
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

Chapter 6

The morning sun shone down on our blond haired hero. It was the morning of the exams and he was debating with Kaen the merits of showing up or not. 'You have to go other wise the old man will just insist that you stay another year in that place.' All he got was a deep sigh. 'I know that sensei, but I don't see why I can't just send a powered up Kage Bunshin instead?' 'You do remember what that so called teacher of yours said last week right?' This got another sigh. 'I know I know some how after not seeming to see it for the whole year the asshole caught on to our little act … though I'm not sure how.' Naruto frowned at being caught by a mere chuunin teacher. 'I doubt it was him who caught on to it'. 'Yeah you are probably right, which means I have no choice'. Naruto sighed and got ready. After showering, eating a clone prepared breakfast, and brushing his teeth Naruto left a little early and started his walk towards the academy. It wasn't a long walk, but it always felt like it with the glares that accompanied his every movement. Still he moved with an air of confidence and awareness that kept them at bay. After the first day of the academy the word had gotten around the uzumaki boy was cracking and was starting to fight back.

Despite what one would believe the village of Konohagakure was not filled with morons, hypocrites, or evil minded bigots. No they didn't need to be told who Naruto's parents were or see several hundred blood tests to recognize who he was. It seemed like every day he was becoming more and more the mirror image of his father and his old personality reminded them even more of his mother. Lady Kushina the last survivor of Whirlpool had become a beloved figure in Konoha and her relationship with Minato was much less a secret than they believed. Still, in their grief they had become blinded by the lies of a few. The few became the some and the some became the majority, but the anger had long since gone away replaced by a weary tension the last four years. The carefree, smiling, helpful child was replaced by a cold, uncaring, untrusting boy. Then there was the council. It wasn't only the Hokage who was slowly being reduced to little more than a paper tiger a figure head by their greed no it was also the civilians. By the time they had all come to their senses they were too much under their thumb to do anything other than follow their orders and continue to treat Naruto like they had been treating him. So with many regrets and great sadness they turned their hate now fueled by the council towards the boy they all secretly admired and wanted to help.

Naruto just looked at the school recalling the memories from his clones. After that first week Naruto had just kept sending fully charged Shadow Clones every day while he worked on his physical skills & abilities, chakra control, elemental manipulation, fuinjutsu, genjutsu, and ninjutsu. However, Naruto's favorite skill to practice were his clone jutsus. They were just so useful and with or through them he could literally be his very own army. His chakra control by the end of his second year in the academy was enough to finally be able to do the basic clone jutsu they taught in the academy and as weak as it was it had it's uses he would admit.

One of the things he hated most about the academy was that Mizuki seemed to follow him or rather his clones throughout his years in the academy. First as a teacher and then as Naruto rose past his responsibilities he managed to weasel his way in as an assistant. It was like the guy was possessed by the need to make his school days hell. It only got worse when Sasuke returned. If his fan girls were unbearable before he was sure there was a special place in hell for all of them. Especially the ring leaders Sakura, Ino, and Ami with her two shadows. He seriously questioned what it meant to be a ninja if these girls were being allowed to pass.

As he walked into the school and through the halls with the all present glare following him he couldn't help, but think of what might have become of him if he didn't know the Kage Bunshin jutsu and wasted 8 hours a day six days a week being intentionally misinformed and mislead. He seriously doubted he would be prepared for what Kaen told him was coming in the future. He only knew for sure of one threat, but he was enough of one.

To fight Uchiha Itachi and live was something not many people could say, but he wanted to be one of those that could. He could still remember that night when Itachi delivered said threat personally. Naruto had been awakened by a loud banging noise and wasn't in the mood for company do to a little run in with another of those damn mobs earlier. "Alright already I'm coming damnit!" Naruto shouted at the jerk that was still banging on his door. 'Hmm … good thing I took some time to actually fix this place up a little. That old door would have long been smashed through, which reminds me … why am I answering the door in the middle of the night with my history?'

