
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

Chapter Fourteen: Learn to Fear

Shinku Akuma no Iwa: Arc Three: The Exams of Terror

"Alright, you three will be heading out tomorrow for Konoha to partake of the Chunin Exams. I can't say what you'll go up against as each exam is different. All I can say is that I am personally counting on at least one of you making it to the finals. If you do so, then I will have a reason to come to Konoha myself and I can force Sarutobi to hand over Naruto's inheritance through politics rather than force. Also while Iwa wishes to destroy Konoha, we currently lack the manpower to do so. However, Orochimaru of the Sannin has formed his own hidden village called Otogakure and has allied with Sunagakure to invade Konoha during the Exam finals. I have yet to decide if Iwagakure shall take part but if we are to even have the choice then one of you must make it to the finals. I expect great things from all of you." Onoki finished as the genin stood at attention in front of his desk. To the left was Kurai, standing as rigid as a statue from receiving his orders directly from the top of command. To his right was Naruto in a more relaxed but still attentive position with a grin on his face and his hands in his pockets. And finally to the blonds' right was Hikari, grinning just as widely as he was and leaning slightly against the blonds' shoulder, as had become her habit since they had become a couple.

"We will not fail Tsuchikage-sama." Kurai had his hands clasped behind his back as he spoke. The short man nodded with a smirk as Naruto added his own input.

"You can count on us Tsuchikage-oji-sama. All three of us will make it to the finals and sweep the whole event." Hikari nodded her agreement as Onoki chuckled.

"Good. Then you're dismissed." The three gave short bows to their leader before leaving as he turned to the woman that played sensei to them. "You sure they can do this?"

"Oh definitely. Kurai has been ready for about a year now and it was only his lack of a team that prevented him from participating. Naruto-kun is enough to be a chunin on his own and if he uses Kyuubi's power I'd put him above the average jonin. And Hikari is a very skilled fighter and the best assassination specialist her age. Plus she's much farther along in her clan arts than you'd expect of someone that just turned thirteen a couple days ago. She's easily the weakest on the team and I'd still place her as a solid chunin already." Kurotsuchi explained with a smile. The best part was that the woman wasn't lying in the slightest and Onoki knew that. Their record was perfect and outside of the ambush that struck them on their way back from their last mission, they always finished on time with the exact results needed. "On a different note have you gotten anything out of that bastard that attacked us?"

"No. He's surprisingly resilient to torture and our interrogation techniques are having little effect on him. All we've managed to get is-"

"Is that he was hired by a man during a stop at a bounty office three miles south of Iwa. Same as last time." The woman interrupted, earning her a glare from her grandfather. "Sorry."

"As it stands, we've gained nothing new from him and the office was a dead end as they don't keep records on everyone who comes and goes and this request was apparently under the table as it didn't go through them or any of the official villages. Like I've told you, I'll let you know more when the info comes." Onoki explained so the jonin nodded with a slight frown. "Now go pack for your trip and enjoy your last day here for a while." The woman gave the man a small bow and smile before vanishing with a use of the Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique). Onoki sighed before he picked his pen back up and returned to the eternal shared enemy of all Kage. "I hate paperwork."


"So now that our meeting with oji-sama is done and Kurai's gone off to 'who-gives-a-shit' what do you wanna do Hikari?" Naruto asked as he held the girl in his arms from behind, resting his head on her shoulder. She twisted slightly in his grip and pecked his cheek with a kiss before thinking about her answer.

"Well I could think of a couple things to do…" She whispered in his ear getting him to grin and squeeze her tighter against him. "The only real question is where…"

"Kaa-chan tried to kill us when she caught us in my room, your clan hates me, and we're not gonna go kick Kurai out of his own place just so we can have some fun." Naruto listed off with a frown before Hikari giggled.

"You know, our training grounds should be empty right now." She suggested and Naruto spun her around in his arms to kiss her straight on.

"Outside huh? Kinky." He growled getting her to laugh again. "I like it."

