
Chapter 2: Apprenticeship & Assassin





~Author's Message~

Thank you viewers of reading this? Since this is my first Assassin's Creed Xover.

The Chapter 1 has 625 or more? Since how many readers to read.

(Story Starts)

==Night time==

Naruto was done with training in the forest of death and decided to go home; since he had successfully re-created his pistols and even it had improved the accuracy and loading times as well as their destructive power and range; better thank Edward to developed. Unfortunately he had to admit that the error part had been quite explosive and was glad that he had used his shadow clones in the forest of death to mask his tests on this unique weapon, all in all once he was finished with the testing he had to admit that the guns came in quite handy. Since he made two holsters like Shay does, and created bullets and darts for also a successful air rifle in his new secret hideout for himself only when Masyaf will be his new home for himself. (AN: The pistols is Edward Kenways': edward_kenways_italian_flintlock_pistol_by_sarubix89-d669iln . jpg)

But like so many things he kept them hidden knowing that one day he would use them in the real world but for the moment he was more concerned about concealing his true activities as he had noticed that the ANBU had increased their observance of him greatly. But no matter how long they had been trying to keep an eye on him were send by the Yondaime; in which case he always managed to get away from them to continue his training in the Assassin ways in secret, he had to admit though that having the ANBU constantly following him had forced him to improve his stealth abilities even further than before.

Since the sensors were couldn't lift a finger pointing at somewhere. He then looked at a set of clothing such as his primary battle robes and his more common civilian ropes that he planned to wear to the Academy this day.

He still had days left before team selection then realized the time to completely change was at hand, all in all he could only hope for the best as this new day begun, then he suddenly senses something was wrong with his new ability from Arno; the Eagle Pulse. He started to hear metals clashing and look where it was coming from. He jump from tree to tree and went towards the gate walls of the village to get a better view. He scan around the village then his narrowed as he found where two chunin battling out Naruto eyes widen as he saw who were the two ninja's were fighting.

He saw Iruka and Mizuki were fighting but were confused why they were fighting until he found the scroll of sealing in Mizuki back. Naruto eyes narrowed and now understand the situation. He knew that Mizuki was a traitor from the start. He immediately rushes towards the two chunin and to aid Iruka.

==With Mizuki and Iruka==

Iruka and Mizuki were battling against each other and Mizuki has upper-hand.

"Give the scroll back Mizuki" Iruka demanded and Mizuki just laugh at him.

"With the scroll I will be unbeatable." Mizuki said then throws a barrage of kunai. Iruka tried to move but he was injured. He closed his eyes waited for the kunais to kill him.

'Well this it…I'm going to die...' Iruka thought then he heard sounds of kunai being deflected. He opened his eyes and was shock who he saw 'Naruto.'

"Naruto" Mizuki said and Naruto just glared at him.

"Mizuki I knew that you were a traitor from the start the way you were looking at Naruko thinking that she's the Kyuubi. You're a complete idiot. You don't know difference between a scroll and a kunai." Naruto said. Mizuki gritted his teeth and looking at Naruto with hateful eyes.

"I KNOW THAT SHE'S THE DEMON! YONDAIME WAS JUST TOO BLIND TO SEE IT!" Mizuki shouted and grabbed a kunai behind his pouch but before he could even pull out his kunai as with a blur of motion there was a loud sound of thunder that echoed throughout the office, Mizuki however felt a strong pain entered his shoulder and exit leaving behind a massive hole which absolutely stunned him.


Mizuki screamed as there is a dart attaches a rope then Naruto pull him on the ground and follow with a stomp in the back of his neck and Mizuki was out cold. Naruto summoned two clones and ordered them to tie Mizuki to the tree. The clones did what they were told while he runs towards Iruka.

"Iruka-sensei, are you okay?" Naruto asked and Iruka put a weak smile on him.

"Yeah I'm okay now Naruto." Iruka said and Naruto did some hand seals and his hand began to glow green and place his hand on Iruka wounds and they started to heal them. Before he saw Naruto possessed a new tool; it similar then a kunai attach a rope. "Is that a rope dart?"

Naruto nodded for confirmed,

"Its a first time a ninja never use it." Iruka stated. "I think you know how to use it?"

Naruto nod. "Only if I can thrown at the targets or enemies at the front or back to drag your target, once anchored into the target, could be used to pull them over distances." He explained which made Iruka shocked of how Naruto know how to use it.

"And that strange weapon?" Iruka asked.

"Its my own invention." Naruto replied which made Iruka shocked of how Naruto can make something like that.

==Moments later==

ANBU arrived to the scene and found Mizuki tied to a tree while Naruto was just done healing Iruka. Before they heard a thunder clap that came from were Iruka was.

"What happen here?" An ANBU wearing a cat mask asked. Naruto explained the situation and when he was done the ANBU were impressed on how Naruto easily defeated Mizuki and being able to do Medical jutsu at young age.

