
Naruto: Sukuna's Vessel

A guy with Sukuna's powers in the Naruto world?

Mileagr · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Itachi and Kisame[Edited]




After the clones knocked out Shukaku, they repeated Naruto's words from the original, hope that "talk no jutsu" will work without Naruto's participation




After the funeral of the third Hokage

Everything went according to canon


Naruto was left alone in the room

Since Jiraiya went for bait in the form of a girl


-it's so boring

Naruto sat on the bed and waited for Jiraiya

At this time he had nothing to do

Since in canon, Jiraiya started teaching Naruto the rasengan when they were following Tsunade, so now Naruto could not practice it

And he actually has nothing to do

-Hey kiddo

-Huh? who speaks?

Naruto stood up looking around

-Look at your hand

Naruto looked at his palm and saw a mouth on it



-What's wrong with my hand!?

Naruto started waving his hand in an attempt to do something.

-You have nothing to worry about

The mouth has disappeared from the hand

Naruto looked around and then checked both hands for mouths.

Noticing something strange on his face out of the corner of his eye, he pulled out a mirror

There was a small mouth and an eye on his cheek!

-Who are you! What you!

-Do you want to see your parents?

-My family!? How will I see them aren't they dead?

-Do you want it or not?

-I want very much

Despite the strangeness of what was happening, Naruto had never seen his parents and he really wanted this very much

After all, he grew up alone, he was an orphan

He always wanted to have parents or at least see

After all, it was very valuable for him

In the end, at a time when almost the entire village despised him and he had no friends, he could not rely on anyone

//I think I described his situation poorly, but I think you understand\\


After which Sukuna instructed Naruto

After which Naruto entered his inner world


Looking around, I noticed that I was standing on a stone floor covered with a small layer of water.

In front was a red cage with a piece of paper attached to it.

And behind there was a mountain of skulls

//there should be a heart-to-heart between Naruto and Minato here but I can't write it properly so you'll get this Shit\\

Naruto didn't have to do anything unlike canon this time Minato appeared himself and explained to him why he couldn't take care of him

He also promised that Naruto would see his mother... but not now


Realizing that the chakra was running out and that he would soon have to leave, Minato pointed to Sukuna who was on the mountain of skulls

-Naruto this is Sukuna, if you need help contact him


-Fine, and now it's time for me to go

After which Minato slowly disappeared


Naruto looked at Sukuna


-So it's you! Kakashi sensei asked about tattoos like yours!

-Yes, so what?


-Don't waste time, now there are two pretty strong guys there, so I need you to listen to me completely, understand?

After some hesitation, Naruto agreed since his father vouched for Sukuna.



Itachi Uchiha knocked on the door

Naruto opened it

Before Kisame suggested cutting off Naruto's legs

He received a heavy blow to the face and hit the ground hard

The second blow came towards Itachi but he quickly dodged

It was "Naruto" without a jacket and in black tattoos

-Hey! why did you tear my clothes!

It was a Naruto clone

Sukuna didn't answer but looked at Itachi.

-Itachi! Get ready to die!

It was Sasuke who hastily burst into the corridor and used chidori


Sasuke ran towards Itachi with a chidori in his hand, while running his hand was on the wall

Because of the chidori there was a large stripe in the wall

Itachi easily parried the blow pointing it at the wall


Part of the wall has collapsed

Itachi kicked Sasuke to the end of the corridor

Kisame stood up and swung Samehada but

On Sukuna's hand a black ball was formed which was surrounded by white lines which formed rings like those of Saturn

Yes it was a "Spiralling Ring" Menma technique

Sensing danger, Kisame quickly placed his sword in front of him for protection.

The spiral ring and the sword collided


After the collision, the ball exploded destroying part of the house where they were

But also cuts flew in all directions

The cuts had about 80% of the strength of the original

But it's still very dangerous

After the explosion, the Samehada suffered and began to devour Kisame's chakra for regeneration; Kisame himself had cuts on his arms and legs with which he defended himself after the Samehada

Itachi dodged the cuts, but one of them which flew to the end of the corridor hit him and left a deep gash on his right arm.

More precisely, he himself fell under it

None of the cuts hit Naruto's clone.


And then

The surviving walls turned into something pink and even where the walls were destroyed pink meat appeared

It was Jiraiya who upon arrival noticed the situation and used one of his toad techniques

But Itachi quickly led Kisame and, with the help of Amaterasu, they got out of there and escaped


Naruto's clone looked at the destruction in shock.

Looking at Sukuna his eyes sparkled

-Wow that was so cool!

-Please teach me this!

-Teach me

Two voices were heard

Naruto looked at Sasuke

And Sasuke was still looking at Sukuna

The reason is that he again became convinced that he was weak in front of Itachi and seeing that there was such a powerful technique he wanted to study it

-Maybe later or never

after that Sukuna returned

Naruto looked at himself

Without a jacket

He looked around

Destruction are everywhere, somewhere the walls are broken, somewhere they are cut, somewhere they are not

His clone stood with a slightly sad and slightly stunned face expression

Sasuke was there too with an angry and disappointed face.

Having dispelled the clone, Naruto realized what was going on


-Naruto, who was it?

Jiraiya asked because changes in behavior and character are visible to the naked eye

Sasuke was silent, but you can see from his face that he has the same question.

-Eh...this is my father's friend! Sukuna

Jiraiya's face darkened

It sounded like bait for people stealing children saying they know your parents.





[57% out of 100 to new template level]



Naruto and Jiraiya set off on a journey in search of the 5th Hokage Tsunade Senju!

Well, Sasuke too

Knowing that Sukuna had such power, he decided to follow them in the hope that he could learn something from Sukuna

Jiraiya didn't want to initially, but no matter what he did, Sasuke would come back again

In the end, all he had to do was take it with him


Naruto was currently studying the A rank jutsu Rasengan

Sasuke did not consider it necessary to learn the rasengan because he was sure that chidori was better


Then everything went according to canon, well, almost just Sasuke was nearby but he didn't interfere much

Just like in the original, Tsunade and Naruto made a bet


On the third day of a given wee

Naruto tried to fully master the Rasengan

Jiraiya was looking somewhere for "material" for his books

Sasuke sit not far from Naruto

Sukuna's mouth and eye appeared on Naruto's cheek

-Hey, create a ten clones

Naruto didn't understand why but he did it

Sukuna then explained to Naruto that he could train with the help of clones and also create a rasengan with the help of clones


Several Naruto clones looked at the rasengan on the hand of one of Naruto

-Haha it worked

After several attempts, Naruto succeeded


End of chapter

I just noticed how quickly the story moves

Most likely the next chapter will end the first season of Naruto and also the First Volume of my story

By the way, I already know what I will write after this story.

Spoiler MC is the same age as Hashirama and Madara

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