
Rampage (1)

"Damn there is definitely something wrong inside the Hozuki castle," Yoriichi said as he sensed the entire area of the Hozuki castle.

"You don't say?" Kaito sarcastically said as he looked at the gates of the prison manned by at least a dozen men with 50 shinobis on top of the walls and even the watchtowers were active with shinobi.

They were on a nearby mountain and they had used the Uzumaki seals that prevented anyone from detecting them, especially from sensor nin.

"I can sense about more than five hundred shinobi inside the castle. They are even more than the prisoners there. I can't sense Genkai sensei or anyone else from his team but there is a certain place in the castle near the basement that is blocking my senses. They might be there."

"So how do we go there?" Chino asked Kaito since he was the decision maker as well as the strategist of the team.

"Are you sure that there is no sign of Madara Uchiha inside the castle?"Kaito asked

"Yup, unless he is inside the room from where I can't sense anything."Yorrichi replied closing his eye of Kagura ability.

"Alright, the plan is simple. We can't infiltrate the prison from anywhere since it's guarded against all sides with hidden grass shinobi everywhere. Sneaking in would also be impossible for the same reason and due to so many seals. So we would go the brute way."

Chino and Yoriichi smirked as they heard it.

"Since the Uzukage san has given us the choice to use force, We will do just that. Let's tear this place down but remember not to let a single prisoner escape from there as it would cause us further problems." Kaito said before pausing as he continued.

"Also be careful, Whatever trap they had set up for Genkai sensei must be pretty formidable so be sure to not fall into the same trap. Am I clear? Kaito looked at everyone to see them nodding.

"Good. You are all free to Rampage around until we find where Genkai sensei and his team are."

'Now, that I think about it. Was not there a movie about this prison? Where Naruto was sent and all? How could I have forgotten about that?' Yorichhi murmured in his mind shocked that he forgot something like this.

He tried to remember everything about the movie that could have resulted in trapping Genkai.

'There was a fire prison jutsu that was applied to the prisoners' body that prevented them from using chakra and escaping the prison. Could they have applied the seal on Genkai sensei or the team on the pretext that everyone who enters the prison must have this seal?'

'Even then, Genkai sensei can easily negate this seal using his kekkei genkai. There is something I am missing. I wish that I watched the movies with more care.'

Yoriichi tried to think hard but he could not remember much about the movie since he did not like the Naruto franchise movies at all. He just watched some bits of it on YouTube.

'Well, Looks like I will just have to find it out.' Yoriichi thought

"So who is going to make an entrance?" Kaito asked to which surprisingly Jiro raised his hand.

"Let me do it. I can easily take out that entire wall around the prison gate." Jiro confidently said

Yoriichi did not say anything as he too wanted to see the progress of his friends.

"Alright then, It's Rollin' time!" Jiro said as he gathered a lot of chakra and formed hand seals.

'Super Expansion Jutsu'

Jiro became as big as a fucking tailed beast.

While the seal protected them from sensor nin, it did not protect them from sight. Jiro's size gave their location to the guards at the prison but before they could even ring the alarm, they saw Jiro running towards them before rolling and slamming down the gate of the hozuki castle as well as the surrounding walls, destroying everything in his path.

Some of the alert guards at the gate managed to dodge in time but most of them were crushed by his immense size and weight. Even the guards on top of the wall did not remain unscathed.

Jiro got up from his roll as he dusted the rubble and dirt from his clothes.

"WHERE IS GENKAI SENSEIII!" Jiro shouted as he held a couple of shinobis in his hand. When he got no response from them, he simply crushed them.

It was rare for Yoriichi to see Jiro angry and this brutal. Normally, He was a peaceful lad who enjoyed eating.

As for how he got his hands on many of the Akimichi techniques, the Akimichi clan was pretty friendly to each other and thus gave Jiro access to their jutsu scrolls on the condition that he would not teach these jutsus to anyone except his children.

Yes, Jiro could go back on his word. But Akimichi trusted another Akimichi as they made them swear an oath. An oath that was sacred to all Akimichis no matter whether they were a half-breed or not or from another village or not.

The oath was 'If I ever tell these jutsus to anyone but my children, may the barbeque I eat always get burned.'

Yoriichi could not help but chuckle in his mind thinking about the oath despite the situation being so serious.

There was no way an Akimichi would break this oath.

Yoriichi then looked in the direction of the Hozuki castle where Jiro was rampaging.

"Let's show these grass shinobi why they should not have laid hands on one of our own." After saying that Yoriichi disappeared in a blur followed by his teammates who too had the same fury in their eyes.


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