"Well I don't." The two turned there head to see Kurotsuchi scowling at them. "Seriously you two. Yes, sex is great, but damn! Can't you two give it a break for a day?" She growled and the two young teens just looked at each other with bored looks.

"Deidara-san is out of the village, isn't he?" Hikari asked as Naruto nodded.

"Yep, she's just jealous nii-san isn't here to fuck her too."

"So training grounds?"


"I'm going to fucking kill you two!" Kurotsuchi shouted as the two split and started running from the irate woman while laughing their heads off. This had become a common sight in the village since the two hooked up. Naruto or Hikari would discuss their rather active sex life despite being a couple for such a short time and then Kurotsuchi would try to get them to slow down. However they would just mock her for how she couldn't get laid as often as they did since her man was usually out of the village on long-term assignments. "Come here Naruto! Face your punishment like a man!'

"But if I do, then I won't be a man anymore!" The blond called back as his mother figure decided to focus on him this time.

"Not my problem!"

"Don't you fucking dare sensei! I like that part of him!"


"I've called this meeting to announce that in one week the Chunin Exams shall take place here in Konoha." Sarutobi announced to a room full of jonin, all of which were sensei's to genin teams. "Before any of you sign your teams up I must inform you that I was recently contacted by Onoki of Iwagakure. He informed me that he is sending a single team of genin to our Exams this time. As the Chunin Exam is an international event I could not legally bar him from doing so. I just felt it would be prudent to inform you incase you wish to change your decision to enlist your genin." Hiruzen explained.

"Is there something particular about these genin Hokage-sama?" A jonin with a green spandex suit and black bowl cut asked.

"I haven't been informed about the genin however their sensei is Kurotsuchi, the Tsuchikage's granddaughter." The old man replied getting the jonin to nod and a few to murmur under their breath about how Iwa was coming to the exams. While it was true the event was international, it was a sort of unspoken rule among the great five, Konoha and Iwa especially, to never send genin to enemy hosted Exams. It was mainly due to how the outsider teams would usually be focused on by the home village teams and slaughtered. That Onoki would send a team to Konoha despite this meant the team was strong, he was planning something else, or both.

"Is there anything else Hokage-sama?" Kakashi asked and the old man shook his head.

"No. So now let me officially open the table for any of you who wish to enlist your genin." Sarutobi announced before various jonin began stepping forward, each offering up their genin for the exams. Kakashi took a moment to think about his team had been recently before making his decision. Sai was still strong and hiding his full power which was already chunin level so he was fine. Sasuke had been relentlessly training to try and get over the humiliation the Iwa group left on them from Nami so the boy was near the average chunin in strength. And Sakura had picked up her training as well, mostly out of the fear that she could be killed but it was still an improvement. Kind of. She still didn't train as much as she should but she was leagues better than she was before Nami. Thinking on it, she wasn't ready for chunin rank. However he could still enter her to hopefully enforce just how dangerous this life truly is and get the girl to act serious. Between Sai and Sasuke, the average chunin hopeful wouldn't pose a major threat so Kakashi nodded to himself before walking forward and enlisting his team. Now to tell them about their chance for promotion.


(6 days later)

"Alright team, stay sharp. We're about to enter enemy territory." Kurotsuchi remarked as she led her genin into Konoha. The had arrived the day before the Exams which would give her students a night to relax and explore before testing themselves. As they entered they were called over to the gate to be marked in. "Keep your hood up Naruto-kun." The woman muttered before walking over, Naruto wearing the same hooded jacket he did in Nami. As they came up to the gate they saw a couple chunin their, one handling civilian entries while the other was handling the Shinobi ones.

"Welcome to Konoha." The chunin remarked as he held out a clipboard. "All visitors must sign heir name an purpose for arrival." His voice sounded bored, as if it was the same thing he had to say to everyone that walked through the gates. It likely was.

"That's fine. I'm just here to put my genin through the Exams." Kurotsuchi told them as she signed her name down. She then stepped aside as her genin filled out their names one by one, Naruto smirking as he did so before the chunin gave them a tired grin.

