
Naruto: Tales of Ashihara

*Weekly updates* Right after the events of Naruto: THE LAST, Sasuke Uchiha meets a man from a clan with mysterious powers, and has to help him escape from a Rinnegan User similar to Kaguya in appearance. This odd encounter, with the 4th war and Kaguya's brief return, is the beginning of a series of invasions and battles against divine beings and creatures. Naruto Uzumaki, with the help of Sasuke, Sakura and the new generation, will have to protect his vision of peace as Hokage from enemies that surpass human understanding, for far greater stakes than just the fate of the ninja world. This is an alternate sequel to Naruto, taking on after The LAST, more focused on Naruto, Sasuke and the Kage council. Some characters from Boruto appear in this story, but are rewritten to fit the different story and atmosphere.

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Konohamaru's love story

Naruto: Tales of Ashihara

Kakumei – Arc 2: The Curse of Time


Chapter 53 – Konohamaru's love story


In Konohagakure, at the ninja Hospital, the 7th Hokage walks through the hallways hurrying to a room where a dying ninja is in need of emergency treatment. In front of the said room, he finds Moegi Kazamatsuri sitting on the ground against the door, submerged in worries. She briefly looks around, like she's seeking for help, and sees Naruto who comes by her side, ready to intervene. She rapidly stands up and throws herself to the Hokage's shoulders. He lets her comfort herself for a moment, and asks.

"Moegi, tell me what happened?"

"It's Udon. He'll die." she simply says, full of sorrow and emotions that the Hokage can feel as well as he can see.

He lies his hands on her shoulders, holds her still for a moment, and puts her aside. He promptly opens the door and sees the Jonin lying in a lateral safety position on a bed, with a sword going through his chest. Sakura and 4 other medic ninjas are standing by his side, working to keep him alive and analyzing his current state to think of a reaction. Sakura, leading the team, turns around to see the Hokage walk in. Moegi, behind him, follows and keeps explaining the situation.

"A yamabushi attacked, and killed 4 of ours." she says. "We defeated him, but he had a partner who stabbed Udon before running away with the yamabushi."

"Naruto, I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do," says Sakura. "He's slowly losing consciousness, and if we remove the blade, he'll bleed out and die almost instantly. The best we can do is keep him alive artificially, but it is unsure how long it could take for him to get back on his feet. It could be forever."

Naruto looks at Udon worriedly. Without a second thought, he elects to do all he can right now and ignore all of Sakura's conclusions.


He activates his New Rikudo Sennin Mode and summons a black orb in his hand. He puts the orb against Udon's chest and lets it work. The black ball spreads like liquid through the Jonin's interiors and fuses with his flesh and organs. It erases the blade inside, just like Dust Release would, and completely replaces the severed flesh, completely filling and regenerating the wound. All the doctors and Moegi look astonished, as in just a few seconds the Hokage's jutsu completely nullifies the weapon and the injury.

Inside the seal on the Hokage's body, Kurama sighs in reaction.

"Let's see… We had 10 of these balls." he says. "We used 4 of them when we fought Momoshiki in the village. Later, after he ate his dad, he stole two from us. Then we used another to make the jutsu that made him overdose on Rikudo Senjutsu. And now you just used this one… This makes it 8 out of 10. We only have two orbs remaining already."

"Ain't there any way to get some back?" asks Naruto. "Momoshiki said they could be created with my sage mode."

"I don't know what he meant by that…" thinks Kurama. "I just know that the old Rikudo sage would always return to 10 orbs after using them. But it could take months, or years before I'd see an orb reappear."

"Was he doing anything special to make it happen?" he asks.

"… Now that you say it… Maybe it would just take a long rest and meditation for you to recover them unconsciously." the fox suggests. "It's the only habit I can think of that he had but you don't."

"Well, we'll figure this out, eventually." concludes Naruto who turns to look at Moegi.

"But be careful, however." Kurama adds. "If waiting and meditating is really the only way we have, you may not have them back before a new dangerous enemy attack. And judging by what just happened, Sojobo might just be it."

