
Chapter 1 ainz ooal gown arrives in a new world

Yay I'm back, and no I'm not dead.


When i was alive i was 16 but when i became ainz i no longer have age so he is technically 1 year old while also being 1000000 years old so yeah… all ships work for him.

So this is a story of me being in naruto but it is also a story of ainz ooal gown in the naruto world so you don't have to think of it as my story if you want to you can just think of it as suzuki's original self and i'll be camiling the mc ainz ooal gown after he/ I joins the game and get sent to the naruto world so you don't have to worry about that.

Years 2138

`A 16 year old teenager was currently home he was quite a shot in and lived alone reasons being his parents died 3 years ago he was never one to show a crazy amount of emotions but he use to smile once in a while but ever since then he never smiled he only looked at people with a emotionless face or a crazy look in his eyes you could see that he wanted to do something quite dark and sinister the only time he would smile was when he was watching anime but those smile was rarely a happy smile mostly a exited smile that happened when he saw a character like kenpachi zaraki about to go into battle and getting worked up to take off his eyepatch when things like this would happen they would be quite the sikopatick laugh.

The tennagers name was a.d the teenager eat some food ten walked over to his gaming room and sit on a giant gaming chair that looked quite comfy and made for gaming a.d sat down on his chair and put on a gaming headset and lift his hair to reveal a small whole that looked like a charging whole.

He lay down making a small metal enter the whole and a small voltage or electricity went into it going through a.d's whole body making him a little nom so he would not be able to move in the real world.

He opened his eyes to see a tunnel of light flying past him as he was sucked into his favorite game the VRMMORPG, yggdrasil he had been playing that game for 12 years now and he was very good at it matter of fact he was actually one of the best players in the game in general and also the best at spell castor.

a.d entered the game and was now in a non-human body but instead was in a skeleton body that had a glowing red orb in his body and had a big royal robe as he walked to a room and there was a name engraved on a silver plate it said 'meeting room'.

In the meeting room was someone else or something else. It was a red slime. (I forgot his name, I looked it up but couldn't find it so… yeah...)

As the 2 talked for a while with a.d who's gaming name was momongan, momonga learned that his friend was very tired now a days and was basically half asleep all the time.

Time skip 11:30 pm

Well it was nice talking to you, although it's a shame that you can't stay any longer but i hope we can meet again irl.(irl = in real life)

Yes i hope so too momonga the slime said as he disappeared into nothingness as he logged off the game.

Momonga sighed as he got up from his chair of guild master as he walked to the side and opened a diamond glass that had a staff behind it which was made of 7 snakes which twisted around each other and a orb of different colours coming out of each of their mouths.

Momonga walked away, going to a different room. It was a throne room. On the way there he ordered his NPC, his personal butler sabas and the battle maids.

Momonga sat on his throne to his right was albedo the ovesear of his floor guardians, a title only given to his most powerful NPC a role given to them by their creators the 41 supreme beings.

Momonga smiled remembering how the 41 supreme beings were created.


Momonga had just started the game yggdrasill he was i dare say a noob at the time and the war with humans and demi human and nonhuman had just started so he as a noob had been attacked and defeated rather quickly.

'Let finish off this monster' said one of the people attacking him, they were about to take Momonga's head off but were stopped as they were quickly killed by a bug-like creature with armour.

W-why did you s-save me?

Isn't it obvious, it's always right to help someone in need.

After being saved the man introduced himself as touch-me as a joke and challenge to a degree.

They both played together and touch-me became a world champion.

And Momonga became the world's greatest magic caster.

Over their travels they meet new friends 41 to be specific and they all became really strong and gained great titles.

And they ended up getting 20 world class items and created the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown which later on got put as a world class item making them have 21 world class items. (i know it says 11+ the staff being 12 but i rewatch the anime and it says 20 + the staff is 21)

That might not sound like a lot but it was actually the most a guild has ever gotten.

They had created the guild known as Nigh Ooal Gown but changed it to Ainz Ooal Gown after getting more than nine members.

Soon the guild rose up and became #1 Even though they were considered a small guild by numbers, big guilds need 75 members at the very least.

They went on to build a place to call home which was later named the tomb of nazarick.

End of flashback (i know that wasn't too much of a detailed or good flashback but yeah i'm sure you guys know about the things i explained so no point in me boring you guys)

Ainz sighed as he stayed on his throne which was actually a world class item as it made anyone sitting on it much stronger to an extreme degree.

Man, all of this will be nothing but a memory soon.

Normally you can't change the NPC but with the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown you can change. He moved the staff and saw a screen pop up to see albedo's settings, what the hell? She's a bitch? No no no let's change that as he changed it to in love with momonga.





Man i wonder how my friend would feel about this, they would probably kill me. Haha




This sucks so much dammit!





Well it was nice while it lasted ainz closed his none existing eyes.




What the hell?!?!? Ainz opened his eyes wide, clearly surprised, did they cancel the shutdown or did it push it back or something?!?!?

