
Chapter 3 Naruto joins nazarik.

Great tomb of nazarick, 7th floor, demiurge's lab

Naruto just woke up to see a man with pointy ears with 4 silver rings in his left ears, small glasses, a complete red suit, spiky black hair, he had strange eyes but Naruto couldn't get a good look at them, and the most strange thing was a long tail and to finish off he had black gloves and shoes.

Who are you? Naruto said in a fairly calm voice as he surprisingly was calm in this whole situation.

Oh so you are awake.

I am demiurge, the guardian of the 7th floor.

I see and where are we?

We are in the great tomb of Nazarick on the 7th floor, specifically in my lab.

I've been given specific orders to answer any questions that you might have until my master tells me to bring you to him so until then ask whatever question that you might have.

Who is your master exactly?

As naruto saw a complete change in demiurge characteristics it fanged from lax and slightly uncaring to completely focused, extremely happy and excited.

My master is lord ainz ooal gown, one of the 41 supreme beings. Demiurge said with a very funed voice.

Could you show me what he looks like by any chance?

"Yes of course" demiurge pulled out a picture of ainz from hi's suit and showed it to naruto.

Oh he's the one who saved me along with the woman in the black armor with the axe.

You must mean albedo.

That's her name?


Time skip

Time to go, my master has called for us.


"Greater teleportation" demiurge said as he touched naruto's shoulder as they disappeared.

10th floor, In the throne room

ainz was sitting in hi's throne room with his loyal servant next to him.

My lord, what is it that you have planned for the boy?

He is very important to us as we are outsiders of this world. We don't belong here naturally, however if we didn't come he would have the power to completely rule this world rether to peace, fear, or completely destroy it, he has the power to do as we wish to this world but that only applies to the people naturally born here but we are not so it doesn't apply to us.

So you plan to use him as a pawn to take over this world?

Yes and no.

Yes I plan to use his powers to my benefit but it is also in his best interest and will let him do it willingly so we are basically forming a neutral relationship with him.

And no as he is no longer a human he is now a fox demon the report from demiurge explained that he was a jinchuriki and before the tailed beast was ripped out of him it fused with him but it was not perfect it was only 50% witch is why he only has the tails and ears if it was complit he would have became the 9 tails itself and if it was 75% it would be the 9 tails in human form permanently but 50% he has this human form and can use one where he gets covered in the demon's power and bones of it will form over him.

While the form that he is in with the tails and ears is now hi's base, the other form is hi's battle form.

So as he is no longer human i plan to offer him to work with us and be one of us but first he would need to master his powers then fight one of you guys to see where his power is at and also from the fusion he unblocked mana like us altho it's not much so he can be trained to increase it as well.

Soon naruto, demiurge, shalltear and entoma arrived in the throne room.

Meanwhile in the moon

yariko was laughing she sounded a bit psychopathic she was looking down at naruto who was unconscious in the tomb as she was now planning to go there and saving him making him fall in love with her and be hers and hers alone as she smiled it was a sweet smile that had a dark meaning behind it.

Yariko's and Kaguya's powers both flared as the moon cracked, not big enough for the people on earth to see it but enough for them to escape as they both dropped down from the moon.

They soon started to make their ways to the tomb.

So this is where darling is yariko said as her and her mother made their way into the tomb.

Back in the throne room

Lord, what is your baiting?

Demiurge I want you to send a shadow demon to spie on each of the 5 kage along with one for each member of their councils and keep an eye on that specific man danzo.

Yes my lord demiurge said as he bowed.

Entoma what is it that you wanted to show me?

"Yes lord"entoma said as she stood up and took off to reveal that she had skin and an actual face instead of her spider head.

What happened to you, entoma?

Lord, it appears that there was something special about the girl when she started to release her power and went on a small rampage so I stopped her and I accidentally absorbed some of it and I evolved into a spider demon making me get this form but I can still go back into my original form.

What are your new power's?

I have gained resistes to fires except hell fire that burns the soul but it is still reduced and I have much the ability to reproduce now.

How can she talk about stuff like that without even a second thought or even a blush.

I see, so which form do you intend to say in?

I will stay in my normal spider form as I still get all of the demon benefits. I shall only go in my demon form unless it is necessary or you desire it of course.

It is quite alright you can stay in whatever for that you desire i do not mind.

Thank you my lord.

Shalltear there are 2 intruders trying to enter nazarick. They are currently on the first floor of nazarick. I want you to go there and escort them here.

Might I ask a small question my lord?


Why are you letting in humans?

Because they aren't humans I'm not sure what they are exactly but they are definitely not humans.

Yes my lord, I shall bring them to you as you ask.

