
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

Chapter 23: Promotion, Another Discussion, Sake Bond

(Story Started)

==A Week Later==

After the entire invasion of Konoha, Oto and Iwa was resolving as the forces realized that they were losing. Suna and Oto pulled out of the war while Konoha cheered loud and proud of how grateful those unknown army with unfamiliar weapons and machines that never seen it before, and includes those flying ships.

Mutsu, Kira, Miya, Issei, Natsu, Karasuba and Haru grinned as they were able to help their menot's village. Seeing all the people rejoice was quite the sight for them all. Shay snickered while they reviewed everything. Along with the assassins.

The Suna/Oto invasion, that would later become known as the Konoha Crush, had failed miserably. Over three-quarters of the invading Suna and Oto forces had been decimated over the course of battle.

With Kiri, Kumo, Iwa, Taki, and Naruto's Assassins only had a handful of its shinobi within Konoha's walls and none of them had been fatally wounded. Konoha faced many casualties, nearly half of their forces had been lost during the invasion.

However most of those who had lost their lives in the line of duty would have their names engraved on the memorial stone and were mentioned during the mass funeral that was held, nothing more, nothing less. Good thing that a certain army had help Konoha to protect its limits.

This was the truth behind the 'Will of Fire'. Shinobi whom had lived and died for their village would only be remembered by the people closest to them and by the name that was engraved into the memorial stone. Is that how their loyalty was rewarded? Wives, husbands, lovers, children, and families were left with holes in their hearts, because the duty to protect one's village was more important than their family. Was it really worth it?

It had been a week since the invasion and the fallout was worse than expected.

Much of the village had been not destroyed by Orochimaru's snake summons its all thanks to Naruto's own army in a minute had gotten a chance to stop them. All thanks to Naruto and his assassins.

The entire village had been the battleground for guerrilla warfare and large scale shinobi battles. The area that had suffered the most damage was near the chunin exam arena where the fighting had first broke out. Numerous people had met their ends at this once bustling stadium, shinobi and civilian alike. All in all, the village looked like a war-zone.

At least, that was what the scene had looked like a week ago.

Currently, the village was being rebuilt by all its occupants. Both shinobi and civilian pitched in to help speed up the rebuilding, and even Naruto had sending his own construction workers were pitching in. Until the villagers were completely shocked in surprised, includes any member of the Akimichi Clan of what had Naruto got recruited...giants, about 15 meters in 49 feet, its about the tallest then any human that just like the most summons do. So they're help out instead.

The northern sector of the village had been personally rebuilt by Tenzo, a ANBU shinobi whom was capable of wielding the Shodaime Hokage's Mokuton. Also had Naruto's assassins will helping and along with his army.

Those shinobi whom excelled in doton were doing their part to repair the walls that protected Konoha and to smooth out the land where the earth had been scarred from the numerous battles that had taken place. Good thing everyone in Konoha had met a polite giants, seems to be that they're fond of them and make friends, and giving support of course.

While there had been utter chaos the first few days after the invasion, things looked like they would be returning to normal quicker than expected. Although, since one of the Oto were witnessed Orochimaru's death, killed by Naruto himself, even took the soul to the Shinigami that sword in his possession.

As for six assassins that Naruto had summoned? Those six of the people were apparently Naruto's ancestors, just the prophecy said. Why would Naruto never told me anything when he always keep secrets to everyone, especially the army he had. It was then from yesterday...

==Flashback Started==

Since Minato seeing a women with Sakura, along with Kushina and Tsuande were wondering who that two person was. Until they lower their hoods to see the describe of two people; one was had the same outfit as Naruto, and other is brown hair women.

'Who is this, women? Just like this man.' Minato wondered, then before looked at the hooded women and then to Shay.

Until they saw Naruto rush in towards to her and hugged her close, as the women smiled and she hugged him back.

Kushina felt a pang of hurt as she watched the unknown women embrace her son. 'What's going on?' she asked as Sakura, Altair, Ezio, Connor, Edward, and Arno watched the two hug each other.

Until they had heard.

"So, did you met Sakura-chan in person...kaa-san."

That only made Kushina frown in shock as she heard Naruto call 'that' women Kaa-san. And also Naruko was shocked about that women is his mother.

'I'm his mother, not that...THAT WOMEN!' Kushina thought as she glared at her. Since she was jealous for someone like her became more motherly then her.

"That's right, son." Hope said, before she notice it without suspicious, being a assassin is good with keeping it in the shadows without being caught. "So how my boy while you had Shay accompany?"

"Its great, but Otou-san no trouble." Naruto replied, As then Shay stepped in rubbing back of his head, That cause Minato and Mei flinch in shocked about Shay was...

'That man was his FATHER!' Minato yelled in his mind about that same man. Causes him anger with jealousy.

'So...this man killed Yagura-kun was this man.' Mei thought, seeing Shay with Naruto and Hope.

'That man is his father, I thought Yondaime Hokage was his father.' Onoki stated seeing Shay along with Hope. As Naruto and Hope broke their hug, then looked at Sakura, that signals her to stepped forward.

"You're ready?" Naruto asked, getting a nod from the pinkette. As Hope and Sakura stepped away from the group, then Naruto looked at his father with a nod.

Now...as Sakura and Hope raise their hands then mimic each other like a mirror, causes the others wondered of what did they're doing, along with the other ancestors were witnessing to be amazed.

"What are they doing?" One of the ANBU spoke wondered.

"I don't know?" Another replied, then he had forgotten about someone in their presence is Itachi, as the ANBU captain. "Taichou?"

"I think what are they up to..." Itachi found the answer.

"Then what is it?"

"Let's find out." Itachi replied.

As with their hands together, then something that they're expecting. Then...

...A flash of light engulfs them, cause everyone to covered them to see of what going on there, while Naruto and Shay were standing still, as Older Templar or Assassin Hunter place his hand on his shoulder, then they looked at straight. Then Shay's body engulf into white light.

With the flash of light, fades, then with the others look uncovered them to see that made them more, surprising...

Shay and Hope were gone, by only leaves Naruto and Sakura with their eyes shadowed them. As until Naruko stepped in, as she open her mouth that she was about say, until Naruto stepped in and called in.

"Cagalli." He called that sounded natural.

"Hai!" Cagalli respond.

"Contacted the medical corp, and also upper-handed any Suna and/or Oto nin were still injured then take them to the cell being as PoW (Prisoners of War), and contacted the giants here for construction." Naruto ordered Cagalli,

"Hai!" Cagalli respond, then took out her Den Den Mushi and typing the frequency.