"Yeah, we were warned about you ahead of time. It's just procedure. Your hotel is just down main street and the Academy is the large building near the Hokage mansion. The first part of the Exams will be there tomorrow at noon." He explained so Kurotsuchi nodded and started walking off with her genin. The chunin just set the clipboard down after a quick glance at the names, not noticing that one was marked as Namikaze Naruto.

"Okay you three, we'll likely have two rooms so I'll bunk in one and the three of you will share the other." Kurotsuchi started before being interrupted.

"Can Kurai stay with you sensei? I want to have some fun with Naruto-kun." Hikari grinned at the obvious twitch to the woman's eye from both being interrupted and from the question. Honestly, wasn't it bad enough that they did this all the time in Iwa? Now they had to start it in Konoha too?

"No." Was the flat response. "Anyways, after we drop our things off, feel free to explore the village. However, don't cause any trouble. We don't want to get kicked out before we even have a chance. But don't go unarmed either. If Konoha is anything like home then there will be a few assholes that want revenge for something in the last war or two." The woman explained getting the three to nod as they reached their hotel. After checking in and leaving their supplies in their assigned rooms, the group split in two. Kurotsuchi to go find something to eat and the genin to simply explore.

"So this is the supposed strongest of the five huh?" Naruto mused as he walked around with an arm around Hikari's waist to hold her close and the other in his pocket. The girl had her head on his shoulder and was looking around as he did. The hooded blond let his eyes linger on his fathers' face on the Hokage Monument for a moment before looking away. "It doesn't seem so impressive."

"It's a little too green for my tastes." Hikari commented before glancing at Kurai who was walking behind them and studying everything about the village with narrowed eyes. "What's your opinion Kurai?"

"… It's too calm." He answered after a moment of silence. "I believe the belief of their superiority has gone to their heads and they have come to think of themselves as invincible. I would like the chance to test that belief." Naruto chuckled as Hikari grinned.

"Yeah well maybe you will bud. We've just gotta focus on the exams first." Naruto commented before the three heard shouting a short distance away. "Wanna go check out who's screaming?" Hikari shrugged and Kurai nodded so Naruto followed the voices.


"Let me go ya big jerk!"

"Why should I brat? You ran into me!" A teen wearing a black outfit with face paint on claimed as he held up a young boy wearing a helmet and scarf by his yellow shirt. "I think brats like you need to learn a bit about respect." He muttered darkly as he balled his empty hand up into a fist.

"Just let him go Kankuro. He's nothing but a brat anyways." A girl with blonde hair styled into four pigtails said as she adjusted the large metal fan on her back.

"Don't worry Temari, this will only take a second." Kankuro replied as Temari rolled her eyes.

"You should let him go!" Sakura shouted but did nothing to actually help as she was scared about what the Suna genin may do. She had just been walking along thinking about the Exams when the boy had run past her and bumped into the foreign genin. She had instantly recognized their headbands marking them as Suna ninja and given the Exams they had been told about she knew that was what they were there for. "If you cause any trouble then you'll be kicked out of the village and won't be able to take part in the Exams!" She old the two. Temari scoffed as Kankuro chuckled.

"You really think that's a threat?" Kankuro taunted as he held the boy tighter in his grip. "Nobody'll care if I teach a single brat some manners."

"But that's not some brat there Suna boy." A voice called out from behind making them turn around and see Naruto and his team walking up. Sakura paled as Kankuro and Temari narrowed their eyes but didn't do anything. "That's the Sandaime Hokage's grandson. I know cause we were briefed on important faces before coming and that kid is kinda up there due to his old gramps. There's probably an ANBU around here somewhere watching the kid. Hit him and you probably will be kicked out." Naruto told him as he and Hikari shared a grin at how Sakura was staring at them in terror.

"This kid? The Hokage's grandson?" Kankuro question as he shook Konohamaru in his hand. Naruto nodded so the Suna boy growled and tossed him back where he landed on his back next to Sakura. "Ya got lucky punk. Next time, Kage relation or not, I'll pound ya." Kankuro taunted before turning back to Naruto. "So, who're you?"

