
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

Chapter 6: Gearing for the Exams II


Naruto sighed as he and the others were struggling not to beat Shibuki's ass the entire way. He was rude, condescending, arrogant, and a major asshole. When he wasn't treating Haku like she was inferior because she was a woman, he was trying to treat Zabuza and Naruto as personal servants and pack mules. When he wanted them to carry him across a river instead of just walking across like he was fully capable of doing, Naruto literally kicked him in the ass and sent him flying across where he landed in a heap. Naruto just wished this was like some crack story where there would be a large convenient mound of manure for him to land in for no other reason than for him to be sent flying into.

Alas, this wasn't some joke of a story and thus he had to live with him just slamming hard into the ground while he and his teammates walked across the water. When the asshole tried to complain, Naruto threatened to knock him out and drag him the rest of the way while Zabuza commented that they should just cut off a limb each time he complained.

Shibuki shut up after that, but he still kept glaring all the time, not that they cared to begin with.

Now there was a new problem, they were still over a mile from the village but Shibuki refused to let them go any further, "I don't care what your orders are, you will not come any closer to my village and risk the entrance being revealed to outsiders!" Shibuki shouted annoying them.

"And I don't care what you want, until you're inside your village you're not going anywhere alone." Zabuza stated with his arms crossed.

"No!" Shibuki shouted with clenched teeth.

"Then I guess you're never going home. Because as soon as you start walking, we're going to follow you, and I guarantee you're not strong enough to make us back off." Naruto stated as he looked at Shibuki in boredom.

"Leave or I promise that your village will no longer receive help from us." Shibuki growled and Naruto looked at him uncaringly.

"That's no big loss, you told us of ONE incursion from Iwa in the last war and it wasn't even the biggest one. Us having Grass as an ally would do better than having you, especially since you're members are smaller than Grass and the trade would be better for Konoha as well." Naruto stated making Shibuki scowl at him, but before he could try to retort an explosion went off nearby and he widened his eyes.

"Oh no. The brat is there." Shibuki stated before taking off in that direction making the three frown at each other before they quickly followed him with Naruto already guessing what the person was given Shibuki's reaction.

Arriving at the sight, the three saw Shibuki fighting a Rain Ninja that was backed up by several ronin and thugs. The Rain Ninja wore a grey hat like forehead protector with the Amegakure symbol on the front of it, tied in the back of his head. He had tiny black eyes, messy, chin-length brown hair coming out from under his forehead protector, part of it covering his left eye. He also wore a black skin-tight suit underneath all of his clothing, which also covered his mouth and nose similar to Kakashi. Around his neck was a light grey scarf, a light grey T-shirt over his black suit, a blue-colored strapped suit that acted as his pants and a shirt over his grey one. He had his weapon holster on his right thigh and black shinobi sandals. He reminded Naruto a bit of Izumo, just shorter with messier hair.

Near Shibuki was a dark skinned girl with mint green hair with amber colored eyes and had a hair clip at her forehead that matched said eyes. Her outfit consisted of a short sleeveless white midriff shirt with fishnet armor underneath, long white armlets, and fishnet shorts with a short white apron skirt over it. Her forehead protector was worn on her right arm and she appeared to be a bit scraped up. Naruto also could see she was quite beautiful as she had DD cup breasts, a plump ass, slender legs, wide hips, a slim midriff that was beginning to show a six pack of abs, and she had a fair complexion.

'Naruto, she's the Jinchūriki of Chomei, the Seven Tailed Beetle.' Kurama informed making Naruto nod in acknowledgement.

'I guessed she was a Jinchūriki given the fact she was living a mile outside the village and Shibuki's reaction to her.' Naruto stated making Kurama nod since aside from Kumo, Jinchūriki were treated pretty much the same all around.

Shaking those thoughts away, he noticed that the area was a disaster zone showing the girl put up a lot of a fight evidenced by the craters and corpses scattered about. Said girl was also currently restrained via water whips from the Izumo look-alike and what no doubt were some water clones.

Shibuki was standing across from the group with a kunai in hand, "Let her go, she's property of my village." Shibuki stated making Naruto frowned as he slowly clenched his hand causing his knuckles to pop audibly while Haku and Zabuza narrowed their eyes since they could guess what that meant.

The Izumo look-alike merely chuckled, "Sorry, but once my boss gets the Hero Water, it won't be YOUR village anymore, and she'll be needed for breeding new soldiers after she and her future masters drink the hero water and impregnate her." He stated while Shibuki scowled at him, though Naruto could sense it wasn't exactly what they planned to do to the girl, but more WHO was going to be doing it.

Naturally, the girl struggled more at hearing that since she was no one's slut or breeding factory. She got a gash to her cheek from a water whip strike for her trouble, "Stop struggling slut, I only have to keep you functional, so I can cause you a lot of pain before delivering you." The look-alike sneered as he readied to whip her again if she moved a muscle.

However, he was unprepared for his whips to suddenly be cut apart by an arc of wind making him jump back as Naruto appeared beside Fu, who tensed before speaking to her closest friend. 'Don't be afraid, my child, that boy will not hurt you.' Chomei informed the girl, who relaxed a bit but still kept her stance ready.

'How do you know?' She asked knowing that there had to be a reason.

'Because he's like you, Fu, he has my brother Kurama sealed inside him and their chakra is in perfect synch meaning they are as close as we are. Kurama wouldn't let any harm come to us unless we deserved it, and his container is no doubt of a similar mindset. We can trust them, they will help us.' Chomei stated making the now named Fu relax more.

'He's strong too, I suck as a sensor and I can feel his chakra and power.' Fu stated as Naruto was standing between her and the enemies that attacked, though he was also between her and Shibuki as well.

'Yes, he's a true alpha male. He commands authority and respect and gives the latter back when it is deserved. He doesn't have people with him because he needs it, but rather because it helps them get better. He's someone worthy of being your mate, though from what I can sense from him he's already found a few of his own, so you may need to prove yourself if you want to get his attention.' Chomei stated making Fu blush and try hard not to fidget since Chomei had essentially raised her since no one in the village was going to, so she had explained quite a bit including her own take on the birds and bees which was you only let someone truly capable and powerful enough take you let alone tame you.

So if the host of Kurama was impressive to Chomei, well Fu was really interested in him now.

"What the hell is a Konoha shinobi doing here?!" The look-alike demanded as Naruto stood there with Orcrist in hand.

"Escorting the idiot you were just bragging to, had you been about 10 minutes faster or 30 minutes slower you would've been done without me or my team being in the way." Naruto stated making the enemy tense at the mention of team, but before they could try anything a storm of senbon needles came and started striking down several of the grunts while others were suddenly hit by a Water Dragon killing them on impact.

The lookalike was able to dodge along with a couple others, but those others were soon cut down by Zabuza's sword making the lookalike curse and jump away into the trees in a retreat… or at least he tried to retreat. He was cut off by another Naruto appearing right in front of him and running his blade right through the chest of the look-alike.

Naruto merely sealed his blade away before looking at Fu, who was blushing and smiling at him before waving shyly, "Hi." She said quietly making Naruto smile softly.

However, before he could say anything, Shibuki decided to speak, "Get away from my weapon!" Shibuki shouted only for Zabuza's sword to be at his neck while Haku had several ice senbon floating around his body ready to skewer him. Particularly two floating right at his eyes and a dozen or so for his groin.

"I think I've tolerated your disrespectful tone to my lord long enough." Zabuza stated as he made Shibuki arch his neck back.

"As tempting as that is, we need to collect payment from him for the additional trouble he's caused first then he's up for grabs." Naruto stated making Zabuza hum a bit.

"You sure? Somehow I doubt he's going to pay us." Zabuza stated knowing it was a distinct possibility.

"Then we take it from their treasury along with interest for being an annoying little shit." Naruto stated making Zabuza smirk.

"There is the issue of actually getting into the village though." Haku stated as she had the two near his eyes hovering less than inch from him.

