
Yuki clan annihilation

The lesson ended and practical lessons began. Throwing shuriken and kunai, taijutsu spars, ninjutsu and chakra control practice. Naruto threw the shurinken and intentionally missed one while the other shuriken hit the log not the middle spot of course he needs to show the growth as acting.

As for taijutsu unless it's sasuke he won't care about others. He wants to see what type of uchiha special taijutsu is there. They say it's uchiha flow technique. Naruto only got good marks in taijutsu.

He is by far the strongest taijutsu in class. Sasuke and Naruto may face spars in future. As for others like the hot headed kiba without his akamaru he is not worth the mentions.

Shikamaru is too lazy, choji didn't care while ino and sakura are very busy fan girling sasuke who is irritated by them. The day ended while Naruto smiled as the time arrived again. The land of water again started their famous chase of ice escape kekkai genkai users.

Naruto teleported there and saw the running away members of Yuki clan. He sent his soldiers and to bring back them and he himself landed killing them using his sim abilities. He has to say they're pretty overpowered.

While he is doing he reached jonin level without the support of his sin abilities if they're combined matching a kage isn't a big thing. He went to the killing spree and spared none.

Only a few are already escaped from the killing. He didn't chase after them as he knew they will be killed sooner or later by kirigakure, he already aroused doubts in this village it's just a waste of time for him stay here.

He then brought back the bodies and started his devour. His chakra reserves are already stretched to the maximum. As for others like jutsu he has obtained them through this. Now he don't need to worry for the time being.

He can just let shisui arrive and before danzo can make a move he can send his shadows to dug out the two eyes of shisui and when he tried to commit suicide in front of itachi he can simply kill him.

The new abilities it Lucifer bloodline he received is the teleportation. Stronger than flying thuder god, either uts short or long distance he travel. He don't need flying thunder god or maybe he need it to chase a few members like obito, Kakashi, pain and others.

Looking at the panel Naruto smirked :

[ Naruto uzumaki

Age : 6 years

Rank : jonin

Abilities :

• overlord of sins :

1.Pride : ability to control others and their will

2. Envy : a perfect transformation into other and copy their abilities temporarily.

3. Greed : if your attack succeded you can take one of their abilities to yourself.

4. Gluttony : completely devour the target, will transform his soul into your soldier. Every ability by devour belongs to you.

5. Sloth : ability to control time.

6. Wrath : strength grows with anger or hatred( temporary or permanent depends on the situation).

7. Lust : can satisfy any one of the opposite gender in intercourse and can copy one of their abilities after that, can also make them your slave.

• kagura's midn eye : allows you to detect chakar signature and lufe signature in a range of 1km.

• adamantine sealing chains(not awakened) : special chakra chains of uzumaki clan. Can be used for fuinjutsu, barriers, defense and offense.

• large chakra volumes : uzumaki clan far surpass any other clan in chakra volume.

• fuinjutsu efficiency : as a uzumaki clan membed you have a very high affinity with fuinjutsu.

• healing bite (unawakened) : you can bit yourself to rapidly recover your health at the expense of chakra or recovers others health and chakra immediately when they bit you.

• yang nine tails jinchuriki : allows you activate nine tails chakra partly due to the seal.

• flight : allows the ability to fly

• regeneration : angel's regeneration ability

• teleportation : angel's teleportation, can be used for both short and long distances.

• ice manipulation : you manipulate ice freely and made constructs with a hand wave.

Chakra attributes : fire, water, earth, thunder, wind, yin and yang.

Bloodline or bloodline limits : uzumaki, senju ( unawakened ), burning ash bones, ice manipulation, Lucifer Morningstar ].

Looking at the senju bloodline he knew Minato is a senju descendant. Now he can awaken his bloodlines. He bought three bloodline upgrade cards for each and used them.

His body felt comfortable and his body broke the shackles. He felt admanatine dealing chains, kaguya mind's eye increased range, healing bite along with senju's terrifying physique and vitality.

He retracted the admanatine dealing chains and saw the bloodline merge card. He can combine them both to obtain the perfect sage body. But he didn't as he wants to train morebusing these two.

The card said they'll be combined but the traits of both bloodlines still exists in him. So he can train now and after getting the hang of them he can combine them.