"Oh, just a competitor in the Exams, like you." Naruto commented while Hikari giggled at his side. Suddenly he whipped his free hand up to catch the pebble thrown at his face. "Now that wasn't very nice weakling. I almost get the idea you don't like me." Naruto joked as he turned his gaze up to the tree where Sasuke was glaring at Naruto.

"What're you doing here you fucking bastard?" Naruto blinked under his hood and gestured to himself in an overdramatic manner that had Hikari struggling to hold back her laughter.

"Oh, you remember me? Hear that Hikari-chan? The weakling remembered us." Naruto joked to the girl he held getting her to laugh.

"I wonder if he remembers how badly we humiliated him and his team?" She teased as Naruto added his own input.

"Or how about how we turned his big successful mission into an even bigger humiliating failure?"

"I bet he's just mad because he can't get laid." Hikari taunted with Naruto getting both to laugh as Sasuke jumped down next to Sakura and glared at the pair while Sakura was shaking behind him. Kankuro and Temari were standing off to the side in confusion as Kurai stayed behind watching with an impassive face.

"Answer me you bastards!" Sasuke shouted. Naruto and Hikari just laughed harder at his anger.

"Oh look, he thinks he can order us around." Naruto commented before holding his free hand out. "But I think he'll learn that he's not the best around here." A pulse of chakra went into his gauntlet as the blade shot out and he pointed it towards Sasuke. "I am." Naruto declared darkly with a confident smirk on his face as Sasuke glared in rage at the hooded blond.

"And who are you?" Everyone looked up at the tree Sasuke had been in to see a red headed boy with the kanji for 'Love' on his forehead and a large gourd on his back. The red head narrowed his gaze at Naruto before vanishing in a Shunshin and appearing in front of the blond as Naruto narrowed his eyes under his hood. The two were silent for a moment before Kyuubi spoke up in Naruto's mind.

"Kit, that kid is Shukaku's container!"


"The Ichibi no Tanuki, one of the biju like myself. He's a jinchuriki!" Naruto's sudden grin scared Temari and Kankuro as it reminded them of the bloodthirsty one their brother constantly wore himself. Naruto was staring to scare them as much as their brother did.

"Well well well, how's it hanging my fellow jinchuriki?" He asked getting the Suna genin to widen their eyes and Konoha ones to narrow theirs in confusion. How did he know Suna's secret? Wait, did he say fellow jinchuriki? He was one as well?"

"You as well?" He asked for confirmation and the blond nodded with a small grin.

"I'm nine to your one." Naruto answered. "It's a pleasure to meet you brother." Naruto held out a hand and red head stared at it for a moment before looking back to Naruto's hooded face.

"I am Sabaku no Gaara. Who are you?" He questioned as Shukaku was shouting in his head to be careful around him but at the same time kill him if possible.

"Name's Naruto brother. I'm the strongest genin in Iwa and I'll be heading home a chunin. I just hope some of these tree lovers can give me a good fight." Gaara nodded his head as he glanced back to Sasuke.

"From what I have seen, this village is weak." The Uchiha growled at the obvious jab as Naruto chuckled. Hikari let our a bark of laughter as Kankuro and Temari shared nervous looks at how Naruto and Gaara were apparently getting along somewhat. It was a change for Gaara since he was the 'kill fist, ask questions never' kind of person.

"Yeah, those two especially. We saw them on our last mission. Got to mock them and their sensei to their face and get away without a scratch. He couldn't even throw a punch without starting a war." The blond taunted as Sasuke clenched his fists, both remembering the brief meeting with very different emotions.

"I'm going to kill you for that humiliation." He growled as Naruto just unwrapped his arm from Hikari and stepped forward to spread his arms and mockingly gesture for Sasuke to attack. Gaara silently watched in some small interest as Hikari was smiling in amusement.