"Oh, I think our new friend could help with that." Naruto stated before turning to look at Fu, who looked conflicted.

"Don't you fucking dare, you dumb demon bitch! I swear I'll punish you twice as hard if you even think about it!" Shibuki shouted before three senbon stabbed in his groin making him shout in pain before Zabuza kicked his left knee shattering it and dropping the asshole to both his knees, sending more pain up through him.

"I see loyalty for Jinchūriki is the same here as in everywhere else but Kumo." Naruto stated before turning to Fu, "Well, miss, stand with him or you can stand with us. WE won't treat you like a demon, trash, a whore, or any of the other numerous titles and names the village has given you since you became a container. We will actually treat you with respect, so long as you are worth respecting and can give you a home and family." Naruto stated as Fu bit her lip.

'Do it, my child. Not only is it freedom from this village, it's also a chance to be under the care and guidance of this man as well as his people's protection. The one with the sword called him a lord, which means he's either the heir or head of a clan and thus can provide plenty of protection for you as well as training, outfitting, and comfort, provided you pull your weight of course.' Chomei advised and Fu mentally nodded before turning back to Naruto.

"I can help, but I want protection with your clan in exchange." Fu stated and Naruto smiled.

"Done." He stated before giving a light bow, "Naruto Uzumaki, Jinchūriki of the Nine Tailed Fox." Naruto introduced shocking Shibuki while Fu gave a curtsy.

"Fu, Jinchūriki of the Seven Tailed Beetle." Fu introduced back making Naruto nod before extending his hand, which she took, and shook it before kissing the back.

"A pleasure." Naruto stated as Fu blushed a bit since that kiss sent tingles through her body. "Shall we?" Naruto asked as Fu smiled and nodded, which caused Naruto to nod to Zabuza, who punched Shibuki in the face sending him into unconsciousness before lifting the asshole up as Haku took the senbon from the air and turned them back to water before storing it in a seal on her arm. Naruto then set the bodies on fire and left a clone behind to ensure they didn't burn the forest down.

Following Fu, Naruto wasn't surprised as they walked behind a large waterfall at a cliff face before she walked through the wall behind it showing it was a Genjutsu over a tunnel that led to a pool of water. Fu then explained that the pool covered a tunnel that led into the village and unless someone knew where to go, you could scale the cliff face for hours and not find an opening to use.

Making sure they were ready, the four dove into the pool with Zabuza carrying Shibuki as they went through the tunnel and came out into a large lake area around a giant tree while the shore and edges of the area was the village. Fu explained how the tree was said to have been grown a long time ago and was imbued with a mass amount of chakra and drinking it's sap, which was only taken once every hundred years or so and called Hero Water, could boost a person's chakra, power, strength, speed, and agility to untold heights, but the cost was it could shorten your lifespan unless you drank it just after it was harvested. The village considered the sap sacred so no one ever did drink it unless it was an emergency.

Apparently, only the village leader, meaning Shibuki, knew where the sap was kept after it was extracted and no one else was allowed to know about it. Meaning, they were most likely about to be ambushed because whoever was in charge of the last group needed Shibuki back in the village in order to get the sap.

Sure enough, more grunts and thugs came out surrounding them along with three others that were clearly in charge. "Well, isn't this a surprise. I didn't expect Konoha Shinobi to be here let alone with the demon whore my men were sent to retrieve. Did you kill Kirisame?" The apparent leader, a man, stated having long spiky grey hair, goatee, and wore a dark blue jacket, grey pants, sandals, and had a bandana keeping his hair out of his face.

"The masked wimp? Yeah, he's dead and burning." Naruto stated casually not at all caring about being surrounded.

"Ha, I told you he wasn't worth keeping around. Couldn't even handle a couple of Genin and a Jonin with the number of men you gave him." The second figure, another man , stated drawing attention. He was a bit muscular by Ninja standards and wore a black, sleeveless shirt, grey pants, ninja sandals, and brown-colored arm warmers. He had chin length grey hair which was spiked at the top. He also had a teal line marking that went over his nose and went cheekbone to cheekbone.

"Or maybe we actually have some competition here. One of them is Zabuza Momochi after all." The only female member stated as she looked over the group. She was younger than the other two, decently tall at 5'10", and had a slim yet sexy figure with fair skin, short light brown unkempt spiky hair, azure blue earrings, red lipstick, pupil-less black eye irises, F cup breasts, a bubble butt, long legs, wide hips, and wore a white hairband over her head, holding the hair out of the way from her eyes. She wore a pink tube top that had a dark red lining along with an open light blue shirt, navy blue pants, and ninja sandals. She wore her shirt open to let her bust show as it was straining against her tube top and she also had a shuriken holster on her right thigh.

"Ha, yeah right, Hisame. Even if it is Zabuza, he's overrated since he's been on the run for years after failing an assassination." The muscular one stated while the now named Hisame scoffed.

"I'm sure that's what Kirisame thought too before they killed him. But, by all means, underestimate them, Murasame, I'll still be standing when it's over." Hisame stated making the now named Murasame scowl at her.

"You're lucky you're useful or I'd have you as nothing more than a cocksleave." Murasame growled making Hisame glare at him.

"Try it, please, I'll be happy to sever what makes you man and then make you choke on it, though that may be hard since I'm sure it's small enough I could fit it in a straw." Hisame threatened back as Murasame scowled at her.

"Enough." The leader stated making them glare at each other another moment before turning back to their current problem.

Naruto merely looked at the apparently leader, "Have you considered what would happen if they decided to take the Hero Water for themselves and just cut you out of the deal?" Naruto asked knowing Haku was prepping her own ambush of the surrounding enemy while they were distracted.

The leader merely laughed, "These two? Ha! They can't beat me as it is, even with the Hero Water they wouldn't stand a chance." He stated making the two glare at him for the insult even if they knew it was true.

"I see, we're in the same position then since my teammates wouldn't be able to beat me either." Naruto stated as the leader snorted at the idea of a Genin beating Zabuza Momochi, "The difference is, I don't belittle them for being weaker and I actively try to make them stronger." Naruto stated making the leader scoff.

"Then you're even weaker than I thought, the strong don't care about those who are weaker than them." He stated and Naruto snorted and shook his head.

"A real leader knows how to draw out the strength of his followers, and that's why you're not a leader. You're just an asshole who managed to get some people to work for him." Naruto stated as the leader frowned. "It doesn't help that you're so arrogant that you fail to notice your death approaching." Naruto stated before Haku stomped her foot and senbon and knives made of water and ice began skewering several of the enemies with the three main enemies dodge, though Murasame didn't get completely unscathed as he got a few cuts.

He had to jump away again to dodge as Zabuza brought his blade down where he was standing a moment ago before backing off to get his bearing, only Zabuza wouldn't let him having discarded Shibuki like a sack of potatoes. The same could be said for Hisame as Haku was attacking her with more and more sharp pointy objects made of ice and water.

Naruto though just stood there and looked at the leader as he kicked Shibuki away from the field, "Fu, handle the rest of the lackies, I'll take care of him." Naruto instructed making Fu nod before she went after the hired help as Naruto kept standing there.

"Cocky little shit, you think you can take me on just because you're from one of the big five?" The leader scowled as Naruto merely stood there looking at him.

"No, I think I can take you on because you're a pathetic excuse for a shinobi with no real skill or power to back up his arrogance." Naruto stated as the leader growled before launching at him and entered into a taijutsu combo, only for Naruto to block each strike easily before delivering a hard punch to his opponent's gut causing him to gasp in pain as blood and spit flew from his mouth.

Naruto merely watched as he hacked and tried to get his breathing under control before he did a spin kick to his face sending him flying away while also knocking out a couple teeth. Naruto merely looked at him as he crashed into the ground and then the water and began walking towards him knowing the other three would be fine.