Before Naruto could really think about it though the pounding stopped and a second later the door opened. "Hello Naruto-kun." The voice said and before Naruto could respond he found himself in darkness. "Welcome to my world Naruto-kun." Naruto blinked finding himself in an open grassy area with trees on the edges as a strong gust of wind made him cover his face for a second. "You can lower your arms now Naruto-kun." Naruto did and a frown over came his face. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit Itachi-san?" "Interesting. I didn't know you knew my name Naruto-kun." "Well, your clan among others have caused me a lot of pain in the past. I make it my business to know about those who would be able to do so for future reference." "It seems I was right about you Naruto-kun. My clan was of the opinion that my brother or me would end up being the strongest from our village, but I always disagreed with that assumption. Do you know who I always told my father would one day be that individual?" Naruto just shrugged looking around for a means of escape. "You" All he got for a response was a smile.

Itachi noticed that Naruto seemed to continue looking for a way out. "I apologize for not explaining this sooner Naruto-kun, but this world we are in is Tsukuyomi an ability of my Mangekyo Sharingan and there is no escape." "Oh and how long am I here for?" "A few seconds in the real world can be days or weeks in here, but I will only keep you long enough to deliver my message. I have been set up by people who seek yours … or more to the point your 'prisoners' power." "So why are you telling me?" "I have been watching you for a long time and I'm impressed. You have survived were many would have fallen." "Okay so what am I supposed to do?" "I would tell you to train hard, but you do. Just make sure by the time your graduate you have at least low jounin level skill in most if not every aspect of ninja skill or you won't make it past your first year."

"Besides the obvious why are you telling me this and what do you want?" Itachi just looked at Naruto and then gave a rare smile. "The answer is one and the same Naruto-kun. I desire strength and some time after your graduation I'll find you and we'll fight. I hope you'll be ready Naru-kun." It was dark again and before Naruto could do anything he felt lips touch his and found himself in a strong embrace as suddenly a tongue slid in past his lips. He struggled against it, but something about it felt right. Suddenly though he found himself back at his front door and nothing there except for a key that looked like his. There was a note taped to his chest so he looked down and read it. It was a warning about Sasuke and the believed method of attaining the Mangekyo Sharingan. 'I hate him anyway so no problem with that, but why would he care to warn me and what was with that kiss?' Naruto thought as he picked up what was a copy of his key that he hadn't made. 'I really need to do something about that landlord of mine as well.' Naruto went back inside to try and get some sleep after burning the note and placing the key in a drawer filled with copies of his key.

Naruto awoke from his thoughts to find himself outside of the classroom. Luckily he was still early so walking in and only seeing a few people he headed straight for the seat his clones usually took all the way in the back near the windows. Taking his seat his thoughts once again turned to that night. 'I still have no clue as to what that was about or if it was really real. I mean what was that pressure against my chest when he kissed me?' "Awww … is my little Naru-chan thinking about his little boyfriend again?" 'Shut it Kaen. I am not GAY!' "Tsk tsk tsk Naru-chan. You shouldn't deny your true feelings. I'm a demon after all and if you are gay that's fine with me. Demons of all kinds, colors, and sex's get together where I am from so there's nothing to be ashamed of." 'Thanks for the understanding, but it's not needed now shut up or I'll turn my mindscape into fuzzy land.' Naruto was soon pulled out of his conversation by the shouting of Ino and Sakura as they were fighting over sitting next to Sasuke who was doing his best to ignore them. Unfortunately Sasuke was sitting next to him as he had started doing halfway through the third year when he rejoined Naruto's class. Naruto hated it, but after his clones started to dodge him so it didn't have to put up with the two crazed girls the Uchiha would seemingly wait him out before jumping to the seat next to him. It wouldn't have been an issue, but he always waited until most of the other seats were taken. So Sasuke ignored him and his clones ignored Sasuke now so was he. 'I wonder why they never realize there are two chairs beside him and they could both sit beside him?' Naruto just shrugged and chalked it up to them being fan girls.

Soon Iruka came in and used his Big Head jutsu to get everyone to shut up. Also, surprisingly Ino managed to steal the seat from out under Sakura and was smugly sticking her tongue out at a defeated looking Sakura as she sat next to Sasuke. Naruto tuned out the drama as he looked to see the pale eyed girl he came to know as Hinata looking at him. He just smiled and waved as she quickly turned around. Reviewing the memories of his clones showed that she did that constantly and for whatever reason seemed to avoid being near him. He didn't really know what to think about the girl other than he thought she was really cute and really weird.

