
Naruto: Sukuna's Vessel

A guy with Sukuna's powers in the Naruto world?

NecoArkForever · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Plans and the End of volume 1



Tsunade had already become the 5th Hokage, a battle was taking place in the valley right now

Despite the fact that Sasuke wanted the Sukuna jutsu, he still went to Orochimaru

After all, ask for something and not get it, or get what you need and even potentially better

And so Sasuke chose Orochimaru a faster way




After defeating Naruto

Sasuke went to Orochimaru


Kakashi arrived and saw signs of Naruto and Sasuke's battlе

But Naruto himself was not there


Before Sasuke came to Orochimaru

Sukuna came early

Although he was walking in the direction Sasuke was walking in, Sukuna still had to find Orochimaru himself

Sukuna smiled when he found it

-Hey! Long time no see

Orochimaru was surprised but did not show it and looked towards the familiar voice "So it's you, Why are you here?" Orochimaru looked at Sukuna with wariness, expecting a cut or something else.


Sukuna didn't answer but looked at Orochimaru and his hands - "I see you haven't healed yet, but it doesn't matter."

After that, Sukuna appeared next to Orochimaru

Orochimaru jumped away from his original place, not attacking Sukuna because he has no arms he can't use most ninjutsu

//Without ninjutsu he is like without hands :)\\

Sukuna didn't care -" You know, raising the dead is quite an interesting thing" Sukuna showed and made the hand signs necessary for the technique but did not use chakra

-And that's why I have a proposal for you. You give me a technique with which I can influence the soul and also the clone with pure Uzumaki bloodline, with some kind of state of mind, even basic or damaged, even if the clone is a semi-finished product, I don't care, the main thing is that there is a pure Uzumaki bloodline, or as pure as possible

Sukuna pointed to himself

-I will retrieve the soul you need from the Shinigami's belly.

Orochimaru was silent, but he was considering Sukuna's proposal, because if he received the soul of the 4th Hokage, he received additional combat power, and creating a body with a state of mind like a vegetable is easy, it would be much more difficult if an intact mind was needed,The Uzumaki pedigree is not so difficult to recreate against the background of others, especially if the condition of the body is not important, technology that affects the soul is also easy to obtain, because Orochimaru had already conducted experiments with the soul. But he himself will not be able to get the souls with these techniques, because the souls are in the Shinigami's stomach and the body and soul will be severely damaged - "I accept your offer in return I want the soul of the 4th Hokage But...also the soul of the 3rd Hokage"

-Fine but you have to provide someone who uses the technique to summon Shinigami

After the agreement, they use "Binding contract" for guarantee

After the binding contract, Orochimaru felt something in his soul something that could destroy her but it was in a dormant state

-Have a nice cooperation

With that said, Sukuna left




Why would he enter into such an agreement?

Why does he need a clone with Uzumaki bloodline?

Why does technique affect the soul?

It's simple: after reaching the 2nd level of the template, Sukuna wants to move into the clone body and use the reverse curse technique to heal the damaged clone body

And then use "Cleave" on the Shinigami

But to use "Cleave" without expanding the territory, you need physical contact with the target

This is where technology that influences the soul is needed.

Using "Cleave" the Shinigami will most likely die due to the nature of the technique, but perhaps over time he will be reborn

Just like tailed beasts are reborn after death

But maybe he won't die, who knows?

But the wound is enough

Through the wound in the stomach of the Shinigami and Sukuna, using the seals of the Uzumaki clan, the nine-tails were sealed into the body of a clone with the Uzumaki bloodline

This way Sukuna will become a jinchuriki.

Taking into account the calmer nature of Yin Kurama, it will be easier to come to an agreement with him

thus, even in World War 4, shinobi Sukuna will be able to participate in battles Moreover, he can strengthen his expansion of the territory with chakra courses by increasing the radius and power

Taking into account the purity of the clone's bloodline, he will be able to use the unique sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan

Energy reserves will also increase

Taking into account Sukuna's already huge reserves of chakra

Some chakra from the Uzumaki bloodline and also from the nine-tails will be added

-Oh, if only I had a kenjaku template, maybe everything would be simpler, Capture the body of Hashirama or Madara and you're strongest

Sighing, Sukuna walked towards Kakashi in the valley of completion.

Not far from Kakashi Sukuna left

Naruto's body fell to the ground

Hearing this, Kakashi came to Naruto's body, examined him and took him to the hospital.


Having already woken up, Naruto, as in Canon, went on a journey with Jiraiya


I'll take a break for a week and then start the second volume


End of chapter

So that the chapter comes out boring, but I can't do all the chapters with battles, right?

Well I finished this chapter faster

In just two hours

I wrote my first chapter in about 3 hours.

As I remember, I wrote one of the chapters for almost 5 hours trying to write it so that it wasn't too illogical

There may be spoilers in this chapter, related to something

I'm glad

(With author notice there 4444 symbols, I think Mista would lose consciousness from this but

After editing this be more symbols Mista will still alive)