With Zabuza, he was actually disappointed as Murasame wasn't nearly as impressive as he made himself out to be. He had a couple of water jutsu and taijutsu, but nothing else to really make him worth all the arrogance he had. The only slightly impressive thing was the rapid paced taijutsu style he used, but Naruto was much faster and as such Zabuza could keep up with Murasame easily enough. Then again, training with Naruto and his two other guards was the reason this was a joke, if he was still the same man he was back at Wave then he may actually be trying, but right now? With the advancement in skill, prowess, and power he had from the bone shattering training? This was just a joke.

Zabuza proved this as he caught one of the punches thrown at him and began squeezing. He squeezed, and squeezed, and squeezed, even as he heard the joints pop, the tendons snap, the bones crack, he kept squeezing the offending limb. Murasame screamed in pain and tried to throw another punch, only to get the same result and Zabuza made it worse by kicking him in the knees shattering them both.

Once he felt the hands were destroyed enough, Zabuza let go leaving Murasame on the ground unable to do anything. Zabuza merely looked at him in boredom before digging in a pocket and pulled out a slip of paper and a scroll before he slapped the paper on Murasame watching as Fuinjutsu lines spread across his body before constricting him making it impossible for him to move. Zabuza then opened the scroll showing more Fuinjutsu markings before they glowed and a puff of smoke came before clearing and showed Murasame was gone.

Zabuza merely rolled the prisoner scroll up and put it back in a pocket for transport. While not a notable threat, Murasame could provide intel on Ame and thus had some value to him that could benefit Konoha and by extension Naruto. Especially since Ame had been quiet as of late, no one was getting in and no information was getting out from those few who did get in because said people that did were soon found dead. So, any information was better than no information and thus Murasame was spared death at the moment as he had some usefulness to him still.

Over with Haku, she was standing calmly across from Hisame as she had dozens if not hundreds of pointy/sharp objects all round the area pointed right at her. Hisame, for her part, was panting and trying to think things through since she had dozens of cuts and scrapes from constantly dodging the different impaling implements. It didn't help her left arm was numb from an unsuccessful dodge of a senbon and her clothes were torn in various places showing more of her body off.

In other words, she was fucked if she didn't think of something quick.

"You should surrender, Naruto-sama won't harm you if you do." Haku stated while her face was hidden due to her mask.

Hisame grunted a bit as she looked over the situation carefully, "To be tortured for information and then executed? Not much of an offer." Hisame answered since she'd live until she was taken back to Konoha, but then all bets were off.

Haku merely tilted her head as the sharp objects all got closer, "You could die here instead, if you prefer." Haku stated coldly as the objects all glittered in the light, "There's also the fact you could defect to Konoha and if you prove yourself enough, Naruto-sama may even let you become a ward of his clan." Haku added while Hisame frowned.

"What clan?" Hisame asked since that would factor into things.

"The Uzumaki Clan." Haku stated making Hisame widen her eyes.

"He's related to the Red Death?" Hisame asked and Haku nodded.

"Yes, but he's the one in charge of the clan as it's clan head." Haku stated as Hisame raised her eyebrows before frowning.

"How is that possible?" Hisame asked and Haku merely tilted her head.

"I'm sorry, but did you think I would give everything away to someone who is still an enemy?" Haku asked since she knew Naruto being the Head of the Uzumaki clan wasn't going to stay quiet for long so there was no harm in stating it, but telling how and why he was the head and not Kushina wasn't something she was going to just tell to anyone especially since it was Naruto's personal business.

Hisame snorted, "No, I guess not. How do you know so much of him anyway?" Hisame asked and Haku blushed as she wanted to say she was a future concubine or wife for him, but held it back.

"I am a Branch Member of his clan, as is Zabuza." Haku stated making Hisame frown.

"Zabuza? Serving that kid? And here I thought the kid was just being arrogant by being the one doing the talking." Hisame stated before several of the sharp objects flew in and hovered right at her throat, eyes, breasts, and groin.

"Never insult Naruto-sama in front of me." Haku warned in an icy tone that promised pain and suffering to anyone who didn't heed the warning.

Hisame sweated at the situation and the killing intent the girl was aiming at her. "S-sorry, I meant no offense, it's just how people usually are when they speak instead of the superior officers." Hisame stated while hoping if the girl did attack, the ones at her neck would be launched first since she didn't want to be any kind of coherent when her breasts and womanhood began to get stabbed.

Haku backed the objects up an inch, it wasn't much but enough for Hisame to breathe a little easier. "You've still to give your answer." Haku stated making Hisame nod slightly.

"I surrender." Hisame stated as she unstrapped her Shuriken pouch, tossed it away, and put her hands up.

Haku nodded before reaching into her pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper. Haku then walked up and placed it against Hisame's chest making her shiver slightly since Haku's hand was cold and it traveled to her breasts. Hisame then gasped as she felt her chakra become restrained before Haku stepped back while using her ice to pick Hisame's pouch up and put it in her hand.

"That seal will stay on until Naruto-sama says otherwise." Haku stated making Hisame sigh, "I could always stab you with senbon to paralyze you and then seal you in a prisoner scroll if you wish." Haku stated making the senbon inch closer to Hisame's neck.

Hisame widened her eyes and shook her head rapidly, "No! N-no, the seal is perfectly fine." Hisame answered quickly making Haku nod before the different sharp and pointy objects dissolved into water.

"Good." Haku stated as Zabuza walked over along with Fu, who had dealt with the thugs easily enough with her Taijutsu and some of her Biju style Jutsu.

They then turned to where Naruto was to see him staring calmly at a large tidal wave that was heading right for him. Hisame and Fu began to panic along with several of the villagers that were within eyesight of it, but Zabuza and Haku merely stood calmly. "We need to get out of here." Hisame stated frantically but Haku held her still.

"Naruto-sama will handle it." Haku stated calmly as she watched Naruto call Orcrist to him again before he took a iaijutsu stance. He held it a moment before he drew and swung his blade in an instant cutting the wave in half shocking everyone but Zabuza and Haku as the wave collapsed on itself.

The leader merely stared in shock as Naruto walked across the water before his shock turned to anger and he quickly unleashed a water dragon at Naruto, only for him to cut through it as well. He then tried launching dozens of other Jutsu, including Great Cannon Ball, and it all ended the same before Naruto was gone from his sight.

He looked around furiously before gasping in pain as a blade pierced through his body at his stomach. "As I said, you're too pathetic of an excuse for a shinobi to be a threat. Enjoy hell." Naruto stated before he pulled his blade up and out cutting the man in two before he started walking back to the shore as the body sank beneath the waters.

Joining his group, he looked to Hisame, "Glad you didn't fight for that piece of shit now?" Naruto asked with a smirk as Hisame nodded numbly. Naruto then turned and saw Shibuki getting up, "Oh good, you're up. We just handled the invading force, so now you need to pay more." Naruto stated as he walked over to Shibuki as the villagers began coming out.

"I'm not paying you anything! I told you not to enter my village and then you attack me and dare to take my village's weapon into the village!" Shibuki shouted as a few glared at Fu while some were nervous Shibuki was going to offend the people who just destroyed the attackers like they were nothing.

"Then I'll beat you until you tell where your treasury is and take what we're owed now. And because you clearly don't know how to treat a woman, let alone a Jinchūriki, I'll take Fu back with us where she can have an actual life." Naruto stated making Shibuki look at him in outrage before he was hit in the face by a headband as Fu removed hers and threw it at him.

"Take that as my resignation." Fu stated making Shibuki growl.

"Arrest them, now!" Shibuki shouted and waited for his subordinates to obey.

Only they wouldn't.

"You guys want a piece of this?" Naruto asked looking at the gathered crowd and immediately they put their hands up and stepped back.

"Nope/nuh uh/no/I'm good." They chorused shocking Shibuki.

"What the fuck are you doing?! I order you to arrest them!" Shibuki shouted angrily and they shook their heads.

"Not only did they save the village and protect the Hero Water, but he killed Suien by himself. You want to fight, then go ahead, we want to live." A Jonin named Kegon stated making it clear Shibuki was on his own.