Naruto stopped this line of thinking as both teachers stood up and the man he now knew as Iruka started talking. "Alright everybody today is this last day for those who have not taken or passed the gennin exam." He stops and looks at Naruto with a glare. "For those of you who have passed you are welcome to take it again to try and improve your marks other wise you can go home." To Naruto's surprise only Hinata, a boy called Shino, and Sasuke got up and left. 'Hmm … I wonder how come no one else passed before. I know I failed mainly cause I was trying to and those two pricks were pulling tricks to make me fail. I bet they'd be surprised if I told them I was trying to fail.' Naruto just grinned suppressing a laugh as he once again caught the glares of the two teachers. "Okay everybody Mizuki will pass out the tests and remember to use standard no.2 pencils and if you need to you may pull out a piece of paper now to work with and when your done attach it with a paper clip to your test." Naruto of course pulled out a couple of pieces from a pocket that had a seal hidden in it and a pencil. 'I wonder why they always say use a no.2 pencil … is there a no.3 pencil some where?' Mizuki finally reached Naruto's row and with Sasuke gone it was just him and Ino, but Mizuki just left his test on the seat furthest from him and walked away with a smile and Ino didn't look like she was willing to pass it to him.

Naruto reached over and grabbed his test and immediately noticed the genjutsu over it. He looked down and sure enough both teachers had a stupid smirk on their faces. Naruto just smiled and looked down at his 'test'. 'Hmm … I could piss them off and simply dispel the genjutsu, but I think I'll do one better.' Now it was Naruto's turn to give the teachers a smirk and they instantly looked confused. Naruto took a sheet of paper and wrote down the questions before dispelling the genjutsu and working on the real test before turning to his teachers test. Naruto just finished as Mizuki called for everyone to stop and bring their tests up before heading out to the training fields. Naruto was the last one to hand in his paper and with a smirk left to join his 'classmates'. Iruka and Mizuki quickly checked the other papers before looking at Naruto's and then his worksheet. "Mizuki how the hell did he answer these. I remember these as being on the chuunin exam test when we took it." Iruka said looking over the paper again. 'I don't know, but he must have cheated some how." "How? We were watching the little demon like hawks." "I don't know, but he must have. There's no way he's this smart." "I guess, but there's nothing we can do. I have to pass him for this part of the test and worse is he'll get the top score a perfect 100." Both men sighed before heading out to give the rest of the test hoping the demon fails the next one.

They soon caught up to the class and found them lounging around amicably talking amongst themselves with Naruto far off to the side looking like he was in a trance. "Okay everybody we graded the tests and here are the top 5 : 5. Nara Shikamaru, 4. Tomachi Kaoru, 3. Nobozuru Haruto, 2. Haruno Sakura, 1. Uzumaki Naruto." Everyone was shocked at the results except for Naruto who just smiled and waved at everyone as they stared at him. A minute later the fog was broken and they all began discussing how the demon brat cheated. Naruto just continued to smile loving the turmoil he caused in the insignificant little minds.

A few minutes later they were assembled in front of a bunch of targets that were placed at varying distances. Being an Uzumaki at least had one advantage. Naruto got to go last as all the other kids went before him and without the 3 who already scored high enough to pass the two previous times the rest were average at best. However, to pass all they needed was to hit five out of ten on both shuriken and kunai throwing or hit the target ten times. It surprised Naruto when Ino and Sakura managed to hit 7 using both while the rest settled for hitting 10 combined as most seemed to do better with kunai than the shuriken for some reason. When it was his turn Naruto stepped up to the line and taking his time hit all 10 targets in the bullseye with the shuriken secretly using a little wind chakra to correct the path of any that seemed off target. Hearing the mummers Naruto smiled as he took his time and all 10 kunai wound up in the bullseye beside the shuriken.

Iruka and Mizuki were beside themselves as they expected him to fail miserably and kick him out with the 3 strikes rule never to see him again unless they were in the mood for a little revenge or torture. However, it seemed like nothing they did was working even when they tried to knock his kunai and shuriken off course. It wasn't looking good for Mizuki's plan as he really needed Naruto to fail in order to get him to steal the Forbidden Scroll. He hated to admit it, but that little demon was already twice the ninja he was in regards to stealth and infiltration. All he had to do was keep Iruka blinded to the truth of their little alliance by using the grief over his parents to fuel his hate. Mizuki realized they only had one chance left to fail the little monster and that was during the three basic jutsu test. If he couldn't do those then it wouldn't matter how high he tested in the other portions of the exam he would automatically be failed.