"Naruto-kun. I will do my part." Sakura called.

"Sure, head to the hospital." Naruto replied.

"Hai!" Sakura replied, then disappeared with a cherry blossom petals. Until Tsuande had forgotten the hospital. So she left as well.

"Whitebeard-Gensui you will take the Navy." Naruto said to the former war lord, causes the Whitebeard smiled for Naruto's true leadership.

"I understand." Whitebeard replied, as he turn and walk away.

Until Kushina went to him, as she was about scold him.

"Naruto! Who is that women?!" Kushina demanded. Until Naruto ignored her, by heading to the ship. As she was about grab his arm, then he shrugged her arm off, until he turn his head behind that causes Kushina's eyes widen of what she had seeing...

Naruto's eyes became cold and determination...

"Its none your business..."

==Flashback Ended==

It was the time...since those two people changed Naruto that they're was...and even Sakura, since the medical staffs completely earned respect to her. Even when he had other five people were doing their work.

Mutsu with Satsuki were helping to keep the PoWs in line, while Natsu, Issei and Haru were doing their construction duties. Miya were helping the orphanage with Yume and Musubi. Karasuba and her team taking guard duties.

Currently in the Hokage's office, Minato sat at his desk looking over the reports coming in to him. The invasion had gone well for Konoha. There were few civilian casualties, mostly those who had tried to stand up to the invading shinobi. Their shinobi force had suffered about twenty shinobi dead, another three who were permanently crippled.

And then, there was a report from the leader of the soldiers that they who had come to their aid. Fifty or sixty Infantries had fallen in combat. Minato remembered his meeting with the man in charge of Naruto's army.

Turns out, three people is in charged in each fraction; the army and the navy is two of them is Whitebeard, Kira and the other is...

==Flashback Started==

"So this man is one of the highest officer of yours?" Minato asked his 'son', Naruto about one of them.

"That's right, I had my ambassador and two highest rank officer, while I ordered any of them to so." Naruto answered. "And I send Sakura and her medical corp to help them."

"You got your own Medical Corp?!" Minato exclaimed.

"Is there a problem?" Naruto asked, frowing.

"Oh yeah, there is a problem!" Minato argued. "And how did you called those two were your parents?!"

"They're the ones were sees me as their own son!" Naruto countered, that made Minato flinch for seeing how things turn out to be. "As the fact that you weren't taking your role! You only focus on Naruko, and you however gave me enough...and I am not your DAMN property."

That causes Minato stunned about his words that turns out, he did screwed up, big time. Since everything they had in their power to amending Naruto. Even Kushina was completely loss for Naruto had scattered their bonds.

==Flashback Ended==

Turning to the reports on enemy casualties, making Minato sighed. Both Suna and Oto had taken heavy losses. Konoha's counter attack in the arena, and Naruto's forces dealing with the main army had caught the invaders off guard, and many had fallen. Those who hadn't retreated back to their villages.

All, ready, Konoha's terms for Suna's surrender had been sent. For hopes for they're rebuilding their alliance, its all thanks to Naruto for provide resources and economy goods. Since they found their leader's corpse that turns out that they're played by Orochimaru.

Minato sighed sitting behind his desk, as he closed his eyes. So he looked at right front of them.

Naruto standing alongside Sakura, Satsuki, Yugito, Karui, Omoi, Shibuki, Fu, Choujurou, Kurotsuchi, and Shikamaru. But lastly is Naruko, she were in the room as well, but she were sitting on the couch rather than standing alongside the other genin. It was clear to all the other genin in the room as to what that meant.

Minato was staring at Naruto with a bit of pride, but mostly suspicion. Naruto sighed inwardly, it seemed that the man hadn't forgotten about his recently revealed abilities, even after he had just returned from death's door.

Kakashi were also in the room, standing behind his former sensei. He was here for some reason that was unknown to him, though that didn't stop him from reading his Icha Icha Paradise novel and giggling perversely ever few minutes.

Kushina was sitting on the couch alongside her daughter with a worried look on her face, though she also looked up to glance at her wayward son every once in a while.

Jiraiya was sitting at his usual spot on the windowsill as he glanced at all of the occupants in the room, a neutral expression on his face. He was worried, very worried in fact, about the prophecy and how things would turn out if the child of prophecy really was Naruto.

He would fix everything as soon as he possibly could, the entire world was at stake, he had no time to waste.

Tsunade stood beside Jiraiya, she really had no idea why she were even here. People were still wounded from their involvement in fighting off the invasion, they needed to be at the hospital. Sure there were plenty of capable medical-nins there, but Tsunade was the best in the village, perhaps even in all the Elemental Nations. Currently, Shizune was running things at the hospital, so her mind was a little more relaxed knowing it was in capable hands.

Standing beside the Hokage's desk was the Godaime Mizukage; Mei, Yondaime Raikage; Ay, The Taki Village Head; Akio, and Long-term Sandaime Tsuchikage; Onoki.

Each of the village leaders was looking at their each of genins with a proud smile on their face. Days were passed in the hospital for recovery, so it takes some time off to relax.

Off to the side stood Zabuza Momoichi, Haki Yuki, and Ao. They were here due to the fact that they were members of Choujuou's team and were here to support him. Since he may had defeat by Yugito during the finals, so his skills in kenjutsu were amazed her. So he did manage less outsmart her after all.

And also, there's Bee and Samui. Since they want to see their fellow students/teammates to being promote. Along with Kitsuchi about his daughter for sure. And lastly is Akio with Fu and his son, Shibuki.

In total, there were twenty-six occupants within the confines of this small room, not counting the ANBU in hiding of course. This made it quite crowded and a bit uncomfortable for the four genin standing in the middle of it all.

They had a pretty good idea of why they were here, but nothing was certain just yet.

Minato looked at the four genin before him with an appraising eye. They had all done excellent during both the preliminaries, the finals, and the invasion. It was rare to find such talented and well-balanced shinobi at such a young age.

Naruto, Sakura, and Satsuki had only been genin for a few months and yet they were already at this level, it was truly impressive. So, he made his decision for sure for Naruto...so...he needs to be done.

Most genin had to take the exam two or three times before being promoted, while others received field promotions after taking these exams several times.

