
Naruto: the blonde assassin (up for adoption)

One of the most deadly assassins was reincarnated into the world of naruto... but the world is very different. I own nothing. Synopsis sucks I know. and OC will be Naruto if I didn't make that clear.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

A thrown pebble

"Could you tell me why are there Iwa ninjas in the village, Lord Hokage?"

Naruto's voice was frigid, every Jounin could feel it, and they understood, Iwa ninja disguised had attacked the Uzumaki estate while he was away If he couldn't do the Thunder god and the seals that notified him of the unknown presence, His house would be blown up, along with Satsuki who was still staying there.

"I apologize, Naruto, I shall up the defence along the borders, and check all the civilians, this won't happen again."

Naruto was not satisfied, and it showed, the killing intent was barely contained.

"...You are aware that a scratched headband is a paper-thin excuse... this might as well be a declaration of war, and this time, it won't end like last time, Iwa will be lucky if they recover."

Hiruzen sighed and Danzo, for once looked mildly interested.

"I'm sorry Naruto, but we cant start a war, even if the excuse is bad, it's still valid, Onoki can reason that the shinobi had grudges from the last war..."

Naruto took out his bingo book and flipped through it, Finally, he got to the page where Kages were listed.


Forty million...

he would most likely be in the Kage office during the day.

(What are the chances that your brother will sense us?)

[He can only if I want to, You in the clear.]

"In that case..."

He took off his headband and placed it on the table.

"...Ill be back for this in a month."

the blonde promptly disappeared from the Kage office.

everyone in the office looked at the headband that was left behind. Sarutobi grabbed it and took off the metal plating, flipping it over. There was a Seal on the back... several seals but the one they knew well was there.

"He's going after Onoki..."

Danzo said, pointing out the obvious, before continuing.

"...He's a newly turned Chunin, even though he has shown more skills than we were aware of and Chunin do have the permission to do their personal mission once every six months... You should send a message to Jiraya, be prepared to reseal the Kyuubi. Since he left the headband behind, we should be free of the consequences his actions may bring."

Hiruzen could only look at the headband with sadness, he should have seen this coming.

Anzashi, Obito and Rin looked at the headband and they disappeared in a body flicker. They can't let their Sensei's son walk to his death.


The bag was packed and over his shoulder, the clothes were civilian, The hair was brown, thanks to a wig, His chakra was suppressed, his eyes were now green and the whiskers were gone.

He could feel three Chakra signatures running around the village, probably Minato's team.

Leaving a note behind for Satsuki, He quietly snuck out of his own house and blend in with the crowd.

Finding a carriage that led out of the village, he paid the owner to tag along with him.

And just like that, He was out of the village, not being spotted by his Own allies and the Hokage, who was currently looking through the glass orb.


He stayed on the road with the carriage for a week before getting off and going by foot.

It would take a week and a half but it would be fine.

If he remembered correctly, Onoki was the one that stopped the first meteor Madara called down on the Shinobi forces, but it was meaningless when the second one cane down, the Five Kage couldn't stop the Uchiha, and they wouldn't be able to anyway, Guy was the one who did the most damage, he gave grudging respect to that.

When he finally reached the stone village, he was thoroughly checked for any weapons and even some sensors came to check his chakra, which in its current suppressed state was Genin level.

"My father was a ninja, but he died just before I was born, I don't even know anything that I can do with it." was what he said to the guards.

His acting skills were not getting rusty, He guessed that even if they did, These cannon fodder wouldn't notice anything.

Now that he was in Iwa, Naruto just had to kill the Tsuchikage...

Piace of cake.