
Naruto: The Avatar (Getting rewritten)

Given a chance due to the actions of others, will he become the strongest? Or will he be trampled by other's powers? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer- So I own nothing, also the cover isn't mine it's to the person who drew it! There may be inconsistent uploads from not feeling it or rewatching stuff to remember important details since I probably forgot a lot of stuff unless its main plot points. Hope you enjoy if you choose to read, constructive criticism is well taken but bitching is not so good luck to those dudes!

Alvinbrrrrrr · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

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So, guys, I've been reflecting on the story and I honestly do not like where it's at and I feel I could've done a lot of things but for sake of wanting to get to cannon I cut myself off. I honestly just want to rewrite this completely with a complete new start where I will open a new book and it'll replace this, it'll keep it's main premise but I will also change a good amount of things and flesh things out more. The reason y I'm writing this though mainly is to see if u guys would like a rewrite? It'll 100% be better in my opinion but ultimately it's up to u guys.

On a side note, right now I'm in Florida as vacation so there won't be chapters for anything and if u guys decide rewrite I'll take two weeks after monday which is when I get back home and stock chapters for the new story, I also have ideas for different story's so if u also want I'll create a separate story but it'll just give the main premise of my ideas for story's and that's it.