"First of all I would like to personally congratulate the four of you for your performance throughout the chūnin exams and for your efforts during the invasion. You have greatly benefited Konoha during its time of need and for that, I offer my utmost gratitude." Minato spoke with a smile on his pace. "I will let any of your respectful kages, so I'll let Mizukage-dono start off this ceremony, since there is only one Kiri shinobi who is being considered for promotion, then I will speak to each of you individually, the genin who are both being considered for promotion and those who are not. along with Tsuchikage-dono, Raikage-dono, and Akio-dono."

It had been a week since the chūnin exam finals, and although they were interrupted before the final round, the judges and the Kage had seen more than enough of the matches to determine whether or not the genin participating were worthy of the title of chūnin.

It seemed that only the genin who had been decided were ready for a promotion, along with the rest of their team, were summoned to the Hokage's office.

The Godaime Mizukage stepped forward until he was in front of the genin from Kirigakure.

"I'd like Choujorou to know that I am proud of you and that you showed strength and skill befitting of shinobi from Kirigakure. However, I'm afraid only one of you has shown the necessary qualities of a chūnin."

Mei move to the side in front of Chōjuro to address the boy's performance. The goal of this was to address the strengths and weaknesses of only the genin that were being promoted, but doing so for all of the shinobi would benefit them in the end.

"Chōjuro, while you did show considerable skill in wielding Hiramekarei, your speed and reaction time began to slow down halfway through the match, giving your opponent several openings that they exploited, due to how much chakra Hiramekarei consumed. You must increase your reserves considerably if you wish to wield it correctly. You were also quickly overwhelmed and let your opponent control the pace of the match. If you continue to progress at the rate you are growing, I have no doubt that you will become chūnin during these exams next time."

Chōjuro's eyes widened at the Mizukage's words, and he nodded vigorously at the praise towards the end. For a boy with low self-esteem, encouragement would do the boy well rather than pointing out all of his faults. With those words said.

Mei, having finished his involvement with the advancement of the genin, stepped back behind the Hokage's desk. Then the Raikage stepped aside and front of Yugito. "Yugito, Karui, Omoi you have all shown excellent potential. It is more than an honor to welcome the three of you to the chunin rank. Karui, Omoi, I was told of your expertise in the invasion. I always knew you had high potential. You have earned your ranks," Ay said, then he handing them their flak jackets. Karui and Omoi smiled with their nods, along with Yugito.

Then with Onoki next. Then as the Raikage stepped back to joined the other kages.

"Kurotsuchi, during carelessness and quick analyzed to fought against the Jinchuuriki from taki. So I had to tell you, that you need to keep your head, but you will earned the rank of chuunin if you still had to learn. So...I am proud." Onoki said to her, causes Kurotsuchi nod for understand with a small smile.

Then lastly is Akio, then he faced Fu and announced. "Fu, Shibuki, as like Raikage-dono said, during the invasion. I am very proud you all. So you earned the rank."

"Thank you, Akio-sama." Fu replied, joyful, as before she continue. "There's more! Seijaku was here."

"Really?" Akio sound surprising. He haven't seen him that quite a while. Along with Shibuki, since he, Fu and Seijaku haven't seen him for a while.

"Yes, he was went to help the citizens right now." Fu replied.

"I see." Akio said, then with a smile appeared on his face. "Guess I want to see him, its been a while when he visit my village. We'll see him after this ceremony."

"Okey dokey." Fu replied. "But I will talk to Naruto-san."

Which made the blond Assassin leader turn and asked. "What is it you want one of my own?" That causes Fu tensed for she forgotten about that outfit he wore.

"Can you tell me where-"

"I know you want to see him. So I'll informed Seijaku for sure." Naruto said.

"And Yuuto-san?" Yugito added, that causes Naruto turn to the blond nibi jinchuuriki.

"Sure, and I will keep that mind." Naruto replied, then he turn to the leaders. "Moving on."

Which made the leaders nod then this time, it was Minato to step forward. He otherwise looked as strong and imposing as ever. He glanced at the four Konoha genin that were standing in the middle of the room before his eyes traveled to his daughter who were sitting on the couch.

"I had originally only planned to address the three members of Team 7, but the kages made an excellent point. It would benefit all the genin here to understand their strengths and weaknesses and why they were or were not promoted this time around." Minato spoke as he paced around just in front of his desk. "Naruko! Stand up, you are present at an official ceremony and will treat it as such."

The red hair girl quickly jumped to her feet, a bit surprised at the tone that her father had used. Though she chalked it up to still being concerned that having to deal with the stress of the invasion and almost dying.

"I shall start with you, since you were judged to not be ready for the responsibilities of a chūnin." Minato announced as he stepped a few feet in front of his daughter. After all, he knew she want to became the first female Hokage like Mei, the Kirigakure's first Mizukage.

The red haired jinchuuriki squirmed uncomfortably under her father's gaze. She had known that she wouldn't receive a promotion with her performance, but to hear it from her own father still hurt.

"Naruko, while you did show skill with two different forms of nature transformation, which is quite impressive for a genin, you showed a lack of forethought in your moves along with little to no strategy."

The girl nodded her head solemnly as Minato continued to speak. "You charged into battle recklessly,as well as improving your kenjutsu leaps and bounds, and because of that you fell into several of your opponents traps one after another. Continue to work hard to improve and add some strategy to your fighting style. You have shown massive amounts of improvement since you became a genin, and I have no doubt you'll earn a promotion."

Naruko only nodded and took a step back. Minato swiftly turned around on his heel and made his way to the center of the room to address the remaining three Konoha genin or Assassins. His frown was immediately replaced with a small smile upon remembering each of their performances.

While he was glad that three of his genin showed so much promise, the same could not be said for the rest of their graduating class. Minato was rather disappointed that so few of this year's graduating class made it pass the second round of the exams. Most of them were clan heirs and heiresses (or very first civilian turn kunoichi), which only made their performance that much more sad. Their jōnin-senseis had either been slacking off or babying them, either way something needed to be done about it or they wouldn't last much longer in the shinobi world.

"Satsuki, you showed great forethought in your battles and covered all three main areas of shinobi arts, ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu. You made sure to control the pace of the battle through the use of traps and evasion tactics. As well as showing great skill with two forms of nature transformation. These qualities are certainly befitting of a chūnin, congratulations."

Satsuki had suppress the urge to cheer in victory as she took the flak jacket and merely gave a charming smile.

