
Naruto: the blonde assassin (up for adoption)

One of the most deadly assassins was reincarnated into the world of naruto... but the world is very different. I own nothing. Synopsis sucks I know. and OC will be Naruto if I didn't make that clear.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

What are we doing here?

"Well, that Movie sucked."

Naruto muttered, Leaning on the wall.

"I wholeheartedly agree."

That was Satsuki, Sitting on some wood slabs.

"Come on, It wasn't that bad."

They ignored Ouka's protests about the movie and paid more attention to the sky.

That was until a Horse jumped over the fence.

He ignored it, that was nothing new, people with horses ride them every time. It was stupid to assume that someone riding a horse was a cause for alarm, but twelve people wearing armour chasing the said person was... a little concerning.

Satsuki and Ouka sped forward and he groaned, He didn't want to do this at all, but Mission was a priority.

With a sigh, he stood up. He had a spoiled princess to go after.


"So... This is our problem now."

The blonde said bluntly, looking at the drunk woman in front of him. Anzashi walked forward and started trying to convince her to come with them peacefully.

"So the chasers were actually actors, huh?"

Satsuki and Ouka sent him a death glare, Who knew they were actors?

He looked back to see his sensei putting the drunk in an illusion, causing her to lose consciousness.

Channelling chakra into one of the seals in his new glove, a Book of sealings popped out. The new gloves were no longer fingerless, fitting his hand and they even had temperature regulating seals, which meant that no matter how hot or cold it was, he didn't need to take them off.

His black flask jacket also had the seal as well as Satsukis.

He was finishing up the level seven for the seals and would start on level eight soon enough, the thunder god would be complete soon.

"Alright, To the boat we go."

He rolled his eyes before walking out of the bar.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask, can you make me gloves like those for Shuriken storage? And show me how it works too..."

Smirking, he reached into his kunai pouch and channelled chakra in one of the seals on the inside of the fabric, unsealing two gloves and passed them over.

She stared at them for a minute before shrugging and putting them on, unsealing and sealing a few Shuriken to test it out and nodded in satisfaction.


"You don't have to thank me."


The next day Yukie burst out in on deck, looking dumbfounded at the sea around them. While she was unconscious, they had headed out towards the land of snow on a boat.

It was quite amusing to watch her throwing a tantrum, but he had to pay attention to the person next to him. She was making a storage seal and he was making sure they didn't explode.

"So...This Kanji indicates the direction the item comes out in?"

Satsuki asked, pointing at one of the Kanji that looked like wiggles to others.

Taking out his old gloves he took off the iron plating on them and showed them to her.

"Yeah, this and that have the same purpose-"

He pointed at one of the Kanji.

"-If this was written any differently, like this, for example, the Kunai can just appear on the other side... Or stuck in your hand."

He Re-Wrote the said Kanji and channelled some chakra into it. Instead of a Kunai appearing in front of it, it appeared behind the seal.

"Ah... That's bad."

He nodded solemnly. Yes... That was bad.

"You doing seals too, Satsuki?"

Anzashi asked, looking mildly interested. Though her eyes never left that yellow book of hers.

"I want to learn how to make storage seals and some explosion tags if I need them in an emergency."

Anzashi nodded and looked over to Ouka.

"How about you? How's the medical training going?"

The pink-haired boy tore his eyes away from the performance that was being recorded and paid attention to his Jounin sensei.

"Yeah, I can do the Scalpel and the mystical palm, those two also improved my chakra control and Capacity, so I can use more Jutsu now."

Anzashi nodded, Satisfied that his students were improving even though they had all become chunin, they were not complaisant.

"...What were we doing again?"

"I think we were on guard detail..."

"Oh...Right... Anyway, This Kanji right here sets how far you want the item to appear-"