
Naruto: The Chain Demon

Jack, a seemingly average person, becomes bored with his repetitive and monotonous life. However, everything changes when he unexpectedly dies and is reincarnated in the Naruto verse as an Uzumaki. =================== I don't own Naruto. ===================

Fleeting_dreams · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

3. The harsh reality of the Shinobi world

'Time flew by just like leaves in the wind'.

'Four years.' Jack, now as Katsuo, murmured. He marveled at the passage of time.

'Its already been four years since I reincarnated in this world.'

'At first I was shocked and bilwildered at the concept of reincarnation. But as time passed I grew up and gradually come to accept my new life.'

In the four years that passed, nothing major happened. Well, except for those embarrassing moments when I couldn't control my own bodily functions. But let's not dwell on that.

During this time, I also made an effort to gather information about my new life. It turned out that I had been reincarnated into the Uzumaki clan of Uzushiogakure.

'I was a bit disappointed, knowing that the clan was destined to be destroyed during the Second Great Shinobi War.

But I quickly brushed it off, knowing full well that I can't do anything about it as I was just a child.

But that didn't mean I would simply wait for the destruction of the clan. If I had the power and ability to change the course of events, then I was determined to do something about it.

During those four years, I also received a basic education that every child in the village would typically undergo. My parents and elders took it upon themselves to teach me essential life skills, such as reading, writing, and basic arithmetic.

I learned about the history and culture of the Uzumaki clan and Uzushiogakure, understanding our traditions and customs.

As time passed and I delved deeper into the intricacies of the shinobi world, I began to see its true face. Beyond the heroic tales and epic battles, I discovered the darker aspects that lurked beneath the surface.

As I observed the way the world functioned, I realized that not everything was as idealistic as it appeared in the anime. There were no easy answers or simple solutions to the complex issues that plagued the shinobi world. It was a realm where survival often meant making tough choices and sacrifices, even if it meant compromising one's principles.

'I didn't know what to feel about this.

'Should I feel fortunate that I got a second chance at life-?!


'Should I curse my luck for being reborn in 'this' world?!

'To be honest, I am more inclined to believe that I am quite fortunate to have a second chance at life, even if the future looks bleak.

'I mean, just think about it-'

'How many people do you think actually get a second chance in life?'

The answer-!' Katsuo paused for a moment, his thoughts wandering into introspection. 'Well... nobody knows.'

'It's not like anyone will scream and announce to everyone that 'I am reborn' or 'I am not from this world' or something like that.'

'Even if some crack-head does that, who will believe him? No one.'

"Anyway, I am getting off track here."

The world of Naruto that I knew was just that

-a work of 'fiction' that boasts the 'will of fire,' the sickening power of 'friendship,' and the art of 'Brainwashing,' aka The infamous 'Talk no jutsu,' and if that doesn't work, then a giant 'Rasengan' in the ass will definitely seal the deal.

The Anime portrayed Naruto as a determined kid who, with his power of friendship, brought peace to the Shinobi world.'

Katsuo pondered over the contrast between the idealistic world depicted in the 'Naruto' anime and the harsh reality he now faced. The notion of achieving peace through the power of friendship seemed almost too good to be true.

In the real world, achieving true peace was a complex and arduous endeavor. The Shinobi world he now found himself in was rife with conflicts, power struggles, and deep-rooted animosities that spanned generations.

It is as peaceful as the Ocean '. You don't know when a wave will rise and wash you away.'

The idea of uniting enemies through mere talks or a heartfelt plea seemed like a naive fantasy.

While 'Naruto' had its inspiring moments, it was essential to remember that it was a work of fiction. In reality, peace was often the result of difficult negotiations, diplomacy, and sometimes, unfortunately, war.

'Naruto's' message of never giving up on one's dreams and forging bonds with others was undoubtedly uplifting, but Katsuo knew that the real world operated on different principles.

'In this world, strength is a necessity,' Katsuo acknowledged. 'Power decides the fate of nations and individuals alike.'

He couldn't simply rely on the power of friendship to overcome the challenges that lay ahead. Instead, he would need to hone his own skills, become adept in combat, and navigate the intricate schemes and politics of the Shinobi world.

With the knowledge of the future events that loomed over the Uzumaki clan, Katsuo couldn't afford to be complacent. He knew that the once-mighty clan was destined to face destruction during the Second Great Shinobi War.

Knowing the bleak future ahead I was tempted to start my chakra training when I was just a toddler but I dismissed that idea.

Indeed, the allure of chakra training was undeniable. The potential to harness such a formidable power from a young age was tempting, especially considering the uncertain future that lay ahead for the Uzumaki clan. Yet, I chose to restrain myself and resist the impulse to delve into chakra manipulation without proper guidance.

"What if because of my negligence I cripple myself or worse blow myself up."

'Some people might say that I am just being paranoid but I would say 'I am just being cautious.'

Waiting for my father to deem it necessary to start my chakra training seemed like the most sensible approach. After all, he was an experienced shinobi and a member of the Uzumaki clan himself. If anyone could guide me in the proper use of chakra and help me avoid potential dangers, it would be him.

In the meantime, I focused on other aspects of my education and personal growth. I delved into learning about the history and traditions of the Uzumaki clan, absorbing every bit of knowledge that was available to me. My parents encouraged my curiosity and nurtured my thirst for knowledge, and I felt grateful for their support.

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait too long. Just after my fourth birthday, my father looked at me with a glint of determination in his eyes and said,

'I think it's time to start your training, Katsuo.'