"By all means weakling, go for it." Sasuke growled and was about to run at him when he froze as there was a blood red blade held to his neck. He followed it to see Kurai standing behind him holding the blade over his shoulder, not even focusing on the Uchiha but his own teammate instead. Despite how Kurai didn't seem to be paying attention to him, he still kept the blade near his throat and was ready to cut his head off for one wrong more.

"Sensei said not to cause trouble Naruto." The blond frowned and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm not causing trouble. I'm just chatting with the locals."


"Fine, take away my fun. Fucking prick." Naruto muttered before turning around and pulling Hikari to him again. The girl had frowned at how Kurai had stopped the show but brought her grin back when Naruto grabbed her. She quickly pecked him on the cheek before the two started walking away. "See ya in the Exams brother. Let's go Kurai." The blade at Sasuke's neck vanished in a puff of black smoke as the boy followed after his teammates. Sasuke stood shaking in both fear and anger at how he had almost been killed and didn't even notice as Gaara turned to his own teammates.

"Baki wants us." He told them before walking off on his own. Kankuro and Temari exchanged nervous glances before walking after their younger brother as Sakura collapsed to her knees.

"Sasuke-kun, if monsters like that are in the Exams… I don't think we should-" The girl tried to plead as Sasuke glared at her for a second to make her be quiet.

"Sakura, if you quit and cost me my chance at payback then I'll kill you myself." Sasuke snapped at her, his eyes returning to Naruto's back. "I'm going to kill him for all the humiliation he's put me through." The boy declared before storming off for last minute training. Sakura stayed on the ground wondering what she could do before getting up and heading for her home as Konohamaru had gotten up and run away when Sasuke had first showed up.


"You bumped into two members of Hatake's team?" Kurotsuchi asked as she met up with her students at their hotel room after dinner. The genin had gone to a small ramen stand Naruto had found and was instantly in love with. The entire time they were there he kept trying to convince the man who owned it and his daughter to move to Iwa so he could have their ramen all the time. The blond kept praising the ramen makers for their delicious food and offering various outrageous, and impossible, perks but the two had kindly told him that while happy he enjoyed their food they loved Konoha and weren't going to leave. Much to Naruto's disappointment as he had started pouting until Hikari had kissed him and told him to just eat.

"Yep, the Uchiha and his little pink haired weakling teammate." Naruto answered.

"Yeah and the girl was terrified of us and the Uchiha wanted to kill us!" Hikari added on cheerfully as Kurai sighed.

"Naruto intentionally provoked the Uchiha into almost starting a conflict had I not intervened." The boy admitted getting Naruto to pout at him for both ratting him out and depriving him of a fight. The jonin sighed before giving the older teen a small smile.

"One, thank you Kurai." Kurotsuchi started before smacking Naruto hard in the head. "And two, what the hell?! Did I not say 'don't start any trouble'? And what's the first thing you go and do? Seriously Naruto-kun, what the hell?!" She shouted as she glared at the boy that was crouched down holding his head.

"OW! I was just joking around. I know we aren't supposed to start shit."

"Oh Naruto-kun, want me to kiss your head and make it better?" Hikari teased as she draped herself over his back with a grin.

"That's not the only head you can kiss…" He teased back getting her to giggle and Kurotsuchi to sigh and smack both of them.


"Quit it you two. It's bad enough you do this shit at home. Don't do it here to."

"But we like to do it." They answered cheerfully in unison earning another smack to their heads. "OW!"

"No. Now just get some sleep for tomorrow." Kurotsuchi sighed before walking out of their room and going to her own across the hall. Naruto just grinned and jumped into his bed as Hikari hopped in with him. Kurai took the bed on the opposite side of the room as their bags were lying on the unused third bed in the room.

"So, what do you think is first for the Exams?" Naruto asked and Hikari shrugged.

"Don't know."

"It will be taking place in Konoha's Academy. As such I doubt it will be a physical test first unless we are brought to another area. I believe an intelligence test of some type will be first before we begin the more physical portions of the Exams." Kurai laid out and Naruto and Hikari both nodded.

