
Naruto Sytem

AkumaKazuto · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Haku Wins

"Brother these injuries are not as bad as they look"haku said while glancing at Gin.

"who knows maybe because of training our bodies have gotten stronger"

of course this had nothing to do with training it was when gin increased Haku's Vitality to max so his body is very strong and resistant and Gin because of Hashirama Physique.

Tobirama"so that's orochimaru monkey's student just as poisonous as him"

Izuna"It's indirectly your fault"

the fights were happening but it was between the unknown characters.

Madara"humph is this a fight no weapons no jutsu they can't even throw a proper punch"

Minato"unless they come from big families or their family members make a great contribution to the village they won't learn ninjutsu"

Hashirama"so how do they go to war"

Sakumo"there are basically sent out to war as meat Shields"

Hashirama"how horrible they can't even protect themselves how can they protect there companions or the village"

Right now is the sad little squabble between Neji and Hinata and everything that happened in the original happened.

Hizashi"how could Neji say such a thing to the daughter of the partriach but more importantly why is she so weak shouldn't she be Training"

Hizashi was suspicious after all he died protecting her he thought she would train and gotten strong but look at what he saw he feels it's a pity after all his son can't be that strong if only Hizashi knew that she is the reason for Neji death he would feel endless regret.

Naruto then proceeds to reprimand Neji about what he said to Hinata.

Gin"just like his father they are both opportunists but only for women"

Minato"hey Gin you can't say that right"

Madara"Hey Gin is right after all it must come from somewhere"

Haku had his fight but it wasn't really a fight and Gin fight wasn't that entertaining.the training arc has arrived and haku and Gin decided to spar again after a while they can't improve much without actual combat.

"brother remember the rules no long range jutsu only self enhancement and weapon transformation"

Gin smile helplessly"of course I know brother let's improve together" with that they both threw away the smiles and the atmosphere suddenly dropped in temperature.

Haku moved first summoning his Ice saber which now just looks like a blue katana if Gin didn't know anything he wouldn't think anything of it just that it excludes a extremely cold temperature.

Haku and Gin swords both clashed multiple times and it was almost impossible to cause one of them damage withing there reaction zone but it's not a perfect technique and it has 2 fatal flaws the first it can't react to attack above them and there reaction zone can't react to most ninjutsu.but Gin and haku are pushing there reaction zone to the ultimate and Their figures are flickering constantly dodging each other's moves which lasted for about 6 minutes and haku and Gin are breathing heavily.

"sure enough all those full level upgrades are amazing but It's time to get serious"Gin thought"Sharingan" Gin hasn't used the sharingan for a while and when Haku saw he chuckled "sure enough brother is getting serious and while he may think he has the advantage I have created my own ability"after all Gin did tell haku about his special sharingan abilities and haku with his terrifying talent made an ability that was remarkable haku makes fine snow and along with wind transformation he can send it quite far and this snow is quite special it's like a sixth sense because the snow is all made out of chakra anything that touches his snow he will know where it is,what it is and what it is doing it's really frightening because he changed from being weak in close combat to a God of combat.

Gin wondered why haku would summon snow but it can't hurt him so he quickly dismissed it he then body flickered above haku and slashed down so haku couldn't depend on reaction zone but Haku already knew what gin was going to do swoosh a sound of breaking through air came and haku reacted blocked Gin's slash and kicked him away.

"what how can he react did his reaction zone make a break through no it's not that wait"Gin then proceeds to pour chakra into his sharingan which changed forms first it was red with white tomoe's now it's white with red tomoe's and he could now see the connection between haku and the snow"so that it's but who told you to use snow against a waking volcano" "blazing Inferno" a huge Tornado of flames rose up melting all the snow.

"figured out o quickly I thought I could have gotten a few more hits in no matter after all when the output of snow and fore are equal or the snow surpasses the fire it's not clear who suppresses who"Haku then quickly casted his blizzard blocking the flames from hurting him "you forced me to brother don't blame me"haku said "Ice style Absolute Zero" the temperature of everything drop and Gin flames were easily suppressed and outed and snow then appeared again even the trees around froze.

"S so da dangerous"Gin thought as he was shivering but no matter how he tried his Flames were outed immediately "I ca can only use tha that "

The sharingan in his eyes changed it now had 6 tomoe's 3 were black and 3 were white this is his merged mangekyou sharingan Izuna sent his mangekyou sharingan long ago but gin didn't get the opportunity to use it but."Ho Holy Fire" Gin quickly chanted and a white fire surrounded his body and he felt warm both inside and outside the flames even healed himself where he was bleeding his mangekyou sharingan abilities are the 2 strongest Fires The Black flames of ultimate destruction and death and The white Flames the ultimate Vitality and healing the white fire can also attack.

Gin then looked at haku they both nodded indicating that they should end it with their strongest attacks.

"Lightning style Dance of a thousand Blades" "Ice style blade Infinity"

Haku didn't hold back at all he saw his brother new ability that's healing him.while Gin's Move was a thousand blade entity's made out of lightning haku's move was planned all the snow turned into blades from every direction attacking even if half of them were destroyed like the name it was like they were a infinite amount of them.

Gin repeatedly did dance of a thousand blade but because of the amount of chakra to keep the Mangekyou sharingan active along with holy flames while repeatedly spamming dance of a thousand blade he ran out of chakra.

"I actually lost this time brother you did a good job" but after Gun fainted something happened Haku was holding Gin carrying him but then the scene around them changed.

[Because Host fainted of exhaustion of chakra the emergency feature has been activated teleporting host to ROD]

and because the system identified Haku as a ally haku was also teleported because he was carrying Gin.