
Naruto: Sukuna's Vessel

A guy with Sukuna's powers in the Naruto world?

Mileagr · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

few words

hmm to be honest I made the title of the chapter to fuck off

I was too lazy to come up with something more suitable

As for history

It's a pity that there's essentially no plot to it.

And also that I couldn't express the full epicness and scale of the battles with Sukuna

You've probably seen everything like this on Tik Tok or in the anime itself. How cool is his fight with the Maharaga?

I wanted something like this... but I couldn't

I didn't have enough skills and I still don't think I have enough

And I'm pretty bad with imagination

As for whether I will continue this story or my other story?

I don't know

Maybe I'm lazy? Or just don't care anymore.

Nowadays I mostly spend time on tik tok and discord.

Maybe when I start writing again I'll write something with these characters:

Nodt from bleach, well, the one with the fear schrift


Sahara the Flower Samurai

Although perhaps I'll write some chapter for "Katsuragi Kugo" tomorrow, but then I'll disappear again for a week

Well I can write chapters but this motivation comes in waves

I can write once and then I'll be lazy for a week or two

So it's unlikely that I'll be able to make adequate chapters

And I would also like to say thank you to everyone who liked my first stories😘