
Naruto: System Shinobi

Haruto, a high school student and avid Naruto fan, finds his life forever changed when a bizarre twist of fate transports him into the world of shinobi. Awakening as Shimio Toji, a young orphan in the hidden village of Konoha, Haruto grapples with the sudden realization that he has been reincarnated into a different existence. He realizes that he can fulfill a life with powers that were only a dream on earth.

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6 Chs

Ch1. New life

The alarm clock blared, piercing through the tranquility of the morning. Haruto, a mischievous high school student attending 11th Grade, groaned and lazily reached out to silence the noisy contraption. Rubbing his eyes, he begrudgingly climbed out of bed, already dreading the mundane routine that awaited him.

As Haruto stumbled through his morning routine, his mind was filled with thoughts of the day ahead. He absentmindedly grabbed his backpack and headed out the door, barely acknowledging his parents' farewells. Little did he know that this seemingly ordinary day would soon take a dramatic turn.

With a spring in his step, Haruto began his usual walk to school. As he walked, he was engrossed in reading his favorite manga series, Naruto. The adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja with a dream of becoming Hokage, captivated his imagination. The vibrant illustrations and compelling storyline transported Haruto to a world of shinobi and jutsu.

Lost in the pages of the manga, Haruto barely registered his surroundings. His foot suddenly slipped on something small and round, causing him to lose his balance. In a split second, his body flailed in the air, desperately trying to regain control. However, gravity was relentless, and Haruto's world turned upside down as he crashed to the ground, his body slamming against the pavement right outside the school gate.

Pain seared through his body as Haruto lay there, dazed and disoriented. He slowly tried to comprehend what had just happened. To his surprise, when he attempted to sit up, he found himself in a completely different place. The busy streets and familiar surroundings of his High School had vanished, replaced by a quiet and unfamiliar village.

Confusion overwhelmed him as he took in his surroundings. Wooden houses lined the streets, and the sound of children's laughter filled the air. The village seemed oddly familiar, but Haruto couldn't place where he had seen it before. That's when a realization hit him like a lightning bolt: he had somehow traveled to the world of Naruto Uzumaki in the village of Konoha.

"I DIED TO A BANANA PEEL ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME" Haruto Yelled in angry manner.

As Haruto tried to come to terms with his bizarre predicament, a sharp pain invaded his cranium. "AHHHHH SHIT" Haruto yelled"

Fragmented memories invaded his mind, they were incomplete and he could sort of understand who he was now. His name was now Shimio Toji and he was 6 years old, Toji was a Konoha Orphan whos father died on a B-ranked mission to a Jounin in Kirigakure.

He noticed a folded piece of paper tucked inside his pocket. Curiosity piqued, he pulled it out and unfolded it. It was a letter, written by the village. The letter explained that Toji's father had been a chūnin in the village of Konoha, and he had left behind his apartment and a sum of money for his son which wasn't much as his father always needed supplies for missions however, the amount is enough for his short term goals.

With a mix of emotions flooding his heart, Haruto made his way to the address in his fragmented memories. Haruto entered the door and entered the dark apartment, the apartment was small but cozy, adorned with pictures of his family and on a shelf were a few scrolls on ninjutsu, but they were nothing too special as they were only up to c rank in the Lightning style, as his father was a rare Lightning style shinobi. It became clear that the father of the previous body had left a legacy for him, a connection to this world and the path of a shinobi.

He sat on the worn-out couch, deep in thought, as he contemplated the events that had transpired and the path he should choose in this new world. His mind buzzed with ideas and possibilities. He was a civilian-born, lacking the genetic advantages of the prestigious ninja clans that dominated Konoha. But that didn't deter him. Haruto was determined to carve his own path and prove that one's birthright didn't define their potential and that his memories of the future can make him strong and make him able to protect himself.

He took a deep breath and reached for the worn-out notebook that had been left behind on the table. Opening it, he began to scribble down his thoughts, brainstorming the events of the Naruto world and analyzing the challenges he might face. He knew he needed a plan, a strategy to navigate the treacherous waters of being a civilian-born ninja.

Haruto first focused on his strengths. While he may not possess the inherent abilities of bloodline limits or immense Chakra reserves, he recognized that his intelligence and resourcefulness could be his greatest assets as he wasn't a dumbass like a regular kid as he has his entire life experience behind him. He jotted down ideas for developing his analytical skills, Chakra control, and honing his Ninjutsu.

Next, he contemplated the various paths available to him. The ninja academy was an obvious starting point, but he wanted to go beyond the basic curriculum. Seeking opportunities to master additional skills such as stealth, espionage, and non-combat techniques.

Haruto also acknowledged the importance of building relationships within the village. He scribbled down names of influential figures and potential mentors who might be willing to guide him despite his civilian background. He knew that cultivating connections and earning the trust of others would be crucial in his journey.

"In many fan-fics the people that MC's go to hmm....." As i think and write down

-Might Guy

-Hayate Gekko

-That one eternal Genin that i don't remember the name of

"This is just in case im not that talented in this new body" Haruto said.

As he continued to brainstorm, Haruto came across the idea of specializing in a particular field. He considered the advantages of becoming a skilled sensor or maybe even a medical-nin like Kabuto.

But amidst all the planning, Haruto never forgot the lessons he had learned from Naruto's story. He knew the importance of friendship, loyalty, and the indomitable spirit that drove Naruto to overcome adversity. He vowed to uphold those values, seeking to be a beacon of hope and support for others, regardless of their backgrounds.

"Sike! I don't care about that will of fire bullshit, Hiruzens old ass always spews a bunch of brainwashing out of that shitty mouth of his" Haruto Snickered.

Hours passed as Haruto immersed himself in his brainstorming session. His notebook was filled with ideas, strategies, and a newfound determination to defy the odds stacked against him. He knew that the path ahead would be challenging, but he was prepared to work tirelessly to prove his worth. With renewed resolve, he made a silent promise to himself that he would make his mark on this world.

Closing the notebook, Haruto stood up and looked around the apartment immersing himself into reality once again. Haruto yawned as he made his way out of the living room to his bedroom. He pulled pajamas out of his closet and put it on and made his way to his bed.

Haruto then exclaimed tiredly " I guess im Shimio Toji now"

Toji then continued into thought as since he was reincarnated did he have a cheat available?

Toji yelled out "System!"

5 seconds pass.....

"Uhhhhh guess not" Toji whined.

[System Loading….]

[1% .... 69%.....99%]

[System Binded to Host, Congratulations]

[****** System awoken]

Huh? "Toji exclaimed"

[System Locked]

[System Unlock Mission: Become a Genin]

-Become a Konoha shinobi

"Become a Shinobi? i got this shit in the bag, from my memories i have to apply for the academy in a month. I also have to get into the elite class as that would boost my chances of being stronger as i'll have more resources and i'll be with main cast" Toji said excitingly.

The children that have talent can apply to the academy after meeting the basic requirements set by the ninja academy. This is also for the children from the ordinary families to join and become a ninja. The children from Shinobi families would go through training to improve their physique and techniques.