"Sakura, while the advance taijutsu fighting style is more amazed me with your highest knowledge with stratagy, having chakra control capabilities and greatest jutsu more effective. I was also pleasantly surprised by your use of medical ninjutsu as an offensive technique, it takes a great level of skill and control to be able to pull off such a feat. Congratulations on your promotion."

Sakura quickly took the flak jacket from Minato and threw it on, earning giggles from her teammates. She had always wondered what she would look like in one of these, not too bad if she did say so. Now Naruko was frowned sadly for she didn't earned promotion for being a chunin.

Sakura stepped back so that she was now alongside Satsuki, leaving Naruto and Minato alone in the center of the room. Then he looked at Shikamaru.

"Shikamaru, since you got great intelligence since you are Shikaku's son, so with your IQ of 200, now you got a great strategy, so I presented you to earned a promotion into a Chunin." Minato said to Shikamaru, then gave the vest to him, as she took it with a muttered "troublesome".

Minato lastly looked at his wayward son with pride in his eyes...but he was also very suspicious of him. No mere genin fresh out of the academy should have been capable of what he had. That was something that he would find out later after this ceremony.

"Naruto, at the beginning of this tournament, most people didn't expect much from you. As the tournament rolled around, you were seemingly overlooked for the aces of the respective villages." Minato paused, but without hesitation, and continue.

"Now, the title of winner of the tournament is shared by you and some people you accompany with, since you had great leadership skills during you had got yourself an allies with, when the invasion started. You showed strength that far surpassed the level of chūnin, and are capable at wielding such a powerful S-Rank jutsu. I have never seen someone wield strange ninjutsu quite like you did during your first match, during you defeat the Ichibi Jinchuuriki that you got excellent strategy, even Itachi gave me the details about you and Sakura, and I am very interested to hear how you are capable of such a technique."

"You easily controlled the pace of both your matches and never let your opponent take advantage of any opportunities they had. Not to mention the your efforts during the invasion. Congratulations on your promotion, and you earned a rank of a Elite Jonin." Minato finished, that causes Naruko and everyone else, minus the kages were discussion about that.

"Why Elite Jonin?" Kurotsuchi demanded.

"Because he had some people with him." Minato replied, which Kurotsuchi deny it, then she turn to her grandfather, then she saw him nod about that he was on a meeting during the break.

Naruto took the flak jacket from Minato's hand, before he took off his coat and toss it to Sakura, then the rosette quickly catch it, and immediately put it on to leaving it unzipped. He quickly turned around and gave his two female teammates a large smile, for him anyway, which they quickly returned. Then Sakura gave his coat back to him and put it on in placed.

The three of them had been looking forward to being chūnin (and one jonin) for a long time, even more so than genin. Chūnin is the rank where they finally stopped being treated like children and were able to make their own decisions about their careers and their lives. It was quite a milestone for the three of them. And Naruto being their new CO (commanding officer) for now.

For the three members of Team 7, this was only the beginning of the path that lied before them.

"Congratulations to all those who passed the chūnin exams this time around, and for those who didn't, better luck next time. These particular exams were a bit more exciting than what usually occurs during this bi-annual event, but they were successful nonetheless. We are proud of all of you and hope that you continue to serve your respective villages until the day you die. Once again, congratulations."

Those final words from Minato marked the end of the promotion ceremony.

It wouldn't do well to have a Kage absent from their home village for too long, the only reason that Mei was still in Konoha was to fully recover from his injuries and for the traditional promotion ceremony, along with rest of the kages. Now that those two things were finished, there was no reason for any of the Kiri shinobi to remain here any longer along with Kumo, Iwa, and Taki.

With that in mind, Mei stepped forward. "Zabuza, Ao, Chōjuro, Haku. Now that our business in Konoha is finished we must be heading back to Kirigakure as soon as possible. It would not bode well for us to be away for the village too much longer. Please return to the hotel immediately and gather your things. We will begin our journey back to Mizu in one hour."

"I'll prep my Ship, the Yukiusagi (Snow Rabbit) to depart." Haki claimed.

"Thank you, Haku-kun." Mei appreciated. Since Haku got himself a Ship like the rest, since its a Schooner-class like Stede Bonnet and James Kidd, aka Mary Read. Since he was very fast and it maybe weak, and also had reinforced armor just like Benjamin Honigold. Haku's Yukisagi is white ship with blue armored plated adn blue sails, with navy blue linings, its figurehead is his pet rabbit. Its armed with 14 (7x2) broadside, 2 chase cannon (chain shot) and stern, Fire barrels (with Explosive tags), one Mortar (armed with thousand senbon needles) and lastly is an Ice ram.

All four of the Kiri-nins gave a nod and a short bow to the Mizukage before leaving. Her two teammates and sensei immediately headed out the door, but Haku stopped to give a quick wave and a charming smile to Naruto, who responded with a similar gesture.

Team 7, minus Naruko and Haku had become quite close over the past week, but Naruto and Haku especially. They had found some kind of mutual understanding due to their various predicaments and ended up spending a lot of the week together. Of course that could be attributed to most of their teammates being restricted to the hospital for the majority of the past week.

In the short time that they had spent together, Naruto could honestly say that she had become one of his closest friends. Some would say it was a sad fact, but Naruto preferred it this way, he could really only say that he had a handful of friends. So Naruto didn't really count him. And Sakura was his lover and wife-to-be, so even though they had been friends and family for years, she had some special circumstances. Really, Naruto could only say that Satsuki were his friends.

Actually, they considered themselves to be more like friends than family. The three of them had known each other since even before they started the academy and could always be found together. When people share a bond that strong, the only thing that they can really be described as is family.

So, it was nice to be able to talk with someone like Haku. While she didn't share the same history with him that Satsuki and Sakura did, he felt like he could really trust her. Not to mention that she was quite a lot of fun to be around once you tear down that respectful ice princess exterior. Fun, he could honestly say that he had fun.

Recently, he had realized that he had been taking everything far too seriously. It was either secrets this or invasion that, it was nice just to be able to sit back and relax with someone. In reality, he was still only a sixteen year-old teenager, and these were the kinds of things that teenagers were supposed to do, shinobi or not.

Much to the shock of his teammates and joy of his sister and wife-to-be, Naruto had been smiling a lot more...it was odd. Even while being in the same room as almost every person who had wronged him in his life, he couldn't force himself to feel angry or have the same hatred and that he once did. By no means did he fell like running up to Minato and Kushina and giving them a bear hug, but he felt more at ease.

This feeling was nice...but he felt nothing after all.