"Makes sense. Have you ever taken the exams Kurai?" The boy shook his head no so Naruto shrugged. "Oh well. I guess we'll just have to wing it and hope for the best. I just hope there isn't any strategy shit."

"Just because that's your weak point." Hikari teased as he growled before he pulled her onto his lap and gently nibbled on her earlobe.

"Just like your ears are yours Hikari-chan." He mumbled getting the girl to moan. It was the easiest way to drive the girl into a frenzy the blond had discovered and she was already breathing heavier and squirming on his lap.

"N-Naruto-kun, not wi-with Kurai here." She managed to get out as his playing with her ears was starting to turn her on. The boy stopped before looking over to their teammate as if he just remembered that fact.

"Oh yeah, he's here. Hey Kurai, why don't you go leave for a couple hours?"

"No." The boy replied before lying down and going to sleep. Naruto glared at him as he covered himself up and ignored his teammates.

"Fucking cock block." The blond muttered as Hikari spun around to face him and just pushed him down on his back.

"Oh just deal with it Naruto-kun. We can have all the fun we want later. Besides I actually do want some sleep right now." She told him so he groaned but relented and wrapped his arms around Hikari before kissing her gently.

"Fine." He groaned as he pulled the covers over them and Hikari teasingly ran a hand over his member before rolling off him onto his right and leaning her head on his shoulder. The blond shuddered at her touch and mock glared at her as she just closed her eyes to ignore the look and go to sleep.


"You two ready?" Naruto asked as he stood in front of the Academy with Kurai and Hikari. The two nodded so he grinned and opened the doors. "Then let's make oji-sama proud!" He cheered as they walked in. They knew they needed to reach room 301 so they kept their eyes open to see all the rooms on the first floor were only in the 100's. "Guess we've gotta go up." Naruto commented as they headed for the stairs. However at the top they saw a large crowd gathered around one room in particular that said it was 301. "Hikari-chan, Kurai," Naruto whispered. "Correct me if I'm wrong but there's a genjutsu here isn't there? I'm not too good at the subtle ones."

"There is. Plus we're only on the second floor and the signs all around us are in the 200's. How stupid can people get?" Hikari asked as she scowled at how so many were falling for such a weak trick. Kurai frowned but then nudged his head towards another staircase.

"We can continue onwards from there." The two younger genin looked to where he suggested and grinned at the sight of more stairs.

"Good, then let's leave these wimps behind." Naruto muttered as they walked past. As they left they heard shouting behind them and glanced back to see a boy in green spandex get knocked down by two boys standing in front of the fake room. "Heh, some people will believe anything I guess." The Iwa genin continued up until they reached the third floor and saw that the rooms were all in the 300 range. With a quick turn down a hall they soon reached 301 and walked in just to be blasted by the combined killing intent of everyone in the room. Hikari blinked in surprise before shrugging while Kurai didn't react at all. Naruto however paused before grinning. "Not bad, not bad." He commented nonchalantly. "Here's mine." He called out as his eyes glowed red under his hood and everyone in the room froze from the feeling of something large hovering just out of view waiting to kill them. Most flinched away from the doors while a single young Kunoichi from Taki dropped to her knees with tears on her face.

"Not bad Naruto-kun, you made one cry." Hikari pointed out as the blond cut his intent off and laughed. The blond grabbed a seat near the doorway and propped his feet on the table while Hikari sat down in his lap and Kurai leaned against the table. "So now what?"

"We wait for the test to begin." Kurai commented as he pointed towards a clock on the far wall that read eleven forty-five.

"Fifteen minutes?" Hikari whined with a childish pout. "But I'll get bored." Kurai shrugged his shoulders as Naruto grinned.

"I can keep your attention that long Hikari-chan."

