
Naruto: The Chronicles of Uzumaki Naruto

In a world where war's the norm and peace is but a distant dream, brace yourself for an unlikely hero—Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, a soul as arrogant as it is kind, and compassionate beyond measure. His arrogance isn't just for show; it's earned. He's no crown prince, but he's claimed the throne of greatness through sheer determination. Despite being tossed to the bottom by life's tide, he's risen to honor. In this era of challenges, he'll blaze his trail, smashing obstacles left and right. He'll dive deep into the void era's abyss, reaching heights even the Narutoverse hadn't dreamed of. Join us as we ride the waves of time, curious to see where they'll take our hero and the adventures that await. --- Once a war orphan, born from the very peak of human jealousy and hatred, he was an abandoned soul. Yet, he refused to surrender. Battling against life's confines, he hacked his way to victory. From rags to riches, he mastered the art of becoming a multimillionaire, even creating vast business empires. And then, as fate would have it, he met his demise. No grand exit, just a knowing smile. But fate isn't quite done with him. Reborn into a world he wished to escape—a world of war and suffering—he's back for more. This time, he's determined to seize his destiny, clawing his way back to the pinnacle. Like a blazing star, he's our beloved protagonist, reborn as Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. So, dive right into this wild adventure, as the river of time carries us toward the unknown. Welcome to the grandest escapade you'll ever embark upon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Alright, listen up, fellow otakus! Just so we're clear, I'm not the grand mastermind behind Naruto Anime or Manga, nope, that honor goes to the legendary Masashi Kishimoto. He's the genius who conjured up this epic universe that made our childhood triple the awesome. And hey, I'm not claiming any ownership over those cool pics you'll see here either. I'm just gonna keep sprinkling in those visuals and make sure to give a shoutout to the sources. Much love and appreciation to all you fellow fans out there! BTW Cover was collected from Pinterest- Ani-manhwa, Shoutout guy, if you have problems with sharing your images let me know i will take them off. Stay shinobi-strong! (fire emoji, uzumaki emoji)

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7 Chs

06: The Seed of Power and Purpose

Hey, people what's up? Everything Okay? I hope you have fulfilling life, good memories and strength to face any fear. Its your author here -,- 

This chapter has little to no conversation, here i tried to show you how Naruto percieve the world, he will definitely grow, not only his physical stremgth but also his mentality. Its just shows how he thinks. I wish to write a character who will improve with you guys, cheerfulness is only one of his characteristics. It might seem boring, but its an important chapter to understand his way of thinking! I know many wn ff tends to just show result, i will try a little different approach, Thank You! Peace!

Word Count: 1500+


Naruto Pov 

It's been six months since the fight with Jiji, and I can see that it has improved me a lot. I was a battle maniac in my previous life, but things here are different. I am already much stronger than I was in my previous prime, and man, the sensory perception I have is pretty overpowered. If you've had your fair share of school fights, you can relate to it.

I can pretty much sense my surroundings even with my eyes closed, although its range is limited for now. I haven't trained extensively yet, but I'll do it once my hands are free. Anyway, right now I'm heading towards the academy, where the main characters will grow up and eventually change the world. Damn, now I have to put up with some snot-nosed brats. This honoured one has to go through this pain. AUUGH.

But I haven't refused it yet. I don't want to end up on someone's radar as intentionally being an outcast. If people outcast me, that's another matter. Given the things I've suffered since childhood, even if I become an outcast myself, it wouldn't be that weird. You know what? I don't want to get lectured by a 69-year-old grandpa about the will of fire and how we're all a family. That stuff hurts my ears.

I didn't go through any kind of test, and for some reason, I'm already being stared at by people as if I've somehow stolen their precious boyfriend or girlfriend, and they've become embittered by me. It's not because the most beautiful girl in the class is standing beside me, right? No, I don't think so.

Now that Hinata has started to overcome her shyness, she looks even more beautiful. The only reason the boys don't muster up the courage to approach her is that she's the heiress of the Hyuga clan. And, yeah, people here start having crushes at the age of 6 or 7. I'm no paedophile, but that's the norm here.

(A/N: I will browse Hinata's character more extensively than it was done in original, i think she has a lot of potential. Give me ideas about her, jutsu, technique, anything!)

Now, even her family has started to view her as an asset. That's pretty sad even by my standards. Someone like me, who never had a family, has the image of "family" as something that loves you no matter what you are or what you've done. But seeing someone as an asset or binding them so they stay loyal, regardless of anything, is a disgusting thought. So, I kind of understand her motivation behind her goal. And as a friend, I will absolutely, 1000%, help her in her endeavour.