With Konoha's alliance with Kiri and Suna (contacted by Baki, as a temporary when Rasa's death, and also they had Temari was ambassador), he was sure that he would be seeing her a lot more often now. Now that Naruto was the one gave the village support. So someone will be the same as Temari, so that keeping each others tabs for sure. And also earned that alliance by Naruto.

For them to position their strongest shinobi in foreign territory on the premise of a treaty and alliance was a sign of the village's good faith. This was because he was constantly surrounded by foreign shinobi who would be willing to end his life at any moment. No sane village leader would sacrifice their strongest asset if their intentions were built upon lies.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Hokage-dono. Our stay was most interesting to stay the least. Should Konoha ever need such help again, do not hesitate to contact Kirigakure, may this alliance prosper."

"Same here, we'll keep it in mind to contact us if you need us." Ay added.

"I for one, as a temporary." Onoki added.

"And even Suna will too." Naruto finished, getting a nod from Minato, since Naruto will be the one gave Suna send a message to the Hokage, so that things turn out that way.

After those final words had been said from the kages, plus Naruto, The kages followed their fellow ninjas out the door to prepare for their departure.

Minato signaled for an ANBU to escort the them back to their hotel to make sure that no harm befell on them during their commute. Now would be the perfect opportunity for enemies to strike, since the village was vulnerable and their forces spread thin and concentrated on the work effort to rebuild the village.

"Now with that taken care of, Satsuki, Sakura, Shikamaru, you are excused for the rest of the day. Make sure to see Kakashi tomorrow at your usual training ground, so that he can brief you as to what your duties as a chūnin entails and since Naruto as a Jonin, he will left Team 7 for sure, so he will came around if you need him to. Though, Naruto I would like you to remain behind for a few minutes. There are some things that we need to discuss." Minato said with a smile on his face as he took his seat once more.

Satsuki gave a worried glance to Naruto and Sakura looked at her love with a bit concern, except Shikamaru was wondering why the Hokage wants to talk to his best friend, since he guessed that he had his reasons, but he merely smiled back at them and nodded.

Naruto's new attitude really confused them sometimes, even Sakura did change her attitude. He usually hated having these talks with his parents, but this time he seemed to not care that they were basically going to tie him down to a chair and interrogate him. Of course, turns out that way it was, for ANOTHER Family discussion.

But if he was fine with it then so be it.

It was still fairly early in the day, only an hour or two left until lunchtime. They had previously agreed to celebrate whatever outcome the promotional ceremony held at the Akimichi's barbecue restaurant and they really had nothing else to do until then.

Though, the fact that Naruto would be questioned about his abilities really didn't surprise either of them. This occurrence had already happened on more than one occasion before. Sakura and Satsuki understood that they wanted to know more about their son or brother, but this wasn't really the way to go about it.

The both let out simultaneous sighs. Whatever, he would be the one dealing with it, not them.

"Well...we'll be waiting for you at the barbecue restaurant when your done here Naruto-nii." Satsuki spoke as she waved goodbye to her brother figure while heading towards the door.

"Don't keep us waiting too long, you're paying you know, saiai." Sakura teased as she added a wink to stress her point. Making the blond smiled about how she flirt at him.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll catch up with you two in a bit. Don't start without me!" Naruto called out just as the two newly-made chunin left the room.

Jiraiya slowly got up from his seat on the windowsill, before he walked over to the door, making sure to close and lock it so that nobody would interrupt their conversation.

Seemingly ignoring all every set of eyes that was on him, Naruto walked towards the Hokage's desk and took a seat in one of the chairs right in front of it. The sooner he got all this over with, the better. He had no plans of wasting time with people who didn't like secrets being kept from them, when they knew every one of the darkest secrets of Konoha's history.

Minato whom was staring at the boy with the most suspicion, other than Jiraiya, was the first to break the silence that was slowly filling every corner of the room.

"I trust you know why I asked you to stay Naruto." Minato asked with the utmost seriousness.

"Yeah, yeah. Every time I show off the slightest amount of skill, I'm the subject of tis kind of treatment. This really isn't all that surprising anymore." Was Naruto's sarcastic remark which was completely out of place of the serious atmosphere in the room. He was preparing to used Haoshoku as a emergency, along with shunpo to be sure if Jiraiya will move to be restraint him.

Blocking off any form of retreat, Jiraiya was standing in front of the door, was eyeing the boy sternly. He would need to play this carefully if Naruto really was the one that the prophecy spoke of. They already didn't have the best relationship, so he couldn't take his usual approach here, he would need to let Minato lay all the groundwork before he stepped in.

There were only a few in the room who knew why this was exactly going on. Those few were Minato, Jiraiya, Kushina, Kakashi, and Tsuande.

Though, within Naruto's mind? It should be noted that Shay looked like he really didn't want to be here at the moment.

While Shay was quite enthusiastic that all three of his genin were promoted, he didn't see why Minato had to take this kind of approach when dealing with Naruto. It was clear that it was not working. Not to mention the fact that the brown-haired Templar Assassin didn't give a damn about any of Jiraiya's prophecies.

He just couldn't understand why Jiraiya and the Uzumaki-Namikaze family put so much faith in these kinds of things.

The previous prophecy that the toads told Jiraiya was that Minato would be the one to bring peace to the Elemental Nations and cure the shinobi world of war and hatred...It was easy to tell how that exactly worked out, seeing as Minato had not made a single step forward in creating world peace and the fact that the village that he led suffered an invasion.

Shay Cormac had believed in Jiraiya's words and the prophecies of toads were told by the gods. But after experiencing the horrors of war first hand, he realized that such beliefs were foolish dreams and nothing more than that.

Prophecies were just that, prophecies. Some superstition passed down by some senile old toad. Why in Kami's name would anybody take something like that seriously. Yet here were some of the most prominent shinobi in Konoha along with three of the Hokage's children, sitting here about to waste a fair amount of time trying to force a boy, who clearly didn't care about such things either, to live his life accordingly to some words spoken by a glorified frog with one foot already in the grave.

The Former Assassin became Templar sighed as Minato began to speak once more.

"Naruto, this is serious, treat it as such." Those were nothing short of orders from the Hokage. "I remember having to have this same conversation with you just after the preliminary rounds of the chunin exams, just over a month ago. You've been keeping secrets for far too long Naruto. Secrets are what get people killed in this world. While your recent performance in the chunin exams was remarkable, it has brought your abilities into question. These questions need to be answered, it is of the utmost importance. Especially those people of yours that came out of nowhere! And even those 6 people were used to be slaves."

