
Naruto: The Chronicles of Uzumaki Naruto

In a world where war's the norm and peace is but a distant dream, brace yourself for an unlikely hero—Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, a soul as arrogant as it is kind, and compassionate beyond measure. His arrogance isn't just for show; it's earned. He's no crown prince, but he's claimed the throne of greatness through sheer determination. Despite being tossed to the bottom by life's tide, he's risen to honor. In this era of challenges, he'll blaze his trail, smashing obstacles left and right. He'll dive deep into the void era's abyss, reaching heights even the Narutoverse hadn't dreamed of. Join us as we ride the waves of time, curious to see where they'll take our hero and the adventures that await. --- Once a war orphan, born from the very peak of human jealousy and hatred, he was an abandoned soul. Yet, he refused to surrender. Battling against life's confines, he hacked his way to victory. From rags to riches, he mastered the art of becoming a multimillionaire, even creating vast business empires. And then, as fate would have it, he met his demise. No grand exit, just a knowing smile. But fate isn't quite done with him. Reborn into a world he wished to escape—a world of war and suffering—he's back for more. This time, he's determined to seize his destiny, clawing his way back to the pinnacle. Like a blazing star, he's our beloved protagonist, reborn as Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. So, dive right into this wild adventure, as the river of time carries us toward the unknown. Welcome to the grandest escapade you'll ever embark upon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Alright, listen up, fellow otakus! Just so we're clear, I'm not the grand mastermind behind Naruto Anime or Manga, nope, that honor goes to the legendary Masashi Kishimoto. He's the genius who conjured up this epic universe that made our childhood triple the awesome. And hey, I'm not claiming any ownership over those cool pics you'll see here either. I'm just gonna keep sprinkling in those visuals and make sure to give a shoutout to the sources. Much love and appreciation to all you fellow fans out there! BTW Cover was collected from Pinterest- Ani-manhwa, Shoutout guy, if you have problems with sharing your images let me know i will take them off. Stay shinobi-strong! (fire emoji, uzumaki emoji)

ARO2004 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

03: Sparring and Life

"Talking in real"

'Thinking stuff in head'

Hey everyone, I'm a new author here and I'm still learning the ropes. I'm hoping you'll be kind enough to collect me, read me, and stone me (Damn, that sound so wrong, figuratively speaking, of course). I'm only able to upload 5-7 chapters a week and believe me I work 60 hours a week so mass release is a luxury for me, but my chapters are pretty large so enjoy them (1500-2000± words). I'm open to any constructive criticism you have, be honest and give review, i can take it, believe me. Thanks in advance!"


"Damn! I was right. Even though this universe has some really messed up logic, I can still follow and apply the previous world's science knowledge here. I requested some jutsu from Jiji and got one or two, but they are not that suitable for me, and I CAN'T DEMAND ANY SUITABLE JUTSU FROM HIM ANYWAY. { ARO2004 (Author): you just begged for them and got the last bite of cake rejected, what's with the word "demand" anyway... } "Shut up, stupid. It was a demand, not begging, huh."

'Anyway, back to the topic. For the reasons, I've decided to wholeheartedly polish my taijutsu for some years and make it big. As I am still 7 years old, my age limits a lot of things I can or cannot do, even with the fast maturity the ninja world has. So I was using 1000000000% of my previous world experience as a mercenary and all the knowledge of martial arts and physiology to enhance my body. I don't want a crippled body after all. I need a strong base body for my honeymoon night… I mean for upcoming challenges that will be coming, I need a strong body… huh.'

Living a miserable life, the canon Naruto couldn't use his childhood to its utmost potential, so he was so behind the likes of Sasuke and other Konoha twelve. But he's working on changing that; soon he will see the results. As he lived his past life as an orphan and later a self-made millionaire, he was someone who welcomed a challenge. Nothing was given to him for free, and he was okay with that. So he knew at the end of the day, it would be so much worth it. Even as Naruto Uzumaki, he realized one thing: living itself is the greatest reason for living. One does not need any other glorified purpose. So he was going to live and conquer, no doubt about it.

