
preparations for the uchiha massacarre

Naruto through his shadow soldiers saw the uchiha situation. It'll take sometime for the situation to escalate. So he tried befriending izumi. It's very simple with his innocent blue eyes.

Izumi likes to eat the meat balls and sweets and so he'll go there. Obviously the shop keeper will reject him. Izumi who is watching this felt pity on him. So Naruto goes to her and asked her to buy him those while giving her the money.

He is doing this so he can get a Mangekyou sharingan user beside him. Izumi like always took pity on him. She bought him those while Naruto cheerfully thanked izumi and took those.

Naturally this will be observed by third Hokage. Discussions are held among the council and uchiha are blamed again. Fugaku asked Itachi not to approach izumi so he didn't which broke izumi's heart.

Third Hokage have other plans, he is thinking aboit recruiting her like he did with shisui. He is doing this for two reasons, she isn't a pureblood uchiha and chances of mangekyou are very less.

Another thing is that her mother is not fr uchiha clan and he can ask her to exit the uchiha clan and serve in anbu instead. Like this naruto's and izumi's interaction became regular.

Izumi don't know why but the clan started to distnace itself. After further discussions once they even threatened her with her mother to bring the kid while hypnotising, izumi has no choice but to approach the third Hokage.

As usual that old man took his chnace in recruiting her and asked fugaku about this and even demanded izumi's mother to be out of the clan bit fugaku stayed stubborn saying it's a matter among the clan and can't be negotiated.

Izumi for the first time felt anger and hatred towards her clan. Observing this third Hokage recruited her to anbu. She is going to be a tool for him if the nine tails is out of control. On the other hand, Naruto discovered hyuga clans corpses and devoured them.

He got the hyuga bloodline too and increased it to maximum. He felt his eyes chnaging gradually so he didn't use the byakugan for the time being as it'll take sometime.

Naruto is now sitting alone on the rock of hokafe and looking at the houses while muttering to himself," so this is how loneliness feels huh, haha", he laughed at himself and stayed for sometime before returning to his house.

Uchiha izumi is living next door arranged by third Hokage. So if he get out of control she can use her sharingan and take care of the matter. Of course he also placed other memebers of anbu there.

Over tike izumi and Naruto developed a bond. Naruto also occasionally goes to fish and one day a visitor appeared to steal his fish. It's anko mitarashi, she is drooling looking at the fish he is cooking.

She asked him," little brother can you give this fish to me", Naruto looked at her and asked," give me 10 taels for a fish", anko is stunned but as utsvery lower than the one in the village she gave him the taels and took one fish.

She ate the delicious fish and looked at Naruto with stars in her eyes. She paid a few more and ate them while asking Naruto about him. Of course she knows who he is. The nine tails jinchuriki.

Naruto also answered her cheerfully and made himself look like a cheerful boy. Of course it's just acting he is planning to trap all these women in his house forever serving him and giving him the sin of lust he needs.

Not only killing hut also lust will give him points, he saw this after he kissed hinata's cheek. Since she is young then he needs to search for others. So he laid plans for them to see him coincidentally and acquitaiced with them.

He already changed izumi's will using his sharingan down to her memories completely. Now she may look like an agent outside but she is just a slave for Naruto. Anko, kurenai, Yugao are his targets next.

Even mikito too, her disappearance will be a shocking news that is why he is going to act the roots and burn some corpses. It may look like other villages who can't get sharingan did the deed.