Naruto could only stare on incredulously at the man sitting behind the desk. Was he really giving him a lecture about secrets? Was this some kind of joke?

"My secrets, huh? ...I'm sure you have secrets as well don't you Hokage-sama. But why is it that my secrets are always the ones brought into question and not yours?" Naruto proposed to the Hokage.

"You are not here for a philosophical debate, Naruto, you will answer my questions whether you like it or not. We're told by Itachi about those animal spirits! The world could very well be at stake here!" Minato seemed to be losing his patience as his voice started to rise at the end.

Naruto was completely lost now. Had the man gone insane from the loss of his pride? "...What does me having some skill in jutsu and ablilities have to do with the world?"

Minato noticed his slip up and sighed as he calmed himself down and retook his seat. This was a matter that he didn't want to discuss with him until he knew for sure that it was talking about Naruto, but it seems as if he didn't have a choice at the moment.

He had told all of his daughter besides Naruto on their birthday just after they started the academy, but nothing had come of it so far. He supposed telling Naruto about it might actually make him realize just how important of a role he'll possibly play in bringing peace to the world.

"Several years ago, the toads came to Jiraiya with a prophecy, after which, he relayed it to me. What the prophecy said was,

"A child of two ancestors shall be born and will be trained by numerous great ancestors along being blessed by the nature.

The child holds the power of the eagle, the wolf and the bear that radiant like the spirits will guide itself.

A Willpower of Ambition that would sense spiritual, fight with force and overpowered from all enemiesl.

And has the determination and heart to become a hero or revolutionary.

The symbol of honor and courage and the symbol of peace and justice.

The mark of the Square and Compasses, and the mark of Red Cross.

The Hero fighting against all odds. Along with the Order.

Succeed the world shall be safe.

But fail the world shall fall into chaos."

We had originally believed that it was speaking of Naruko. But due to the events that have occurred recently, we now believe that the prophecy spoke of you." Minato relayed to Naruto with absolute seriousness.

Peace had always been something that Minato dreamed of. He had been born during the era of the Second Great Shinobi War and had experienced more than he would ever wish his students to see. Sadly that wish never came true as they were sent off to war when they were deemed ready.

Cruel reality showed its ugly head, as it was his genin team that was ripped apart during the Third Great Shinobi War. One of his student was killed, another went missing for years, and the last was the one who had killed the first. War knew no bounds. War had no rules. War was the result of the evil and hatred of man.

He would do whatever it took to bring peace to this world. And by anything...he meant anything.

After hearing the prophecy Minato was speaking of, Naruto could only roll his eyes. This was what they were getting so worked up about?This was the very same prophecy that Naruto had overheard Minato telling the rest of the Uzumaki-Namikaze siblings just after stating the academy...on the day of the Uchiha Massacre. That memory still brought a pain to his chest.

Naruto, too had noticed that the prophecy sounded like he could be their so called 'child of prophecy', but he immediately discarded the idea. He was not going to become some kind of toad fanboy like Jiraiya and Minato just because a half-dead toad had a vision. To believe in such things were utterly foolish. He had seen just how prominent those toads were when he roasting Gamabunta over an open fire during his match against Nawaki in the chunin exams.

"...And why exactly should I care about this prophecy...from what I saw during the chunin exams, those toads really aren't anything special..."

There were a few groans from the as some of the occupants in the room knew just how proud Jiraiya was of his toad summons. He would no doubt turn this into some kind of argument, not that it wasn't one already.

"What do you mean they're nothing special?! Don't get arrogant just because you got a lucky shot in during the chunin exams! The toads are the most battle oriented summons there are and could crush anyone in the blink of an eye! Don't think you're some hot-shot just cause you beat a mere genin who had signed the contract." The toad sage yelled.

True to everyone's beliefs, Jiraiya lost his cool when it came to his summons. Didn't they have some kind of plan or purpose for dealing with Naruto at the moment?

Naruto really didn't care to argue with Jiraiya. When it came to an argument with the man, there was just no winning. Not because he was always right, on the contrary most of the time his always fought losing arguments, but he made them so preposterous and silly that is was just embarrassing to be part of one of them.

"If that was all...can I leave now? My fiancee and sister is waiting for me." It seemed that this was going nowhere fast and he really didn't want to waste anymore time than he absolutely had to.

Naruto's voice brought most of the room's attention off of the still upset Jiraiya, and back onto him.

"We are far from done here, Naruto. We need to discuss what will be done about you and the prophecy." Minato stated firmly, giving Jiraiya a sharp look that seemed to scream 'calm down, we have more important things to deal with'.

As if on command, Jiraiya walked over to the desk and unstrapped the large scroll on his back, placing it on the table. Naruto stared on uninterested as the toad summoning scroll was unraveled before him, the names of Jiraiya, Minato Namikaze, Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze could be seen written vertically in large kanji using their own blood, naturally there was also a hand-print soaked in blood below each signature.

"Seeing as how it is possible that you are the one that the prophecy spoke of, it would be beneficial for you to sign the toad summoning contract, after all, since the elders were okay for having a second for you, while you have the eagle contract. This way you can speak to the toads personally and have them test you to see if you truly are the child of prophecy. Naturally, they will also help you on your quest towards the goal of peace."

It seemed that to the Hokage, Naruto's opinion on the topic didn't matter as Minato had already decided that Naruto would be signing the contract.

It also seemed as if Minato and Jiraiya hadn't gotten what Naruto was trying to convey earlier. They're completely careless about they did not know Naruto did signed another contract without knowing for sure. Naruko did told him to show it. But that turns out that he did earned the Juubi no Okami's trust.

Even so, if he had wanted to do so, signing the toad contract would be impossible. He already held the contract with the wolves and eagles, which was most likely the one of the strongest summoning contracts if not the strongest. Signing three contracts may have been accepted with the toads and the slugs, but the eagles and wolves were highly territorial. Especially when it came to summoning clans that were weaker than themselves, Naruto's recent match in the chunin exams only proved how inferior the toads were to the wolves and eagle.

Since now that Eagles made negotiate with the Ten Tail wolves, due the animal spirits that they're worship as dieties. Since Okami is a ultra rarest. So he can't afford to signed another one.