"All right." The cat ANBU said "Good job Namikaze-sama."

Naruto just nodded at her before he headed home. One of the ANBU grabbed Iruka to escort him home while others grabbed Mizuki and scroll and headed towards the tower. Before the ANBU saw a hole on his shoulder? But what kind of tool or weapon done something like that. With Iruka spoken. "It was Naruto's new weapons."

"Namikaze-sama's new weapons." Cat said.

"He made them for his own." Which made the ANBU shocked about the young man's development.

==At the Hokage Tower==

"That concludes my report Hokage-sama." The cat anbu informed the Yondaime with the advisers.

Anbu dropped Mizuki to the T&I department for interrogation before heading to the hokage tower before a further investigation of what kind of weapon that done that. Cat or Yugao Uzuki reported in exact same detail on how Naruto reported to her.

"All right thank you for the report cat. You may leave now." Minato said and cat nodded at him before disappearing in puff of smoke.

"Minato your boy is a genius." Homura said.

"I agree with him Minato. Your boy easily beaten a chunin level ninja and was able to use medical ninjutsu in a young age." Hiruzen said. "And Iruka report Naruto uses Rope Darts in the first arsenal in the ninja core."

"He is level headed, intelligent he is a perfect example of a shinobi." Koharu said and Minato nodded and were saddened that he or Kushina had done nothing to his development. "And even the reports or rumors that he was remain undetected."

"All right now, how about we talk about the team placement?" Minato said and the advisers nodded at him.

==2 days later==

It was morning and Naruto wakes from his bed and did his morning routine. Now Naruto was now picking out a new set of clothes from closet that he made since today was the team placement. He was really thankful that he picks up some of Hope's or Edward's hobby because most the clothes shop that he went wasn't suited for his taste. He was now wearing like his surrogate father; a black and red Templar outfit with a hood; a forehead protector leaf symbol on his right bicep, black pants and pair of black boots instead a shinobi sandals; a red and white sash with a cross unlikely Edwards' Templar Armor along with brown leather belts with pouches, a black holsters for the pistols and swords or daggers and also with a Assassin Symbol strapped to the harness on his chest-like buckle. As Naruto manage re-create a Air rifle and a prototype grenade launcher mounted underneath; now strapped in his back, and he installed the Phantom Blade from the Smith and retrieved the Phantom Blade Designs (and asked if he copy the phantom blade designed so he replied he did not copy it). With the Altair's Sword and Dagger strapped on his holsters each side on his hips. (AN: Shay's own Templar Uniform with a Hood.)

Naruto look himself at the mirror and smiled at his new appearance then went to his desk, now his hair is now longer then before and tied to a short ponytail and grabbed a small necklace that has as also the symbol of Assassin. He wears it around his neck, then hid it under his uniform, along with face mask before walking out from his room. Since he is look like Shay after all.

'You look like I was, when I was.'

'Thanks, father.' Naruto replied. 'I couldn't done it without your help and the Assassin Brotherhood.'

'Anytime, lad. But you better heading to the Academy.'

Naruto walks down stair to see Naruko and his parents at the dining table.

Kushina was the first one to see Naruto and was surprised by his new appearance along with new additions to his equipment with a bit of a curious eye; since she saw a two strange objects on his right hip, the other is on his back, and a multiple pouches on the belt; which made her most confusing part? A red cross on the sash, and also a 'A' symbol with add on the line strapped to the harness on his chest-like buckle; she was completely curious of what those symbols meant. Since he shouldn't bare the Uzumaki or Namikaze symbol instead; at least there's a leaf symbol on his bicep; but push her thoughts aside.

"Good morning Naruto." Kushina greeted and Naruto just nodded at her and Naruko turns around and was surprised by his brother new appearance and couldn't help but blush. Naruto notice it.

"Is there something wrong Naruko? Your face is turning red." Naruto points out and Naruko eyes widen and quickly turned around and continued to eat her food. Both parents were surprised by their daughter reaction and the blush they saw on her face but quickly pushed their thoughts aside when Naruto joins the table and started to eat his food.

"So, are you both excited to meet the team placement?" Kushina asked

"Yeah I am! I hope that get to onii-chan as my teammate." Naruko chirped happily while Naruto just ignored her question and eat his food. Kushina and Minato mentally sighs they knew that Naruto would answered it because like Naruko told them he won't open up to them then Kushina decided to asked some random question.

"So Naruto where did you get that clothes I never saw that kind of clothing before." Kushina said.

"I made it." Naruto said plainly and everyone was surprised.

"Really Onii-chan I never knew you know how to make clothes and the design is great." Naruko said and Naruto sends a small smile to her.

"Well the clothes shop I went didn't have my liking so I decided to make some clothes and learn from a 'friend' of mine. And also I install those seals that it allows to grow with me." Naruto said which made everyone curious on who was Naruto referring to. Before they could question him more.

"And those strange objects?" Minato asked.