"Don't worry." Naruto confidently answers. "If anything threatens the village or its citizens, I won't need these orbs to handle it."

Naruto now turns around to look at Moegi and Sakura, after confirming that Udon is now out of danger. The kunoichi holds the Hokage's shoulder, still not believing what she just saw. She'd like to thank him, but can't say anything. Instead she just holds him, and doesn't hold back a few tears of gratitude. Sakura smiles, not as surprised as anyone else, since she's aware of the Hokage's true power and already saw him in action many times.

"The team returned with a lot of information, you should go back to work now." the head medic says to the Hokage.

Naruto gently holds Moegi's shoulders again and looks her right in the eyes with a warming but serious stare.

"Bring Konohamaru to my office." he says to her, as if it was another mission.


Later, the 7th Hokage sits at his desk with Kakashi by his side. Shizune is on a sick leave, and her husband accepted to replace her as Naruto's assistant in the meantime. Someone knocks at the door of the office and gets in. Konohamaru steps in and stands before the Hokage.

"Thank you for Udon, Lord Hokage." he says.

"No problem. Just my job as the Hokage, Ya know." answers Naruto, with a smile. "And I already told you many times to drop the manners. Calling me by my name is fine."

"I'm dead serious about it. He was doomed." insists the Jonin. "Without you, he'd be dead for sure."

"I know. Good thing that you brought him back in time." says the Hokage, humbly giving credit to his ninjas.

"… Since when are you this powerful?" asks Konohamaru all of a sudden, he who never actually saw Naruto use such abilities. He's seen him fight against Katashiki and later Momoshiki, but he assumed this was only a drastic increase in raw strength and power, not capacities as versatile as what he used to save Udon.

Naruto doesn't answer, and just stares agape at his friend, not expecting this sudden and honest praise. Kakashi takes a step forward and, very professionally, answers for his former student.

"Naruto has had these abilities since the 4th war," he explains. "He simply recovered them in the last ten years, and just now needs to use them."

"Owning this new sage mode wasn't all complicated actually." adds Naruto. "I already knew how Rikudo chakra felt when gathered from nature. Doing it again was just like learning Sage mode all over again. But Sensei, this isn't just the Rikudo Sage Mode from the war. This time it's complete. The power is my own, and not just borrowed from the old man with the Rinnegan."

Konohamaru just stares astonished at his friend and what he has become. More than just a perfect Hokage, he is a demi god that greatly surpasses any of his predecessors. He's now like the new coming of the Rikudo-sennin himself. As he's lost in his admiration, Naruto gazes at him again.

"So, I want to talk about what happened in Ryuka." the Hokage says.

"Yes… This yamabushi kid…" says Konohamaru, reminding himself of his mission. "Saori is safe. I… I brought her to a safe place."

"Your home. Moegi told me." firmly adds the Hokage.

"Oh? Yes,… My house." he says, embarrassed. "I want to keep on the mission to protect the VIP, especially now that it has become a priority."

"I see. I see. You sure there ain't something between you two?" asks Naruto, to mess with him.

"Something? Like what?" answers Konohamaru, playing dumb.

"Something, like love?" adds the 6th Hokage, participating in Naruto's teases.

"What? Why? Does it look like it?" stutters the Sarutobi.

"You didn't say no." notices Kakashi.

"It's true. I mean it's true I didn't say no, not it's true that…" Konohamaru looks away, shyly, trying to find the right words to explain it. "Uh… Ok, there may be some feelings. But I've had plenty of relationships, and none lasted. This possibility shouldn't get in the way of my mission… Anyway, this isn't what you convoked me for, Hokage."

"Oh, Right! About that yamabushi kid." says Naruto. "So he had Akashita's powers. This tengu is probably going under the process of rebirth inside this child's body. This confirms what Sasuke said about Sojobo's intention to revive his lost creatures. And he sent him after Saori, which means he intends to use her as a yamabushi too."

