
Naruto: The Dragon’s Successor

At the edge of death, a fallen divine beast finds herself a successor in Konoha. With a wealth of possibilities at her disposal, a young shinobi will find her place in a world of constant conflict. Follow her journey as she explores the world of shinobi and comes into conflict with the baleful creations born from the world's sins. Alternate Universe.

Falsic · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

First Day of the Academy

Ninja Academy (The Next Day) (Kamui's Point of View)

Walking up to the academy, Kamui was impressed. This place clearly grew since the last time she saw it. The compound had a red and white color scheme with the kanji for fire written prominently on the main building. There also appeared to be other large buildings constructed on the side to house different facilities. The changes came from the number of additional facilities added to the complex. It made sense though considering they added additional time for kids to learn. Over all, it was a very tall structure in the village. After taking a few moments to appreciate the scenery, Kamui stepped inside the building, intending to walk to her classroom.

As she walked through the hallways, Kamui made sure to pay attention to the conversations the kids were having. While the boys seemed to be excited about learning to be ninjas and fighting, the girls seemed to be more interested in which boy they'd end up marrying; it was really sad. It didn't seem like any of them understood why they were here or what they were signing up for. The boys had an inkling, but they didn't understand what it meant to be a ninja. They only cared about the surface level. She had seen this from kids her age on the few occasions she hung around the parks, but she had hoped they would have grown out of this mindset by now. Then again, how many other kids had spiritual beings inside them influencing their basic thought process?

*Sigh* 'Maybe it's normal for kids to think this way. I mean, none of the adults seem to care too much.' She thought to herself in semi-resignation.

Walking into the classroom, Kamui noticed something strange. Most of the kids in her classroom were clan heirs. Sure, there were some kids who looked like civilians, but the clan heirs to the most prominent clans in the village were all present.

'Are we playing politics already? Is the Shinobi council trying to build ties at this early of an age?' She thought in confusion. At first glance, she could recognize the heirs to the Yamanaka, Nara, Aburame, Inuzuka, Uchiha, Uzumaki, Akimichi, and Hyuga clans. It was pretty unreal when you consider that all these clans had to give birth to heirs roughly around the same time. She honestly wondered if this was planned.

From the other side, some of the other kids noticed her. Kamui wouldn't normally self-brag in this way, but she was very beautiful for her age, which most certainly worked to her disadvantage in situations like these where she would have preferred to blend in.

"Wow…" Said the Inuzuka heir, Kiba. He had short brown unruly hair, tanned skin, and red marks on his cheeks resembling red fangs.

"So pretty..." whispered the blond-haired Yamanaka to some pink-haired girl. "Yeah…." Her friend whispered back.

The rest had various muffled reactions to her presence. Probably the only exceptions were Naruto and Sasuke, who were her brothers and Shikamaru Nara, who was currently sleeping at his desk at the back of the room. Normally, that would be a problem in this kind of setting, but Naras in general had a level of intelligence that exceeded anyone else in the village. While they didn't call it as such, it was a bloodline limit that is passed down their clan. Due to their intelligence, the Nara were likely to be the first clan anyone would annihilate in a raid on the leaf village. They were in charge of the village's tactics and strategies after all. Taking them out would have the largest impact on any war if the Hokage isn't counted.

Once she was seated, she noticed their instructors come into the room. They were two individuals. One was a man that appeared to be in his mid-twenties. He has dark brown hair tied into a pony tail, black eyes, a scar running across the bridge of his nose, and wore the Konoha Chunin Flak jacket over a dark blue long-sleeved shirt and pants. The other wore a similar outfit, but had shoulder-length white hair and green eyes.

"Good morning class. My name is Iruka Umino and I will be your primary instructor." The brown-haired one call out. "Next to me is Mizuki, who will be supporting me as your assistant instructor for the duration of your time here at the academy." With that, Mizuki waved at everyone with a polite smile on his face.

"As you all know, we're here to train you into ninjas. I have a question though. What are ninjas?" He said and scanned the room for volunteers. Kamui raised her hand. "You, with the white hair. Say your name and your response." He said after pointing to her.

"My name is Kamui Uchiha." She said surprising almost everyone in the room. Her hair and eyes gave no indication of her heritage after all. "Ninjas are soldiers in our nation's military whose role is to advance the village's military objectives. Traditionally, this is accomplished through overt and covert actions depending on the mission assigned. The covert is the most advertised, hence the name ninja, but the destructive nature of jutsu allow us to perform actions that are anything but covert. Whether through force or coercion, we exist to widen our village's, and by extension, the land of fire's military and economic advantage." She said with an impassive expression stumping Iruka and Mizuki.

This was the first time they'd ever heard such a clinical and unpatriotic definition of the word. Usually, they heard that ninja meant people who defend the village or people with cool powers. This definition was something you'd expect from a Jonin whose experienced the different facets of the profession.

It was honestly a little disconcerting to hear such a dictionary-like definition from an eight-year-old. Then again, Itachi was even more advanced by this age and Kakashi was rumored to be the same. Maybe it's something about these clans that age kids' minds at such absurd rates.

"Thank you Kamui. I would like to add one more thing to that though." He said as his eyes shifted from her to the still startled class. "Ninjas exist to protect the village and carry the will of fire. This will be something we will cover in detail over the course of the first year." He said passionately. Indoctrination was one of his primary roles as an academy instructor and Iruka was the best person for the role. The reason, he genuinely believed everything he said. He was mentally conditioning these students without even realizing he was doing it. In his mind, he was just spreading the good word.

"Alright, let's begin today's lesson."