
Naruto System in a World of Systems

All around the world everyone heard a language they didn’t recognize, but understood. It informed them of the integration of systems into earths populace via a higher power. Individuals were offered countless systems to choose from. And in America, where mostly everyone chose Marvel or DC systems our protagonist chose the Naruto System. Disclaimer - I wouldn’t say I’m an expert of Naruto, I’m just writing for fun. So if someone finds something wrong with what I’ve written please inform me.

Dogiwagi · Anime & Comics
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David wakes up with a grim look on his face. He wasn't looking forward to today. Wondering if he will even have the courage to face Lucas's family. He stands up, gets dressed, and prepares for the inevitable.

David does some morning exercise earning a pitiful amount of points. Afterwards he heads to the bus stop and gets on the 5 that stops by Lucas's parents house. He arrives and knocks on the door. A red haired woman with reddened eyes opens the door. Lucas's mother stares at David.

"What are you doing here?" She looks at him with hatred in her eyes. "You're not welcome here."

Assuming she's received the news already David just decides to finish up and leave as quickly as possible. "Lucas told me to tell you that he loves you."

Lucas's mother starts crying and surprisingly thanks David. "You should probably leave, if my husband sees you he might go for blood..." David turns saying no more. He decides to run home to blow off steam and get training in.

He begins jogging as tears drop from his eyes quietly. He contemplates the meaning of life, and questions these systems and monsters. Reaching the conclusion that he needs strength to protect his mother in the coming times.

Unknown to him the chakra has began to affect his body. He's running faster than the average human can yet the 3 mile or so distance does little to him. His body is slowly slimming down. As he gets home his mother comments that he looks skinnier and he finally notices it.

Deciding to inform his Mom about what happened yesterday David sits her down. He goes over the events and she's shocked. Noticing her sons sadness she consoles him and asks if he's willing to help make breakfast. Cooking is what's always made her feel good.

They get into the process of making sausages and popovers. His mom asks him to squeeze out orange juice as she focuses on the sausages. He does and a little after he's finished the popovers and sausages are ready.

They sit down with food and his mother starts the conversation. "You have to realize it's not your fault. People die, sometimes in unexpected ways. Everyone has their time."

"I know I just feel like I could've done better. Warned him earlier or prevented him from going in the first place..." David smiles faintly grateful for his mother.

"Take your time to grieve. It's okay to feel sad for a while. But don't let this one event affect you for the rest of your life." His mother returns the smile, feeling sad her son had to go through such loss at a young age.

The pair finish up breakfast savoring the popovers with butter and jam along with freshly squeezed orange juice and good breakfast sausages. David helps his mother, Loretta do the dishes. Then he goes to train.

Reaching the backyard David questions the system. "How many points to upgrade the Sharingan again?"

[10,000 points required.]

David checks his system points and sees he's at roughly 6,000. He doesn't want to go to the beach anytime soon so he decides to practice chakra control. Seeing as there's no water bodies nearby he goes with tree climbing/wall walking. He begins his practice for the weekend trying not to dwell on yesterday's occurrences.

I would recommend naruto system in naruto, i think it’s better than mine... plus If I remember correctly it has 200+ chapters while mine is releasing at 1 a day so if you wanna binge on naruto systems, I’d recommend.

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