'Although I don't remember much about what they say about chakra awakening in ani-manga, many people theorized that chakra needs a boost or stimulation to awaken, and it's not true. We all have it here in our verse, but ninjas are the people who know how to use it or have enough to use it. Like everyone in your neighborhood has a skateboard, but few have the good-looking ones and even fewer know how to breakdance on them. So, I was not unaware of the chakra thingy, and with how much I was meditating, I would have awakened chakra even if it was the other way around. But that's not all my training does; I'm also training techniques. Chakra isn't just some mystical mumbo jumbo. We're talking about a whole lot of neuromuscular efficiency and metabolic energy conversion here. When I throw a punch, it's like my brain's orchestrating a symphony of muscle contractions optimized for maximum impact. Think Bruce Lee meets ninja magic—bam, that's me. But let's dive deeper into the mechanics. My Earthly martial arts knowledge gives me this razor-sharp precision that makes every hit count. Yes, I didn't try it on anyone yet, but I know my punches will hit like a fucking truck. How do I know that? Because I have made the boulders on my training ground crack, in a nutshell. I'm weaving that into the ninja techniques, turning my fists into rapid-fire precision instruments. It's like dancing on a tightrope while juggling shurikens—only I've got chakra as my safety net. And that's where the "lean, mean" part comes in. You see, chakra's got its roots in the very cells of our bodies, making sure we're at peak performance. I'm talking about mitochondria working overtime, generating energy like it's a ninja mission. So, while others might bulk up, I'm tapping into my chakra's full potential, staying lean and agile like a ninja cat.

Now, here's where the science meets my signature confidence. I've got this blend of ninja audacity and Earthly swag that's downright unbeatable. "You're in for a world of hurt, and I'm here to deliver." Damn, How can I be so damn awesome..!"

So, that's how my training was going on till now. I have hit a wall, I think. So, I am planning to speed up some things to crush that wall. All I want is rapid growth and polishing my basics. No wall shall stand in my way. Still, there are many things happening in his body he didn't understand. 'Anyway, I will throw it as random anime stu—-' his train of thought was broken by a loud shout, "Hey, who the fusk set up a smoke and paint bomb in my house, cough, cough…"

"Oops, it seems he is home earlier than usual. I need to up my info gathering game." He's currently in a civilian house with a really punchable face, someone who tried to bully him sometimes and didn't sell him something he wanted. So, like the ever-so-generous, kind-hearted ninja he was, he controlled his urge to destroy his home with stingy bomb and only put a smoke bomb and paint bomb. And how

did he acquire them? Come on, if canon Naruto can gather paint to paint Hokage faces, then he absolutely can do anything for the sake of having revenge, at least he didn't cripple any of them... yet.


After pranking the random cannon fodder of a civilian, Naruto was now beside a river, his usual rest spot. "What did you do this time, Naruto-kun!" Someone was talking to him from behind. Without even looking behind, Naruto knew who it was. After all, he didn't have many people who spoke to him kindly in Konoha. "Hahaha, this time it was funny to see his face. Damn, I couldn't do it properly because he came in the middle of my preparation. You should have been there, Hinata!" Hinata only sighed so loudly it seemed like her every cell of her body was exhaling at the same time. Why do you sound so disappointed anyway, Naruto mused. "Anyway, what's up? Training is going well."

Naruto grew a smile and asked Hinata, "Hinata, up for a sparring match." "You're gonna regret it though…" "Hah! Hinata, my dear, never spout such nonsense in front of me." Saying that, Naruto vanished from his place with noticeable speed, kicked her in the head, but with precise calculation, she dodged the kick and created some distance between them. "Wow, you've improved, huh? I guess I will have to use 2/100th of my power instead of 1/100th to defeat you. Congrats, Hina!" He said with a sun-like smile.

Hinata's POV

I mused, saying nothing while being happy inside as well. It's been 2.5 years since we met for the first time. He was the one who saved me from the bullies. It wasn't typically "fall in love with the boy that saved you." It was his sun-bright smile that attracted me. There is no reason for me to love him, but I do. It's rather strange. Since that time, she changed a lot, or rather, he changed her. The timid and shy Hinata was still here, but she learned that confidence is important as well. And she has been mastering the art of being confident since then. At least, that's what he said I should do. Like he said, 'fake it till you make it'. She sometimes wonders why he has such a weird tendency to boast about himself, like the time now, he is boasting. It's strangely charming of him, I totally love him. And one thing he himself didn't notice until now was that he always calls me Hinata. But whenever he's happy or genuinely glad for some reason, he calls me Hina. Haha, it's cute and funny.

