
Naruto: the blonde assassin (up for adoption)

One of the most deadly assassins was reincarnated into the world of naruto... but the world is very different. I own nothing. Synopsis sucks I know. and OC will be Naruto if I didn't make that clear.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


[You have been changing weapons a lot lately].

Kyuubi remarked, watching from his containers eyes the sketch of the new daggers.

(Never been that good with Katanas anyway).

That was the response he got. However, Naruto failed to mention why he was ripping off everything he came up with... like now for instance. On the paper were two daggers that were used by a white-haired asshole that wanted to kill his past self...

Kanshou and Bakuya.

[Why are you so unoriginal? can't you come up with something on your own?].

(...Let me have this).

He got the idea by learning a new seal, it's basically like a magnet. By placing two seals on different items and channeling chakra to one of them, the other is attracted...

this was going to be great.


(pot calling the kettle black).


He was going to finish the thunder god jutsu before the exams. This was why in the training ground twelve was filled with blonds. a good thing his team didn't have to use it for a while. Anzashi had left to teach Satsuki the chidori and Ouka got guided to an Akimichi that had earth nature to learn a few earth jutsu.

Naruto was left alone... He didn't want anything.

(...I wonder why my head doesn't hurt when im using shadow clones, they are shoving knowledge in my head when they dispel).

[Your welcome].

(thank you. Now start the training montage!).

[...the training wha-?].

-Training montage-





the clones were reading.



They were done... it took a week but Kanshou and bakuya were made. Chakra metal to channel the wind nature chakra. Seals on both of them to make them better, they had two seals that attracted each other so now he could throw them like they were boomerangs.

Seals to enhance their durability.

seals to enhance their sharpness... and to dull then as well.

now he had to train.


Two pairs of black and white blades clashed and the two holding the said blades disengaged.

Naruto twirled Kanshou in his hand and dashed back in. Parrying Bakuya, he slashed the clone in half, making it disappear in a puff of smoke. Rolling to the side he dodged a Grate breakthrough and threw Kanshou with chakra enhanced strength, hitting another clone in the head, as soon as the clone disappeared the blade came spinning back.

A spiraling sphere appeared in his right hand as soon as he sealed Bakuya and was slammed into the face of another blond.

[...you should take a break].


[you have been fighting since seven in the morning].


[it's two in the afternoon].

(...your point?).


"Well, This is a surprise".

Said jiraya as he looked on at the sea of blonds on the training ground. He was surprised, the kid was sparing with his clones AND doing research... and apparently writing a new book as well.

"What is?".

asked the clone who he was sitting next to.

"The fact that your boss would dedicate a few clones to writing, instead of training".

The clone shrugged and continued writing. Jiraya read over his shoulder for a bit before asking.

"... What are you naming the book?".

The clone smirked, finished writing the line, and turned to Jiraya again.

"... The tale of Naruto Uzumaki".



"...you sounded so egotistical right now Even I got the shivers".

The clone shrugged.

Right now, Jiraya had one competitor in writing books. "Avatar: The Last Airbender" was a huge hit, The story was for children and they loved it. The next book was written after some arguing. The fox wanted to write MCU while Naruto thought the DC would be better.

DC was written with some reluctance from the fox but it turned out well, "Batman" was accepted by ninjas very well and even older civilians loved it.

Batman was summoned by the fourth Hokage accidentally and then training under him in the ways of chakra, and after a few years of training, he was sent back after the fourth hokage figured out how to reverse summon him. After coming back to his world, he decided to fight crime...


It was late in the evening. He was going home after some rigorous training. Adding wind chakra to a Rasengan was harder than canon Naruto made it out to be.

He pointedly ignored the unfamiliar presence following him, wanting to see what exactly would happen.

A few more turns later, after he passed near an alley, he was grabbed and pulled in...

He was going to enjoy torturing this bastard.