At his current level, Naruto wouldn't even be able of fighting on par with Shiranui for even a minute, along with Tenhi, the Boss eagle. Not to mention the fact that a majority of the summoning clans considered the toad contract rather pretentious, the wolf and eagle included.

It seemed the fact that the eldest of the toads seemed to hand out prophecies like they were candy on halloween didn't sit well with the other summoning clans.

Some of these summoning contracts had originated from the time of the Rikudō Sennin or his sons. Therefore prophecies were something sacred to them as there were only a few that had been passed down throughout the generations. So when some self-entitled, senile old toad seems to make them up from thin air, they were bound to get a little upset with the entire clan. He was completely told by his own mentor Hagoromo.

It seemed that Minato and Jiraiya were ignorant to the validity of the prophecies from the toads. After all, they were still clinging onto the one that they believed said that Minato would undoubtedly one day bring peace to the Elemental Nations. This time the prophecy they received wasn't even specific in the least. They few key phrases that Naruto could actually relate to were: will of ambition, hero or revolutionary, spirits, honor and justice.

Another thing that Naruto found peculiar was that while it did say that the child of prophecy would bring about a new era of peace, nothing was said about what would happen if they chose another path. There was just too many angles to cover and it was too broad to narrow it down any further. Such was the nature of most prophecies.

The only viable conclusion Naruto could come up with to what Minato was saying, was that he was supposed to be this child of prophecy, since both Assassins and Templars were secretly war endlessly, with the symbol of square and compasses, and red cross. Since Arno and Connor was a hero or revolutionary, with the animal spirits of the eagle, wolf and bear. And since when Hagoromo told him about his mother Kaguya.

There were only a few problems with that theory. For starters, His ancestors never truly believed in peace. Hagoromo was the only child of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya who aimed to rebuild this world into a place where war and hatred were nonexistent.

Naruto had always lived his life how he wanted to. His goals and dreams weren't as noble as his brothers', in reality his ambitions were rather selfish. But that was how people should live their lives, it was their life to live however they pleased, so why should a person live their life for another person? Or a cause that they knew was fruitless?

Due to that, it was highly unlikely that his ancestors was this 'predecessor' that the prophecy spoke of. Either that, or the toads were completely wrong of their history. Whatever the case may be, Naruto didn't care to find out.

Naruto stared at the contract spread out on the table blankly. He had been in a good mood earlier because Satsuki, Sakura, and him had spent the entire morning together, but right now he was beginning to lose his patience. While in 4 years training with Itachi.

"...No." That single word was Naruto's reply after staying silent for a few moments.

There were a few grans from a few people in the room, namely Tsunade, Kushina and Naruko. This was just another version of the conversation that Minato and Naruto always had. Minato offering things like training, jutsu, and summoning contracts, while Naruto continually refused because they were trying to force him into a life he didn't want to live.

"I see, this is just one of you're usual attempts to force Naruto back into your lives, so I'm leaving. I have patients to attend to. I would not know for sure if I did not know about this."

Was Tsunade's irritated statement before she gave Naruto a pitying glance, though the reason for it was unknown to him, and 'Shunshined' out of the room, presumably back to the hospital. There really was no reason for her to be here. Minato had selfishly summoned her here in hopes that she would help to persuade his son, forcing her away from tending to the wounded at the hospital.

With Naruto remembered when he was back in the hospital that where Tsunade came in to his room.

"...A second chance?" Naruto questiong before entering the mental flashback starts...

==Flashback Started==

"Yes, Jiraiya told me everything about of how I was completely careless of you." Tsunade said, since she had change of heart about how she was completely. "That pervert was only cared the prophecy. Now I can see it, but turns out I was completely did not see it. After you killed Orochimaru about how he let my brother, Nawaki died that day. And send his soul to the Shinigami...but why Orochimaru didn't tell me."

Seeing Naruto was resting in the hospital in Konoha, since everyone wants to see their hero for saving Konoha. Until with Itachi told Minato for he placing a private room in this hospital with Sakura as his doctor. As until Tsunade support him when he was completely exhausted from the fight, damn he was completely restless.

"I see..." Naruto understand, then he said to Tsunade. "You want to earned my trust...very well."

That causes Tsunade shocked of what he had heard, until Naruto raise his index finger. "But...you have my trust if you attempt to break it. I will seriously had my operative erase your memories."

That made Tsunade flinch about he was completely serious, and he added. "I'm mean it."

Tsunade bowed at him, and she said. "I will Naru-chan...I will..."

==Flashback Ended==

"...Earned your trust." Naruto heard her last words. So that since when Tsunade had layed eyes on Whitebeard, it was completely awkward between those two. Since he would had thought about Tsunade and Whitebeard. So...guess can't blame it for now. Now back to the present in the office of the Hokage.

A few people in the room gave the spot where Tsuande was previously standing a glance before turning their heads back to the scene that was unfolding before them.

Minato and Jiraiya had not even noticed that Tsunade had left, as they were staring on in shock at Naruto's blatant refusal to sign Konoha's most renowned summoning contract. They had thought he would be ecstatic at the prospect of signing the same contract that some of the most prominent shinobi in Konoha held. It would be foolish to deny something that could increase your strength and skill tenfold, just because you weren't the biggest fans of some of the other holders.

"...What do you mean 'no'?" Minato asked panicked, he had not fully recovered yet from Naruto's sudden rejection.

"Do you know how many people would sign this contract in a heartbeat if given the chance. It's easily one of the most powerful summoning contracts in the world, it's likely you'll never come across one as strong as this in your lifetime ever again! If you don't take this opportunity now, then you'll end up regretting it the rest of your life!"

Of course it was Jiraiya who ran to the aid of his summoning contract and defended it relentlessly.

Naruto sighed inwardly. This conversation would clearly be continuing in a repetitious cycle, so it would be best to break out of it as soon as humanly possible. Perhaps even faster.

"I believe I said it quite clearly...you want me to sign this contract to further your dreams of peace...that's quite selfish in my opinion. The both of you are trying to force your own ideals and ambitions upon me because you can't do it yourself." Naruto rolled the summoning contract back up and threw it towards the offended Jiraiya.

"Wait, that's not true at all! You-" Jiraiya was cut off as Naruto brought his hand up to to signal him to stop talking.

"Jiraiya...I believe you always said that 'someday the day would come when people could truly understand one another', yet you've done nothing to further you dreams of peace, besides handing out prophecies and pushing the duty off onto other people."

