
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst... ----------- Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Mystic_Verse · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

A Sinister Game Unveiled

"That's what you're hoping for right? Word of advice. Hope gets you nothing. But I'm gonna show you that. Just like how all of you showed me Besides, you're still doing your assigned mission. You're watching me. Only now, I know about it." Naruto said. Yugao did not know what he meant, but it sounded rather unsettling.

She clenched her sword. "Hayate will stop you! Whatever you told him won't work! I don't know what kind of game you think you're playing, Uzumaki Naruto, but you picked the wrong person." The purple-haired anbu stated. Yet, she found herself seething when the blonde utterly laughed at her. He clutched his stomach and nearly fell over in his giggling fit. He wiped a tear from his eye.

"Is that what you think? That I picked the wrong person? Yugao-neechan, you seem to forget. I know a lot about Hayate Gekko from you. I think I picked the right person. You know what I think? I think Hayate is going to try to kill you," Naruto remarked. Yugao stiffened. Her lover...would try to kill her? What kind of baseless confidence was that?

"You are just a boy! I wouldn't expect you to know how the world operates. Hayate would never betray me! He's stronger than you think he is!" She said. Naruto shrugged his shoulders. He opened his closet and placed on his orange jacket. A change of clothes were in order here.

"Stronger, weaker, it doesn't really matter, does it? Just like you, me, and everyone else, he's human. Though I'm constantly told I'm otherwise. Actually, let's make a deal," Naruto said.

"A deal?" she asked. She decided to tread carefully around this. It could very well backfire on her. Though he had detained her in a mysterious fashion, Yugao highly doubted that the blonde processed the necessary intelligence to outwit an Anbu agent.

"Yeah, a deal. I bet Hayate betrays you, and tries to kill you...even more specific, on the Old Man's orders...NO! Even better, on the Council's orders. No matter how much you plead or beg, he will choose his mission over you," Naruto said.

"If Hayate could protect the village from me then I would praise him for it. All threats to Konoha must be eliminated," she replied to him. Naruto gave pause to this for a moment. He toyed with the idea in his head before he motioned for her to follow him. She found herself moving.

They entered the hallway. "The Kyuubi was a threat, but I guess it wasn't eliminated now was it? No, it's just sealed inside me. Which makes me wonder why. I know for what reason, but I don't know why. Having a all-mighty demon would make a village very strong, but I wonder why me specifically. So, you made yourself wrong, Neechan! You're right, all threats to Konoha must be eliminated...that they can't control," Naruto remarked. Yugao frowned, but she kept moving with him.

"If you win and he does listen to you then I'll stop every single thought going in my head and I'll turn myself into Jiji. If I win, you are mine. You obey anything I say. No matter what it is," He said. Yugao dropped her hands to her side. Naruto could see her eyes not focusing on him. Her mind must have been rapidly going through every possibility.

"And if I don't play along?" she asked. Naruto smirked. He had been waiting for that question.

"Rather obvious even to someone like me," He thought, but he cleared his throat.

"Well, if you don't play along, then your sick boyfriend is about to get. Much. Sicker!" the host of the Kyuubi replied to the Anbu. Yugao shivered. She still had no idea how his abilities worked and she could not afford that risk. So she, begrudgingly, accepted.

Naruto picked up some of his books and a backpack. "Cool. Now obviously, I've still got assignments for you. Obviously, you can't come into contact with Hayate or this whole bet is for nothing. Let's see how long your hopes hold out then," Naruto remarked. She glanced off to the side. She didn't need to tell him that she accepted. Not like she had much choice in the matter.

"Well, I'm off to the academy. It's been about a week. Break my stuff, and I'll give you an even harder headache," he said as he closed the door. Yugao looked around his room. Why was she feeling anxious? Hayate wouldn't betray her...would he?


Naruto scratched his cheek. To be honest, this was getting to be a bit harder than he had envisioned. Now the question was, what exactly was he going to do with Pawn 1 and Pawn 2? He was reluctant to send Yugao...anywhere. Yes, he was a bit dense, but he was hardly stupid. Uzuki Yugao was an anbu.

The best of the best. As soon as he let her go she would try and find a way to escape. Granted, with the link of blood they shared he would always know about it, but having to handle an Anbu was not as fantastic as he might have envisioned earlier.

"Hnph, well at least the Academy will give me some time to organize my thoughts. Plus, thanks to Anbu-neechans memories, I can actually start practicing some actual fighting, and none of that garbage those stupid teachers brag about." Naruto thought. Yes, that worked well for him. Not like he would give the teachers the satisfaction of any more of his time.

It didn't take long for him to reach the Academy. He stared at the building for shinobi education. He face scrunched up in disgust. Great, now he had to reacquaint with them as well. "Tsk, let's get this over with. With any luck, the rest of my sanity won't die as well," Naruto said to himself. He opened the Academy door and stepped inside.


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