"My prototype weapons." Naruto replied that cause Minato and Kushina surprised about their son is developed weapons.

"So...what are they Onii-chan?" Naruko asked.

"They called them 'guns'...its a tubular weapon. Its a long range arsenal were only requires gunpowder only...its loud and it's similar then a Kunai Launcher or crossbow." Naruto explained which made more surprising about a range weapon that advance only gunpowder that use to create fireworks.

"And...the one on your back?"

"Its called a 'rifle'...its designed to be fired from the shoulder." Naruto explained. "Its also only a prototype 'air rifle'."

"What's a 'Air rifle', Onii-chan?" Naruko asked curious.

"Its similar then blowpipes or injection launchers from the medical-nins used... - as he take a sip on his tea -...its also a silent range weapon that fires dart like blowpipe. And also I installed a chakra metal and cover with leather that allows to channel wind-chakra to made a air-shot." Which made Minato and Kushina extremely surprised of how Naruto can make more weapons; and Naruko's eyes sparkle with awed and curious.

"Can you make me one!"

"No." Naruto replied when suddenly stands up from his seat and said. "I'm going ahead Naruko I'll see you at academy. Thanks for the food." He said as he left the dining table, until they saw him pull on his hood over his head and walks out from the house when Naruto was gone both parents sighs in disappointment.

"Well at least he's not completely cold toward us." Minato said and Kushina nodded at him.

"Hmm~! No fair Onii-san. I just want that one!" Naruko pout as she stood. "I'm going now Kaa-chan, Tou-san!" She said as she ran out to the house and headed to the academy also. Both parents sigh and look at each other with sad smile on their face.

"I guess we better get going." Kushina said and both parents did the dishes before heading towards the hokage tower.

==With Naruto and Naruko==

Naruto (before remove his hood) and Naruko were walking in the hallways of the academy and most the student there greet at them. Naruto and Naruko arrived at the classroom and have taken their seat. Before everyone present then noticed the new additions to his entire unlike his hoodie? He always wearing the same jacket. Naruto had bored look on his face and was about to fall asleep until he felt a pair of arms wrapped around him.

"Hello Naruto-kun!" A familiar voice said. Naruto just sighs and turns his head to see a girl that has pink hair, green eyes and large forehead. The girl was smiling at him this girl is known as Sakura Haruno a civilian girl and the girl that Naruto saved when she was being bullied.

==Flashback Started==

"Oh look its forehead girl" one of the class bullies said.

"HAHAHA, her forehead sure makes a nice target practice" One of girls said as she grabbed a stone.

"No please don't!" 7 years old Sakura pleaded and the bullied throws the stone, targeting her forehead. She shielded her eyes and waited for the stone to strike her again.


Sakura opened her eyes only to see the stone was on the ground with strange knife on the center.

"You know picking on a defenseless girls is pretty pathetic don't you think?" Naruto asked as he appeared in the scene with his on his pocket.

"Who the hell are you?" the leader of the bullies asked and Naruto just ignored his question.

"I gonna say this once leave now or face the consequences." Naruto said and one of the bullies recklessly charges at Naruto with his fist ready. Naruto sidestepped to avoid the attack easily then grabbed his wrist and knee strike him to the stomach hard that sends the bully flying straight to the tree and knocking the bully out.

Everyone was shock in what they saw. The bullies were scared shitless while Sakura was awe in what Naruto did.

"Let's get out of here!" the leader shouted as his group started to run away leaving other one behind. Naruto was disgusted by this and summoned two clones and ordered them to catch the bullies. The clones chased the bullies with a genin level speed and easily knock them out cold.

==Moments later==

The bullies started to wakes up and found them tied to a tree with ninja wires and the two clones were besides them and Naruto was standing in front of them with arms cross and were glaring at them.

"Bullying a defenseless girl is one the things that I hate." Naruto said then he pulls out a katana from his seal on his palm and the bullies swallow the lump on their throat and scared look on their face.

"I heard about making the girl a target practice how about I make all of you make target practice now?" Naruto asked as place the sword in the ground and pulls out couple of kunais and throwing knives. The kids turned pale and started pleading at him.

"Please don't kill us!"

"We're sorry!"

"I want my mommy!"

Naruto had enough and put his weapons away and told the clones to remove the ropes. The clones did what they were told and released the bullies. Naruto gave them a death glare and the bullies flinch at this.

"Next time if I see you all picking on her or any other student I'll make sure to make you ALL my target practices. GOT IT!?" Naruto asked with threatening tone.

"HAI!" The bullies shouted before they all run away. Naruto just shook his head and turn his attention to Sakura.

"Are you alright?" Naruto asked. Sakura just nodded at him while blushing. Naruto notice a small cut on her forehead.

"Hold still." Naruto said as he remove his glove on his right hand; she saw something on his hand; was a white circle and place his hand on her forehead. Sakura blushed even more by the sudden contact. Few seconds later the cut was gone and Naruto smiled at her.

