
Naruto Sytem

AkumaKazuto · Anime & Comics
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After the land of waves haku was broken he didn't want to eat or drink and in the spirit of the third Hokage haku was left to team 7 Naruto tried to get haku to eat ramen and Sasuke didn't care Sakura was being a fan girl and Kakashi really couldn't do much.

Tobirama"Gin can you do something to help we cant have such a good kekkie genkai wasted"

Gin is starting to wondering if Tobirama only see's power his brother and Uchiha.

Gin"I could but it's to troublesome"

Hashirama"Gin you should help him out after all you already saved him"

Madara"although I don't want to say this but hashirama is right"

"this guy Madara really learning how to pretend to be forced" gin thought and then he nodded it was a good idea.

Gin"Send me your Senju bloodline"

Tobirama"really an opertunist"

[Tobirama sent Senju bloodline]

Gin"good now I will help your love of your live"

Tobirama"it's not good to joke Uchiha" Tobirama stated coldly.

gin didn't answer Tobirama after all he achieved his goal.Gin walked up to haku who was just there lifeless and drew his brand new blade and snorted coldly "get up and fight or continue to be a broken tool" haku as if receiving a electric shock got up.

"It doesn't matter in not needed there no point t live anymore zabuza didn't want me who will want a broken tool" haku retorted.

"are all these Naruto characters so annoying my god just get up" Gin channeled lightning through his hands to his blade which looked mesmerizing"if you want to be useful fight for your existence want to get something fight for it if there is once you think you are not needed remind your self of this statement haku life is simulation we make good choices and bad ones the bad things may be hard or impossible to be forgotten but remember there is always a way the ninja way speak with action make a better impression " Gin then fiercely slashed at haku Gin after giving that speech lost a little color in his eyes after all if haku dies to this slash it only means he is incompetent.

Haku not knowing half of what gin said but who can blame him but half of what gin was his soul agreed with fight for his existence make his presence wanted haku them regained the fire in his eyes if might guy was here he would say this guy is regaining his youth now show them what your capable of burn your youth.

Haku dodged under the slash and threw 8 senbons knowing that he. has no strength because he hasn't eaten for day but as we know the physique of a ninja just built different."Ice style ice killing spears"

haku launched a wide ranged jutsu and went in."this guy really is not a easy character huh haku just always remember never let others determine your worth with words create your value" and Gin and haku went back and forth for hours haku was sweating profusely and breathing heavily but gin on the other hand not a bead of sweat only his breath slightly disturbed."I lost Gin but I will defeat you" haku said then he fainted.

Tobirama"That guy haku sure is difficult well at least now he is fine"

Madara"Gun I like your style well I will be off to the training grounds"

with that said almost everyone left to the training grounds because they realized if they can make improvements they can send the more improved version of their jutsu.


Tobirama was teaching haku through Gin and haku ice style have improved alot with more ice style and Gin also gave haku some inspiration for new moves.

"Thank you Gin for teaching me so much I will repay the favor someday"

Gin wanted to say you don't have to but he can see the fighting spirit in haku's eyes.

"I will be waiting for that day haku" so Gin and haku spared again.

Gin rushed up and threw a punch haku dodged and countered with a kick Gin easily sensed the kick was coming and dodged in advance while Gin was dodging haku threw 10 senbons blocking Gin retreat and Gin pulled out his blade with his swordsmanship skills he easily destroyed the senbons.

"Haku your getting better" Gin said as he rushed up but something happened well gin and haku knew because it was gins idea with superb control of chakra haku created a Ice sword.

Tobirama"oh what an interesting way to use ice style"

Minato"Yes it does help him with his weaknesses of when the enemy is fighting him up close"

Sakumo"If only Kakashi was half as serious as Haku with his talent he could've mastered the hatake swordsmanship Gin I want you to continue my legacy"

[Sakumo sent Mastered version of lightning swordsmanship]

Gin"don't worry I will I like the name silver fang"

sakumo just had a smile on his face ever since Tobirama found a hack Madara and hashirama have been using it to see each other in the training grounds to fight.

After 3 minutes of close ranged sword fight gin broke away and said to haku"time to get serious","Lightning style Lightning blade cut" ever since gin combined the jutsu he has always been using the combined version haku who was expecting it used his own jutsu copying Gin"Ice style sharpen icicle" the blade in haku hand turned even colder excluding a particular light while the tip was more pointed increasing pierce.

"haku is really bad at name sharpen icicle I have to make him ame the jutsu better".

Gin then quickly slashed at haku which created a lightning trial.haku did the same and because of the extreme cold haku was able to restrain the lightning to an extent.neither of them used long ranged jutsu Gin for fairness and haku because he wants no handicaps gin then said.

"haku decide the outcome with your most powerful slash"

"I will Gin don't worry hehe" haku let out a laugh and while Gin sent a full power lightning shock Haku did something unexpected happened.

"Ice style Ice Shock" with that chant haku's slash was bright blue making electric noises.

"sure enough give a genius a dollar they make a fortune" Gin knew his slashed stood no chance after all he didn't expect haku to copy his lightning. so haku slash past through Gin slash with almost no trouble but right when the slash was going to hit Gin,Haku thought gin would body flicker away but it was gins turn to do something unexpected.

"fire style Blazing Inferno" a tower of flames rose up spinning like a tornado and easily stop haku slash after which it dispersed.

"haku you sure are a good copy ninja"

"It's nothing I still lost you could've easily stopped my slash"

"don't doubt yourself after all fire melts ice when your ice is strong enough then we will have a good battle, you won this fight I will do your request"

"okay be my brother".

Gin almost spat out blood this guy haku always doing unexpected things

"sure brother".

there is no way Gin was going to call haku big brother he would rather fight all the Otutsuski at once.

[It is detected that host accepted a brother as the only family member how could he be weak the system has the chance to upgrade brother full level upgrade]









Host can level up 4 of these]

"this system is joking right why is charm an option Gin wouldn't dare test it out,I choose Talent,Speed,Vitality and bloodline"

[Upgrade successful].