"There ya have it. If one of you would be so kind as to pay us an additional C Rank fee, we'll leave and be out of your hair." Naruto stated making the shinobi look at each other before Kegon nodded to one of the others, who took off back into the village.

"Traitors! You're all traitors! I'll have you executed for this!" Shibuki shouted making Naruto scoff.

"You and what army? News flash, a leader isn't a leader if they have no one following them. You really think these people will turn on each other just because you say they should die? Not only is that stupid, it's even worse since your village can't exactly spare the muscle you want to sacrifice to get your way." Naruto stated making Shibuki growl at him.

"I am the leader of this village! That means my word is law!" Shibuki shouted while Naruto shook his head.

"Only if they decide you should stay in charge and only if you can enforce your law, but by yourself you can't enforce anything at all." Naruto stated before kicking him in the head sending him back into unconsciousness.

"I'd recommend you get rid of him as your leader, he's going to get you all killed at this rate." Naruto stated as he folded his arms behind him before the man Kegon sent running off came back with a sack and tossed it to Naruto, who caught it. "With that, we shall take our leave." Naruto stated as he and his group began to leave making the villagers breathe a sigh of relief since they were afraid they would want more.

"All right, everyone, let's get to work securing the village and then fixing the damage we sustained." Kegon announced making everyone nod as they got to work while Kegon and another took Shibuki away since he was only made the leader because his father and Suien vouched for him before the former passed away.


Naruto and his now bigger group began moving away from the village before Naruto stopped and faced Hisame, "Hold still." Naruto stated before he pulled his seal off before going to her neck and pulling another off.

"Naruto-sama, I only put one on her." Haku stated making Naruto nod while Zabuza held his hands up saying he didn't put one on her.

"I know, Haku, this lacks my finesse and style, my guess is one of her so called partners put this here. By the basic design, it apparatus to be a kill switch meant to eliminate whoever the seal is put on via trigger action from the user. Luckily my seal overrode it and let me know it was there or it could have reactivated." Naruto stated as he looked at the seal he pulled off finding it to only barely be passable as a seal.

"Bastards." Hisame hissed since she never should have agreed to help them with their bullshit plan.

"Indeed, but now you don't have to worry about that." Naruto stated with a casual smile while balling up the seal and throwing it away as Hisame blushed a bit.

"And you're going to be different than them?" Hisame asked looking at the three as Naruto smirked.

"I don't rule by fear, I rule through respect and loyalty. You stay loyal to me, then I stay loyal to you. You work hard for me, I'll work hard for you. Give and take." Naruto stated making Hisame nod slightly, "Besides, you've seen us in action, does it look like there's any resentment, anger, or plans for backstabbing among us?" Naruto asked and Hisame looked them over intently.

"No. No, I don't see even a hint of any of that." Hisame stated and Naruto nodded.

"Exactly, we look after our own and keep them safe and strong, anyone interfering with that is our enemy and we put our enemies to the sword." Naruto stated before turning and heading off again.

"Is it wise to have her using all her chakra?" Zabuza asked as Naruto stopped and nodded.

"Yes, she's not stupid enough to attack any of us knowing it would mean her death. Plus, she wants to see more of us and see if we are the kind of people she's wanted to work with for a long time." Naruto stated as his teachers made him very observant and his sensory skills helped that even further.

"You don't even know me." Hisame stated and Naruto looked back at her and she suddenly felt nervous and shy as she felt like she was naked to his eyes as they bored right through her into her soul.

"97% of the time, you're the smartest person in the room, but you don't always show it because you've only been ridiculed and hated by the people you were working with. You feel teammates should protect each other but not risk dying to save one person when the team as a whole matters more than the individual. You've stopped trusting people because the few times you did, they used you both physically and psychologically and no doubt that's left plenty of scars. You don't like involving innocent people, but you do know that sometimes you have no other choice. You keep different jutsu and weapons you know how to use a secret because you know that gives you an edge if you are betrayed. Please stop me when I'm wrong." Naruto stated making Hisame turn her head feeling more exposed than she ever had in her life, and that was counting being stripped and "taught" how to perform seduction back in Ame.

"Okay, so maybe you do know me." Hisame stated quietly.

"Yes, that's why I know you're not going to try anything on the way to the village or within the village." Naruto stated before he motioned them to start moving again.

Hisame was quiet along the way as she could only think about the man leading their group and Fu was the same way. They'd have to try talking with Haku to get more information on him wince they didn't really feel like talking to Zabuza.


Naruto was walking through the district dressed in a dress shirt, slacks, and shoes, all black with red trimmings, heading for the Clan Head house to pick up his date for the evening. The different Uchiha members nodded to him as he passed knowing who he was and that he was, even unofficially, courting the Matriarch and two princesses of the clan. While a few were annoyed by this since they wanted to get the women for themselves, they knew not to fuck with Naruto after what the Hokage did plus Tsunade and Mikoto's own handling of people who did anything against him. There was also Naruto's own handling of problems to take into account as well.

There was a draw back of them supporting Naruto earning more ire from the villagers, but they had long since stopped caring even when Mikoto essentially cut Kushina off a couple years ago. Alienating the Hokage's wife wasn't an easy move, but they managed and kept working and going as they pleased.

They just hoped it would be worth it in the end.

As for Naruto, he was thinking back on recent events. After returning from the mission, Zabuza had turned over Murasame to the T/I department before Hisame was then taken and questioned with Naruto offering her sanctuary and sponsorship to be a Konoha Kunoichi. Hisame cooperated knowing this was how the system worked and so long as she was cooperative then they had no reason to resort to crueler tactics. With Naruto sponsoring her, the interrogation would be civil and Hisame had no problem selling out Ame for all it was worth.

Of course this also brought up the point of Fu and, after explaining things to Minato, it was signed off on Fu being Naruto's third teammate and a Kunoichi of Konoha. The former was the best option since they already had a rapport going and Naruto being able to relate to her as a Jinchūriki only made it an easier choice. Besides, there wasn't anyone else available and Minato wanted to see what Naruto was truly capable of.

Since then, Naruto had been training Fu hard in both Taijutsu and ninjutsu to get her skills up to what they could be. For a weapon, he didn't give her a sword finding that such a thing didn't match her way of fighting, so he commissioned a spear for her to use and then improved it with seals to ensure it was better than a master crafted weapon. So far she was getting proficient with it, but still had a ways to go before she was a master of using it, though that was to be expected.

There was also the bit of awkwardness of him and Rukia explaining his harem and relationships, but Fu took it well as Chomei had explained how true Alphas had more than one mate to sate their desires and need to breed offspring. So Naruto really just solidified himself as the ideal man for Fu to give herself to completely, hence why she gladly joined his clan and vowed to protect, honor, and serve him in all things and ways… and she did so while stripping naked to present herself letting him see her DDD cup boobs, jiggly ass, wide hips, tone stomach and legs, and a clean shaven womanhood.

Rukia, naturally, approved of such a move since it got rid of the "does he/she like me in that way?" dance that she couldn't stand. It was refreshing for someone to just openly submit and acknowledge they would gladly fuck her future husband at the asking.

Arriving at the house, Naruto broke from his thoughts, knocked a few times, and waited before the door opened showing Itomi in a tank top and booty shorts and she smiled at Naruto, "Hi, Kaa-san is finishing up then she'll be out." Itomi answered as she let him inside to wait not at all caring that her tits were nearly on display due to her shirt being too small to fully contain them.

However, once the door was closed, Itomi pinned him to the door and kissed him heatedly on the lips and Naruto was happy to reciprocate while letting his hands roam her body especially her ass as their tongues fought and wrapped around each other. Naruto went further and slipped his hands into her shorts groping her ass as she was wearing a thong and Itomi responded in kind by groping his crotch.

After a few minutes, Itomi broke for air with a blush and a lustful smirk, "You're taking me on a date next, and I'd better be impressed." Itomi stated and Naruto smirked before pinching her ass making her jump a bit.

