
Naruto: The Crimson Error

Red Hair? Check✅ Ridiculous Chakra Reserves ? Check ✅ S̶a̶d̶i̶s̶t̶i̶c̶ T̶e̶n̶d̶e̶n̶c̶i̶e̶s̶ Pranking as Hobby? Check ✅ This is the quirks of the Error in the plot- Sora Uzumaki. *** Patreon- p@treon.com/Desire96 replace @ by a Discord - https:// d@scord.gg/qNH4C2GkXT replace @ by a *** Warning- The AI is heavy in this one, but no flowery words in every paragraph. Sora is not directly blood-related to Naruto and is an original character(OC). Inspired by Naruto: paws and whiskers.

Desire96 · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

10. Prank Wars: Ramen Is Good

(A/n- Here's the Bonus Chapter for 20 powerstones, do check the end of this chapter as I have to mention an important manner)

Sora gulped. He opened his mouth, ready to launch into one of his patented excuses when suddenly, inspiration struck. With a quick hand sign, he activated one last seal he'd hidden for just such an emergency.

The entire classroom was suddenly flooded with red paint, pouring from hidden compartments in the ceiling, walls, and even the floorboards. In the ensuing chaos, even Naruto, caught off guard by this final assault, found himself drenched in crimson.

"Ha!" Sora crowed triumphantly, spitting out a mouthful of paint. "That's one point for me!"

The classroom erupted into a cacophony of shouts, complaints, and what sounded suspiciously like Kiba barking in surprise. Amidst the chaos, Sora could have sworn he heard a faint chuckle from outside the window, but when he turned to look, there was nothing there but a single rust-coloured leaf drifting in the breeze.

Iruka, now a vibrant shade of red that had nothing to do with the paint, declared the classroom uninhabitable for the foreseeable future. The rest of the day's lessons were moved to the training grounds, focusing on physical exercises (partly because all their textbooks were now illegible, and partly, Sora suspected, as punishment).

As they filed out of the ruined classroom, leaving a trail of red footprints behind them, Naruto sidled up to Sora. "Not bad," he admitted grudgingly. "But you know this means war, right?"

Sora grinned, already planning his next move. "Bring it on, whiskers. Your 24 hours start as soon as the clock strikes 6!"

The rest of the school day passed in a blur of physical drills and half-hearted attempts to clean up. As soon as the final bell rang, Sora sprang into action. He knew Naruto's love for ramen was legendary, which made Ichiraku the perfect place for his next prank.

While his shadow clone tailed Naruto to ensure he didn't give him the slip, Sora made his way to the beloved ramen stand.

With a combination of charm, bribery (in the form of promises to clean the entire stand for a week), and perhaps a touch of pity from Teuchi and Ayame (who had heard about the classroom incident), Sora managed to set up a series of pranks in and around Ichiraku Ramen.

As the sun began to set, painting Konoha in shades of orange that rivalled Naruto's jumpsuit, Sora's clone reported back: Naruto was on his way, still covered in red paint despite what appeared to have been several attempts to wash it off.

Sora grinned, hiding behind a nearby fence. "Perfect," he muttered. "Let's see you dodge these, ramen boy."

Naruto, looking like a walking tomato in his paint-stained clothes, practically bounced down the street towards Ichiraku. His nose twitched as he caught the scent of his favourite food, and a dreamy expression crossed his face.

"Ramen, ramen, ra-" Naruto's happy chant was cut short as he stepped on a carefully disguised panel in front of the stand. With a 'sproing' sound, he was suddenly launched into the air by a hidden spring mechanism.

"Whoa!" Naruto yelped, flailing his arms. For a moment, it looked like he might crash headfirst into a nearby building. But at the last second, he twisted in mid-air, landing on his feet with surprising grace.

"Ha!" Naruto grinned triumphantly. "Nice try, Sora, but you'll have to do better than-"

His boast was cut short as a barrage of water balloons, triggered by his landing, pelted him from all sides. In seconds, Naruto was drenched from head to toe, the red paint running in rivulets down his face and clothes.

"That's two points for me!" Sora crowed, popping out from his hiding spot.

Naruto spluttered, spitting out a mouthful of water. "Okay, okay, you got me. But it'll take more than that to keep me from my ramen!"