The tiajutsu portion of the exam was easy for Naruto. It didn't test their knowledge or form. The test was a simple how long can you stay in the ring against the teachers test. Of course they took it easy on everyone except Naruto which meant all except a few lost causes failed. When Naruto's turn came up Mizuki made sure to go all out on him. It caught Naruto by surprise as even though he expected them to be rougher on him he didn't expect them to go so far. Mizuki took advantage and after a quick punch that slightly dazed Naruto he followed up with a roundhouse kick, but Naruto managed to duck down fast enough and avoid the hit. Naruto maneuvered Mizuki around until he could see the clock had twenty seconds left so he moved towards Mizuki and weaved through his increasingly desperate attacks until he got close enough to hit him with a chakra enhanced punch to the gut that knocked the wind out of him and then followed with two quick kicks to the knees and then a roundhouse kick to his temple knocking him out just as the timer went off okay maybe a little after the timer went off.

The rest of the class just stood there mouths open as flies went in and out. He wasn't surprised by the reaction as his clones mostly forfeited when anyone who could do even a little damage was his opponent as they might dispel or 'accidentally' kill one of his more permanent clones. Iruka snapped out of it and after glaring at Naruto he rushed to his friends' side with smelling salts waking him up. The class silently walked back to the classroom to wait for their teachers so they could finish up the exam. "Iruka what happened? Did I kill the demon?" "Sorry man the little shit got you good. I was to surprised to see that he could do that stuff to stop him, but we'll get him. He may know some bunshin types, but there's no way he can do the academy version. We'll just stipulate that it has to be the academy bunshin and do it in the back room so he doesn't see the others pass even if they don't do a perfect one." Mizuki gingerly nodded his head as a dull throbbing sensation coursed through it. 'I really have to kill that little bastard after he gets me the scroll.'

Naruto and his classmates just sat their waiting. The rest of the class was talking to each other and eyeing Naruto cautiously. They couldn't believe the 'dead last' had aced the written test, hit the bullseye perfectly in the weapon test, and then knocked out one of their teachers. Even Sasuke had only managed to place 2nd in the written portion behind Sakura, hit 18/20 targets on the weapons test, and last until the timer went off against Mizuki. For Naruto to display the level of intelligence and skill that he has displayed would go against everything the last four years would indicate. He wasn't bad except supposedly with jutsu, but he wasn't supposed to be good at least not this good. "I could still take him though right boy?" Akamaru just looked at Kiba and then Naruto and then layed down. 'Yeah I know I could and then I bet the girls would be all over me and forget about that jerk Sasuke.' Kiba dissolved into a fit of perverted giggles as people moved away from him slowly.

Everything grew quiet as Iruka and Mizuki walked back into the classroom with Mizuki leaning against Iruka for support. "Okay everybody we're almost finished. We will begin to call you one by one into the backroom to perform henge, kwarami, and bunshin jutsu. Once you complete the test you will choose a headband if you've passed and then you are to leave out the classroom door and proceed to the front of the school where you can leave the grounds or wait for who ever is coming to get you. You are to return tomorrow morning for your team placement. For those of you who don't pass you will be given the option to return next semester and try again or to become a civilian. If your decision is to return you have a week to get in contact with one of us or the principal. Okay now listen up for you name and come in when your called."

Naruto watched as everyone went and completed the exam. He watched as most seemed to come out with a headband tied some where on their bodies as they ran outside to greet family or friends and show off. He actually felt a little sad for the ones that came out with no headband their heads down looking ashamed as they walked out the door. They would most likely even if it was only their first failure give up and become a civilian. Thou a few he spied had a look of determination that showed they would be back next year. 'One way or another I won't be one of them, but I could imagine feeling differently if that incident hadn't happened.'

"Uzumaki Naruto it's your turn." Mizuki called doing his best to hide his disgust, but of course it didn't work as Naruto picked up on it easily. "Ok" Naruto replied as he walked into the backroom as Mizuki closed the door behind him. "Okay Naruto all you have to do is perform a henge, kwarami, and finally a regular bunshin and your done." Naruto just smiled at both of them before he henged into a perfect henge of Mizuki and then waved at the man, before he used kwarami to switch positions with Mizuki and then switched back still in the henge, but to his credit Mizuki kept his calm and even praised Naruto on his skill. 'What the hell is going on here? Why is Mizuki praising the demon?' Iruka was so lost in thought that he almost missed Naruto's attempt at a bunshin, but he smiled as he saw it on the ground looking sickly and near death.