"Or what?" Naruto challenged with a predatory grin that made Itomi shiver as her pussy began to moisten.

"Mmm, or you're not going to be impressed." Itomi stated pressing against him even more.

"Hmm, I find that unlikely, I'm always impressed with you." Naruto stated making Itomi blush a bit and smile.

"Ahem." Sarada's voice cut in making them look and see her there in a sports bra and yoga pants showing off her breasts, ass, hips, and legs. "Kaasan is going to be out in a moment, I think she may be annoyed at you tongue raping her date, Nee-chan." Sarada stated though it was clear from the look in her eyes that she wanted to be doing the same thing to Naruto.

"Fine, just something more to look forward to on our date." Itomi stated as she stepped back after Naruto slapped her ass.

"Indeed." Naruto stated with a smirk on his face before turning as the clacking of heels came from the hall before Mikoto stepped into view. She looked radiant and downright sexy as she wore a tight black lace up dress that reached mid-thigh and gave a look at her curves as her tits were near bursting out of the top of the dress giving an excellent amount of cleavage to ogle at. Her ass was straining against the fabric as it swayed side to side every step she took while her legs were shown off with black lace stockings and stiletto heels. Around her neck was a simple black choker, a pair of black pearl earrings in her ears, and she had light make up on that added to her natural beauty.

All in all, she looked like a true milf that knew what she had and knew how to use it and show it off.

Naruto merely smiled and bowed before kissing her hand, "May I have the name of this radiant beauty before me? Itomi and Sarada never told me they had such a beautiful sister." Naruto stated making Mikoto blush and giggle while the other two smirked.

"Oh stop it, Naruto-kun, you know exactly who I am." Mikoto stated while happy to be complimented so sincerely since it had been a LONG time since she was given a real compliment and not just a perverted comment about her looks.

"Yes I do know, a goddess in human form." Naruto stated kissing her cheek as Mikoto blushed again and slapped his shoulder.

"Flattery will get you a lot of places, stud." Mikoto stated as she eyed him up and down like a predator eying something it wanted badly.

"Is it flattery if I truly believe it?" Naruto asked as he offered his arms and she gladly took it as they left.

"Maybe." Mikoto stated before looking to her daughters, "Don't wait up girls." Mikoto stated as she waved and walked off with Naruto while the two girls smirked and closed the door knowing they'd get their chance soon enough.

Naruto and Mikoto calmly walked through the village arm in arm as Naruto led her to where their date was taking place. "Hehe, I'm actually giddy with excitement. It's been so long since I got to have a date. And with such a handsome young man too." Mikoto stated as she hugged his arm tighter pressing it into her tits.

"Well I'm glad I can take such a beautiful woman on a date." Naruto stated with it's a smile as he continued to lead her while she smiled.

"So do I get to know where we're going or do I have to guess?" Mikoto asked and Naruto smirked.

"You'll find out when we get there." Naruto stated making Mikoto pout before she smirked and pressed against him more.

"Isn't there anything I could do to make you tell me?" Mikoto asked and Naruto chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sure there is, but none of it could be done in an open street, plus we wouldn't have enough time to enjoy your… persuasion." Naruto stated with a smirk as she blushed a bit at the predatory gleam in his eyes.

"Oh? So we're on a schedule, that means it's a place with reservations." Mikoto stated and Naruto merely smirked as they kept walking ignoring the different people staring at the Uchiha Matriarch and the Jinchūriki of the village acting like a couple.

A couple minutes later, they arrived at a very classy restaurant called The Golden Leaf much to Mikoto's shock as Naruto walked them in ignoring glares from the customers waiting to be seated. "Hello, table for two for Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto told the maître d, who looked before nodding.

"Of course, right here." The woman stated before waving over a server, "Please escort these two to the VIP table." She stated making the server nod before motioning the two to follow him as he walked away.

"Why the hell are you seating him before us?! And how does the demon have a reservation for the VIP table?!" One annoying customer demanded as the maître d looked at them.

"He's being seated because he's got a permanent reservation here. He has the reservation because of who he is, if you don't like it then feel free to leave and never come back here." She stated neutrally as she went over a few things on her podium as the customers just gawked at her.

Naruto and Mikoto were escorted to a small two person table at the back of the restaurant that was blocked by a few dividers, they could have privacy but they weren't cut off entirely from the rest of the establishment.

Naruto pulled Mikoto's chair out for her before pushing it in and then took his own seat as the server presented two menus and then left them alone for a few minutes to let them decide what to eat.

Mikoto merely looked around in awe since she had never been to this place before, partly because it was so hard to get a reservation and secondly because it was expensive as all hell. "Naruto-kun, how can you afford this let alone get a reservation for here?" Mikoto finally had to ask since she knew he had money since paying Tazuna to build a clan compound wasn't exactly cheap.

"I have the entirety of the fortune I collected during my time away, which is quite a large sum since Iron pays well especially when you're bringing glory, honor, and customers to them in droves. I also have money coming in from multiple business ventures that I have going that I've had set up for years, some long term and some quick payouts. On top of that, I have all of the Uzumaki Clan accounts at my disposal as well. Really, I could buy all the property in the village and still have enough to live off of comfortably with little worries. As for this place, I own half of it." Naruto stated making Mikoto look at him in surprise and shock. "The original owner had Mito finance the building, supplies, fees, and salaries for the first few months in exchange for a substantial holding in it as it grew. It became a huge success and Mito kept it under Uzumaki Clan property, Kushina never bothered to see what the Uzumaki clan held in the village and I'm sure Tsunade knew but never bothered to come because of the price. I, however, have no such problems and are happy to take a beautiful woman out to a restaurant and lavish her with compliments and fine dining." Naruto stated with a smile as Mikoto smiled back with a blush. "Now, you should look at the menu, unless of course you'd like me to order for you?" Naruto asked with a smile and Mikoto made a thinking face.

"Well, why not? If only to see if you actually know me as well as you think you do." Mikoto stated with a challenging grin as Naruto smirked and took her menu before gazing over the options for each course before finding the ones he knew Mikoto would like best.

When the waiter returned, Naruto spoke up, "The lady will have the tossed greens salad to start, extra tomatoes and light on the croutons. For the soup, she'll have the rice noodles in the spicy tomato broth, followed by the steak skewers with the onions and peppers extra charred with a miso dipping sauce. For desert, she'll have the chocolate strawberry shortcake with a side of vanilla ice cream." Naruto ordered making the server nod as they wrote it all down while Mikoto had a pleasant smile on her face through it all.

Naruto then ordered his own food of an udon noodle salad with a spicy mango sauce, fresh miso soup with a side pork dumplings, beef stir fry with extra mushrooms and sesame seeds, and finally a desert sushi sampler for last.

The server nodded and then placed two glasses of water, two glasses for hot tea, and then two saucers for sake before bringing the tea and sake. Mikoto smiled brighter as the server left, "Well, the order sounds good, but we will have to see if it's made the way I like it." Mikoto stated as Naruto smirked and poured her some hot tea before pouring a splash of water into it to cool down slightly. "You even remembered how I like my tea." Mikoto stated as she sipped hers with a happy smile finding it to be exactly as she wanted it.

"I remember everything you either showed or told me you liked." Naruto stated with a small smile as Mikoto smiled back and began rubbing her foot along his leg.

"I think there's something else I will like as well." Mikoto stated with a flirtatious look on her face before shivering as Naruto grabbed her leg and began massaging her calf making her bite back a moan.

"Oh no, I can assure you that you will love that when you get it." Naruto stated confidently as he was slowly rubbing and caressing her leg.

"Oh? Cocky aren't you." Mikoto challenged with a grin before sighing as he rubbed her calf in a comforting spot.

"No, I just know that I'll keep going until you do love it, even if I have to reduce you to a drooling mess that won't be able to walk right for days." Naruto stated making Mikoto blush bright red.

