
Naruto: the blonde assassin (up for adoption)

One of the most deadly assassins was reincarnated into the world of naruto... but the world is very different. I own nothing. Synopsis sucks I know. and OC will be Naruto if I didn't make that clear.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Break Time!

"Ow, Damn."

Naruto rubbed at his body, where his Tenketsu should be. It was useless, but he couldn't help it, any pain to his body he could resist, but damage to his chakra system, something he never had in his previous life, was causing slightly more pain than he expected.

[Are you sure that you don't want to try it with wind?]

(You want me to die?)

He retorted reflexively, The lightning armour was hard enough to learn, sure he had gotten the first phase down accelerating his thought process, knowing the human body helped a lot. Now he had to expel lightning chakra from all of his tenketsu...

[Take a walk Kit, You need rest anyway, even your mate knows that.]

Rolling his eyes, he listened to the advice. He might have endless stamina, but his mind didn't possess the same power. He needed to get his mind off training for now.

Opening the door open, He walked out, enjoying the sun that was shining brightly in the sky.

(You know, I always found it weird how you never wanted to have a sun in the mindscape.)

He heard a chuckle and knew that the damn fox was waiting for this.

[Sun is a deadly lazer...]


[...You can put the sun now if you want.]

It immediately turned to night inside the mindscape. Cutting off the connection with the meming fox, He paid attention to the three concealed presences that were following him as he walked in the village.

Humming thoughtfully, He turned a corner and used something he came up with. Since the Kyuubi wasn't interfering with his chakra anymore, he could cast genjutsu. He didn't like it, but still learned it.

reaching out with his chakra, he created a dome around him. With slight concentration, he disappeared from view. Deflecting light was easy enough for him.

With a hint of amusement, He watched three figures jump down around him, looking around in confusion.

"Aw, man, Where did he go?"

One of them, With short black hair and a scarf that is long enough to be used as a blanket, crossed his arms and grumbled.

"He was just here a moment ago..."

This time it was a boy wearing a blue sweater and a leaking nose.

"...Even after we trained so hard, he still got away."

This time it was a girl who spoke up, she had her orange hair in pigtails in a weird position.

Walking forward silently, He leaned down next to Konohamaru's ear and...







"Did you just..."

The blonde pressed a hand to his mouth, suppressing laughter.

"No! Th-That was a Genjutsu to catch you off guard so that I could catch you."

He smirked, The kid still sucked at excuses. As the three kids were arguing, He just smiled at them. The kids were nice, Innocent If you ignore the fact that he was teaching them how to sneak up on an opponent.

His eyes flickered to the two females that passed next to them. Both of them had black hair, one was wearing a cloak over to cover her body and her hair covered one of her eyes.

The second, smaller girl, was about his age, with eyes blue like the sky, hair as black as coal, the two distinct whisker marks on each cheek.

She was wearing a blue hoodie with black shorts and high neck sandals coming up to her thighs.

(...So, that's my Kid huh.)

"Okay little Kits, I got to go."

With a slight wave he disappeared again, leaving three whining academy students.

Walking alongside the rooftops, he followed the two-time travellers, not putting any effort into concealing his presence.

Stopping, He smiled at the feeling of kunai on his neck, Sure he knew it was coming from a mile away, but anyone below Jounin would be hardpressed to sense what just happened.

"Why are you following us?"

Not giving her a chance to react, he disappeared in a burst of smoke, being replaced by a log.

The girl looked around, startled.

Naruto released the transformation, returning from a log to a human again, and grabbing the whiskered girl's arms, securing them above her head as he pressed a knee to her back and they both fell down.

He snickered at her futile attempts of getting out, He could tell that the girl was trained by his future self, he was getting out of grips like this in his old world like she was trying to do right now.

"You can let her go now, Naruto."

Looking back, he saw the cloaked woman standing at the other end of the roof, with a raised eyebrow, Her hand was on her hip and it was revealing some of her clothes inside the cloak.

He could see a mesh shirt with a crop top on top of it. She was wearing black pants with a kunai holder on her thigh and black high heeled Sandals.

"Aww, but Satsuki- Chan! I won't get to test my own daughter for a few more years, Let me have my fun."

He whined like a child, getting an amused snort from the older woman while an indignant squawk from the girl, who was his daughter, beneath him.

(Oh yeah, I will be having fun with this...)

[Plan: "New sight"?]

(Plan: New sight.)