Naruto then turned to Minato, he wasn't finished yet, not by a long-shot. "You're no better Minato. You easily accept this man's beliefs, so easily that your dream now is to find peace. Yet, you have done to turn that dream into a reality. You've been the Hokage for over sixteen years now and yet, you have not made a single step towards bringing about peace."

The room was silent for a moment as they took in Naruto's words. Oddly enough, none of them could recall either of these men actually doing anything about their dreams besides push them onto other people or preach their ideals to the younger generations. Even Kushina's eyes widened when she realized this.

"Naruto, you have to understand-"

This time it was Minato who was cut off as he was trying to explain to his wayward son how difficult it was to bring this world together. With Naruto's eyes narrow that unleashes a burst of Haoshoku Haki at them made him nervous.

"I don't need to hear any excuses, if fact there are none to use." Naruto said as he sat back in the chair and crossed his arms over his chest. "Things have only gotten worse since you had taken over as Hokage, the recent invasion is proof of that...actually, now that we're on that subject, I'm actually rather disappointed that you are talking about peace only a week after our village was invaded."

Minato and Jiraiya both flinched at the tone of his voice. Was it a mistake to tell him about the prophecy so soon after the invasion?

"I will tell you this here and now...Do not try to force your beliefs of peace on me. I've already seen just how far you will go to keep the peace within Konoha. World peace...that kind of belief is a little too naïve for someone like me. Find someone else to push this onto."

With those final words said, Naruto got out of his chair and walked out of the room, leaving behind a room of stunned shinobi. As that could be the only thing he was referring to when he mentioned keeping the peace within Konoha's walls.

As an eerie silence filled every corner of the Hokage's Office, Minato stood completely still.

After a minute of silence, when he looked around the room, he realized that everyone was either purposefully looking away from him while whistling or had their faces planted in their hands. A despondent, sheepish expression made its way onto his face as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Um...Did I mess up again or something...?"

"Yes you did, signore."

Which made everyone turn to see Ezio was sitting in the windowsill that causes Minato and the everyone, as he and Jiraiya on their stance, as until make the blond recognized that outfit.

"Wait! You're with Naruto, ain't you." Minato stated about Ezio that he wore the same with different design as Naruto's.

"You know this man?" Jiraiya asked.

"A week ago, yes. He is one of Naruto's ancestors." Minato answered which made Jiraiya flinch for he had told about Naruto create an alternate jutsu of Edo Tensei. Since how could that happen? The Toad sage had wondered of how that jutsu being developed like the Nidaime Hokage.

"That's right, ciao a tutti (Hello to all)." Arno greetings, which made everyone confused about that strange language just like the rest.

"Um, can you please what you say?" Minato convinced.

"Ah, my apologized, it means 'Hello to all'." Ezio replied, that makes Minato and Jiraiya nod for understand, with Kushina was completely curious about those strange language. "So, anyway, names Ezio Auditore, I am also the Master Assassin like Naruto does."

Which made so confuse about his strange name. With Kushina had heard about that status as a rank and title and said. "Hold on! A Master Assassin? That look like a Jonin or..."

"A Jonin or ANBU Commander rank like Naruto had told me about how the shinobi works." Ezio answered, which made them surprising about Naruto told them about of how the Ninja System works. "Now anyway...is this how you attempt to forced Naruto to gain peace and return to your lives."

"It's none your business!" Jiraiya sneered.

"Oh, did I? But he told us everything." Ezio answered, which made Jiraiya eyes widen about Naruto had told him. "And don't you dare to made a demand or forced the young man."

Much to the surprise of everyone in the room, it was Ezio who finally answered after a moment of silence. "...I wouldn't go as far as to say that...You're completely justified in what you believe, Signore Hokage, but you haven't considered how other people feel about your ideals or beliefs...You automatically assumed that he would jump aboard and you'd have the perfect family once again."

Minato's features turned hostile as a low growl leaked out of his throat. Ezio may have been his son's ancestor and/or teacher, but what right did he have to tell him how he should handle his own child?

"Well, what should I have done...!? You heard what the prophecy said! The path that he takes will determine the future of the entire world! You want me to-"

Before Minato could continue his rant any further, Ezio held his hands up in the same fashion that Naruto had used to cut off the man earlier.

"Naruto...is a special case. You can't deal with him the same way you do normal people, I've learned that first hand since I became his teacher...He doesn't believe in living his life for some greater cause...World peace, something like that doesn't matter to him." Ezio proclaimed with explanation and reason. "No matter how selfish it may seem to you, he lives his life the way that he wants and for the people he cares about. You can't decide what someone else should do with their life...One day your going to have to allow him to make his own decisions..."

With those final words said, Ezio jumped out of the window in this room, leaving the people behind with much to think about.

Though, those words were mainly to Minato and Kushina as it was clear they would not stop pestering him anytime soon.

Jiraiya didn't seem fazed in the least by Ezio's proclamation. Though he did seem a little hurt from Naruto's words about how he had been living his life up until now, but that didn't last for to long. In his mind, what he had been doing was right, he wasn't meant to bring peace, but he would make sure to find the one who was.

The population of the room had decreased dramatically since thirty minutes the Kiri, Taki, Kumo, Iwa, Team 7, Tsunade, and Ezio having already made their exit, the only ones who remained were Jiraiya, Minato, Kakashi, Kushina, and Naruko. It was not uncommon for these particular people to be in the same room together.

"Well, why don't we give Naruto a little time to think about what we said here...Perhaps he just needs a little time and space to think about everything he just learned. He's probably just a bit overwhelmed after learning how important his role in the world really is." Jiraiya spoke to no one in particular as he strapped the large summoning scroll to his lower back once again.

'Are you really that dense?' Naruko and Kushina were the simultaneous thoughts.

They seemed to be the only ones in the office to still have their head on straight. Kakashi probably hadn't even been listening to the entire conversation as his nose was still buried in his smut, giggling perversely every few minutes.

Naruko breathed a sigh of relief and hopped of the couch to walk out the door, not wanting to be left in the room when her parents were going to be in that kind of state.

Until Kushina had fallen her knees and with her hands on her face and sobbing of how Naruto still didn't see her as a mother, since turns out that Minato and Jiraiya were forced him, not amended and convinced. As Minato slumped down into his chair. Jiraiya sighed fraustrated about of how the refusal by Naruto of how he didn't accept to signed the Toads. Once again, he will rejected them again.

How could they have screwed up so badly? With how their children had turned out and all the mistakes they had made, were they even meant to be parents?