"Keep talking like that and I may decide to just skip dinner and Shunshin us to my room and lock the door." Mikoto stated as she slipped her other foot out of her heel and began caressing his cloth covered erection that had been there for a while.

"Much as I'd love to, I'm not so callous as to make Itomi and Sarada sit through our inevitable fuck session knowing what we're doing. Especially since I'd likely get jumped by both of them wanting their turn right after." Naruto stated making Mikoto giggle a bit knowing he was right. Her girls would let her have her time, but then they would want theirs and would not take no for an answer.

"Fair enough, just don't make me wait too long. This is the most fun and sexually enticing time I've had, ever, and I'm going to want to hit the high note of it sooner rather than later." Mikoto stated before the salads were delivered and the duo began to eat.

"Have some faith and patience, Miko-Chan, since good girls get plenty of treats and rewards." Naruto stated with a lustful look as Mikoto blushed at the nickname while feeling her body heat up at his talk.

"Mmm, yes sir." Mikoto stated as she pulled her legs back but kept them near his.

The duo ate in peace talking about anything and everything they could and refamiliarizing themselves with each other only this time to an intimate level. The two held nothing back from the other, Mikoto told him about her marriage and subsequent loneliness and her own "handling" of her needs while Naruto told her about his missions, his sexual encounters, and his girls all at her own asking.

Rukia had been plain and direct with Mikoto that Naruto and everyone involved with him had a 100% honesty policy, they were absolutely honest and had no secrets at all. Naruto would tell them everything and they would tell him everything, no holds barred.

Mikoto understood and even respected it since there was never anything hurtful kept hidden and thus could be dealt with immediately rather than let it stew until it got out and someone got hurt worse. So Mikoto was following the rule and being completely honest though she was thankful Naruto wasn't asking any outright embarrassing/uncomfortable questions that she'd need time to work the nerve up to answer.

By the end of the meal, the two felt intimately close and Mikoto could honestly say he knew her perfectly as the dishes were perfect and exactly what she would want when having a meal.

Naruto paid the bill before leaving with Mikoto on his arm and her head on his shoulder as they did. However, both noticed that people were still staring at as they walked and it was annoying Mikoto, "Don't these people have anything better to do then stare at us?" Mikoto asked testily as Naruto chuckled.

"To be fair, it's not often you see two clan heads on a date, let alone a Jinchūriki and Uchiha together." Naruto stated making Mikoto huff.

"Still, they should mind their own business." Mikoto stated glaring at a few assholes she knew had tried to torment Naruto when he was younger.

She then gasped as Naruto's hand went to her hip and pulled her close to him till her tits were ballooning out against his chest, "Then how about we give them something to really stare at?" Naruto asked with a smirk and before Mikoto could voice her confusion, Naruto kissed her full on the lips making her widen her eyes and blush, before she wrapped her arms around his neck and gladly kissed back aggressively.

Mikoto battled his tongue as she pressed her crotch against his and moaned as a hand slid down and cupped her ass. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest and could hear it in her ears while at the same time it fluttered in delight at this. This was a real kiss, not some peck or obligated kiss at a wedding ceremony, a true, deep, emotional, loving, lustful, and meaningful kiss. They were practically having their own version of sex with their mouths as the world faded away from Mikoto as she felt nothing but happiness and love in this moment, nothing mattered except the man in front of her and this kiss. This kiss that made her feel alive, desired, loved, and like a real woman, and spoke to her of Naruto's desire to claim her for himself and how much he planned to love her when she was his.

If he only knew he had claimed her heart a long time ago, this date just sealed the deal with finality. She belonged to Naruto Uzumaki, she would become Mikoto Uzumaki when he asked and if it came down to it, she'd leave her own clan to do it since merging the clans was unlikely at this point in time.

No, all she needed was her king, the queen she would call sister, and all her other sisters just waiting to welcome her to the family. Her daughters would even be there but by then they too would be her sisters instead of her daughters and they would be part of a truly loving and happy family when that time came.

Eventually the two had to separate to get some air back into their lungs and merely stared into the other's eyes while a string of saliva was dangling between them. The two merely ignored the gawking faces of the nearby observers and smiled at the other as Mikoto needed him to support her as her legs were too weak to support her at the moment. Not that Naruto minded, he enjoyed having her body against his and her being in his arms.

Once she could stand, Naruto slid his hands back to her waist before they turned to keep walking back to the Uchiha District. However, the two paused at the sight before them: Said sight was Kushina and Keyone Namikaze standing in the middle of the street with theirs eyes and mouths open in shock while in their hands were bags of groceries.

Naruto merely looked at them with a blank expression while Mikoto blushed a bit at being seen by them, but she wasn't that embarrassed. Naruto merely took her arm and hand and began walking again and walked right by them with Naruto merely nodding his head, "Lady Namikaze, miss Namikaze." Naruto greeted casually as he and Mikoto walked by leaving the two women to stand there in shock, one over her son being with her former best friend and the other over her aunt being with her brother.

Neither were sure how to react, what to say, or anything, so they did the only thing they could do right now and that was head home.

With Naruto, he and Mikoto arrived and he walked her to her door before kissing her hand lightly, "We are here, milady." Naruto stated making Mikoto smile and giggle.

"Thank you for a wonderful evening, Naru-kun. I look forward to what you'll do for our next date." Mikoto stated as Naruto chuckled before kissing her goodnight and walking off as Mikoto smiled and entered the house completely happy.

"Have fun?" Itomi asked from the couch reading a book.

"It was amazing." Mikoto stated with a dream like look on her face. "Romantic, charming, personal, and, mmm, sexual too." Mikoto stated as she wore a megawatt smile on her face.

"Sounds like I'll have a lot of fun when it's time for my date. Though I'm surprised you're not still having your date." Itomi stated and Mikoto blushed a bit before giving a small smile.

"He didn't want to force you and Sarada to listen in and then possibly jump him afterwards. So I'll be patient and wait till he and I can have plenty of time to ourselves." Mikoto stated as Itomi smirked.

"Oh, so I can be the one who gets him first." Itomi stated with a grin as Mikoto narrowed her eyes at her.

"Maybe, but I still have the edge both in body and experience." Mikoto challenged as Itomi smirked.

"Dad doesn't really count as experience, from what you've said he was a little boy compared to Naruto." Itomi replied and Mikoto snorted.

"He was, but I meant seduction and stamina." Mikoto stated as the two just looked intently at the other before smiling.

"I'm happy for you mom, I really am looking forward to my date now though." Itomi stated as Mikoto gave her a bright smile.

"You should be! And I'm looking forward to my next date, but I'm going to go change, then I'll give you and Sarada all the juicy details." Mikoto stated as she walked back to her room while Sarada sat up from the couch as she had her head on her sister's lap.

Sarada merely smiled at Itomi knowing they both had something to look forward to now.


Naruto was walking to Ichiraku Ramen wearing nice black pants, red Henley shirt, and shoes, it wasn't as fancy as what he wore for Mikoto, but he still left an impact with what he wore. Arriving at his destination, he knocked a few times and waited since he told Ayame to dress comfortably, not fancy at all.

When the door opened, he smiled seeing Ayame with her hair done up in a bun, a simple pink blouse that had buttons undone to show off her breasts, tight form fitting yoga pants that looked like they could tear right off if she tried to bend over, and some heeled sandals. Naruto looked her up and down intently making her blush before he smiled at her, "Hello, Ayame-Chan, you're looking beautiful tonight." Naruto stated making her smile.

"Hi, and thank you, Naruto-kun. Are we ready to go?" Ayame asked as she started stepping out of her home before pausing as Naruto stopped her.

"No, we're not going anywhere. I'm going to cook for you tonight." Naruto stated as Ayame looked surprised at him.

"Really?" Ayame asked wondering what Naruto cooking for her would be like.

