
Naruto system in the DxD world

Muscle pain . . . High fever . . . Close your eyes slowly waiting for the end and seconds later you are inside another body. [The system was installed successfully] [Welcome to the system] [Spin the roulette and let the system get a theme] [Naruto system] Only the character of Haru is my property, the rest of the characters belong to their respective owners, that is, High School DxD or Naruto

Anon20K · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Sin 16: Haru's POV

Pov Haru

When I entered this world for the first time I thought that all this was a lie, that is, I remember seeing in some internet forums discussions about reincarnation and invocations in other worlds.

Try to deepen my knowledge on that, I also wanted to be an otaku but my passion for music prevented me from continuing.

Every time I listened to an opening song or started watching an anime, I ended up getting a trace of inspiration, which led me to the audio room, my hands flow on the instruments and when I had realized it was night or it was already too late to watch anime again.

I guess Naruto could see it because it was something from my childhood, it was when I had started to learn to play the guitar.

I remember that my dream was to be a ninja in the leaf village, when I became a teenager the delivery of Naruto Shippuden began and when the end of my life came the broadcast continued with Naruto's son Boruto Uzumaki. I accept the fact that the continuation of Naruto Shippuden was not my favorite, but all the chapters were downloaded and ready for me to see them at some point, unfortunately now I am in another world and here there is no Naruto, much less Boruto.

As I said before reaching another world is a rare experience, even rarer the experience becomes if you start in a house with blood everywhere, it turns out that my parents or the parents of the original Haruta were killed.

Having the memories of the original Haruta I could also feel a slight sense of anguish that can even be described as pain, but it was not from another world and that was due to my experience as a person from another world.

Then another very strange event happened, I must say that this was the strangest thing that happened. That dark room appeared in my mind, there I was able to clear my thoughts and then the strange roulette appeared in the middle of nowhere.

There was not much I could do, I mean there was literally nothing around and I had spent a lot of time inside the dark room, I could only make roulette work and surprisingly it was a game of chance based on anime titles I remember partially. One Piece, Bleach, Dragon Ball and even Naruto, on the other hand there were also titles that I did not know.

Luckily for me it was Naruto who was selected, I must admit that I had a certain degree of calm when seeing the result, before I could say anything I had to turn the roulette again to choose elements.

It was not a great luck but the lightning element and the wind element were something quite nice, if everything continued in the right direction it could be a ninja ..... finally a system was installed in my head or in my soul, I really am not sure where something like that is installed.

By the time I managed to get out of that dark room I had fully assimilated the fact that I was now someone else and even left my old name behind, accept that right now I was being adopted by a family that was friends with that of the original Haru.

Now I had a brother my age, of course we did not have the same last name but when you come from the land in the XXI century you get used to that most of the brothers do not share last names.

It turned out that my parents left a great fortune for my life, were they waiting to die or was it all just an accident? many questions of that style revolve in my head but I decided to let them go.

When I finally had peace of mind I reviewed the system that had been implanted in me, I discovered many things and I even made my first purchase. Anyone who has seen Naruto wants the Shadow Clone Jutsu and I did it.

At first I expected that all the information would be transmitted to my mind, unfortunately the system did not seem to have the same ideas. Inside my inventory a scroll appeared titled 'Jutsu Shadow Clones'

Can you understand what it means?

Finally I had the jutsu in my hands, it was literally in my hands, on a roll of paper but I really did not care after all I had seen the anime and I knew very well the position of hands everything was simple.

I used the jutsu and I collapsed on the ground, when I woke up I understood it my chakra reserves were low and also my knowledge of the shadow clones jutsu was superficial, when I opened the parchment I understood how ignorant it was, there were many concepts that I had to learn, A shadow clone was not something that just appeared out of nowhere.

When I bought the other jutsus I also understood something else, all jutsu that will begin to train had to be from a scroll, the knowledge did not appear out of nowhere.

It was eleven years of a long training, for some this may be a long time but others may already have an idea of ​​what happened ..... yes friends, what made my training delay is called school, yes gentlemen, it was of the place that many hated and loved so much. Going to school was a waste of time as an adult and a musician in my former life knew full well that it was no use, you could make a living without going to college and that was my plan today.

But my appearance was my downfall, the girls were always around me, they followed me in the schoolyard, they sat next to me in the dining room and they even looked for me in the library, I did not have time alone to train, and due I could only train at home for it.

At home there was another problem, I had to share my time with the family and therefore there was not much time to train, as a child I could not just say 'I am going to train in the forest until night' was impossible for me, after what it happened with my family I didn't have much freedom to leave home.

The training did not show results until I was able to train the shadow clones, thanks to this technique I could escape from school and train at ease, but it always appeared to spend time with the family, I did not want to make the same mistake of my first life and end up as a bachelor without a family.

Now he was 16 years old and a second year student at the Kuoh Academy, as Issei's brother he had to deal with more problems but everyone knows that.

For eleven years I had had no hint of paranormal life, powers, or aliens with superpowers so I had assumed this was a normal world and I had ninja powers .... a complete waste, yet I stood firm with my training. .... whom I want to cheat for the last four years did not train properly and even skips several workouts.

But all my daily routine took a 180º turn when my clone was attacked, there were enemies in this world.

Now I had a reason to train and together with that I discovered that my school had several special people, even Issei was special in the figurative sense of the word.

As a result he discovered that there were Fallen Angels and other races or species, I only hope to find a real dragon, I want to ride a real dragon and travel through the sky .....