"So guarding her in Konoha is the best thing to do." adds Konohamaru.

"About that other teenage girl. The one who stabbed Udon…" says Naruto.

"She said her name is Meinu, and that she's 17 years old." the Sarutobi quickly adds again. "But it may be a fake identity."

"Yes, Moegi told me already." explains Naruto. "But we looked for any individual that matches this name, age and face, and didn't find any. I reached out to the other Kage about it, but I don't think anyone will find anything. She's quite mysterious. Do you know if she had any tengu too?"

"No, she really managed to hold back all her abilities, except maybe,… she kind of hid a sword under her skin. But this isn't any tengu's power." says Konohamaru. "Also, the Akashita kid could use Shadow Manipulation and the Yamanaka clan's jutsus."

"So jutsus from Konoha? Interesting…" adds Naruto.

"We will have Kiri's help," says Kakashi. "They have the tengu experts. Their knowledge will be of much help now."

"Right…" decides the Hokage. "Konohamaru, your mission is still to protect Saori Minamoto. She'll have to stay in this village until we either defeat or find an arrangement with the Daitengu. Allow her to stay at your home for now."

"Understood, Lord 7th!" frankly says the Sarutobi before disappearing.

"I said drop the manners…" Naruto tiredly says, after Konohamaru already left.

"… It's probably time for a new remote Kage summit, don't you think?" asks Kakashi.

"Yes… time is right." says Naruto, wondering about what the Daitengu is up to now.


Later, at Konohamaru's house, Saori Minamoto gets out of the shower, with a towel wrapped around her body, and another around her head, covering her hair. She walks down the stairs just when Konohamaru returns. Seeing her like this, looking a bit lost in the middle of the living room, he shyly looks away.

"You live in such a big house alone?" she asks. "Not to make any judgment. I'm just curious."

"… I… I am the leader of my clan, and the descendant of the 3rd Hokage." explains Konohamaru. "I can't be living in an apartment, even if I'm alone."

"That's right…" she says. "After all, I also live alone, in a much bigger place."

Konohamaru doesn't answer. He just slowly looks back at her while she curiously roams around the living room.

"I guess you don't have any changing clothes for me." says the Minamoto princess.

"Uh? No, sorry. We were in a hurry, and didn't think of packing up a few of your things to take with us."

"Oh, don't worry about this." she adds, unbothered. "Do you know where I could find sewing material, and quality fabrics?"

"What for?" wonders Konohamaru, confused by this idea. "You know, I could just go out and buy a few clothes for you. You don't need to build them from scratches?"

"It's ok, I… enjoy sewing… for now." she explains. "And now's the right time for this skill to be useful."

"You enjoy it… For now?" questions the Sarutobi.

"Yes… I told you earlier. I usually get quickly sick of stuff." she explains again. "Leading Ryuka, living in the family mansion… It bores me now. It's just a matter of time before I grow bored of dressmaking too."

"Oh… Well, I'll get you some material before it's too late then."

He comes a bit closer, just to step in the living room with her, and stops there, speaking from a distance.

"Saori… I'm sorry but you'll have to stay in Konoha for a while." he apologizes.

"It's ok. I just hope I don't also grow sick of this place too fast." she says. "Can I stay by you, or do I need a hotel?"

"Uh? The Hokage actually asked me to host you. Wouldn't you prefer a hotel?" he asks, embarrassed again.

"No. Actually,… I… don't seem to get bored of you,… Konohamaru." she answers, a bit hesitant.

"Rea-Really?" he asks, blushing and surprised. "Well then, I'll be glad to have you around."

"Thank you… Um… What about clothes now?" she says, still hidden under her towels.

"Ah! Um… Wait for me, I'll be back in no time." he says as he disappears.

He hurries out, going to look for a womenswear store to buy underwear and a dress as quick as possible.



In Hikarigakure, Sojobo sits on the ground in one of the many hallways of the great castle, and waits.