"Yup! I want you comfortable and relaxed the entire time, what better place for you to relax than where you live? If at any time you start feeling uncomfortable, I can either leave or we can take a walk around the village to get fresh air. I can always leave a clones to finish cooking while we do." Naruto stated with a smile as Ayame smiled back loving how caring and attentive he was being with her.

"Okay." Ayame stated as she opened the door and stepped in before letting him in as well. Ayame then led him to the kitchen and he sat her down before going to the counter and opened a seal making different ingredients pop out before he poured her a glass of red wine and handed it to her making her smile as she sipped it before putting it down in front of her.

"So, what is the lady hungry for this evening? I can prepare just about any dish you could want." Naruto asked as Ayame smiled and leaned forward knowing it gave him a clear view of her cleavage to stare at.

"Surprise me." Ayame stated making Naruto nod and smile before he took a knife and began to dice up some vegetables and meat while getting a pan started on getting hot.

"So how have things been? I know you running the stand has been hard since it wasn't ideally meant for one person to run on their own." Naruto stated as Ayame smiled at him trying to ease into the conversation they were meant to have rather than jumping right in.

"Things have been good, I had a little bit of a hassle for a while since people weren't thrilled with me running my stand and not paying the business guilds anything since I was independent and thus they were cut out of the profits I had." Ayame stated and Naruto paused in his chopping.

"And they tied to sabotage you no doubt." Naruto stated with an edge to his voice.

"Don't worry, their attempts failed since I source my ingredients from the clans after you got that bit of business rolling and I make my own spices so no one knows what I have at any time." Ayame stated feeling a bit touched that he was protective of her.

"I see. Well if you ever need or want anything, I have my own contacts that can get you pretty much anything you could want or need for cooking." Naruto stated as he resumed his prepping before he got into the actual cooking.

Ayame smiled as she watched Naruto prep like a seasoned pro as she sipped her wine and merely watched how his muscles moved and flexed depending what he did.

"So about that investing offer." Ayame stated making Naruto look at her a moment before he made two clones to handle the food while he sat across from her.

"I meant what I said about doing it. I'd have been happy loaning you the money, but I know you wouldn't want that and I don't need the money back." Naruto stated as he smiled at her and she gave a small smile back.

"I still don't feel right takings your money." Ayame stated before Naruto reached across and grabbed her hand in his.

"Ayame, you're important to me. I want you to have everything you've dreamed of and desired and I'm happy to help you gain those things in any way possible." Naruto stated as Ayame smiled.

"Thank you, so how much were you thinking of investing?" Ayame asked and Naruto smiled.

"500,000 ryo." Naruto stated making Ayame gasp in shock.

"N-Naruto that's more than the whole stand is worth, counting the land it's built on!" Ayame stated in shock at the amount he was going to invest.

"No it's not. That stand is easily worth ten times that because it's important to you. That amount should be enough to get you moving in the direction you want the stand to take and I am happy to invest more if the need arises to see it become as grand as you want it to become." Naruto stated as Ayame began to tear up.

"This… this is too much." Ayame stated as the tears fell while Naruto merely smiled and squeezed her hand again.

"Not for you, not for anyone I care about. I'd gladly spend all the money I have if it meant you all got your dreams fulfilled and could be happy." Naruto stated before Ayame couldn't take it anymore and leapt across the table to his arms and began kissing him furiously and he was eager to return it as he pulled her into his lap.

Ayame wrapped her arms around him and hugged herself tight to his body as she poured her love, passion, and longing into the kiss and Naruto reciprocated in full running his hands along her back.

Ayame couldn't help but feel happy and relieved. When she heard Naruto had returned to the village, she had been ecstatic until met Rukia while Naruto was in Wave and she informed Ayame that she was his fiancé. She felt heartbroken that he was already being taken even though she knew about the other Konoha women that cared about him as much as she did. She almost gave up before Rukia explained things to her about how his harem and relationships worked and that if she wanted to be with him, none of his current lovers were going to stand in her way so long as she wanted to be with him for the right reasons and not because she was greed or politically motivated. The latter especially since a civilian could obtain a LOT of influence if they married into a clan.

Ayame was offended at the insinuation and told Rukia she had no intention of using or misusing her feelings for Naruto and if Rukia thought otherwise she could go to hell after kissing her ass.

Rukia had laughed and stated she liked her already. She then apologized for the insinuation as it was just a test to make sure Ayame wasn't one of those types. She knew Naruto's heart was one that wouldn't leave behind anyone he counted as precious, but time, pain, and being around different people had ways of changing people and Rukia wanted to ensure she was still the same Ayame that Naruto spoke so highly of.

Ayame understood since she had seen different people change, people she was friends with when younger were now people she despised for how they turned out, many of them had even tried seducing her, stealing her business, trying to sabotage her, and all of the above. They failed of course, Ayame was made of sterner stuff than your average civilian and made sure that point was made, sometimes painfully, clear.

The only reason she was hesitant to accept Naruto's offer of a date was because she was worried Rukia told him to ask her out after approving of her, not because he actually wanted to because his feelings were that strong. She should have known better, but she was only human and thus had insecurities like everyone else even if she realized how stupid they were, at least when it came to Naruto.

Eventually, the two broke for air with Ayame gasping for breath since she wasn't trained like Naruto was to hold her breath for extended lengths of time and use chakra to hold it for even longer. Naruto merely smiled, "I guess this means we'll be partners in more than one sense of the word." Naruto stated as Ayame giggled and nodded as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"I guess so, and with your help I know I'll make Ichiraku Ramen into a world famous location." Ayame stated as she kissed his neck and collarbone.

"You bet, the girls will be glad to help and I have several hundred recipes you can use to add more variety to the menu. I remember your dad talking about how he would add more items since not everyone wanted noodles and broth. Of course I also have hundreds of types of ramen that you can add too." Naruto stated making Ayame smile.

"That sounds good, but I feel like the only reason I'm succeeding is because of you." Ayame stated before Naruto pulled her back to face him.

"Not really, you're still going to have manage the money, cook the recipes correctly, and handle the business properly. I'm just giving you the tools, it's your job to use them properly to get the business going in the direction you want. So, no, I'm not the reason you're going to succeed, I'm just giving you the push so you can." Naruto stated making Ayame smile before she kissed him again and the two continued, not as aggressively as before, but still enjoyable and passionate as their tongues danced together, they sucked on each other's tongue, and they explored the other's mouth with their own tongue.

When they had to break for air, Naruto would begin kissing and sucking on her neck making her moan out as it sent pleasurable tingles and shocks through her body while one hand was groping her ass and the other was stroking her back. When she would regain her breath, she would yank Naruto's head back by his hair and begin kissing him again.

This cycle continued with Ayame noticing the hard appendage pressing against her ass and Naruto noticed the wet spot forming on her pants. Neither commented or cared though, they were too absorbed in enjoying the other's lips to care especially since they understood the other reacting that way.

Naruto finally broke the cycle as the food was ready and the clones served it and they'd need some food and drink now. However, when Ayame tried to leave his lap, he held her in place and merely turned her sideways and wrapped an arm around her before taking the fork and get her a bite of the braised pork ribs and roasted vegetables he made making her blush as he fed her before she moaned at the taste. It was salty, sweet, tangy, sour, bitter, and spicy in all the right ways with the pork being juicy and tender while the vegetables still had a little crunch for texture.

Naruto smiled before he took some of his plate and ate off the same fork making Ayame blush a bit more as he fed her before she grabbed a fork and began feeding him as well. Before long the food was gone and they were just sitting there together lightly making out while the clones did the dishes and cleaned up any mess that was left from cooking.

"I guess I should get going soon." Naruto stated after they sat there together for close to three hours, not counting the time it took to cook and make out the first time.

"Could you stay the night?" Ayame asked as she stroked his chest.

"Hmm, I suppose so, but I don't think anything is going to happen tonight." Naruto stated as Ayame nodded since she wasn't ready yet. She'd like nothing more than to make love to Naruto, but she wasn't prepared for that yet.

