
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst...

Mystic_Verse · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Clash of Titans

"Eh? Why would I go anywhere with you, Teme?! First you dump your stupid trash on me, now you're telling me to meet you tonight?! Why don't you ask one of your stupid fangirls to walk you home in the dark?!" Naruto asked, a grumble as he began to walk away.

Uchiha Sasuke was not having a great day. He had been told about a month in advance that he would begin experiencing life outside of the village as per their organization's instructions. Of course, this had thrilled the avenger. He truly believed that he had gotten stronger under the tutelage of so many chunin and jonin before anyone else. There was definitely no lack of goons to practice on.

Unfortunately, he had never met the leader of this organization that he had been a part of, but Sasuke didn't truly care. He had gotten stronger so much faster here than he had in the academy. His taijutsu instructors had nothing but constant praise for his skill against his classmates. He was able to disable them all with ruthless efficiency. However, as much as the praise was nice, he was never able to grow his ego. There was always someone more skilled back at the base waiting to put him in his place. Of course he hated it, but it just proved that he had not reached his limits and could go even higher.

Sasuke did not want to admit that...he liked being with the redhead, Uzumei. She seemed to be the only person he could truly talk to at times. Well, more like she talked and he just listened. It was clear that he and his only surviving family member, Izumi Uchiha, had no particular love for each other. He didn't mind that. He didn't even remember the girl so it wasn't like he was starved for her attention. Yet her claim that she would be the one to kill Itachi was not one that he would allow. Both had made it quite clear, they were working towards a common goal. If either got in the way deliberately, then they were expendable.

However, Uzumei wasn't like that, and this...made Sasuke uncomfortable. She had taken it upon herself to make him his lunches for school. She also asked him about his day and his classes. Most of his answers had been grunts, but she always got him to answer by pulling his ear painfully until he answered. In some ways, she reminded him of his mother. Always smiling, and always looking after him.

Anyway, the current predicament that was, as of this moment, walking away from him ushered a growl from him. Uchiha Sasuke had been told by the redhead that they would be leaving Konoha on unexplained business. At first, the last Uchiha didn't know why this news was even being brought to him, but Uzumei had been quick to tell him that it would be a good opportunity for Sasuke to learn about the outside world. It would also be a good opportunity for him to complete more tasks which would make him stronger. This had definitely made the young Uchiha happy, but...apparently the leader had ordered that Sasuke be the one to...convince Uzumaki Naruto to come with them. He wasn't given a reason why, he was told that if he couldn't then he wouldn't be going. That was something the dark-haired boy would not allow.

Still, this did not make this embarrassment any easier. Why did this organization even want Naruto in it?! He was a dead-last loser! Yet the only thing Sasuke could do was grit his teeth and think of another method. "Heh, I knew you were a coward. And you claim you're gonna be Hokage? Little Naruto can't handle the dark?" Sasuke asked.

The Uchiha grinned when he saw the blonde pause. Perhaps he was too far away to tell, but Sasuke thought he saw a gleaming smile flash upon Naruto's face, but the Kyuubi jinchuuriki turned around and shouted. "Coward?! You're calling me a coward, Teme?! Fine! I'll see you there! Uzumaki Naruto ain't no damn coward, dattebayo!" Naruto growled. He stomped away which made Sasuke snort. Honestly, how gullible could one village idiot be?

Naruto watched Sasuke walk away, his hands in his pockets. Oh rest assured Sasuke. Naruto could handle the dark just fine.

And, handle the dark Naruto did. The sun had set over the village once again. Naruto sealed what he needed and picked up his bags. He felt Yugao drop down behind him. "You won't make it! The Konoha patrol won't allow it!" She claimed, but Naruto carried on as if he hadn't heard her. Once he was packed, he stood with her in the middle of his living room.

"You really care about me, don't you? I'm glad you care so much to warn me," Naruto finally said. Yugao didn't reply to that obvious statement. She merely continued to scowl at him. However, her scowl was quickly replaced with curiosity as her blonde captor held out his hand. Almost instantly, blood swirled from his body and, like a squall of a red pond, pierced the air around him at such a high speed that it sounded like a fast swish of air and water.

Around his open palm, it formed a ball which seemed to grow bigger and bigger. It must have been bigger than her head because she watched him lift it into the air. A shivering grin came across his lips as he turned to her. "Why do you think I tasked Sasuke to meet me for this? I just needed him to be close to me for a moment without rousing his suspicions. Besides, what he doesn't know won't hurt him...yet," Naruto claimed.

Yugao watched the blood twist and turn itself. Like carbon fiber it kept tightening and straining. Forming and shifting, the Anbu was quick to notice muscles being formed. After that came skin, and after that came hair. She widened her eyes. She quickly began to understand this very terrifying feeling in the pit of her chest when she saw Uchiha Sasuke standing in front of them. There was not a single hair out of place. Black hair, dark eyes, a very light-skinned body, firm muscles just barely showing the beginnings of adolescence, and...a very...unsightly male appendage. By Naruto's will, the blood swirled back into the Uchiha's head leaving no cuts, bruises, or sign of injury.

"Hmm pretty good work if I do say so myself. Though, I did have to...ugh...imagine the lower parts. That's definitely more of Sasuke than I'll ever want to see in my life dattebayo! If only I could make clothes. I'm almost tempted to make him walk back to Sasuke's house naked, but...I'd better not. What do you think, Yugao-chan?" Naruto asked without turning around. He could feel the stress in Yugao's heart. It was to be expected. He had only trained or shown his abilities around her. She was sure that he had nothing he could surprise her with. Even her silence spoke volumes of what he had achieved.

He faced the Sasuke clone. "Speak!" He ordered.

"Yes," Ooh, too deep. Naruto clenched his hands into a fist crushing and molding the clone's vocal cords. He tested the clone's voice over and over again until he finally got it right. He then made Yugao's own blood run cold when he formed a clone of himself. Just like the Sasuke clone, no hair was out of place. He gave the Sasuke clone some of the clothes that Uchiha Sasuke wore at the nightclub while he gave the Naruto clone his own clothes.


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