
Naruto: The Chain Demon

Jack, a seemingly average person, becomes bored with his repetitive and monotonous life. However, everything changes when he unexpectedly dies and is reincarnated in the Naruto verse as an Uzumaki. =================== I don't own Naruto. ===================

Fleeting_dreams · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 2- Reincarnation

Pain, unimaginable pain shot through my body, jolting me awake. I didn't know what was going on. Didn't I die?!

The last thing I could remember was feeling weightless and slowly losing my senses, and then darkness, as if death had claimed me.

But what is this pain? Why am I feeling so much pain as if someone is trying to squeeze my body into a tiny hole?

Suddenly, I could see a blinding light that was coming closer and getting bigger and bigger. The light was overwhelming, almost blinding, and I felt drawn towards it, as if it were calling out to me.

As the light enveloped me, I instinctively closed my eyes.

Then I felt a soft tug on my head as I felt my body pass through a narrow tunnel.

The pain began to recede, and a sense of calm washed over me.The space around me felt different, so light and free, in stark contrast to the squeezing sensation from before. It was as if I had shed a heavy burden and was now floating weightlessly.

I felt my body being wrapped in a warm embrace, covering what I now believed to be my exposed skin.

"Congratulations, Kenji-sama, Akari-sama, it's a healthy boy," a voice said, filled with joy and excitement.

'Healthy boy?! Boy?! Are they talking about me, hmm? But wasn't I a man before?'

To be honest, somewhere in the back of my mind, I did have the sinking suspicion that I have been reincarnated.

'But, I am too cynical to believe in that stuff.'

My musings were cut short as I felt my tiny body being placed on 'hands' bigger than before.

Opening my eyes, I found my vision to be a bit blurry. But as my eyes settled in, the first thing that I saw was a young man with a face that could be considered handsome, and he wore a huge smile that I couldn't help but describe as foolishly endearing. He was looking down on me with an expression of utmost happiness and releif.

'He must be my father'.

So...! I really got reincarnated. huh-?!

'Then the blinding light and the squeezing sensation that I felt, must have been the ..'

'Ahem.. let's not get into too much details '

'So. Reincarnation is real huh-? I couldn't help but ask myself in disbelief.




These things were not foreign concepts, not just to me, but to anyone who had read fantasy novels or watched anime. They were familiar terms, but in my mind, they were just that – confined to fiction and people's imagination.

The idea of being reborn into a new life with a different identity seemed absurd and unreal. Sure, it made for entertaining stories, but in the real world? It was nothing more than wishful thinking and fanciful tales.

Despite my skepticism, I couldn't deny the truth that stood before me. I was indeed born again into this world as a baby boy. The concept of reincarnation, once dismissed as mere fiction, had become my reality.

"~Hello there, little one!

My father's gentle words rang in my ears, shattering any lingering doubts that I had about my situation.

"Welcome to the world. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment, to finally meet you and hold you in my arms. You are perfect in every way, and I am so happy to be your father~

His voice was filled with love and excitement-

"~and I know you are also very happy to be my son!~


~can you say dada?~

~ say dada!! little guy~"

-and a bit of foolishness.

I couldn't help but give him a deadpan look, silently questioning, 'Are you serious?'

However, with my baby-like face, it might have looked cute to him as he cooed and chuckled in response to my expression.

"Kenji-kun, be serious," my mother scoffed from the side, her voice tinged with amusement and a hint of admonishment. "He was just born."

"Quickly come here and give him to me. Kami knows what would happen if your stupidity got attached to him. I don't want my son to be stupid," my mother sternly ordered my father with a playful voice.

"Yeah, yeah," my father visibly rolled his eyes, but nonetheless complied and I found myself in the warm embrace of my mother.

I let out a gasp as I came face to face with the woman who gave me a new life.


No, the word 'beautiful' is an understatement to describe her beauty.

Her 'vibrant red hair' hung loosely on her side, cascading like a fiery waterfall, and her 'green' eyes sparkled with affection and joy as she cradled me in her arms.

There were signs of fatigue on her perfect, flawless face, but it did nothing to dim her angelic beauty.

In that moment, I was in awe of her presence – a vision of love and tenderness personified.

Her presence radiated warmth and tenderness, and I could feel the depth of her love as she held me close.

As I looked up into her eyes, a connection passed between us – a silent understanding that transcended words. In her gaze, I saw the promise of a lifetime filled with love and care, and I knew that I was cherished beyond measure.

"Aww.. My baby is so cute. Look at you, you're so adorable," my mother cooed, her voice filled with love and affection as she marveled at me.

"Aw.. Your eyes are just like red rubies, as red as my hair. I bet you will grow up to be a smart and handsome man, unlike a certain someone," she playfully added, teasing my father.


My father whined from the side, but he was momentarily ignored as my mother continued to shower me with adoration.

Looking at me, my mother suddenly announced, "I have decided your name will be Katsuo. Uzumaki Katsuo."

"I always loved the name 'Katsuo'," my mother replied thoughtfully, her fingers gently caressing my cheek. "It means 'victorious' or 'triumphant,' and I have a feeling our little one will overcome every challenge with strength and determination."

"How does that sound, Kenji-kun?" she asked my father with a smile, seeking his approval.

My father's face lit up with joy as he nodded enthusiastically. "It sounds perfect, Akari-chan. Uzumaki Katsuo, our little warrior."

'Uzumaki Katsuo' - so that's my new name. Nice.

'Uzumaki Katsuo'...

Wait a minute...


A sudden realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. The name 'Uzumaki' echoed in my mind, and I couldn't ignore the connection it had with a certain 'Anime'.

'Wait, wait, wait,' I thought, trying to process the implications. 'The only Uzumaki I know is Naruto, and I have pride in the fact that I don't know Boruto.'

But as I carefully observed my surroundings, my doubts began to solidify. The striking red hair of my mother and father, the Uzumaki symbol on their attire that I previously overlooked - it all started to make sense.

The reality of the situation began to sink in, and I couldn't deny the possibility that I had somehow been transported into the world of Naruto, a fictional universe I had only known from Anime.

'No, no, this can't be it,' I tried to reassure myself, hoping it was just a strange coincidence. 'Let's calm down and think rationally.'

But the evidence was hard to ignore.


Thanks for reading.

A/N: Power stones.
