
Naruto: The Better Haruno

Sasha was not your average person and the world never hesitated to remind her of it, how ever after a overcoming a hurdle she was soo close to fulfilling her dream until she died. When she woke up again she found her self in the infant body of Sakura Haruno Now with chakra and plot armor on her side will she surpass her limits and become the strongest kunoichi in the village and the world? This is a fanfiction, I do not own naruto or any of the characters portrayed in this story.

IDB · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Graduation and team 7

Omni Pov

"Ugh these last 6 years were rough but I made it here, shit gets real from now on" a. 12 year old girl with said as she sliped on her ninja sandles and walked towards the full bodied mirror in her room.

In the mirror you can see a 12 year old girl with long pink hair tied up in a high pony with two long bangs hanging of each side of her face framing it perfectly, teal eyes that gleam in the sun light and a smile that would make the likes of danzo blush.

Her outfit is a red qipao dress with short sleeves with slits along the sides of the dress with white circular designs and a zipper that goes up the front, she finishes the outfit with black spats because while she wants to show off her legs she still needs to protect her modestly.

"Alright everything is set, time to head out" sakura said as she left her room before stopping with a thoughtful look before remembering somthing "oops almost forgot my head band, that would have been embarrassing" sakura said while rubbing the back of her head.

"Ok for real this time, lets head out" she said as she ran down stairs for breakfast with her family

"Good morning mom and dad" sakura said as she walked down the stairs and sat at the dining table and began to eat her well- balanced breakfast

"Good morning dear you look beautiful, are you excited for graduation?" Mebuki asked as she finished putting the last plates of breakfast on the table.

"Yep, I hope I get good teammates and a strong jonin sensei" sakura said while eating some bacon.

"Oh honey being strong is good but friendship is what's truly important, its always better to have a weaker more trusted ally watching your back opposed to a strong teammate who'll leave you out to dry when the going gets tough" Mebuki lectured as she sat at the table and swiped the news paper out of her husbands hand so he'd focus on eating.

Kizashi pouted at his wife before looking at his daughter, mostly his daughters outfit

"Sakura honey are you sure this outfit is the one you want to wear? I still think the outfit I picked for you would be a better fit" Kizashi said with a frown

"Sigh dad the outfit you wanted me to wear was just extremely baggy clothes that cover my whole body and limit my movement" sakura said while remembering that atrocious outfit that was nothing more than baggy pants with a baggy shirt with a belt that holdes everything together.

"Well while that outfit was slightly restrictive it would provide ample protection from attacks and it would blend well in the environment, you still have 30 minutes until the graduation ceremony you can still change into it" kizashi said with a begging look

"Kizashi dont try to hide it she knows why you want her to wear that disaster" Mebuki said with a chuckle

"IS IT SO WRONG FOR ME NOT TO WANT THOSE DIRTY BOYS TO DROOL ALL OVER MY ANGEL" kizashi yelled in righteous furry with fire pouring out of his eyes

Sakura and mebuki sighed and ingnored his rant as they finished up breakfast, as sakura got ready to walk out of the house her parents called out to her.

"Sakura before you leave we want to say that we're proud of you" Kizashi said as he smiled

"Yes and no matter what happens you can come and talk to us about anything" Mebuki added

"Thanks, I love you both" sakura said with a genuine smile as she hugged them both and walked out the door.

As sakura walked down the street she reminisced about these last 7 years.

After the first test sakura remained dominant in both her academic grades and ninja training, one thing she learned after the first test was that rookie of the Year was separated between the boys and girls.

This bummed her out a bit because even if she was the kunoichi of the year in class it would always be put below rookie of the Year, basically a permanent 2nd place no matter how you performed.

"Damn sexism truly exists everywhere" sakura cursed as she read the end of year results after her first year ended

As the years went by sakura continued to stay at the top of the kunoichi and second overall just under sasuke.

Ino was still trying to provoke sakura but she ingnored her like always, she would also continuously challenge sakura in the taijutsu tests but sakura wouldn't let up and coninued to one punch her, iruka tried to tell her to take it easy on her since its a spar and their supposed to be learning how to fight but sakura would activate her inner young master and say phrases like "this is the difference between heaven and earth" and "trash will always be trash"

After beating ino nurmors times none of the other girls were eager to fight her except for hinata, sakura was excited to fight hinata since she actually posed a threat, however reality was often disappointing hinata was a tough opponent but she heisated alot so sakura was barely able to win over her.

Sakura also mastered the mystical palm technique and was volunteering at konoha's hospital increasing both her chakra control and capacity as well as giving her valuable experience in treating patient's in life or death situations.

