
Naruto:The Bird Freed from Its Cage

Restricted-Level Naruto On the day the cage was broken, the imprisoned bird could finally soar across the sky. The taste of freedom is wonderful, yet Hyuga Shin aims to forge a cage for the world. Wherever the sun shines, who dares to disobey? pateron link for more chapter ;https://shorturl.at/eDNRL

KUMOsgusjj · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: The Ladder of Chaos

Chapter 8: The Ladder of Chaos

In the Hokage's office, Hiashi Hyuga angrily confronted the Third Hokage:

"This is slander! Lord Hokage, do you also believe that we Hyuga are cowards afraid of death?!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed. "It's not what I think, Hiashi. But some villagers have come to believe this."

"You know the current situation. Our comrades are fighting and dying on the front lines. As the Hyuga clan leader, you've remained in the rear doing nothing. It's inevitable that rumors would spread. You need to consider the bigger picture and not give the villagers reason to speculate."

"But with what's happened in our clan, how can I just leave?" Hiashi protested.

Hiruzen's expression grew stern. "What, do you think your clan's internal affairs are more important than the village's survival? Is one Hyuga death a catastrophe while those sacrificed on the front lines don't matter?"

Hiashi's face fell. "I wouldn't dare suggest that!"

Hiruzen's expression softened. "I understand the Hyuga have difficulties. The village will support you. I'll thoroughly investigate Rino Hyuga's murder. I won't allow the culprit to escape justice."

Hiashi's face cycled through various emotions. "I understand. Thank you, Lord Hokage."

Hiruzen nodded approvingly. "A supply convoy is departing in the next couple days. Go prepare."

After Hiashi left, Hiruzen's smile faded. *Still too young, Hiashi. Showing your thoughts so plainly, losing composure over one clan member's death...*

He gazed out the window, lost in thought. *If Minato is this young, how will he handle those old geezers? How can I retire in peace if the war doesn't end soon?*

Back at the Hyuga compound, Hiashi found his father Taigi and wife Ayanamiwaiting. He knelt beside his father.

Taigi, elderly with white hair, leaned on his cane and glanced sidelong at Hiashi. "You look rather pathetic."

Hiashi closed his eyes as Ayanamilooked on worriedly.

"What has thrown you into such disarray?" Taigi asked.

Hiashi's eyes snapped open, his voice angry. "The Byakugan is a clan secret. Outsiders shouldn't know about it. I suspect the branch family elders are up to something! I planned to investigate thoroughly, but now the Hokage is sending me to the front lines. He says rumors are spreading in the village - it must be the Uchiha stirring up trouble!"

Taigi sighed. "You disappoint me, Hiashi."

Hiashi snorted. "As clan leader, I'll take full responsibility for what's happened."

"They're just dead people's eyes. What's lost is lost," Taigi replied. "But your current behavior is unbecoming of a clan leader. The branch family and the Uchiha will look down on you even more for this."

Hiashi's eyes widened. "But it's the Byakugan! We've always strictly controlled our bloodline. How can we just let this go?!"

Taigi explained, "What's done is done. Without our bloodline, no new Byakugan clan will emerge. At most, there will simply be a few more Byakugan users in the world."

Hiashi remained silent.

"Do you find it shameful?" Taigi asked. When Hiashi didn't respond, he continued, "If it's so unbearable, why not give up your position as clan head?"

Hiashi suppressed his irritation. "What do you think we should do?"

"Go to the front lines. The war is intense, and they need the Hyuga's power," Taigi said.

"What about clan matters?" Hiashi asked, frowning.

"The Hokage will look into it, won't he?"

"He said he'd investigate thoroughly."

"Then let him handle it."


Taigi cut him off. "What? Are you afraid he won't find anything, or afraid of what he might find?"

Hiashi remained silent.

"You see this as a scandal that will damage your authority as clan leader?" Taigi questioned.

Hiashi said nothing, his face dark.

"Hiashi, is the Hyuga name so shallow in your eyes?" Taigi admonished. "You know the Uchiha's reputation among the people, yet has anyone ever shaken their position? Let the people gossip. What matters is how the Hokage sees you. Do you want him to think you only care about your clan and not the village? Have you considered the consequences? Which is worse - villagers secretly laughing at you, or losing the Hokage's trust?"

Hiashi's expression shifted as he considered this. Finally, he took a deep breath. "I understand. I was foolish."

Taigi nodded and changed the subject. "How is that child?"

"I tested him myself last night. There's no problem," Hiashi replied.

"There may be no problem now, but we can't guarantee the future," Taigi said. "With the stolen Byakugan incident, the branch family may see that child as a variable. We need to ensure his absolute loyalty to the clan. Hiyano, spend more time with him while Hiashi is away."

"I understand," Ayanamiquickly agreed.

Taigi turned back to Hiashi. "Remember, maintaining clan stability is paramount. We cannot allow internal strife!"

"I know," Hiashi said.

Taigi sighed softly. "Chaos is an abyss... a gaping maw that devours everything. When I die, give him my eyes."

"Lord Taigi!" Ayanami Exclaimed. "He's just a branch family member. How can he be worthy of main family eyes?"

Taigi frowned. "Do you think the branch family is inherently inferior? Your sister has the same blood as you, yet she's branch family. It's this kind of thinking that has deepened the rift between main and branch."

Ayanami Lowered her head, silenced.

"Go prepare," Taigi told Hiashi. "Be careful on the front lines. It's not like the village. Every achievement you make there is far more important than finding the culprit here. I'll handle clan matters."