Determined, Naruto marched towards Ichiraku, unaware that he was walking right into Sora's third trap. As he pushed aside the noren curtains to enter the stand, he triggered a hidden seal. Suddenly, the ground beneath his feet turned slick as ice.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Naruto windmilled his arms, trying to keep his balance. He slid comically across the floor of the ramen stand, narrowly avoiding collision with stools and customers.

Just as it seemed he might regain his footing, Naruto's flailing hand caught the edge of a bowl on the counter. The bowl tipped, spilling its contents... directly onto Naruto's head.

For a moment, everything was silent. Then, Naruto slowly reached up, peeling a noodle off his face. He stared at it for a second before popping it into his mouth.

"Mmm," he mumbled around the noodle. "Still delicious."

Sora, who had followed Naruto into the stand, couldn't help but laugh. "That's three points for me, Naruto! Ready to give up yet?"

Naruto, now sporting an impromptu ramen toupee, grinned defiantly. "No way! Just you wait until evening. I'll show you what a real prank looks like, dattebayo!"

As Teuchi helped Naruto to his feet (and discreetly handed him a towel), Sora couldn't help but feel a mix of triumph and anticipation. He'd scored three solid points, but something about the glint in Naruto's eye told him that tomorrow or technically tonight was going to be... interesting.

"Well," Sora said, stretching dramatically, "I think I'll head home for the night. After all, I need my beauty sleep if I'm going to keep outsmarting you tomorrow."

Naruto, who had managed to salvage most of the ramen from his makeshift hair accessory, narrowed his eyes. "Oh yeah? Well... well... I hope you sleep with one eye open, Sora! Because starting at midnight, it's my turn!"

As Sora made his way home, he couldn't shake the feeling that he might have bitten off more than he could chew. Sure, he'd managed to prank Naruto a few times, but the blonde's Shadow Clone Jutsu and surprising agility had made it much harder than he'd anticipated.

"No," Sora shook his head, psyching himself up. "I'm the Crimson Prankster of Konoha. There's no way some hyperactive ramen addict is going to outprank me!"

With that thought bolstering his confidence, Sora began to plan his defences for the next day. He rigged his apartment with a series of tripwires, prepared several decoy shadow clones to sleep in different locations, and even considered setting up some kind of ramen-scented distraction field.

As he finally settled into bed (after checking for whoopee cushions, itching powder, and any other potential pranks), Sora found himself both excited and nervous about what the next day would bring.

Little did he know, that across the village, Naruto was hard at work. Surrounded by a small army of shadow clones, each poring over scrolls or practising hand signs, the blonde prankster's eyes gleamed with mischievous determination.

"Alright, guys," Naruto addressed his clones. "We've got one shot at this. Let's show Sora what happens when you challenge Konoha's number one unpredictable ninja!"

As the clock struck midnight, signalling the start of Naruto's 24 hours, both boys were wide awake, each convinced that they would emerge victorious in this grand battle of wits and pranks.

Little did they know, their antics had caught the attention of more than just their classmates and long-suffering teachers. In the Hokage Tower, Hiruzen Sarutobi gazed into his crystal ball, a mix of amusement and concern on his weathered face.

"It seems," he murmured to himself, "that we may need to increase the budget for property damage this month."

Across the village, perched on a rooftop with his ever-present orange book in hand, Kakashi Hatake gazed up at the full moon. A small smile played across his masked face as he sensed the building chaos.

"Well," he chuckled softly, "tomorrow should be interesting."

As the village of Konoha slept peacefully, unaware of the prankster storm brewing, two young boys lay awake in their beds, minds racing with plans and counter-plans. The Great Prank War was about to begin in earnest, and only time would tell who would emerge victorious.

To be continued...


30 stones = +1 chapter and so on, Just refer ch 9 end for the scheme



I am thinking of whether to add 2 certain OCs in my story or not... TO be more specific important OCs which will make Cannon go awry wrong.

This is a different Fic idea, but I am thinking of whether to Incorporate in it or not, The 2 OCs are teammates of Itachi during his non-anbu days in this new timeline, One of them is actually Naruto's Older Brother, other is a girl with Yamanaka and Nara bloodline, Ino's cousin; 

I won't give more details as It would make Itachi himself stronger than cannon part, Like I am talking super Op, at least Pain level, and other 2 are on part with Itachi... 

Anyway I am leaning on not incorporating it as I think People won't like it as This Fic is from perspective of Sora not them... 

But my ears are always opens for your opinion, So, what's your take on this matter?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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