
Naruto system in the DxD world

Muscle pain . . . High fever . . . Close your eyes slowly waiting for the end and seconds later you are inside another body. [The system was installed successfully] [Welcome to the system] [Spin the roulette and let the system get a theme] [Naruto system] Only the character of Haru is my property, the rest of the characters belong to their respective owners, that is, High School DxD or Naruto

Anon20K · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Sin 41: Dark Clouds


The serious and tired yawn of the redhead stopped all the attention of the class while the teacher of the room made his explanation on the history of Mesopotamia and the king of that mythical city baptized with the name of Uruk.

"Haru Yoichi-kun doesn't think he should be using his time in a much more effective way than just sleeping in class?" The teacher pointed his class book at Haru as he rebuked him, thus gaining everyone's attention.

Haru just turned his head and looked out the window without paying attention to the annoying professor who just kept screaming with all his might.

Issei and her friends laughed at the situation but on the other side of the room only the nun was still concerned about the well-being of the redhead.

By the end of the classes Haru returned to her hiding place, on the rooftop was the place where Haru could be Haru without worries, there the crows gathered and devoured any treat that the redhead brought in her body.


"Your skills are improving Mitelt" Haru didn't turn her head and just happened to be drinking her grape soda by chance.

Mitelt took a seat next to Haru, letting her legs dangle from the edge of the roof "Now I can go unnoticed by almost any type of sensors, my energy mixes with the environment and does not present any problem, practice with you while using his byakugan is a unique experience "

"Leave the praise behind, this is all your own effort, not many Fallen Angels get out of the low range and into the mid range. Now you have two pairs of wings you should be a bit more important within the Fallen Angels faction but to be sure I will train you enough so that you can get three pairs of wings "

"Three pairs ?! Haru-sama is not suspicious of his skills and his training, but among the fallen angels only a handful can have all three wings and it is no secret that those who went from two pairs to three pairs can only be count on the fingers of the hands "

Haru did not flinch instead raised his hand and threw the small can of soda into the air and fell into a garbage can in the courtyard, among all the students on the first floor "The second part of the training is based on control, you can alter your energy and mix it up but you don't have exact control to make you disappear or manipulate your abilities to make them appear different "

Mitelt looked at the place where that empty can fell and judged if she could do the same without using any kind of special power but she could only shake her head.

"Right now you will go to the forest with one of my clones, a couple of crows will follow them to support whatever is necessary, they can leave"

"Yes, Haru-sama" Soon Mitelt left the place along with a clone of Haru and the ravens.

"Well now I suppose I should go back to class ... or should I let a clone take my place?" Haru soon stopped and let a clone take her place inside the classroom as her original body began to take a nap on the roof of the school.

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Outside the entire area of ​​the Kuoh academy, higher up in the sky leaving the existence of emptiness and dimensions until entering another world full of vegetation.

Under the floor of that green world was located an old room made of large stone bricks, the stone room was empty except for a large scroll stretched out on the floor and two torches on the sides of the scroll.

Soon from the entrance the figure of a stout muscular man appeared, the man with a dark complexion and a remarkable green afro like his eyes, walking towards the parchment while keeping his two hands on his waist.

"Here I go number 13, I'm already imagining our battle, my blood boils just imagining your face when you see a power as overwhelming as the one I have in my power"

Every time the brunette walked, all his muscles made his snake tattoos move as if they were crawling on his skin, the man's golden teeth constantly shining as he spoke as if he were crazy.

"So you're going to go find number 13?" Soon the dark man's monologue was interrupted by the dry voice of a woman located in a corner of that old room.

"Oh, ice princess, I did not think to see you here, that you come to say goodbye before the mission that will bring glory to this place is really an act of great courage" At the end of his dialogue the brunette struck his teeth with force while making a small bow staying at the height of the woman while their faces were only separated by a few centimeters.

While the woman was around one hundred and seventy centimeters tall, the dark-haired man was an eerie two hundred and fifty centimeters tall.

"I would erase that nasty smile from your face by cutting off that damn tongue but I don't want to be guilty if you fail in your mission" the woman gave a smile as she turned to leave the place but the brunette only extended his hand to caress the girl's hair. woman.

"If you touch a strand of my hair I promise to tell you about that hand and put it in your ass so you can go on the mission satisfied, do you understand what I mean?"

"Well, now I understand why they call you the ice princess" laughed the brunette as she retracted her hand and caressed her wrist "When I return from this mission you will have to praise me, I will be your superior and I will do what

"I would never fall at the feet of a smelly snake like you"

"Oh, just wait for my return and you can feel everything about this snake ...." as they both spoke the parchment began to glow "Wow, everything is ready, the next time you see me it will be with the prey in my hand"