"Agreed, I just want this to last as long as it can." Ayame stated as Naruto nodded before making a clone to go and tell his girls that he'd not be home tonight.

The two then moved to the couch for a few hours just cuddling while he combed his fingers through her hair and occasionally initiating a make out session before turning in for the night. Naruto stripped down to his boxers while Ayame removed her blouse, heels, and pants leaving her in a burnt orange thong and lace bra as Naruto eyed her up and down, "You're living art, Ayame." Naruto stated making Ayame blush with a smile as she climbed into bed with him and laid on his chest while his hand cupped her ass and held her tight.

"Good night, Naru-kun." Ayame stated as she drifted off to sleep.

"Good night, Yame-chan." Naruto stated as they both drifted off to sleep.


Naruto was walking down the street with a smile as in front of him were Konohamaru Sarutobi, Udon Ise, and Moegi Kazamatsuri and they were running around playing ninja. Over the last month only a few things had really changed including Ayame's business now growing as Yumi, Hancock, Momo, Nami, Rangiku, and Tifa were working at the stand/budding restaurant. Although, Naruto suspected the business was growing mostly due to different perverts going to ogle at the girls' chests. One beautiful woman drew some attention, but 7 beautiful women drew an even larger crowd. Tsunami was helping too, so technically 8 beautiful women drawing a crowd, though she had stated that when the compound was finished she was going to be staying there full time as Naruto's live-in-maid.

Another item was that Hisame was out and now a Konoha Kunoichi, and was subsequently welcomed into his clan and usually was working with the Demon Brothers when on missions. Her strategic mind worked well with their differing skills and as such were highly successful for ambush and assassination missions.

Ayame, Tsunade, and Mikoto had been growing in their relationships as well getting closer to him and getting to know the other girls more and more. Sadly, he and Itomi hadn't had their date yet as both of them kept having missions to go on that took time and effort to accomplish so they never had the chance. Naruto half suspected that Minato was sending him on missions with his team to try and keep him from seeing Mikoto that much after Kushina saw them together, but there was no real proof other than he could easily see Kushina trying to pull something like that.

The compound was well into the construction now and should be done by the time the Chunin Exam Finals hit so long as they kept this pace up, which Naruto had no problem doing at all. It was especially successful since Geralt, Tosen, and Zabuza could make a few clones to help with the labor force, which doubled as helping when they wanted to train and keep in shape as well. Plus when the girls split up and needed someone to watch their backs, their clones could handle that.

Now the Chunin Exams were less than three weeks away and Zabuza had already submitted the forms to have them signed up and ready to start the exams when they did. Haku had been coming along nicely in her swordsmanship, Fu was quickly becoming deadly in her spear combat while her Ninjutsu and Taijutsu were also accelerating well, and Naruto himself was training daily and rigorously, while not neglecting his girls, in his different sword styles and arts along with his jutsu, agility, hand to hand, and sealing arts.

Which brings us to here and now as Naruto followed the trio as they rounded a corner before their was a shout and yell causing Naruto to sigh as he increased his pace and rounded the corner to come upon an interesting sight. Said sight was a teenager slightly older than Naruto wearing a catsuit and make up holding Konohamaru up in the air by his scarf while behind him was a blonde woman with four pigtails and a large fan on her back. She wore a black dress that only just reached her knees with fishnet underneath, shin guards, and heels. Her dress showed off her large chest that was at least a G cup, her wide hips, and the hint of a bouncy ass.

The two forehead protectors showed they were from Suna, but they were two people that Naruto knew really well.

"You got some nerve running into me, you punk." The cat boy growled before he froze as a blade was pressed at his throat.

"You should show more intelligence when entering a foreign village, even if it is one you're allied with. Threatening the grandson of the Third Hokage is a very bad idea, even for an ignoramus like you, Kankuro." Naruto stated making the now named Kankuro freeze up slightly as Naruto grabbed Konohamaru by the back of his shirt before pulling him away and setting him down.

"W-who the hell are you?" Kankuro asked as he tried not to make any sudden movements.

"Oh? Don't recognize me? I'm hurt." Naruto stated before he pushed Kankuro back a bit. "Gaara, come down here." Naruto stated as he sealed his blade away before a red haired boy a a year or so his junior appeared in a swirl of sand with a small smile on his face.

"Hello, Nii-san." Gaara stated with a smile making the other two look in confusion.

"Hi Gaara, things have been going well with Shukaku and your sand manipulation?" Naruto asked as Gaara nodded with a smile.

"Yes, I've started practicing with another type of sand as well." Gaara stated making Naruto smiled proudly as he patted his head.

"Good job, little brother." Naruto stated with a grin before turning to the girl, "Hey Sandy-chan." Naruto waved making the girl widen her eyes since only one person called her that.

"N-Naruto-kun?" Temari asked hesitantly and Naruto smiled wider as Kankuro gawked.

"Been a while, since I've seen my favorite fan-girl, you've gotten even more beautiful than I remember, Temari." Naruto stated making the now named Temari squeal as she quickly glomped him in a hug pressing her tits against him.

"Naruto-kun!" Temari shouted as she hugged him and he spun her around a bit making her giggle as Gaara just smiled at the scene. "When did you get back?" Temari asked excitedly as she looked up at him.

"A couple months ago, been doing missions and building my own clan compound here, plus helping my teammates train." Naruto stated making Temari nod before she kissed him on the lips real quick and Naruto quickly returned it.

Breaking away from it, "Totally worth the wait." Temari stated with a blush and smile as Naruto chuckled.

Naruto had met the Subaku children a couple years before he left the village and had hit it off with Temari and Gaara, though Kankuro was a bit fun he was a major dumbass as well. Anyway, Gaara had been targeted by some Suna nin that were escorting their father the Kazekage to the village and were to make it look like Konoha had done the deed, only for Naruto to interfere and cause them problems before Gaara had killed them. Naruto didn't shun Gaara and instead made sure he was all right, which surprised Gaara and his siblings since no one ever stuck with Gaara when he killed someone but Naruto did.

Of course, him revealing he was Jinchūriki as well kind of explained it for them and Naruto hung out with them for the remainder of their time in Konoha, which also led to Gaara seeing him as a big brother and Temari and he gaining a crush on the other. Temari and Gaara were two people he kept in touch with just like he did for his precious people in Konoha.

"Where are y'all staying? I'd love to show you guys around again and introduce you to the others." Naruto asked and Temari's eyes lit up.

"Yay!" Temari squealed happily as Kankuro sweatdropped.

"She really is a fangirl." Kankuro muttered before a dark shadow came over him and he saw a very sweet smiling Temari there with her fan and Gaara glaring at him with several knives made of sand hovering around ready to skewer him.

"What was that, cat boy?" Temari asked as she smacked her fan into her hand a few times.

"Uh… Wait till Naruto sees how REALLY good you are with your fan, girl." Kankuro stated while chuckling nervously.

"Oh, that's good, thank you for being such a nice brother, Kankuro." Temari stated the sand disappeared and Temari looked normal again.

"The Nara clan is right, Women are troublesome and scary." Kankuro thought with a massive sweatdrop.

"And since you're such a nice brother, you can go back and tell Baki-sensei where me and Gaara are going while you're at the hotel." Temari stated as she latched onto Naruto's arm and started walking away with him while Gaara followed and Naruto waved bye to Konohamaru and his friends, who wisely decided to leave the area before they could annoy Kankuro again.

Kankuro just sweatdropped and sighed before trudging back to the hotel to tell his sensei where his siblings had gone. He just knew this trip was going to cause a lot of headaches for him, especially since he knew at least one item Temari wanted to discuss with Naruto.

Oh well, at least there was nice weather and plenty of eye candy around for him to enjoy.


Next time is the start of the Chunin Exams and a lot of shit going down.

Also for those wondering, yes, the girls that came from Iron will get their own dates to show their relationship with Naruto more and go over how they came to meet and got together along with the awkwardness of the start of it all.

For Cattleya, that is legit her breast size.