"Sorry Naruto, but you fail. If you can't even perform a simple bunshin then there is no hope in you being a shinobi." Naruto had to pinch himself to stop the smile that was forming on his face, but inside his head he was laughing at the two pathetic excuses for shinobi. 'I can't believe they allowed their hate to cloud their judgments so much. Oh well I better get out of here. I certainly don't need or want to hear any more from these two. I should probably go out the back way though as I'm sure there is still a crowd out there waiting to see if the demon passed or not.' Naruto was brought out of his thoughts as he heard Mizuki for some reason trying get Iruka to give him another shot. 'He has something planned, but unfortunately for him I'm not playing along. They already gave me what I want.'

The two shinobi's argument evolved into a fight and they didn't even notice that Naruto had left until they heard the classroom door close. Before Iruka could even turn back to his friend he was also gone leaving him completely confused and questioning everything that happened that day. Meanwhile, Mizuki had just caught up with Naruto who was only a few blocks from his apartment complex. "Naruto wait up!" Shouted Mizuki causing Naruto to turn and stare at the man. "What can I help you with Mizuki-san?" "Well, I was a little worried you were taking what happened back there hard, but I can see that you seem to be fine." Mizuki for his part was wondering exactly why he wasn't and if this was going to affect his plan. "One door closes and another opens as they say. I think I will go to civilian school and then maybe travel around as I don't think I'll find what I'm looking for in Konoha." Naruto finished as he watched Mizuki's reaction. The man seemed to be in a mild state of panic, but he couldn't be sure.

'Damnit the little demon is messing up all my plans. No, I won't allow this. I deserve everything Orochimaru-samma is going to give me when I hand him that scroll and this little shit is going to get it for me.' "Well, that's a very mature way of looking at this Naruto, but what if I told you there was a second … secret test you could take that would allow you to become a gennin?" "I would say I'm listening." "It will be a test of stealth, secrecy, and information gathering. All you need to do is steal the Forbidden Scroll Konoha's Scroll of Seals from the Hokages office without anyone seeing you and deliver it to me later tonight in the woods behind the school training grounds." "Okay how long do I have to complete this test?" Naruto asked. "Until 10:00 p.m. after that you fail automatically and you'll never become a ninja." "Okay see you then." Naruto just walked away missing the evil grin that was plastered on Mizuki's face. Mizuki however missed the evil smile that was on Naruto's face as he walked towards the tower.

Half an hour later Naruto was knocking on the Hokage's door after he managed to make his way past the hateful guards, ninja's, and secretaries that worked at the tower. "Come in" he heard as he opened the door and walked in taking a seat in front of the veteran Hokage. "Oh hello Naruto, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" The hokage was surprised with the visit as it seemed like the blonde wanted to be anywhere, but near him these last four years. It did save him from having to use on of his Anbu to track him down so he find out what happened during the test. He had watched the whole thing and right up until he bunshin he fully believed the blond was going to pass. He had even picked out his team. He thought Naruto like Sasuke and Sakura as he saw him sitting with them frequently in class when he spied on him. Of course he over looked the way the pink haired girl always seemed to yell at the blond and tried to hit him or the way he seemed to be trying to avoid Sasuke. 'They'll be the perfect team and with time may even become the next Sannin.' "Actually I came for two reasons. The first is to tell you that the chuunin teacher Mizuki approached me half an hour ago or so about stealing a scroll from your office as a means of passing some secondary test after I failed the graduation exam today."

"Hmm … that is troubling. Are you sure about this, because Mizuki has never once shown any signs of being a traitor?" "I don't know that depends on if you think it would be treasonous for me to knock you out right now and take the Scroll of Sealing so I can deliver it to Mizuki later tonight." "I see." Hiruzen took up a thinking pose. 'I could just send Anbu to find the fool and let that be the end of it, but then there's Naruto to consider. I need him to become a shinobi to both fulfill my promise to his parents and to better protect him from the council and his fathers enemies not to mention these Akatsuki people Jirayia has been telling me about lately.' "Naruto how would you like to help me deal with Mizuki and become a gennin as well?" "I'd say no thank you Hokage-san." "That's good my boy now lets … wait what did you say?" "I said no thanks Hokage-san." "NANI!?"