"There all better." Naruto said.

"Yes, thanks for saving me…um."

"Naruto…Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze." Naruto said and Sakura eyes widen in shock.

"You're Yondaime son!" Sakura shouted Naruto just smiled at her.

"Yes he's my dad but doesn't mean that I wanted to treat me differently I just want you treat me like any other people. How about we start again and with my different name... Hi I'm Naruto Altair Cormac." Naruto said as he extended his hand and Sakura smiled at him and shake his hand.

"Sakura Haruno."

==Moment Later==

At the Haruno residence; Sakura was leading someone by the hand into her house, giggling before she called out, "Kaa-san! Tou-san! Where are you? I have someone I want you to meet!"

"In the living room, dear!"

Sakura giggled again before tugging on the person's hand and leading him into the room. There, sitting on the couch, was her mother, Mebuki Haruno, with her father, Kisashi, in a nearby armchair. It was obvious where Sakura had inherited his pink hair from, as Kizashi's was the same way, going down He also has sideburns which flow into his angular moustache and a bit of stubble on his chin. He wears a dark, loose-fitting kimono-shirt which has a green, inner-lining and sleeves which extend beyond his kimono shirt. This is held closed by a simple obi which he wears along with a burgundy coloured ¾-length pants, and a pair of simple slippers. He also wears a simple silver necklace with a pink cherry blossom design on it with a single petal being deep red in colour.

Mebuki, on the other hand, possessed the jade-green eyes Sakura inherited from her. Her angular face had a few wrinkles near her eyes; is a fair-skinned woman with shoulder-length, blonde hair with a single bang which falls down into her face. She also has green eyes and wears a white qipao dress with three red circular designs at the bottom of the front of her dress as well as the back. Underneath the dress, she wears pink ¾-length pants along with brown sandals, no doubt caused by his easy-going smile that he was currently flashing towards his daughter.

Mebuki had looked up from the book she was reading and smiled gently at Sakura. "Sakura, you're home." She then noticed the other person, who was fidgeting slightly as her daughter held their hand. "Oh? And who is your friend, dear?"

Sakura blushed slightly and giggled before pulling the person around her and presenting them. "Kaa-san, Tou-san, I want you to meet my new friend? I meet him when I was bullied when Ino is not around? This is-"

"Naruto Altair-Cormac, at your service?" Finished Boy Introduce. He removed his hood reveal to be a face is like Shay.

==Flashback Ended==

"Hey Sakura-chan!" Naruto said happily and he started to notice the killing intent coming from the girls and he turns to his sister who was glaring daggers at Sakura. Naruto inwardly sigh. He remember his talk with Ezio about girls? Ezio was womanizer when he flirt and made relationship with Cristina Vespucci when he meet Sofia Sartor when he travel through Masyaf. Rumors in the Academy about Naruto is dating with Sakura? He always close with her sometimes over years, since the bonds between Naruto and Sakura became grow when Naruko was completely jealous along with the fan-girls; since she completely tried to match up his skills? She tried extra hard and study hard to gain her attention completely; now only Sakura got Naruto's attention.

"FOREHEAD, GET AWAY FROM MY NARUTO-KUN!" A voice said and that voice belongs to a blond hair girl with blue pupil less eyes and wearing purple clothing. This girl is Ino Yamanaka. She one of the girls who had huge crush on Naruto. She met Naruto in her family flower shop when he needs required poison for his arsenal and it was first love in sight so she immediately tried to get to know the him. Naruto with his friendly attitude was able to made friends of the girl.

Sakura was glare at Ino was about to speak until another voice beat her to it.

"NO HE'S MY NARUTO-KUN!" the girl voice belongs to a girl that has long black silky hair and black eyes. This girl was wearing a blue sleeveless jacket that has Uchiha Symbol on the back, a black strap slightly above her stomach and black pants and standard shinobi sandals. This girl was Satsuki Uchiha the sister of Uchiha Itachi who was a prodigy of Konoha. She was also one of the girls that Naruto save in kidnapping incident happened in Konoha along with Hinata Hyuga who was the heiress of the Hyuga clan.

==Flashback Started==

A shadow figure was running roof to roof and was carrying a huge bag on his back.

"This too easy this village security really needs to rework its defense." The figure said and the sack started to move around was shouting at him to let them go. The figure just sneered at them and dropped the back harshly and picked it up again.

"Shut it you brats!" The figure hissed.

"How about you drop the sack and leave." A voice said and the figure turns around to see 8 years old Naruto glaring at him; while he still had his hood.

"Beat it kid!" The figure sneered at him. The blink of an eye Naruto appeared in front of him and delivered a blow to gut causing the figure to drop the sack and hold his stomach in pain. Naruto followed it with an uppercut punch to jaw that sends figure flying upward and ending it with a axe kick to back that nearly shattered the ground as cracks appeared when impact was made. The figure was unconscious and Naruto brought out couple of ninja wires and tied the shadow figure up.

