
Naruto: System, but not like any other

Join our friend Andrew. Whose soul got transferred into the universe of Naruto as a civilian, with a strange system by his side

Kurosawa_Taiki · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 5: Training

"Hmm... Well, it looks like I have some months to prepare before I go to the academy. Do you plan on giving me missions until then Lix?"

[It depends really. Don't worry though, you'll get some. Just randomly that is, or depending on the event you are currently in.]

"I see... Oh yeah. Hey, about my chakra. I've only realized now that maybe my chakra has been sensed already by someone. And if so, I don't want to deal with that problem"

[Oh don't worry. I've got it covered. I've hidden some of your chakra from their senses. The amount I left for them to feel is like the amount of Rock Lee's chakra, which isn't very much now that I think about it.]

"Thanks, that should be enough for now. Because it is time to train myself to death in these 5 months!"

I said, and suddenly, I heard a ding in my head

[Ding! New Mission Obtained!]


-Run around the village 10 times without stopping or taking a break.

-1,000 Push-ups(One Handed and One finger Push-ups), sit-ups, and squats (Plus One Legged Squats).

-Each day, starting tomorrow for 5 straight months until your first day at the academy.

Rewards: Taijutsu Style | The All Bringer.]

[Accept] or [Refuse]

A screen popped in front of my face showing the new mission that was just acquired

"Huh, interesting... Accepted"

I pressed the accept button and the screen disappeared

[Hey, might as well give you physical training you can work on so why not give you a mission just for that.]

Lix said as I grinned

"By the way, the hell is the All Bringer Taijutsu style? I've never heard of it"

[Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it. So basically, it is all of the Taijutsu styles in the Naruto "Multiverse" put together in one amalgamation style of Taijutsu. Meaning to say, other Taijutsu styles that may not be in this main universe of Naruto, but are in the different universes of the Naruto world, are added to the All Bringer Taijutsu style.]

Lix explained the All Bringer Taijutsu style as my mind took a few seconds to ponder the information that I have just received from Lix

"Okay, now I understand. Damn, this insane I tell you, insane"

I muttered as I thought of more things I should do in my spare 5 months before attending the academy 'Hmm... Maybe going to the library? I mean, I could only do so much without getting suspicious looks from Hiruzen. Now that I say it, won't I get sensed when I do the exercise Lix? Like, no ordinary boy, let alone a civilian, would run around the village 10 times in a row without getting spotted at some point'

[I've already prepared for that. I've rendered you immune to Hiruzen's Crystal Ball. So even when you are inside the village, Hiruzen won't be spying on you with that thing. And for you running around the village, it is up to you. It would be a great way for stealth practice, and also train your perception.]

Lix said, thinking that he is one prepared system that's for sure

"Ha, now that's a game changer right there..."

And so the rest of the night was just thinking about more things I could do besides doing the mission and learning in the library. After a while, I decided to sleep since there isn't anything else I could do that night, and so I chose to sleep quite early.

The Next Day.

I was woken up by Lix's self-made "Alarm" at around 4:00 am. He said that waking up early is key to mastering your body, whatever that means. I groaned and forced myself to get ready. I even wrote an excuse letter to my parents if they ever enter my room and did not see me. I quickly ate two slices of bread and a banana before getting ready

I wore a simple black sleeveless shirt with the Konoha crest embedded behind the shirt, and black shorts to go along with it as I headed outside of the village

Thanks to Lix's advice, he taught me how to sense and perceive someone's chakra. With new-found knowledge and my ability of Unforgettable Memory, I was able to stealthily avoid the ninjas that were on patrol at the entrance of the village, and successfully made it just outside the walls of the village

I did some small stretches before I started to jog around the village, also noting to carefully sense anyone in my path to avoid their gazes. They would probably report to Hiruzen about it



"Heir? Hmm, well I supposed my little Ino would fit the role soon" A person said, taking a sip of coffee

"She'll do well, I just know it!"

"Shh, don't talk too loud. It's still early in the morning, we don't want her waking up this early"

"Yeah sorry, I'm just happy that we will register her in the academy today. Finally, I've waited so long for her to start"

"Me too... Our daughter is precious, though perhaps maybe no one could stay with her"

"You're already thinking about someone who would marry her?!"

"No! Not that at all. It's just that, she may have been reading too much of that romance books again. And she may be influenced by it soon"

"Don't worry about that, she'll find someone who loves her dearly"

"I hope so... I wonder who will it be"


"How many times have I run around the village Lix?"

I asked Lix mentally while still maintaining my jogging form

[About 3 times now. You're halfway until you've run 4 times around the village.]

"What? Only 3 still?"

[Well, it's been only 30 minutes. And keep in mind the village is huge. You're doing insane progress.]

"Well, I hope so anyways. This feels like forever"

I said, still concentrated and determined to get this done

[Heh, his speed is increasing. I predict he'll finish this in the next 10 minutes, max. And also, his sensory perception should have increased as well. Damn, and his chakra volume is increasing like hell, as well as its density and power. And he seems to not get tired, hehe. It's not just the Broken Limiter he got, it's also Adaptability beyond Omnipotent level as well.].



Mumbled Hiruzen under his breath as he observed the registration paper for the Ninja Academy 'I've given out the news that registration for the Ninja Academy is now available just yesterday' He thought, observing the names on the paper

"... Andrew Jisakai. Ah, little Feona and Shiro's son. A surprise seeing them register him in the academy"

Hiruzen said, and again he read their son's name 'Andrew Jisakai...' He thought and felt a cold feeling creep up in him when he said that name, and he doesn't know why

"Ah geez, I haven't had coffee yet. It's still early before I go to the academy to greet the kids"

Hiruzen discarded the paper from his hands as he went to make coffee to lighten up his morning


[And that's it! You've completed the first exercise!]

Lix said as I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard that

"I did it?"

[You did it. You ran around the village 10 times in just 40 minutes only.]

"What? That fast?"

[Yeah, just take a look for yourself.]

Lix said as I decided to observe my body. Closing my eyes, and again, feeling that power surging in me. I've become stronger now. I'm faster than before, and my senses are too. They've grown as well, insanely mind you. And also my stamina seems to not bother me at all

"... In that case, let's do the rest"

I said with a smile on my face. Headed back into the village to continue the rest of my physical training

"Lix, where is the closest training area I can go to?"

[Actually, somewhere near the rundown cabin. Quite a deserted part in the village, and hard to stop. Though you could've stayed outside.]

"I could've, but I'd rather want to train near my home. It feels so lonely when all you see is grass, trees, and a wall you know"

[Alright alright, let's go then.]