Hinata's Byakugan activated, giving her enhanced perception. She swiftly moved in, executing a classic "Gentle Fist Palm Strike." Naruto deftly blocked it with his forearm, countering with a rapid sequence of kicks inspired by Muay Thai.

Hinata evaded his kicks, switching to a basic Konoha taijutsu combo. She aimed a "Leaf Gale" kick at Naruto's side, but he sidestepped and retaliated with a quick jab from his boxing skills.

Hinata adjusted her strategy, utilizing the Hyuga clan's techniques. She performed an "Eight Trigrams Palms Heavenly Spin," deflecting Naruto's attacks and creating distance.

Naruto smirked, his arrogance shining. He weaved in with a blend of Taekwondo kicks, catching Hinata off guard. He executed a "Rising Sun Kick," aiming for her midsection.

Hinata's training kicked in. She executed the "Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms," a technique she had been perfecting. Naruto's movements were restricted as Hinata's precise strikes connected, leaving him momentarily stunned.

Regaining his composure, Naruto grinned. He unleashed his improvised "Chakra-infused Cross Strike," combining martial arts with chakra manipulation. The strike created a shockwave, forcing Hinata to leap back.

Hinata gathered herself, her confidence unwavering. She launched a flurry of quick jabs and kicks, inspired by both Konoha taijutsu and her clan's techniques. Naruto defended, impressed by Hinata's determination. Naruto didn't stop there; he used Leaf Hurricane instantly and made Hinata lose her balance. Leaf Hurricane is a technique that combines the Leaf Whirlwind technique with the Roundhouse Kick from Taekwondo. He delivers a series of spinning roundhouse kicks to his opponent, striking them from multiple angles. Although it isn't that effective against the Byakugan, it seems.

The spar continued, each exchanging blows, showcasing their unique styles. Naruto's martial arts prowess clashed with Hinata's refined Hyuga techniques. The training ground echoed with the sound of their strikes and the swiftness of their movements.

Finally, Naruto initiated a rapid series of punches, each infused with chakra. Hinata mirrored his stance, her Byakugan enhancing her accuracy.

This continued for some time, and finally, Naruto muttered, "It's time to finish this." He abruptly caught her from behind and touched her neck gently with his finger. But Hinata knew it could turn menacing in a second. "I lost," she admitted defeat. She still has a lot to go before catching up to him, it seems.

"NOW NOW, don't be disappointed and so hard on yourself, Hina. I actually used 3/100 of my power against you. You have become stronger. We still have some time to work on our own dream, don't we?" Dreams and goals, huh? Yeah, she has her reason to become stronger, and she has time to accomplish that.

Hinata just smiled lightly and told him, "Let's have some food. I brought a bento for you."

"Thank you, dattebayo." Damn this verbal tic, I curse you.

While all this was happening, two pairs of eyes were watching them from far enough not to be noticed by the two kids. "You have a truly genius daughter, it seems, Hiashi. The Hyugas are blessed with the next generation, it seems. First that Neji kid, and now your daughter." Hiashi seemed to be saddened by the mention of Neji but controlled his emotions again. "Genius, huh? I am happy my child is doing great, but in front of that kid, she has nothing to be proud of, don't you think so, Hokage-sama?" "He is 'his' son, after all. No denying that, hahaha!" Hiruzen laughed as he boasted about his grandson and remembered a sun-bright boy.

{ A/N: Hold your shurikens, fellow weebs! Before you start the jutsu uproar, hear me out. I get it, Hinata and our MC are practically chibi-sized for any romance, and sure, MC's mentally been around the anime multiverse. But guess what? This is fanfic realm, where logic takes a breather and space time tap-dances. So, here's the scoop: we're flinging vanilla Hinata-MC dynamics into the wacky whirlpool of reincarnation. Yep, brace for temporal turbulence. Things might not compute, but we're going all-in with fanfic's magical time blender.

I've got an unpopular fact on the Naruto series: Hinata, my girl, got a bit of a raw deal. We might dislike Sakura, but she's shown growth, especially in Boruto. Meanwhile, Hinata, with her pure Byakugan potential, hasn't hit that Kage-level strength. It's a missed opportunity considering she could awaken Tenseigan. I'll be digging into why she didn't quite get there and gradually building up her foundation. She'll have her own reasons and aspirations, as I'm all about chasing dreams. Let's see where this story's current takes her.

I got your back you guys, its your truly ARO2004 :3

Anata wa tsuyoi, ganbatte kudasai :3 }