When he was done he walks towards the sack with hidden blade on his wrist and cuts the sack after the blade is slid back, revealing two young girls. Both girls had tears on their eyes and were hugging each other tightly. The girl with black hair opened her eyes and saw Naruto standing before them.

"It's okay now the man who kidnaps you both is defeated." Naruto said as kneel down to them and place his hands on their shoulders to calm then he was surprised by their reaction. They suddenly launch their selves at Naruto and cling on him as if their life was on the line. Naruto just closed his eyes and hugged both girls and whispered comforting words to them.

==Flashback Ended==

The man who kidnapped them turns out to be the kumo ambassador but after interrogated by the sadistic Ibiki it turns out that the kumo nin was a fake and the treaty was nothing because the fake Kumo nin was a member of a local bandit who sells children to other villages. Both clans thank Naruto for his heroic deed. Fuguku and Hiashi wanted to have arranged marriage their daughters with Naruto but he quickly turns it down because he told them that he wasn't interested. Since Ezio will laughed about having harem; so he is a one-girl married.

All three girls were glaring at each other and soon the girls around the room started to fight over Naruto.

Naruto did the wise decision and sneak away and hide in the corner to avoid the riot of all girls' war.

"Well here we go again." A boy said with black hair that was in a style of a pineapple. This boy was Shikamaru Nara. He is one Naruto best friends and lazy person but he was smartest one in the class.

"*Munch* I agree *Munch*." A fat boy said that has brown spiky hair. This kid is known as Chouji Akimichi. He is also one Naruto best friends and they share great interest in food and currently eating a bag of chips.

"Man, Naruto I'm really jealous of you getting all the girls to fight over you." A boy whined, this boy has messy brown hair and has red fangs marking on each side of his cheek. This boy is known as Kiba Inuzuka also one Naruto best friends and self-proclaim rival of Naruto which the blond has no problem and he has a companion name Akamaru who was a small white puppy that rides on his head

Naruto sighs at this pulls out something from the hip pouch on his left besides the flintlock holsters and reveals to be small paper bag. Naruto grabbed something inside and reveals to doughnut shaped-bread with filled with sugar.

"Hey Naruto what's that?" Kiba asked.

"Oh, it's just some food that I made. Want some? There three more in the bag." Naruto said as he passed the bag and the each of them took one doughnut. The three of them examined the bread and the trio looks at each other and then shrugged and took a bite of the doughnuts.

Then all three boys' eyes widen and golden light started to come out from where they bit.

"Oh my god!" Shikamaru said in shock.

"This so delicious!" Kiba said and Akamaru got confused until he also took a bite of the doughnut then Akamaru was frozen few seconds then suddenly fainted with happy expression on his face.

"Well I'm glad you all like it." Naruto said then he turns to Chouji who still had shock expression on his face.

"Um, Chouji are you okay?" Shikamaru asked as he waved at hand in front of him until Chouji suddenly bowed his head to the floor in front of Naruto.

"TEACH ME YOU'RE WAYS CHOSEN ONE!" Chouji said and everyone in the room was surprised even the girls who having an all-out rumble. Since thank Hope and the other Assassin's taught him a thing a two since their past lives.

"Onii-chan what happened?" Naruko said as she as was currently holding one the girls in a headlock. While Sakura holding Ino's neck before gaining a sucker punch. Naruko look at Naruto hands and her eyes widen in shock.

"ONII-CHAN WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THAT YOU WERE SHARING YOUR DELICIOUS HOME MADE DOUGHNUTS! YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE YOUR FOODS!" Naruko shouted. Naruko knew that his brother was great cook she even complimented him that was able to out cook a five star chef. Naruko always love his brother food especially his dessert foods.

"I AGREED WITH HER NARUTO-KUN! YOU SHOULDN'T SHARED ME TOO!" Sakura shouted. Since she loves Naruto's cooking when he came to her home with her parents with his delicious food? Mebuki never admitted of how skillful Naruto can cook, and same goes with Kizashi.

Everyone in the room had surprised look in hearing that top student of the academy and the son of Yondaime (or not) can cook. Since being a Assassin needs to learned his new skills.

"Big deal it's just a piece of bread." A random boy said and Naruko furious shook her head.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ONII-CHAN COOKING ARE LIKE FIRST RATE CHEF. ONCE YOU TASTED IT YOU FEEL LIKE YOU BEEN TO HEAVEN! JUST LOOK AT KIBA!" Naruko pointed out and they look at him and saw that he was happily eating the doughnut with dreamy look on his face. As Sakura went to Chouji.

"Chouji what do you think of Naruto-kun's bread?" Sakura asked and Chouji face her with serious look on his face.

"His food is a gift from heaven they are even better than our restaurant food." Chouji stated and everyone except Naruko was surprised by this, with Sakura with a admitted smile. The Akimichi restaurant is one of the best restaurants in Konoha and hearing from the Akimichi saying Naruto food was better than theirs was surprising.

