
Naruto: the blonde assassin (up for adoption)

One of the most deadly assassins was reincarnated into the world of naruto... but the world is very different. I own nothing. Synopsis sucks I know. and OC will be Naruto if I didn't make that clear.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


"feel like this is going to be usual from now on."

The blonde noted absently, for once, not reading anything but writing "Wonder Woman" on the deck.

"What do you mean?"

Ouka asked, looking over the Horizon.

"Our first C-Rank turned to A-Rank, and then somehow, someway, we managed to get ourselves in the same situation, though this time it will Turn S-Rank."

Looking over at the blonde, the pink-haired teen raised an eyebrow in question.

"We are protecting a princess, going into a country and facing off against two Enemy shinobi with ice style and Chakra absorbing, Jutsu Enhancing, Projectile and Genjutsu blocking armour... the world going cray-cray."

Ouka had to admit, he had a point. For all he knew, there would be more missions like this. He just hoped that he was wrong.


"How do you feel."

Naruto sat down Next to Satsuki, who was still in bed, reading a scroll.

"Im fine, I should be okay enough to continue the mission tomorrow."

Naruto frowned, Chakra could do a lot of things, but healing a wound like that also needed rest.

"What do you think about the client?"

He asked instead, forcing her to stay in bed was a bad idea, she would get all pouty and hold a grudge, even though he was right.

"You mean the whiny bitch that has a hand in my injury because she couldn't move her ass in time?... Don't like her."






The rest of the boat ride passed silently with nothing much happening. Naruto was still writing his book, Satsuki was reading some sealing books, and Ouka was in a separate room with other crew members and Anzashi, discussing how the mission would go.

It wasn't until the next day that something happened.


"She ran away?"



"Pfft, I dunno."

"Seems legit."

That was the conversation between a student and a teacher. Naruto sighed, If only he could beat the shit out of clients... Or tie them up... Or paralyze them, This would be so much easier.

"Would you mind bringing her back?"

Nodding at the request, he disappeared and appeared back a few seconds later, this time though, with the runaway princess.

"Please, Enlighten me, Why did you think that running away, when in enemy territory, While there are Ninja Hunting you, Was a good idea, Princess."

His voice was filled with exhaustion, Annoyance and with underlining of a threat.

He had his hand on wrapped around the back of her neck, channelling lightning chakra in her nervous system, immobilizing her from the neck down.

"Let go of me!"

Naruto stared at her for a moment, feeling weird. Did this girl really think that he would let her go? He caught her for a reason.

[Your Brain cells are dying... They're going to take a while to regenerate.]


"Let me go!"

Instead of retorting, he shoved her towards his teacher.

"Your problem now."

Leaving the problem child with his Sensei, he started walking towards the snow...Cars?

A few minutes later, his attention was grabbed by the melting ice. With a quick push on the ground, he jumped towards the now visible railings.

(You think they have the Chakra barrier for the train too?)

[Nah, Throw a lightning dragon at them. But shout out the attack for dramatic effect.]

(gimme a name, I don't name my attacks.)


With a mental shrug, He pointed out the Obvious.

"Its chakra..."


"What a shocker..."

Naruto looked over at his two teammates... feeling slightly robbed. Sarcastic retorts were his thing.

"Fuck you guys."

In the corner of his eye, he saw a man running up the hill... And now he remembered what was going to happen. Fifty people die from a Kunai shooting machine.

They took some distance, Naruto grabbed Yukie's shoulder, she would be bait, the only thing she was good for.

Anzashi, Satsuki and Ouka went to conceal themselves.

The plan was Hasty and depended on how egotistical the enemies were... And depending on their previous experience, they were Egotistical.


To Yukie, The next few moments went by in a blur.

Fifty men that served her father appeared for revenge, thinking that with her presence would carry them to victory.

They all died to the Kunai shooting machine.

The blonde ninja in front next to her started making hand seals as lightning started crackling around them. All of the electricity started focusing in front of him, forming into a ball and compressing into the size of a dot.

That's when she heard him.

"Lightning style: KillSwitch."

The dot of white light crackled Red before exploding in a beam. Blowing her away and consuming the train...

When she opened her eyes again, A part of the mountain was no longer on the map.

"Aw fuck... Was that overkill?"

Did that even need to be asked?