"Oh really?" She asked as Naruto just smirked and pulled her down into a kiss with one hand while the other was wrapped around her waist. The girl pulled back with a smirk of her own as she brushed her hair back. "Oh yeah. That'll keep me occupied." She commented before going back in for another kiss. As the two ignored their surroundings and instead focused only on the other, the doors opened again and Sasuke, Sakura and Sai walked in. Sakura was looking around fearfully while Sai was sizing up the competition for possible threat levels. Sasuke however looked around before focusing in on the hooded Iwa nin that was busy making out with his teammate before growling.

"There you are." He muttered before he was cut off from his thoughts as Ino jumped on his back.

"Sasuke-kun! I missed you!"

"Get off him Ino-pig!" Sakura shouted, forgetting her fear of the Iwa team she hadn't noticed yet and instead focusing on her blond rival. Ino stuck her tongue out childishly as she pulled down an eyelid with a finger. Walking up from behind her were her teammates Shikamaru and Choji, the first looking like he was going to fall asleep at any moment and the latter snacking on some chips.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Choji asked between mouthfuls as Sasuke shrugged Ino off him, much to her disappointment as she pouted.

"Hey look, it's the other rookies!" Kiba called out as he walked up, Hinata and Shino at his side. The boy grinned as he came among his friends and Hinata offered a shy bow in greeting as Shino just nodded. "What's up guys?"

"I didn't know you were here Kiba. I didn't think they let dogs in." Ino taunted as the boy scoffed.

"Well at least a dog can fight. What's a flower gonna do? Stink me to death?" He shot back as the girl huffed.

"You guys might want to keep it down." The rookies all turned to see a boy with silver hair and glasses wearing a purple outfit walking up. "That pair from Iwa's been glaring at you for the past couple minutes." He pointed out as true enough Naruto and Hikari were glaring. They were fine just making out but were finding the rookies' extremely loud voices to be annoying.

"Them!" Sakura cried before hiding behind Sasuke as the boy glared right back and Sai narrowed his eyes at the obvious very large threat. The others though were wondering why they would react like that.

"You've met them before?" Ino asked Sakura as the girl nodded.

"They're monsters. They slaughtered an innocent man and doomed an entire country to ruin and laughed about it." She explained as their eyes widened and they all glanced at the Iwa team.

"I've taken the Exams before." Kabuto started explaining as he knelt down and pulled out a stack of orange cards. "As such I've managed to gather info on just about everyone here, even you guys. So let's see what I have on them." He told them before shuffling through his cards and pulling out three of them and flipping them over to reveal they were blank. "They're encoded to my chakra, so only I can reveal the info they hold." Kabuto said as he channeled his chakra and the three cards lit up with pictures of the three and words about them.

"So, what's it say?" Sasuke asked as he glanced down at the cards before looking back to see that Naruto was smirking as Hikari had a toothy grin on her face. Even Kurai had glanced towards them

"Well, it's their first time in the Exams apparently. The taller one is named Kurai and this is apparently his third team and sensei as the previous died on missions of which he was the only survivor. I don't have anything on skills though. The girl is Hanamaru Hikari and is apparently the clan heiress. Again, no info on skills. The last one though, wait this can't be right…" He muttered as he looked at Naruto's picture and then back to hooded blonde.

"What is it?" Kiba asked as Akamaru whined on his head. Something about Naruto's chakra was scaring the pup. Hikari hopped off Naruto as the boy set his feet down while keeping up his smirk and pointing to the card Kabuto held. "They can hear us?" The boy asked in shock before Naruto vanished from the chair.

"Channeling chakra to your ears kinda has that effect Inuzuka." A voice commented from behind him. Kiba shouted in surprise and leapt forward as they all spun around to see Naruto standing there with a rather large grin at getting such a reaction. "What's the matter? Did I scare you?" The blond taunted as Hikari pushed the Inuzuka aside and walked up to Naruto.

"No fair Naruto-kun, I'm not that fast." She pouted as he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her.

"Sorry Hikari-chan, but I wanted to see what this little card has on me." He replied as he pulled away and held up the card Kabuto had been holding a few second earlier.

"Sensei said not to cause trouble." Kurai remarked as he walked up to stand with his teammates. Naruto and Hikari rolled their eyes in unison as the girl spun around and leaned back against Naruto and he rested his head on her shoulder.