Suddenly the door opened and reveals to Iruka who had few bandages on his face. He was surprised to see what was happening in the room. Since he was save by Naruto yesterday.

"Everyone please return to your seat." Iruka said and most of the class ignored him and he twitch mark near his eyebrows.

"I SAID EVERYONE SEAT DOWN NOW!" Iruka ordered with big scary face and everyone immediately returns to their seat.

Iruka clears his throat and started to give out his speech. As Iruka continues to talk Naruto was praying that end this quickly as possible because most of the girls in the class looking at Naruto with hungry look on their eyes that sends shiver to his spine.

"Now I'm gonna tell your team mates and sensei. Team 1…" Soon teams are called one by one.

"Team 7 consist of Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze..." This raised his head and anticipated who was going to be his teammates while the girls are praying hoping that they would paired up with the blond. "Sakura Haruno..." Sakura squealed in happiness. "Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze..." Her Naruko did the same. "...and Satsuki Uchiha!" Iruka finished and Satsuki was the last one to squeal and Naruto and small smile on his face hearing that having his sister and friends being his teammates, for Sakura...as his girlfriend.

"Your senseis are Kakashi Hatake and Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze!" Iruka said the four of them where surprised.

"Team 8 members are Shino Aburame, Hyuga Hinata and Kiba Inuzuka. Your sensei is Kurenai Yuhi. Team 9 is still in the roster and for team 10 members are Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka and Chouji Akimichi. Your sensei is Asuma Sarutobi" Iruka finished.

"NOOO I got a lazy ass and fat boy!" Ino whined earning a glare from Chouji for calling him fat while earning a sigh disappointment from Naruto for disrespecting his friends.

"You will see your sensei at lunch time dismiss!" Iruka said before leaving the classroom.

"Onii-chan do want to have lunch with me?" Naruko asked as she turns around to face him only to find that Naruto was gone.

"Hey where is Naruto-kun?" Sakura asked without letting anyone Naruto secretly place the same paper bag of doughnuts Naruto brought.

"Naruto run away from the classroom because he doesn't want dealing with his fangirls now they know him being great cook and all." Shikamaru answered lazily. With Naruko and Satsuki pout frowned of how disappointed Naruto disappeared...again. With Sakura smile at her boyfriend if the 'time' came.

==With Naruto==

Naruto was in the hokage monument eating some homemade food and was enjoying the view. Naruto felt a familiar chakra around the field and he let out a few chuckles.

"I know your there Itachi-san you can come out now." Naruto said and in puff of smoke reveals a man that was wearing a standard Anbu uniform and was wearing a boar mask. The man takes his mask off and reveals his face. The man has black eyes and black hair. This man is Itachi Uchiha who is known as the prodigy of the Uchiha clan and the heir of the Uchiha clan.

Itachi smiled at the blond and sits beside him. Naruto offered him a piece of his food and Itachi gracefully accepted it and took a bite and smiled appeared on his face.

"Delicious as always Naruto-kun your cooking even beats my mother cooking." Itachi complimented and Naruto just smiled at him and thank for the compliment.

"So I heard that you become of my sister teammates. What do you think of the team set up?" Itachi asked as he accepts a drink from Naruto.

"To tell you the truth I'm quite surprised to tell you the truth but I'm okay with it as long we all willing to help out each other and take our job seriously." Naruto said before he took sipped of his drink. Itachi nodded and also took a sip of his drink. Both were quiet for several seconds until Itachi broke it

"Naruto-kun I would like to thank you again for saving my sister few years ago." Itachi said and Naruto just nodded at him.

"Don't mention it Itachi-niisan beside that's what good heroes do. Saving people who are in need even I'm a shinobi and would start to kill people I still want to be seen as a hero...or something else is better then a hero." Naruto said. Itachi was surprised by this but smiled at the blond.

"Naruto-kun you do know that kaa-san is still asking for some your dishes right?" Itachi randomly asked. Itachi and her mother was one of the few people that knew Naruto skill in cooking. Naruto just smirked at him.

"Sure no problem but in exchange I won't make any homemade pocky for a month." Naruto said and Itachi eyes widen in horror and turned pale in hearing this. No pocky for a month made by Naruto-kun is a nightmare! His pocky is more delicious that being sell in stores!

"That was a low blow Naruto-kun." Itachi half glare at the blond and Naruto chuckles at him.

"And you know that I won't give my dishes away that easily if you want some my dishes recipes you need to sacrifice." Naruto said and Itachi pouted at him with Naruto let out few chuckles then soon Itachi started to chuckle and then they continued to eat their lunch.

==After Lunch==

Naruto returned to the classroom an hour late and slide the door open and saw what was in front of him.

A glaring Naruko and Satsuki, minus Sakura was waving at Naruto.

"Onii-chan where were you?" Naruko asked while glaring at him.