He sees Killin' Kiss come to him in the distance, and keeps waiting until she reaches him. Once she does, she gets on her knees and bows to the Daitengu.

"Stop this." he says.

"Stop what?" she asks.

"Stop acting like I'm a god to worship." he says.

"But you are a god." she promptly answers.

"A god would know his own nature." complains the Daitengu. "I'm just an ignorant creature. I know the future, but not my own self… Also, the last mercenary who served me like this didn't end well." he adds, thinking of both Ritoru and Chuji who were his yamabushi for Kasha and Ryutoki.

"I don't intend to end well either." she says.

"Well… You should. Everybody aims for happiness. A peaceful life, surrounded by love and family, ending in a quiet and acceptable yet inevitable death."

"Family?" asks Meinu. "I don't have any."

"Well,…" the Daitengu starts to say as he stands up. "Make one. What do you think I am doing?" he says, before changing the topic. "About this failed mission in Ryuka…"

"I'm sorry, we failed you." she apologizes.

"You did. It was foolish of you to reveal all this information, and to lose. Honestly, you've messed it all up for me."

"It was Akiko's fault," says Kiss. "I should have brought Fuyuko. He isn't as stubborn as his brother."

"He isn't as strong either." adds the Daitengu. "The tengu I offered to Fuyuko could make him more powerful, but it won't make him as smart and efficient as Akiko. Also, he may be less stubborn, but it doesn't mean he's obedient."

Sojobo closes his eyes and checks on the twins by using the connection he has to every yamabushi. He sees Akiko, pissed off by his own defeat, discussing these events with his brother. The Daitengu feels the confusion in this young person's soul and heart.

Akiko has confused, conflicted, feelings for everyone around him, especially for his brother and Meinu. But it isn't love, Sojobo guessed thanks to Kawahime's ability. These two confuse the young yamabushi by their nature, somehow. Unable to handle these feelings, he exteriors them through his mean behavior.

While observing this young host, the Daitengu finds him quite similar to him. They're both confused by their own nature, but in a different way. Back to reality, he looks at Meinu Imai who still stands by his side.

"You can leave, young woman." he orders. "You did enough. Return by the Uchiha kid's side."

Meinu just stays quiet and obeys, still thinking of the Daitengu's words about family. She silences her thoughts and goes without a word. Sojobo, now alone in this corridor, takes a different path and walks a bit, thinking about Saori Minamoto.

She's probably still with the ninjas of Konoha who were looking after her. Now that the mercenary and the yamabushi failed, he has no other choice than to handle this himself. He needs a third Yamabushi. Now that his objective is revealed, Tsubai and Naruto Uzumaki won't let it happen. Still, he has to try. Tsubai would only be mad depending on who the tengu is. A decade ago, this man was willing to save and preserve some tengu, as long as they weren't harmful.

Alone in his thoughts, he gets angry by the lack of trust his family has for him. Tsubai and Tokiwa see him as nothing else than an enemy. Same goes for Kawahime and her yamabushi. And the same goes for Tentoki… He may still have the affection of Amabie, who'll never deny her love for her creator, but as long as she's with Tokiwa, she won't be able to help him.

Sojobo now sighs in relief. He thinks of the single inheritor he can still trust for now. And it's Takeshi Minamoto, who still hasn't been brainwashed by his father. He can still afford to love him. And this tiny piece of family, he'll cherish it, he'll honor it, he'll let it bloom.



Later again, in the village of Kiri, Kokoro, the yamabushi of Kawahime, joins her team of Genin to inform them of their new mission. Takeshi Minamoto, Kaori and Yukiko are reunited at the village's entrance, with their things packed, ready to leave.

"So, is it true, sensei?" asks Kaori. "We're finally going for something more thrilling than a D-rank?"

"We are. Kawahime and I negotiated your way in this with me." answers Kokoro. "Let me explain."

The three Genin ninjas listen attentively to their sensei as she starts explaining the situation.