"Yeah, yesterday. Today's different. Besides, I'm not causing trouble I'm just seeing what the enemy knows about me." Naruto replied before looking at his card. "Let's see my full name, surprising since I never use that one part of it. How I'm an adopted member of the Tsuchikage's family, common knowledge in Iwa." The boy muttered before seeing his status as a jinchuriki on the card. "And my status as a jinchuriki which is, like my family, common knowledge in Iwa." The boy remarked before tearing the card to pieces. "So what, pray tell, couldn't be right?" Naruto asked as Kabuto backed away from the genin with his hands raised.

"Your name. That shouldn't be possible since it would mean you're-"

"His kid? Well yeah I am." Naruto cut him off getting Kabuto to go wide eyed as the other Konoha genin were now wondering who he was referring too as well as staying frightened of him. "But I don't think the other brats here should hear that bit just yet. I mean, no point in scaring them too bad." His eyes flashed red under his hood as he sent a small dosage of killing intent at the glasses wearing boy. "So don't say it. Got me?"

"Yes." Kabuto remarked, shaking in fear. Or at least acting like it. In his mind the Oto spy was wondering if Orochimaru knew and why the man didn't tell him if he did. Kabuto knew his true master had tried recruiting Iwa but the venture had only yielded a possibility. Kabuto and Orochimaru even didn't know if the village had accepted his proposal yet, only that they were sending a single team to the Exams that was guaranteed to make it to the finals. The Konoha genin stayed back except for Sasuke who growled and stepped forward and stood in front of Naruto even as the looked bored at the boy's mere presence.

"I'm going to kill you in these Exams." Naruto grinned as Hikari let out a bark of laughter.

"Oh I'd certainly pay to see that weakling. Now why don't you go back to playing with your wooden kunai and run around acting like a ninja since you're obviously not strong enough to be one." Naruto taunted as Sasuke growled and was about to punch him when Naruto's hand whipped up and grabbed the boy by his throat and lifted him up, all while his other arm was still wrapped around his grinning lover while his head was resting on her shoulder.

"Sasuke/-kun!" The other rookies shouted as Naruto held the boy up, who was gripping his wrist to try and make him let go. However when Hikari glared at the genin they all stopped, scared at what they would do to their 'Rookie of the Year'.

"What's the matter Uchiha? Can't live up to the family name?" Naruto taunted as he held Sasuke up. The boy was gasping for breath and clawing at his gauntlet covered wrist in an attempt to make him let go but Naruto's grip never loosened. "You're going to shut your mouth and leave me and my team be. I can't stand weaklings like you. I've seen your type around Iwa and it pisses me off. You walk and talk like the very air you breath is holy just because of a name. Well I love showing pricks like you that you're nothing special. So get your shit together if you want to live. Cause if you keep up this holier-than-thou attitude you bandy about, I will kill you." Naruto told him before throwing him to the ground by his teammates. The other genin tensed to prepare a possible attack before multiple clouds of smoke erupted at the front of the room. When it all cleared they saw multiple chunin wearing matching gray uniforms and one jonin wearing a black version of the uniform with a trench coat on top of it while he had a bandanna on in place of the regular headband and his face was covered in scars.

"Everyone settle down! I am Morino Ibiki and I am the proctor of the first part of the Chunin Exams!" He called out before noticing Sasuke on the ground and how he and the other rookies were glaring at the Iwa team. "Iwa genin, what the hell are you doing?"

"The prick was pissing me off so I just messed with him a bit. The pansy'll be fine in a minute. Don't worry about it." Naruto answered as Sasuke got to his feet while rubbing his throat and glaring at Naruto. Ibiki narrowed his eyes at the answer before letting it drop.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood boy. I'll let that go this time. From now on though, there is to be no fighting without my express permission!" Ibiki called out along with sending out a burst of his killing intent. "Now come up here to get a number for your seat, it's time to start the Chunin Exams."