"Yeah, How are we going to be a team if you won't join with us?" Satsuki asked with Naruko nodding in agreement and all two girls glaring at him, with Sakura is still completely remain calm. Naruto just sweat drop at this and cleared his throat and tries to explain it carefully.

"Well the reason that I could join is because of the fan-girls will try to get me, includes Sakura-chan." - which made two girls glared more - "and besides I already promised Itachi-niisan to have lunch with him." Naruto said. He half lied because it was only pure coincidence that he met Itachi there. The girls stare at him for few minutes until they look at each other and nodded before allowing him to enter the classroom.

Naruto taken his seat and the girls were about to talk to him when suddenly a voice interrupted them.

"Yo!" The man said as he entered the room. The man has spiky white hair and his forehead protector was covering his left eye. The man was wearing a standard shinobi uniform. This man is known Kakashi Hatake. Following him was Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze who also wearing a standard shinobi uniform and had her long red hair tied into a ponytail with bangs both sides on her face.

"Sorry, we are late. We got lost from the road of life." Kakashi said with his signature eye smile only get bonked in the head by Kushina.

"We're late because of you Kakashi!" Kushina scolded and Kakashi just apologize to her and they turn to their attention to team 7. As Kakashi notice Naruto wearing unfamiliar clothes he wore. 'A black uniform unlike any shinobi ever his wearing...let him blend in perfectly, It's like I couldn't see him at all at first. Including those unfamiliar symbol. I wonder, I've never seen that kind of clothing before.' He looked him over, impressed with what he saw.

"Any way team 7, meet us in the roof top in 10 minutes." Kushina said then she and Kakashi vanished in puff of smoke.

"Well shall we go-" Naruko stood up and got ready to invite the other when Naruto was already gone from his place on the balcony along with Sakura; Naruto and Sakura had already started to climb up the wall when Kakashi and Kushina disappeared.

"How did Naruto-kun and Sakura do that!?" Satsuki exclaimed.

She scratched her head, surprised at Naruto's or Sakura's ability. First they snuck up on them while they were in the classroom and then each of them had the ability and speed to scale the roof quicker than they could get up from their seats.

Few moments later Naruko snapped out of her thoughts. "Let's go then Satsuki." Naruko said and quickly run towards the roof top .

"Yeah, we better get going." Satsuki replied, as she following her.

==On the roof top==

Naruko and Satsuki arrived in the rooftop only see Kushina holding an orange book and Kakashi was on knees begging at Kushina.

"Please Kushina-senpai, that's my autograph Icha Icha series." Kakashi pleaded.

"I don't care damn it Kakashi! I don't want you see reading that book in front of me or my students or else I'll burn this and tell Minato-kun not him to allow you to sell any of these smut book." Kushina threaten him and Kakashi turned paled but nodded at her. Kushina gave him his book back and Kakashi hugged the book tightly.

"Man can we get over with I need to train you know." Naruto said as he appeared out of nowhere that surprised everyone while wearing his hood. Along with Sakura; causing Naruko and Satsuki is more jealous of how both of them can do that.

'I didn't sense him...and even Sakura!'Kushina and Kakashi thought. Both senseis snapped out of their thoughts as their student taken their seat. While Naruto went to the rail and then jumped to sit on there a moment, unmoving. Naruko figured he would try and make another argument but surprisingly he knelt down on one knee to get comfortable and waited. Satsuki sighed and soon sat down too. Kakashi gave a forced smile at their reactions and decided to move on.

"Alright, how about we all introduce ourselves to each other? Tell us your likes, dislikes, hobby and dream." Kakashi said and Naruto was the first one to do it. "And you better took off your hood." As Naruto remove his hood with a glare which made him flinch.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze I like training, books, learning new things and swords and knifes. Dislikes are traitors, arrogant peoples and people who believe that missions are more important than comrades. My hobbies are training and writing stories and my dream is married a single women and...well that's classified." Naruto said mentally added 'I will rebuild the Assassin Order.' and everyone was surprised in introduction then face fault at the end of his introduction. Which Naruko and Satsuki will be the first to be Naruto's wife...well Naruko maybe his sister...its completely wrong.

"Um, Naruto-kun what kind of story do you write?" Sakura asked. Naruto put on the thinking pose then few seconds later he grabbed something from his pocket and pulls it out and reveals to be a pair of book. Everyone eyes widen in shock in seeing the books.

"You're the author of 'Adventures of Ezio Auditore' and 'Legend of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad'?!" Sakura asked in shock and the blond nodded at her.

Naruto was inspired by the two Assassin Ancestors so much that he decided to write a story about them. The 'Adventures of Ezio Auditore' is the story about Ezio's life and all the adventures and experience he had when he became an Assassin after his father and two of his brothers were execute. The book was started when he was 7 years old and finished the book when he was 12. The 'Legend of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad' is the first season of the 'Adventures of Ezio Auditore'. The book tells the story on how Altair's life started and how he so many assassination mission when he met the Templar Maria. Naruto is still continuing the story but he just didn't have right time to write. The 'Adventures of Ezio Auditore' and 'Legend of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad' were huge hit they sale 50 times better than the Icha Icha Series. With Naruto will write the new seasons of each ancestors life.

