
Naruto system in the DxD world

Muscle pain . . . High fever . . . Close your eyes slowly waiting for the end and seconds later you are inside another body. [The system was installed successfully] [Welcome to the system] [Spin the roulette and let the system get a theme] [Naruto system] Only the character of Haru is my property, the rest of the characters belong to their respective owners, that is, High School DxD or Naruto

Anon20K · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Sin 53: Invocations and Sand

While Haru was away from home, in the forest Shukaku devoted himself to intensive training on Haru's clone, the main task of this training was the correct manipulation of the magnet element so that the red-haired man could make use of the sand at will just like the Kazekages of his original world did.

"Come on Haru you can do better than that, it's not enough to just move a few grains of sand to one side, you have to think of the sand as your own body, the key is concentration!" Shukaku was on the bed surrounded by empty food containers, everything Haru had left him Shukaku ate in the span of the afternoon while playing video games and training Haru's clone.

"Hey this is harder than it looks, getting him to manipulate all of this in a short period of time is impossible" the clone paused to complain while changing the shape of the sand in the air "Besides it's not just a few grains of sand, here I have at least a handful of sand in the air."

"With that amount you won't be able to beat that demon, you need to be able to move large amounts of sand to use the sand coffin or a sand shield, you could even rain sand spears on that arrogant demon, but you have to train now you can't move until you can manipulate as much sand as you can fit inside this room, this is Shukaku-sama Kekekekeke's training"

"You are a shitty teacher"

"Shut up you useless monkey!"Shukaku jumped off the bed and swung his tail at the clone making it disappear in a cloud of smoke "Tsk.... Now Haru will know what's going on here, this can't get any worse"

Shukaku stood in the middle of the room looking at the sand on the floor and the wrappers on the bed, with several movements the sand lifted and took the trash out the window "Good, now everything is clean, with this I don't just have to deal with the clone thing, I'm a genius Kekekekeke" as Shukaku laughed like a deranged man he turned to the TV until he looked at a box of pizza that had been left behind "I want to eat pizza again"

"Money money money money, where is the money Haru always keeps secret" Shukaku checked the drawers, under the bed, in the closet and everywhere possible inside Haru's room without finding a single bill "How dare you Haru!"

"You left Shukaku-sama without money to buy pizzas, when you come back you will pay this insult kekekekeke.... I will see to it that you regret hiding your money in such a perfect way" Shukaku laughed again before dropping his butt on the floor and swinging his tail from side to side "Who am I kidding, Haru is not to blame for anything, I just want to eat Pizza... even though I don't feel hungry at all!"

As Shukaku wailed and complained to himself near the door he could see a small piece of paper "hmm...?" using his tail Shukaku brought the piece of paper towards his hand "This is one of those papers that the perverted boy and the nun brought, Haru said earlier that they were used to summon demons that would fulfill your wishes in exchange for something of equal value."

Shukaku looked at the paper in his hand for a few moments before putting it down "I guess it's worth a try, I should drop blood but I can't bleed what do I do, what do I do ?"

"That's it, I'll use chakra!" Shukaku quickly made a seal with his hand and moved it towards the paper on the ground as if he was doing a summoning command, the chakra fed the paper with speed as if a plant was being watered "It works, it works, bring a demon for Shukaku-sama kekekekeke!"

Downstairs in the house Miki and Godou were in the living room with a rather forced smile listening to Shukaku's comments and the laughter of Shukaku himself "Haru's tanuki is talking.... is a rather peculiar surprise."

"Yeah, Haru said he was used for some secret experiments and that's why he ended up adopting Shukaku" Miki couldn't help but remember when Haru showed up at the house with Shukaku in his hands "He has tastes a bit out of the norm"

"You don't say, when I saw him with Asia-chan at home I was surprised, who would have thought that Issei and her would be such good friends and Haru was just helping her" Godou sighed then heard a knock from upstairs "Looks like Shukaku-san is quite lively"


While Godou and Miki were talking to each other in Haru's room finally a transport circle appeared which started to reveal a figure "Here it is..." muttered Shukaku who climbed onto the bed with speed to get a little more height.

From the transport circle appeared a young jet-haired girl with great attributes, she was wearing Haru's school uniform which caught Shukaku's attention immediately.

"Hmmm?" the young lady in question was Akeno Himejima a member of the occult research club, Akeno looked around finding nothing except the summoning paper on the ground "where is the summoner?"

Akeno was soon able to recognize the house in measure, she had already been to the Hyodo house accompanying Rias on one of the visits to Issei's parents, she had only seen Haru's room at a glance but it was easy for her to recognize the redhead's scent.

"This is Haru-kun's room" Akeno walked around the room without finding the redhead only the uniform that was hanging in a corner, the backpack and some belongings "Haru-kun doesn't seem to be here and neither are his crows hehehehe"

"Haru-kun might get angry if he found me in his room but he can't blame me for anything, after all I was only summoned here...." the jet's face was adorned with a sinister smile and her eyes suddenly changed to terrifying, empty ones, devoid of any light "This is the perfect opportunity to get some information about Haru-kun"

As soon as Akeno moved his hand towards one of Haru's drawers he stopped instantly "I guess you were an enemy of Haru's after all" the cold, bloodthirsty voice brought fear afloat in the young jet-haired girl.

Akeno slowly turned around to see how Shukaku who she had seen at all times as a plush doll on the bed had moved and was now showing a bloodlust like she had never felt before

"Answer me, are you an enemy of Haru?" Shukaku swung his tail as he stretched out his hand and the jet's entire body was enveloped in sand "I see you have no intention of answering.... Haru will buy me pizza if I finish off your enemies, bye bye demon."

The sand began to squeeze the jet with force quickly leaving her breathless "AH...ah.... agh!" Akeno struggled to speak but the oxygen in her body failed and her vision began to blur more and more until she couldn't see anymore....

"Kekekekekeke.... I have pizzas guaranteed, now all that's left is to wait for Haru to come back."