I sighed. I suffer because I never had a family, and some people suffer because they had a family. Anyway, we're getting distracted again. Because of her newfound motivation and her daily development, she's less shy now, and I think that as she starts making friends with other kids, she'll open up more. Now, her beauty is blossoming like a flower sprout.

(A/N: Paradox of happiness, something i learned from Mark Mansion)

That's how my academy life began. My pent-up anger was causing me some serious anger issues. I wasn't angry because people were hating me, but I was angry because I had to bear some serious consequences because of their hatred, and men, I will take my sweet time taking revenge. But I took a deep breath and calmed myself by reminding myself that they're just kids. With a calmer mind, I entered the classroom and saw all the Class A students. Every clan heir was in the classroom, and I wonder how the hell they were all born at the same time. Was it planned or something?

Anyway, the first thing I noticed upon entering the classroom was the incredibly loud voices of Ino and Sakura. That's some high-pitched, concentrated noise they've got going on.

Kiba was bragging about something to the next person he sat, Shikamaru was taking a nap as usual. Huh, he got the uncanny ability to sleep anywhere he wants even in the noise that will blast your eardrums if not careful. Choji was eating chips. Shino was quiet and mumbling to himself and nobody was bothering him. Hinata was sitting quietly with a confident smile, not the canon blush I knew from the anime. Yeah, you are imagining right, she looks cute (again I am no pedo).

I sat beside Hinata, she greeted me saying, "Hello Naruto-kun." I replied to her greetings. We are friends.

And then the teacher came. It's not Iruka, just some random cannon fodder that will be forgotten even if I daily practice their names. So as every modern-day otaku would behave, I started sleeping in my class, and as I am THE honoured demon fox, nobody has a problem. I guess even being a demon has its own merit. Within slee—I mean meditation—I start to visualize what my next course of action should be.

The basic plan is to increase my strength and reach at least Jonin level by the time I graduate.

Now, you might think that's an exaggeration, but you are forgetting something. Who am I again? I am Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. With a few months of training, the original reached from the dead last who didn't even know the clone jutsu to an extremely capable shinobi and later a few years of training put him at the levels of gods in this world. Try to think what would have happened if he was systematically trained from childhood. If it weren't for the experience issue, I would have targeted Kage level before the age of 13. But I will surpass the canon Naruto in no time, that's for sure. My second task will be to increase my earnings by doing business and stuff. Also, I will need an information network that will help me in doing business. Last but not least, I will need a team to manage all this for me and people who are loyal to me. Although I have a plan about creating a team, that will all happen if I can get past 12 after the wave mission assuming no butterfly effect alter that incident. So, the priority now is increasing my strength.


While Naruto was thinking about how to be a Super Saiyan, the rest of the class was attending the lecture. Within the class, some treated him as rest, some became wary of him, and some just didn't freaking care.

Now the problem was to come up with how much of his strength should he reveal and how much should he hide. Now he doesn't fear Danzo, that MF is nothing but a chicken if you use your brain right. That was one of the reasons why he showed his potential to Hiruzen.

Number one reason was that he really can't hide his development/training from him, he is Hokage for a reason. So he did the next best thing, he (Naruto) showed him (Hiruzen) his abundant potential that surpasses the greatest talent of Konoha, father dearest.

He will never ever let that talent fall into the hands of Danzo. No matter what, a blind person never reaches their full potential. An example is the Hyuga clan. They never had, don't have, and never will have any clansmen like Hashirama, Madara, heck, even Tobirama, if they don't change that is.

One thing Naruto learned in his past life from being an orphan and then making it to the top was human beings were complex. It would be great if we could paint them as black and white but to our dismay, most of the time people are Gray. This is why he couldn't actually pinpoint whether Hiruzen is someone good or evil.

But what he knows for sure is, hiruzen has great love for his village, and that's the move Naruto need to play to have control over his next few years. And hoping for another Hashirama with Tobirama's intellect, Hiruzen will protect him from that goddamn shadow. That's the second reason.

Naruto POV

As of now, I already can give a Genin run for their money, so it would be humiliating for me to act dumb (with the raw strengths of a Chunin). But it would be really overall better for me if I stay undetected right??? NO, Jiji already knows about me, I can never be strong without him knowing. He is Hokage for a reason, firmest control over ninjas is the primary trait of a Kage. So, except for my super duper dope trump cards, I have to show him why I am worthy of being the next chibi Hokage. I made him understand I was the son of the Greatest Genius of Konoha and one of the strongest Kunoichi. Talent was written in my blood; I was the honoured one… Cough, cough, cough, well that's a little bit of chunni, but you get the point.

With tons of thoughts running rampage his academy life began. 

The Start of His Own Journey, A true Chronicle, You're Welcomed at the Journey he will be Walking at.