nothing came out of his wind holes but his arms were blasted off at the elbow.

'Ugh what is this?' Cried Zaku in pain.

Shino appeared behind Zaku and spoke 'I plugged up both of you arms just in case you were faking. It seems I was wise to do so. While I did say an ace in the hole is good, two aces in the hole, is better.' Said Shino who then punched Zaku in the back sending him sprawling on the ground and almost unconscious.

Hayate checked Zaku before announcing 'Winner, Shino Aburame.'

-line break-

Orochimaru stepped forward towards Sasuke and Kakashi charged up a Lighting Blade in response.

'Take one more step and one of us will die here. I don't care if you're one of the Sannin, the legendary three ninja, come any closer to Sasuke and I'll kill you!' Shouted Kakashi his lone eye blazing in fury.

Orochimaru started laughing and then looked Kakashi straight in the eye 'Kakashi you're very brave and very stupid. I'll leave for now but Sasuke is an avenger one day he will come looking for me in search of power.' Said Orochimaru as he walked away before he paused and said 'Unless you follow through with your threat to kill me that is.' Stated Orochimaru while releasing a bit of bloodlust.

Kakashi was terrified but kept his Lighting Blade going in an attempt to hide his fear.

Orochimaru kept laughing and walked away until he disappeared from sight.

"One of us will die here? I must have been out of my mind." Thought Kakashi in fear.

Kakashi then used a Body Flicker and appeared behind Naruto and Sakura.

'Oh Kakashi-sensei your back. How's Sasuke?' Asked Sakura.

'Oh he's fine but I think you should be more worried about yourself now. Look.' Said Kakashi pointing towards the board as it showed.

Sakura Haruno VS Ino Yamanaka

The two begin fighting instantly, although they both fail to successfully attack the other. Neji wonders if their fighting skill is the best kunoichi can do, only for Tenten to state that their lack of fighting prowess is not because they are female, but rather because they are restraining themselves. Sakura, unwilling to lose to Ino and not happy with the fact that Ino is pulling her punches and taking pity on her, insults Ino.

A flashback is shown, where Ino teaches Sakura about the significance of flowers in an arrangement. She uses the Cosmos Flower as an example, and that Thoroughwort works to compliment it. Sakura asks if that means she's just there to compliment Ino's beauty, to which she denies, adding Sakura is a bud waiting to bloom. Another memory is shown, where Sakura tells Ino that when she chooses to wear her forehead protector properly, that's when she becomes a true shinobi.

After trading insults, Sakura removes her forehead protector from her head and places it on her forehead; Ino removes hers from her waist and also places it on her forehead. As true rivals, the pair then rush at one another, finally deciding to take the battle seriously.

Sakura and Ino continue exchanging blows with neither able to gain the upper hand, and running out of chakra. She berates Ino for being too focused on beauty rather than her kunoichi skills, causing her to cut her hair off, and throw it on the ground.

Desperate, Ino decides to use Mind Body Transfer to force Sakura to forfeit, despite knowing how inaccurate it is, and that she will be left immobile if it misses. Sakura dodges the attack and appears to have won, but finds herself trapped by the strands of Ino's cut hair which have been infused with chakra to form a binding rope. Ino reveals to only have pretended to miss on purpose, intending to lead her into the trap. She uses Mind Body Transfer again, knowing it can't miss now, and succeeds on gaining control of Sakura's body.

Having gained control, Ino tries to make Sakura forfeit the match. Just then, Naruto yells at her to not to give up, prompting Inner Sakura to appear and force Ino out of her head. Although confused by what happened, Ino lacks the energy to try again. Kakashi presumes that Ino's lack of chakra was a factor in Sakura's small victory but also takes note of her strong will. They both charge at each other to exchange final blows, resulting in a double knock out. Hayate decides that neither of them will pass to the next round.

Kankuro vs Misumi(Kabuto's teammate)

Kankurō easily wins his battle against Misumi by tricking him into attacking Karasu, Kankurō's puppet. In retaliation, Karasu snaps Misumi's neck, though he survives due to his ability to contort himself.

End of chapter