"Takeshi's aunt, Saori Minamoto, is a target for an enemy and has been sent to Konohagakure, to take cover. Originally, Takeshi, or more precisely, Tentoki, and I have been asked to present ourselves to the Hokage, and to assist him on this case, because it has something to do with the tengu. But because this seemed uninteresting. I managed to turn it into a C-rank protection mission. So, officially, our team has been sent to protect Saori Minamoto as long as she's in Konoha, and on her way back to Ryuka."

"Sounds good." says Kaori, oddly not thrilled. "The way to Konoha is the interesting part I suppose?"

"The fact of going to another country, is it?" adds Yukiko.

"Exactly." answers Kokoro. "As high rank ninjas in the future, you'll often be sent across villages and sometimes lands. So a first experience is needed. So let's not waste any time, and let's go now."

Everyone carries their stuff and they hit the road, outta the village, in the direction of the port, to catch a boat across the sea. Takeshi, who's been silent since Kokoro arrived, asks for Tentoki's word about it.

"It has something to do with the tengu…" he wonders.

"It's obviously the Daitengu." answers Tentoki.

"What could he want from my aunt?" asks Takeshi.

"He's probably aiming to revive his lost children. Tenshi, Ryutoki, and Akashita."

"And he needs Auntie as a yamabushi?" guesses Takeshi. "Where's the problem with that?"

"The nations see this essentially as Sojobo recovering their powers. And among these 3, two are literal demons that could be harmful to their yamabushi."

Takeshi doesn't answer and just thinks of what Sojobo's intentions could be precisely. While they're walking, Yukiko turns around to look at him and shyly opens a new conversation.

"So… Takeshi… You've already been to Konoha, did you?" she asks.

"I did." proudly answers the young genin. "The Hokage is a friend of my dad. I also have friends there… But they're still kids compared to us… I also know the 6th Hokage. He's the one who taught me my best jutsu."

"You could be our guide around there, then." suggests Kaori.

"Good idea." says Kokoro. "The mission could be long, and you'll have a lot of spare time. Discovering the village, learning to know the place will be the most relevant thing to do."

"About the mission, sensei…" asks Kaori. "Since it's over D-rank. Will we finally get to battle against opponents?"

"That would be great." says Takeshi. "I focused all my training until now on combat. So… to finally fight for once would be great."

"… I hope not." says Kokoro, to answer Kaori's question, with a cold voice.

The team of genins stare at their sensei, intrigued by this serious tone.

"If we actually come to the need of fighting,…" she explains. "… there's a chance that the mission suddenly jumps from a C-rank to an above S-rank."

Kaori and Yukiko look at each other, to share their shock. Takeshi squints, fully aware of what this means.

"But no worries. Fighting this enemy isn't our mission anyway." she adds, now smiling to lighten up the mood. "He's Konoha's problem. They'll handle him. We're just there to test out a C-rank mission."

"But can Konoha handle this enemy?" asks Takeshi, frankly.

Kaori and Yukiko, who felt relieved by Kokoro's words, now stare at Takeshi, shocked again by what he might mean. To them, it seems like he's asking if a single enemy can be handled by a whole village. Since he seems to know what he's talking about, this actually worries them. And Kokoro's answer makes it even worse.

"… Let's hope not to find out." she says, as frankly and blankly as Takeshi. "Just keep in mind that it will in no way be your job. So, just in case, avoid engaging in combat with any enemy that you really don't feel capable of defeating."

The team of Kiri-nin go on with the road, heading to the nearest harbor. They silence their worries, and keep the focus of their mission in mind for now, except for Takeshi Minamoto. All he can think about right now is the Daitengu and what he intends to do with his aunt.

Hidden in the halls of the towers of Hikarigakure's leading castle, the Curse of Time observed the scene through the eyes of his last heir. He sees, and therefore knows. His most beloved child is on his way to the place of his interest. Their meeting in person is approaching inevitably.


End of Chapter 53 – Next Chapter: The boy and the beast