
Naruto: Swarm System

After transmigrating to the Naruto world, Zhixiang becomes a member of the Aburame Clan and awakens the Swarm System. This system allows him to upgrade and evolve insects, including the epic phosphorus bugs that can devour and feedback energy. With these powers, Zhixiang embarks on a journey to master all bloodline abilities and pursue immortality during the Fourth Great Ninja War. Uchiha Obito declares, "I want to create a world where Rin exists!" Uchiha Madara asserts, "I will activate Infinite Tsukuyomi and create a peaceful world." "Wow, you guys are amazing," Zhixiang remarks. "But I'm different. I just want to devour the Otsutsuki clan and achieve immortality with my harem of beauties." With a wave of his hand, a massive swarm of insects emerges, devouring Obito's army of one hundred thousand White Zetsu instantly. "Obito, this offering is too small. Can you add a bit more?" -:Warning:- Please be aware that this novel is darker than what you might typically expect. -:This translation:- Author: 第五青莲著 Original: 火影:忍界绝色,我全要!

Betek · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Chapter 60: You Won't Even Let Me Pinch Your Cheek

The Technology of the Ninja World

The technological landscape of the ninja world was quite advanced, yet it exhibited a bizarre imbalance. While warfare and luxury technologies flourished, agricultural and production technologies lagged significantly behind. The common folk, thus, did not benefit from technological advancements.

To Shishou's frustration, there were no significant technologies to improve agricultural productivity. Determined to address this, he decided to take matters into his own hands. However, inventing and industrializing the production of fertilizers and other agricultural products required robust scientific knowledge and skilled researchers.

The majority of the ninja world's scientific knowledge was concentrated in the five great nations, specifically in Konoha and under the jurisdiction of the Fire Country's daimyo. Therefore, Shishou needed the Third Hokage's approval and recommendations to hire professionals from these entities to aid in his research and development efforts, ultimately establishing his fertilizer production plant.

Once the fertilizer production line was successful, Shishou planned to pilot it in the Land of Demons, eventually expanding into food processing and livestock production lines. With an abundance of agricultural and livestock products, Shishou could engage in price wars, capturing the market for essential goods in the ninja world.

The various daimyos, seeing the benefits of increased agricultural productivity, would likely invest more in production technologies. As productivity increased, even if wars persisted, the lives of the common people would significantly improve. Shishou's guiding principle was to improve oneself when poor and to aid the world when prosperous. With his substantial wealth, he aimed to undertake meaningful projects, ensuring that his investments would yield tenfold or even hundredfold returns.

After explaining his vision, Shishou noticed Izumi was stunned and deeply moved. Although she didn't fully understand terms like "fertilizer" and "productivity," she sensed Shishou's determination to improve the lives of ordinary people. To Izumi, Shishou appeared almost saintly, radiating an aura of nobility.

"I-I'll help you," Izumi stammered after a long pause, her admiration for Shishou clear.

Feeling a surge of satisfaction at Izumi's sincere admiration, Shishou couldn't resist teasing her. "Heh, you won't even let me pinch your cheek. I find that hard to believe."

Izumi froze at his words, her face reddening. After a moment of hesitation, she gently placed Shishou's right hand against her cheek, saying, "If you want to, go ahead..."

Her heart pounded wildly as she lowered her head, too embarrassed to meet his gaze. Shishou, momentarily stunned by her unexpected response, felt a wave of joy. Success!

With a grin, Shishou held Izumi's delicate face and leaned in for a kiss. Izumi, her Sharingan's three tomoe spinning in her eyes, instinctively pushed him away before closing her eyes, accepting her fate. She then wrapped her arms around Shishou, pressing their bodies together.

The Next Two Days

Over the following days, Shishou and Izumi stayed at the gambling den, their relationship rapidly deepening. Not long after, Anko Mitarashi returned with a response from the Third Hokage, who had agreed to Shishou's request. Since it didn't involve any secret techniques, the Hokage had readily approved.

The next day, Shishou, under Anko's watchful eyes, left the headquarters, ostensibly heading to the Land of Water. However, after ensuring he was out of Anko's sight, he returned to his residence and took Izumi and Yuugao Uzuki towards the Land of Iron.

Before visiting Mei Terumi and inspecting the port construction in the Land of Water, Shishou planned to meet Mifune, the leader of the samurai in the Land of Iron. His goals were twofold: to discuss mineral trade and to request that Mifune take Izumi and Yuugao as his disciples.

Both women were proficient in swordsmanship but had lacked proper guidance, leading to slow progress. While Pakura could teach them about elemental transformations, she couldn't instruct them in swordsmanship. Mifune, a swordmaster of Kage-level strength, was the perfect mentor for them.

The Land of Iron was a neutral territory that had long agreed not to interfere in ninja conflicts, allowing it to avoid the three great ninja wars. After several days of travel, the trio finally reached their destination and were granted an audience with Mifune.

"Apologies, but due to our neutrality agreement, I cannot teach my swordsmanship to ninjas," Mifune declined politely after hearing Shishou's request.

Both Yuugao and Izumi looked disappointed, having hoped to train under Mifune's guidance.

Shishou took a sip of his tea, finding it bitter, and then addressed Mifune, "We don't belong to any ninja village, so you needn't worry. This won't violate your agreement with the ninjas."

Mifune still shook his head, not wanting to risk any potential fallout. Shishou, undeterred, raised his hand, "Five million ryo per person per year as tuition."

Mifune was visibly shaken by the generous offer but still hesitated.

Shishou continued, "Additionally, the Iron Country will receive a twenty percent discount on all coal purchases under my name."

The Iron Country, though rich in iron and rare metals like chakra metal, had scarce coal resources, essential for forging weapons and armor. Importing coal every year was costly. Shishou's offer could save the Iron Country millions annually, making Mifune reconsider.

"I'll increase the offer: ten million ryo per person per year," Shishou pressed on.

Finally, Mifune agreed to personally instruct Izumi and Yuugao in swordsmanship. After finalizing a mineral trade deal with Mifune, Shishou took his leave.

"You two must train hard and graduate quickly," Shishou advised the two women as they saw him off.

They nodded in unison, and Shishou reassured them, "I'll visit often."

He kissed Izumi on the forehead before disappearing, leaving a jealous Yuugao to remark, "I can't believe you fell for his charms too."

Izumi giggled, "Jealous, Yuugao?"

"Not a chance," Yuugao retorted, rolling her eyes.

The two women returned to their training, determined to improve and reunite with Shishou soon.