Suddenly Sakura pulled out her own copy of Adventures of Ezio Auditore that was the first volume of the series.

"Naruto-kun I have your Autograph?" Sakura asked.

"Maybe later Sakura-chan but let's continue the introduction first." Naruto said and Sakura pouted but nodded in understanding.

"Okay moving that aside. Let's continue." Kakashi said.

"My turn my name is Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze I like my family, Onii-chan cooking (this surprised both sensei's) ramen and learning new jutsu. I dislike arrogant fools and perverts, hobbies are to train and try to spend some time with Onii-chan and dream is the first female Hokage ever!" Naruko said with a grin.

'A mini Kushina/' Kakashi thought while Kushina just chuckle at her daughters introduction.

"Your next Pinkie." Kakashi said and Sakura glares at him.

"Don't call me that!" Sakura shouted then clears his throat. "Anyway I'm Sakura Haruno my likes are Naruto-kun (Naruto smiled at her while Satsuki glares at her and she hear mumbles from Naruko) friends, My dislikes are perverts, tardiness and people who bullies the weak. My hobby is reading especially Naruto-kun books (Naruto chuckles at this) and my dream is strong kunoichi." Sakura finished. 'And also I will be with Naruto-kun and also helping Assassin Order.' She mentally added.

"Alright your turn Satsuki-chan." Kushina said.

"I'm Satsuki Uchiha I like my family, fire jutsu and tomatoes. I don't have any dislikes and my hobbies are training and eating tomatoes. My dream is to become like Itachi-onii-chan an ANBU captain." Satsuki finished and Kakashi gave them an eye smile.

"Well it's our turn now. I'm Kakashi Hatake I like lot of things, I dislike lot of things, I have many hobbies and my dream..I don't feel like tell you about." Kakashi said and Naruto had smirked on his face and decided to burst his bubbles.

"In short you like those smut books, you dislike anyone saying horrible things to your smuts, your hobbies are reading that smuts and visiting your friend graveyard and your dream is becoming a porn star." Naruto finished everyone look at wide eyes while Kakashi was twitching every time Naruto called his books smuts but calms down and regain his posture. "I was good at well information gathering."

"Anyway I'm Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze I love my family and Children" Naruto rolled his eyes in the children part. " My likes are Ramen and playing pranks on people. My dislikes are perverts, people who made fun of my hair and anything that's bitter. My hobbies are pulling pranks, chatting with my friends and cooking. As for my dream is to make you all proud nin of the leaf and…" She glances at Naruto who just look away before put on his hood for hiding his own emotions. "I want to complete my family..." Kushina finished. Kakashi and Naruko knew about this while Satsuki were confused. And Sakura glaring at Kushina and Kakashi for ruining Naruto's life.

"Anyway I will now explain the final exam." Kakashi said. Naruko and Satsuki eyes widen in shock.

"What test?" Sakura asked in narrowing her eyes. Kakashi was about answer but Naruto beat him at it.

"The real genin test Sakura-chan. That test that we did in the academy was only to see that we have potential to become a ninja while the final test will tell that if we are ready for real ninja world. In this test has 66% chance of failing and returns to the academy. And also 34&% success." Naruto explained and Kakashi was impressed and nodded at him.

"He's correct meaning that this test is very hard and there a little for all of you to pass." Kakashi said.

"Anyway meet us tomorrow at training ground 7 at 6 am sharp." Kushina said.

"Oh and here some advice try not to eat otherwise you'll puke." Kakashi said and Naruto snorted at him. Then the Jounin disappears leaving the students alone. As Naruto stood in the rail and informed.

"Girls don't take that stupid advice. If listen to him you be sure to fail the test." Naruto said. "Come on, Sakura-chan...you still had a final preparation for your test." Which made Naruko and Satsuki surprising for Naruto called Sakura.

"ONII-CHAN! iT'S NOT FAIR!" Naruto shouted before demanded. "I want to know why you SO interesting Sakura!"

"It's because I'm his girlfriend! And besides...I'm his apprentice." Sakura declared as she followed Naruto besides him. That made the girls shocked in surprised.

"I can't believe Naruto-kun choose you to be his apprentice...? Its like a-a-a t-teacher a-and s-stu-student!" Satsuki blushed shuttered and replace with a anger. "I can't let you take him from me!"

"Watch us." Naruto said as he and Sakura spread their arms and begun to fall and leaping off the edge of the building that cause the girls panicking as they ran to where if Naruto or Sakura had falling.

As they arrived which made them shocked of they saw Naruto or Sakure were vanishing in a thin air like a ghost.

"How did Nii-san do that?!"