
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst...

Mystic_Verse · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Unveiling Darkness

"Tick...tock, Sasuke-san. Tick...Tock,"

Sasuke opened his eyes and he stilled when he saw both begin to hold their breath as their bodies were completely submerged.

"...he...originally didn't seek you, but...I asked him to. I had been watching you for a long time, Sasuke. I know what it's like, that desire for vengeance, that loneliness which no one else understands, and...lies carried by those you once thought closest. When I learned what this village did to you, just as they had done to me, I knew you would be perfect for our organization. We will give you the strength to bring your enemies to their knees," Uzumei claimed.

"You're just like me, Sasuke...just like me...just like me...like me...like me…,"

"If you will join us, give this red card to Uzumaki Naruto. He is a central part of our plans, though he is unaware of it yet. I hear he's the dead last of the academy, yet even he has his uses. If you don't wish to embark upon your revenge, then place this blue card back here in the field. We won't meet again," she said.

Sasuke had given the dobe the red card. He knew what that entailed. He knew that as long as he killed Itachi...he didn't care what happened to him! Restore his clan. Bring them justice! If he had to sell his soul...if he had to fight fire with fire...if he had to become like Itachi to kill Itachi...then…

"Window 2," Sasuke said. He felt a breath of relief escape him when he saw the water drain from Uzumei's room. The redhead woman took a deep breath and coughed. The Uchiha then turned his head to the second window. He watched Kai Shingen, wife of Takamura Shingen choke and writhe in pure agony as the water filled the room. Her screams were not heard, but her expressions would stay with Sasuke all his life. As air began to slow expel from her lungs, her body spasmed and twitched. Her cuffed hands and feet scraped and clawed against the metal restraints which bound her. After so many minutes of struggling she drowned in her own room. The lights in the window went out. Yet, over the speakers, Sasuke was sure he heard...the sound of something crunching. He was glad to not know what it was.

Suddenly, the Uchiha was brought into a tight, but wet hug. "You did it Sasuke. I'm so proud of you. I knew you were strong. Don't worry, I will make you stronger. I will make you so much stronger than you are now. I promise," she claimed. For once in his life, Sasuke was too tired to comment. He couldn't even push her away. Despite her wet attire...she felt very...homely. He closed his eyes. Yes, if it was for his clan then Uchiha Sasuke...was willing to become a monster devoid of hope in a normal life.


Naruto leaned back into his chair. "I don't understand. Why'd you make him think he killed Kai Shingen? You quickly replaced her with a double. I don't get it," Izumi said. Naruto laughed.

"Oh trust me, I have much more in store for her than to have her die at the hands of someone like Sasuke. Let's call that a simple...observation. After all, training children to become monsters is what a shinobi village is all about. I just sped up the process," Naruto replied.

Izumi snorted, but she quickly walked out of the room. Just because Naruto had assigned her to Sasuke did not mean that she was going to take it easy on him, family or not. If he slowed her down then he was disposable just like anyone else.

Naruto watched Izumi leave before he turned his head back to the monitor. "Well Jiji? It's been an odd turn of events for you hasn't it? I hope you entertain me soon. Right now, you're making this almost too easy for me dattebayo. You as well, Mizuki-teme, I hope you're proving to be an adequate resource as well. I have so many fun things planned," Naruto claimed. He continued to watch the monitor of Uzumei hugging Sasuke while he slept. Yes, Sasuke...find comfort in Uzumei. Naruto would lead her to direct you down into the depths of hell where they were all going.


Deep beneath the ground, in caverns below, a young shinobi, his hair a tint of ash-grey, and the glasses upon his face, walked across the tiled floors. A rather cruel grin etched itself on his face. The dimly lit halls, an expression of the nigh fading light that resides within the consciousness of men. When one travels these halls for the first time, there is the constant feeling of paranoia. Each step is potentially one's last. That is the world of a criminal, but that is also the world where most of the secrets that make up structure are held.

The young man knocked on a door before opening it. "Lord Orochimaru…," he called. Another restless night of experiments, tests, notes, tubes, and fluids. There were times the man wondered if his master was even human at times like this. Then again, to be greater than what you are is the feeling of every person.

"What is it, Kabuto? I am very busy. I told for no distractions. This is a delicate process," Orochimaru claimed. His long black hair had been tied into a ponytail, an attempt to prevent excess follicles from interfering with the procedure. A surgical mask and gown covered his face and body respectfully. Kabuto did not see who his master was working on, but he assumed it was for something vital.

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama, but I believe this requires your attention. It's a letter from Mizuki in Konoha," Kabuto replied. Orochimaru offered no reply. What could be of such importance that it would require that pathetic chunin to message him? He had tasked the academy teacher with securing the Forbidden Scroll for more research. There were jutsu placed in it that could be vital to his studies. He did not care how long it took the chunin as long as he didn't fail. If he failed then he was of no more use to the Sannin, and he would move on to the next project.

Seeing that his master was no interested, Kabuto clarified. "Unfortunately, it's not about the scroll, but it's about Takamura Shingen. Apparently, the Konoha underworld is under a new leader…" He said.

Hmm, now that was rather interesting. What could have happened to poor, poor Shingen-kun? Orochimaru had purchased quite the sizable selection of subjects from him and others. It made it much easier than having to kidnap them on his own. Still, this was nothing to bring to his attention while he was performing what he felt was critical study.

Deciding not to beat around the bush anymore, lest he anger or annoy his master, Kabuto exhaled. "It seems that this new leader was aware of Mizuki's connection to us. I don't know what he blackmailed Mizuki with, but he was tasked with sending us this letter. The person only asked one thing. 'How value...is Uchiha blood?'" Kabuto replied.

Orochimaru stopped working. Behind his mask laid a small frown. He leaned up and took a deep breath. "Let me see the letter," he said. Kabuto bowed and offered the letter to the Sannin. The rather tall adult male exited the room and tore open the scroll. Unfortunately, time wasn't with him to read all of it, but...it seemed to be quite intriguing.

"Kukuku, how fascinating. This might increase your usefulness more than I had initially suspected, Mizuki-kun." Orochimaru grinned, his eyes brimming with the seeds of lust for knowledge and information.


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