
Naruto: Swarm System

After transmigrating to the Naruto world, Zhixiang becomes a member of the Aburame Clan and awakens the Swarm System. This system allows him to upgrade and evolve insects, including the epic phosphorus bugs that can devour and feedback energy. With these powers, Zhixiang embarks on a journey to master all bloodline abilities and pursue immortality during the Fourth Great Ninja War. Uchiha Obito declares, "I want to create a world where Rin exists!" Uchiha Madara asserts, "I will activate Infinite Tsukuyomi and create a peaceful world." "Wow, you guys are amazing," Zhixiang remarks. "But I'm different. I just want to devour the Otsutsuki clan and achieve immortality with my harem of beauties." With a wave of his hand, a massive swarm of insects emerges, devouring Obito's army of one hundred thousand White Zetsu instantly. "Obito, this offering is too small. Can you add a bit more?" -:Warning:- Please be aware that this novel is darker than what you might typically expect. -:This translation:- Author: 第五青莲著 Original: 火影:忍界绝色,我全要!

Betek · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 54: Next Time, You'll Pay

The Next Two Days

Shishou finalized a partnership with the Mist Village. The Mist Village agreed to provide personnel to join Shishou's newly formed seafood trading company, "Fishing Masters." Shishou would hold a 51% stake, while the Mist Village would hold 49%. The company's base would be established at a natural harbor near the Mist Village. For this, Shishou invested an additional 20 million ryo to develop the port.

Shishou would handle the funding and market channels, while the Mist Village would manage recruitment, fishing operations, and security. Delighted to have a hands-off role, Shishou had no worries about finding buyers. His other enterprises, including casinos, financial institutions, and mining companies, employed thousands who could consume the seafood.

The Mist Village was equally satisfied, gaining a steady revenue stream and providing numerous jobs for both ninjas and civilians.

"Now that our partnership is set, I must take my leave," Shishou stretched and stood up from the chair in the Mizukage's office. He had been away for several days and it was time to return.

"Are you leaving already?" Mei Terumi, sitting in the Mizukage's chair, blurted out, her face flushing as soon as she realized how it sounded, almost as if she didn't want him to leave.

"Of course," Shishou replied, heading for the door.

"Wait," Mei suddenly stood and called after him. Approaching Shishou, she hesitated before asking, "Can you take off your disguise and let me see your real face?"

Shishou chuckled, looking Mei directly in the eyes. "You really want to see?"


"Then kiss me," he teased.

"Go to hell!" Mei punched Shishou's shoulder in mock anger.

Laughing, Shishou grabbed her shoulder, and with a swift movement, used the Flying Thunder God technique to transport them both to the woods outside the Mist Village. He removed his false beard, revealing his handsome face.

"So handsome!" Mei's eyes widened, trying to engrave his face into her memory.

"Well, I have to go now," Shishou said, and before Mei could react, he leaned in and stole a quick kiss on her cheek. Then he vanished.

"You...," Mei gasped, her entire body trembling as her face turned bright red. By the time she regained her composure, Shishou was gone.

"Daring to steal a kiss from me. Next time, you'll pay," Mei muttered to herself, smiling as she returned to the village.


In the highest tower, Konan, with her distinctive blue hair and paper flower, approached Pain. "He's injured. His right hand and leg are missing," she reported calmly.

Pain, standing by the window, looked out over the rain-soaked village. "Who did this?"

"I'm not sure. He was injured in the Mist Village. It could be someone from there," Konan replied.

Pain nodded, then turned his gaze to the air beside him. The space distorted, and Uchiha Obito's figure emerged. His missing limbs had been restored.

"Explain what happened," Pain commanded, continuing to gaze out the window.

"The man uses the Flying Thunder God technique and carries a potent toxin. He's not from the Mist Village," Obito began, recounting the encounter in detail.

"Can we recruit him to Akatsuki?"

"I don't know."

"Have Zetsu track him. If he's suitable, bring him into Akatsuki."

"As you wish."

"Where is the Three-Tails now?"

"It's missing..."

"Find it and capture it. I'll send Kakuzu to assist you."

Obito nodded and disappeared into his Kamui dimension. Konan watched him leave, her eyes lingering on his fully healed limbs, then turned to Pain.

"He cannot be trusted."

"I know."

The two stood silently, watching the rain-soaked villagers below.


After several uses of the Flying Thunder God, Shishou arrived at his estate in Hiyorigama, meeting with Mikoto and the others before returning home to Konoha.

As he entered his home, his insect clone walked in, giving him a nod before dispersing. Shishou snapped his fingers, dispelling the clone and walked into his bedroom.

Unlike shadow clones, his insect clones had autonomous consciousness but didn't transfer memories or experiences back to the original. However, they could last several days without using jutsu, making them highly durable.

In the academy, his insect clone adopted a 'study mode,' allowing him to focus on learning while keeping Hinata and Ino from disturbing him. This 'study mode' was Shishou's clever invention to prevent his clone from being exposed.

Unexpectedly, Naruto, Sasuke, and others started mimicking this concept, creating their own 'modes' like Sasuke's 'power-up mode,' Naruto's 'Hokage mode,' and Shikamaru's 'sleep mode,' much to Shishou's amusement.

From a storage scroll, Shishou retrieved the severed hand and leg of Uchiha Obito. These limbs, transplanted with Hashirama's cells by Madara himself, represented the pinnacle of transplant technology.

If given to Orochimaru, it might help him perfect the Hashirama cell transplant process. Alternatively, Shishou could consume them through his parasitic insects to gain a portion of Hashirama's power.

As he examined Obito's severed limbs, Shishou noticed a thin, membranous layer. "Ah, it must be Guruguru's remnants. Since Obito's limbs were severed, Guruguru couldn't have escaped unscathed."

Activating his Mangekyo Sharingan, Shishou inspected Guruguru's remains closely, ensuring no Zetsu spores were left behind.

"Ordinary methods wouldn't detect them," Shishou muttered, using his parasitic insects to probe the remains. These nano-sized insects were perfect for identifying microscopic threats.

After a minute, Shishou's eyes snapped open. "Got you!"

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