After a while sakura finally reached the academy and made her way to her classroom for the last time, as she walked in everyone quieted down and looked at her as she made her way to her seat.

She was used to the boys looking at her at this point sakuras pink hair, pale skin and teal eyes were certified attention grabbers, if it wasn't for the original's personality she would have been a contender for prettiest girl along side ino and hinata in the fandom, hell even with her attitude people still simp over her.

She was drawn away from her thoughts as the girls in class gasped in shock, sakura turned around only to see naruto and sasuke making out....

"Sigh the bl girls are creaming their skirts" sakura said as she looked at some of the girls in the crowd who were blushing with dreamy looks on their faces

After they separated ono and the other fan girls who were not turned on by the display proceeded to give naruto a good jumping jujutsu kaisen style.

After a while iruka walked in and began to announce the teams

"Team 7 sasuke uchiha, naruto uzumaki, and sakura haruno" iruka announced

"What!!!" All the girls in class screamed as they glared as sakura who again ingnored them, naruto was celebrating while sasuke remained stoic.

All the teams remained the same a cannon and after a while team seven reamined waiting for kakashi.

"Hehe this will teach our sensei for being late" naruto said as he put a dirty eraser at the top inner corner of the door frame and closed it while laughing evily

Sasuke just muttered loser under his breath while sakura was actually waiting for it to happen so she could laugh at kakashi too

Sakura opinion on kakashi was mixed on one hand she felt sorry for what happend to him and what will happen once he finds out who tobi really is but at the same time she was disappointed that insteadof training team 7 to their fullest potential. Like his teacher he half assed his job and continued to wallow in depression even after seeing how badly naruto was treated.

At the same time kakashi wasn't the only person to fail naruto hiruzen, and Jiraiya were just as bad if not worse since they were both not only older but knew the truth and chose to remain "neutral"

'It makes me sick just thinking about it' sakura said while inwardly seething

After 2 more hours kakashi walked in and let the eraser hit his head naruto and sakura laughed while sasuke smiled sligjtly while trying to remain stoic.

"Well then, my first impression of you all is... Your all losers" kakashi said with a eye smile trying to rile us up

"What was that!!" Naruto shouted as he and sasuke glared at kakashi

Kakashi on the other hand was looking at sakura impressed

'Humm she didn't fall for the provocation she's as smart as they said

"Meet me on the roof of the school" kakashi said as he disappeared in a storm of leaves

"I'll show him naruto said as he stormed out of the room, sasuke walked out quietly not saying a word but was clearly not happy about what kakashi said

Sakura just opened the window leaped out and stuck to the wall and walked up untill she reached the top and hopped over the rail and sat on the stairs in front of kakashi

'Yep just like it was reported, miles of her peers' kakashi thought as he went back to his book.

20 minutes later naruto and sasuke walked out of the door to the roof looking haggard and beaten up.

"Sakura chan how did you get up here before us?" Naruto asked curiously

"Its a ninja technique, I'll show it to you some other time" sakura said as she turned back towards kakashi

"Ok sakura chan hehe" naruto said with a blush on his face

Sasuke on the other hand was glaring me and I looked at him confused

"Is there something on my face sasuke?" Sakura asked with an innocent expression

"Tch" sasuke clicked his tounge as he looked away

"Well then let's get started with introductions, pinky you can start us off" kakashi said giving the floor to sakura

"Hai sensei, ahem my name is sakura haruno my likes are training, spending tine with my family and volunteering at the hospital, my dislikes are bullies, idiots and lies, and my goal is to be the strongest kunoichi in the world I hope we can get along" sakura finished woth a bow and sat down

"Very good, blondie your next" kakashi said as he looked to naruro

Things went the same as cannon woth naruto's over enthusiastic intorduction and sasuke dampened the mood with his edge lord intro, kakashi then proceeded to tell them about their second test and how they needed to pass it before becoming actual genin.

"Meet at training ground 7 at 8 o'clock and a word of advice, I'd avoid eating breakfast you'll end up throwing it up anyway, see you tomorrow" kakashi says as he disappears on a storm of leaves.

After he left naruto tried to ask sakura out for ramen only to find her already gone when he turned towards where she was sitting, he then tried to turn to sasuke only to find him gone as well.

"Ahh man" naruto said as he headed home to prepare for tomorrow


A.N: hey guys sorry for the absence I honestly have no excuse for this I just wasn't in a writing mood, but while i was being lazy I decided to write a new story, no this story won't be dropped nor did I run out of ideas for this story Im just nit in a naruto mood currently, so while I will still update this story it will be sparingly untill im back in my naruto mood. Anyways I'll be posting the story soon so keep an eye out for it I think people will like it, until next time you guys 👋