
Naruto: The Big Brother

What is a guy from our world to do when he is thrown into the naruto world as an orphan during the nine tails attack with no meeting with god, no wishes, no cheats and a fear of death supposed to do. MC - fuck my life. OC Name: Edward Gates Non-harem. Updates every sunday. I do not own naruto or naruto shippuden they belong to their respective owner Masashi Kishimoto. Nor do I own any anime/manga that i may referer to their belong to their respective owner.

Original_Sinner · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: What Happens Next

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! A boy in the hospital of konohagakure, had a massive smile on his face his eyes are squinting, he had a creepy evil look on his face. Though one would link this to the horror he had just witnessed, just the day before.

Eventually the boy stopped smiling and steeled his expression looking apathetic, as though he had just lost all interest in life. The dull steel grey eyes of the boy looked even more pronounced then before.

Though Ed looked apathetic, this was how he usually looked as before he had a face that seemed to naturally glare he gave up trying to look different for other people, so he looked apathetic, so that people would leave him alone. At least this way people would not bother him, and it seems he did this not only in his last life but in this one as well, considering people avoided him, though he felt that was better.


The next few days were a blur Ed he had to stay in the bad for a while before he was allowed to walk around and even then he had to use crutch's, though they where uncomfortable, being made of wood and they had to come up to his armpit for stability, unlike modern day crutch's where they had a handle and arm brace so they don't drop them.

Though the crutch was annoying to use a first he got used to it as he was bale to walk near on fine, just that he could not bend his leg probably, and he had no balance as he could not put a lot of pressure onto his left leg.

The medic's would look at him in pity thinking that he must be devastated about not being a ninja, because the only reason a person could not become a ninja is because of disability's, could not complete training, sent to the genin corps, or there parents were against the idea. Other then that most kids that went to the academy would become chunin or higher.

A week later Ed was released from the hospital, they would have done it earlier but because of his leg he was allowed a few more days resting, though with mystic palm as the medics called it and how fast the natives heal, he was near as good as new, just he had a lame leg, they did say Tsunade could fix it but she left the village, and if she does come back by then it would be to late to fix.

The orphanage was smaller but larger at the same time, it seemed larger as a lot of the faces he remembers were gone, dead most likely. It also seemed smaller as he could see a lot of new faces, no doubt they lost their parents during the attack. Since there were now more kids he had to share a room with three more people, making it five a room.

As all this was happing, Ed had to think of what he wanted to do, he can't be a paper pusher as he would need chunin strength more then likely, top secret information and all. He could work at a restaurant, maybe as a server though why she they take on a cripple like him, so he just sat there all night thinking of hat he could be or do, now that he doesn't have to be a ninja.


Days turned to weeks to months and months to years went by since the attack. Ed went to the academy, though he could only learn things like math, and boring things since he couldn't be a ninja they put him in a civilian course.

"haaaaaah" 'I'm now twelve, so it's been six years since the nine tails attack on the village, time does go by quickly' thought Ed as he sighed looking at his lame leg.

During these six years Ed went to the academy, during those times there he had managed to here about chakra from listing to the ninja course students. He had to meditate for a month before he could feel and mold his chakra to what he likes, he had genin levels of chakra at best and he assumed that came from his spiritual chakra as he was in his late twenties in his last life, he also did not have much physical chakra because he could not excise. Though he thought if he trained he could have at most chunin levels of chakra at best.

When he learned how to mold chakra he got bored and learned how to do the leaf excise, it took him half a year before he could hold multi pal leafs all over his body. As such he tried to remember how to tree walk, it took him two years without help before he could do it. At least now he could stand up side down on a tree with his crutch's like kakashi did, though getting the crutch to stick to the tree was the hardest part.

While walking about konoha and helping where he could to make things easier on other people he met a small Tenten, and her dad. Tenten was four right now, so naruto must be three considering Tenten was a year or two older then the naruto at the start of canon. Apparently they were visiting her mothers grave, not from the nine tail attack, but she died a few months ago during a mission, she was a jounin rank ninja along with her husband and Tentens father Hirotoko, this was before he retired to take care of his daughter.

After that Ed met Tenten more and more and she saw him as an older brother and he as a younger sister He even stood up for her when she was being bullied because of her hair style, it was what her mum taught her how to do before she left for the mission, though she could not do it properly yet. Hirotoko opened up a weapon shop, and became a blacksmith, his reason was 'since I can't be on the front lines then the least I could do is give them perfect equipment.' It seems his wife died because her sword was of poor quality.

After one year of meeting with them and playing with Tenten, perfecting how to walk on trees with a crutch, helping Tenten with her hair till she could do it by her self, Edward had decided on what he had wanted to be so after Tentens fifth birthday, he had pulled aside Hirotoko.

"Hirotoko-san" Ed stood before the older man with his back straight, and serious look different from his usual apathetic appearance.

"Hmm, what do you what kid, I doubt you pulled me aside for no reason right, you better no be trying to ask for my daughters hand are you." Hirotoko said with his killing intent leaking and with a hostile posture.

"Pffffft, OF COURSE NOT YOU OVERPROTECTIVE DOTING FATHER! She's like my little sister, not only that she's FIVE, what do you take me for you shitty old man." Ed spat out his drink and shouted at Hirotoko. He had turned into quite the doting parent giving Tenten what ever she wanted after his wife's death. And he was quite the intimidating man, standing at 6'3, with large muscles from his work as a ninja and weapon-smith.

"Oh, what do you want then, snot-nosed brat." Hirotoko said with a mug look, which only caused to annoy Ed though you would not be able to tell with how well he could hold his apathetic face, though you could still see a vein pulsating on his temple and hear the grinding of his teeth.

"Old man, I want you to teach me how to be a blacksmith" Ed said after calming down for a bit.

"Hmm, blacksmithing, why?" Hirotoko asked with a curious tone after he herd Ed's question.

"I can't do much with this leg, and not many would hire me, but we have known each other the past year, so I thought to give it a try." Ed Said with an almost board tone like he had this conversation a bit of difference with other people.

"sure, kid. I don't know how well your do but if your serious then I can teach you." Hirotoko said, with a soft voice, he knew what it meant to have a lame leg in this world, they usually don't survive long.


*bang* *bang* *bang*

"Hey Ed how long you gonna stay on break come over here and help me dammit!" Hirotoko shouted over at Ed as he was think back on what happened since the attack.

"Yeah, yeah old man! You got the counter Tenten?" Ed shouted back at the Hirotoko before asking the now eight year old Tenten.

"I'm good, thanks for helping out though nissan" Tenten said to Ed as he walked to the back to help hirotoko.


https://www.deviantart.com/mrsoomori/art/Tenten-and-her-parents-460084596 - link to where I got the idea of Tentens parents.