My lord is there something wrong?

Ainz looked up to see his subordinate's worried face.

No it's nothin-g wait she's talking her mouth is moving and breathing-

Albedo would you come closer?

She moved closer to Ainz way closer then he had thought she would as she was actually almost sitting on him now.

She really is breathing but how.

Albedo m-may i t-touch y-you?


Ainz grabbed albedo's left breast as he was "checking" if her heart was beating which to her surprise it was.

Hearing her moans Ainz continued to fumble her boobs till after about 5 minutes snapped out of it and stopped and apologized and teleported away after giving sabas the order to look around the tomb and report 5 floor mazoliam where the other floor guardians will be.

Skip a week later

Over the week the tomb of nazarick had been in quite the panic after the floor guardians and the vederents of nazarick had sworn their loyalty to the newly named Ainz Ooal Gown witch he gracefully accepted their loyalty.

Then soon afterward they learn that they were teleported to a new world, a completely unknown world to them with weird powers.

It was like a weaker version of magic which was flashy but less powerful and couldn't do fly spells.

Ainz was always in the tomb witch was on maximum security, Ainz (Ainz Ooal Gown is me in this but i will be calling him that instead of 'i or a.d' so yeah)

Ainz was walking around making sure everything was in the correct order making sure the NPC were functioning correctly which he soon found out that they had come to life and were still completely loyal to him.

Ainz Ooal Gown was currently sitting in his throne with his secret love interest standing at his right side and all of his flore guardians bowing to him except 2 one who was simply too big to be here and the other was just not needed in those meetings as he was no fighter but he was still capable of killing many humans.

My faithful guardian, I have discovered some important information and we will soon begin with our movements to take over this world!

In the moon

A woman with pale wite skin with a long while kimono and purple outlines with black tomoes going down the kimono she had 2 horns which made her look like a bunny she had white eyes that made her look blind but she was not and she also had a third eye in her forehead it was blood red with black rings and 9 black tomoe the woman looked like a goddess she was gorgeous and that was a understatement.

She was currently looking down at her daughter who was 13 years old (same age as naruto :)she smiled at her daughter that she loved so very much, she then got a sad look in her eyes remembering that they are both sealed here and 'it's all her fault' but she had to wait ass she knew they would get freed eventually due to the seal meant to hold one otsutsuki not 2 so the seal was breaking but since her daughter was not a full grown otsutsuki the seal was slowly cracking and so they would soon be broken.

Over the years the woman had taught her daughter how to use her special abilities and all of that and she also found out about her daughter's secret after training before sleeping. Her daughter would always watch the life of one naruto uzumaki and developed quite an interest in him…

Soon my beautiful little goddess, we will be free and you can see Naruto face to face and have him all to yourself.

Back in the elemental nation at konohagakure

Something quite disturbing was happening.

Orochimaru of the sannin had used his followers of the sound and tricked the sand into attacking the leaf while they were hosting the chunin exams.

After the invasion had happened the leaf did the ceremony for the third hokage they then had a meeting.

Meeting room in the lower half of the hokage tower

There was a big wooden 'u' shaped table with the civilians on the left and the clan heads and ninja's on the right and the 3 elders at the head of the table.

"All favors of sending naruto uzumaki on a mission with jiraiya of the sannin to get tsunade of the sannin to be the fifth hokage but we will also use this as a way to distract the demon boy to put our plan into motion raise your hand" danzo said as all of the council raised their hands.

It's been decided we will put the plan into motion.

Barbeque shop

The rookie 11 except for naruto and sasuke.

Did you guys hear about the news? Sakura said

No, what is it? Kiba asked

Well that stupid demon naruto used the 9 tails power and beat sasuke to near death (not true btw he just knocked him out while naruto has 2 shidori whole through his chest)

"WHAT???? HE REALLY IS A MONSTER" ino joined in followed by the rest

We should go and beat him up.

No, the council has a plan for him, something that will make him regret ever existing and doing what he did.

Ok fine.

In the hospital

You could see a barely hurst sasuke and a almost dying naruto being healed

While Jiraiya was sitting on the window, he summoned a toad and made them stop the contract with naruto.

Soon you demon, you will be used for what you are and we will take revenge minato.

30 minutes later

Naruto woke up not even halfway healed.

Jiraiya then told him to come on a mission with him but he declined but soon agreed as Jiraiya offered to train him.


"YES LET'S GO PERVY SAGE!!!" Naruto said happily not seeing the evil smirk on Jiraiya's face and the frown from the name


Ainz ooal gown x harem!

Naruto ooal gown x oc!

What cuel plan does the council have for naruto?

How does Jiraiya plan to "avenge" minato?

What does Ainz have planned for the elemental nation?

Who will be part of the harem of ainz?

What is the first step of ainz plan of taking over this strange new world?

Find out next time on ainz the conqueror!!!!

My comcaring campaign.