So naruto uzumaki.


I wanna ask you 4 questions.

The first question is what are your plans and what do you plan to do with the hidden leaf?

I want it to burn by my hand, I want them to surfer, I want them to go to hell!

Second question: are you willing to work for me and in doing so we will support you in your desire to destroy the leaf.

Ok I will join your ranks.

My third question is do you wish to become my son? I would like to adopt you.

Naruto looked at Ainz, obviously very shocked.

And I shall be your mother, albedo said.

What no, I'm his mother like Lord ainz would ever be with you. Said shalltear

As albedo and shalltear started to argue as ainz was about to stop them only for him to be shocked when both albedo and shalltear were wrapped up in giant centipedes.

I'm his mother. I'm the one who loves Ainz the most so I'm the one who should have his first child. Said entoma

What are you talking about you weren't even that interested in him

Actually I've always loved lord ainz but I never showed it because I wouldn't have childrens so I didn't want to make him not have childrens just for me.

WHAT!!! This is insane albedo and shalltear screamed at the same time.

Hahahahaha! You sure are popular, dad. Naruto said as he smirked as the now somehow blushing ainz.

Enough of this naruto i take this as a yes then.

Yes it would be an honor to be your son.

In that case i will have to show you a secret of mine and also no need for the formality.

And the last question: do you know any important people or someone who you care about outside of the tomb.

Yes there is a girl, her name is hanabi she is my best friend then there is teuchi and ayame and konohamaru and his team not his sensei ok i'll send a shadow demon to get them here so they can talk to you.

Ok as for important people i know tazuna, princess koyuki, natsui the new hoshikage i know her, the kazekage is my other best friend and i also know princess shion and hanabi.

I see you know quite a great amount I shall also send for them as well.

So who will be my mom?

Well we will have to have a meeting about that but for now just go get yourself set up until the guest can come so we can tell them what to do.

Meanwhile in konoha.

Konoha has been buying many weapons, food and a lot of other necessity for wars as that was exactly what they were getting for as all of their allies had left them after 'killing the demon'

They lost their alliance with the sand, the snow, the star village, the lands of demon wave and a lot of others. They completely cut all trading affairs with the leaf and threatened to attack them if they were in their territory.

Inside of the hokage monument the 9 tails was chained down with spiked chained and hundreds of seal on it as it's chakra was being drained from him as it was being sent in a lign of chakra as it separated to several different section of the village one of them being the new barrier that they made using thet seal from the seals that kushina had brought from uzu.

Another section led to an underground base that was now made restanded into the shinobi forces, there were hundreds of root agents just standing there like the puppets that they are and were being pumped with purified 9 tails chakra.

Hyuuga compound

Hanabi had just gotten away from her father and sister as she walked and turned around a corner to see konohamaru.

So I hear that you were best friends with Boss. Is that true?

Yes i was his best friend but now he is gone well that is what they think anyways but we both know he is alive did you get the message? Hanabi said, looking at konohamaru.

Yes me and my friends got it and it seems that the shadow demons are staying in our shadows so we can send information to him and his newly made allies.

Yes mine did the same as well though i wish they would talk to me more it's quite boring without naruto around.

Yeah it is but worry not he is still alive and will come back soon enough. Konohamaru said

Yep and I can't wait to see him again.

You got a crush on him?

Nah he's more like a bother to me and best friend altho if he did ask i would probably say yes but that's not the point.

Anyways I'm gonna tell the others and I go to the ichiraku ramen shop often so don't worry I'll let them know when and where to go and meet them.

Ok, have fun!

In the land of demon

Shion had been quite depressed after hearing about naruto's 'death' and in a fit of rage almost sent her troops for war until the shadow demon came and showed a live hollowgram of naruto and they had a talk and he told her to meet him and his ailes at uzu and so she calmed down

Something similar happened in sand,start, and snow.

Back in the leaf village, council room

So are we finished with the preparations? Said hiashi

Yes we are fully ready and shall send them out as early as tomorrow morning.

Ok we shall begin our attack with waves as it is the closest and is quite important in the long run.

Yes, that is a simple and good plan.

If that is the case i shall go get my roots danzo said as he got up.

"This meeting is over, you are all dismissed." said tsunade not knowthising that the shadows of everyone in the room glitched strangely.

End of chapter 3

How will Naruto react to his allies getting targeted?

How will Yariko get Naruto to be with her like she wants to?

What secret does Ainz plan to reveal to Naruto?

How will the meeting between Naruto and his friends go?

How will the meeting about who will be Naruto's dad go? Who will be the chosen one?!?!?!?!

Finding out next time on overlord is amazing!